Review the Status of Intellectual Property Rights in Joint Research Projects and Consortiums
Subject Areas : Intellectual ownership and management of intangible assetselahe bazrafshan 1 , mehdi goodarzi 2
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2 - Allameh Tabataba’I University
Abstract :
Today, the use of joint research and development has facilitated technological progress, which has led to the production of new products, processes and services for the market. In order to protect these achievements, intellectual property rights in international technological cooperation as well as collaborative research projects between the private and public sectors, especially in the field of patents, have become twofold important. Intellectual property plays an essential role in promoting this type of collaboration between the university, industry and government and plays a complementary role in technology development. But a look at Iran's intellectual property policies in joint research projects and consortiums in the past shows that there is no coherent and complete framework for intellectual property arising from these collaborations, so the main purpose of this study is to examine the role of intellectual property rights in joint research projects and consortiums and political advice to those involved. This research is a review of the literature and uses a library methodology and in-depth study of available literature and articles and internal and external books on intellectual property and joint research projects, and specifically on model agreements in the Consortium of Europe and the United Kingdom, and finally a model agreement has been proposed to managers and policy makers active in the field of science and technology development in Iran, given that such agreements are less visible.
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