Analysis of the discourses Letters issued by Amir Massoud in the first volume of Beyhaqi's history (Based on Searle's theory of speech)
Subject Areas : Research in Iranian classical literature
Tahereh Ishany
Nahid Mehrafruz
1 - Associate Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Institute of Humanities and Cultural Studies. Tehran. Iran.
2 - PhD student in Persian Language and Literature, Institute of Humanities and Cultural Studies. Tehran. Iran.
Keywords: Amir Massoud, Beihaqi's history, Searl, Speech act,
Abstract :
The value of Beihaqi's History as a literary and historical text is not overlooked by anyone. In this work, "Letters" are of special interest and analyzing them from different angles and with interdisciplinary approaches can open up new horizons. Since Amir Massoud has written letters to people with different positions, analyzing these letters in a scientific way, in addition to revealing some of its hidden angles, how the owners of power exploited the possibilities; it shows the language of domination and political goals. The "Speech Action" theory is one of the theories that can be used to analyze any type of text. This theory, first introduced by Austin and then completed by Searle, emphasizes the functional features of the spoken word tongues. Therefore, in the forthcoming study, the letters of the Amir Massoud Issue, which are listed in the first volume of the Behaqi History Book, are descriptively analyzed based on the Searl classification, first separately, then comparative, and eventually the overall form of speech performance is analyzed. According to the results of the research, the frequency of declarative actions, in addition to informing and describing the thoughts of Amir Massoud and attempting to confirm the truth of his speech show his desires and intentions. Also, the frequency of other actions and the causes and purpose of using them are shown in this article. There has also been a great deal of application of persuasive action within the context of this desire and effort, and a significant percentage of emotional action has been used as the third repetitive action in the letter to Ghadkhani due to a causal link with Ghadkhani, which expresses the Sultan's emotional spirit towards his relatives and relatives. . The low usage of accruals also reflects the king's spirit and character, which is not bound by commitment and assurance, although somewhere, Amir Masoud has given assurances of the data in cases where he has mentioned his positive qualities.
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