• List of Articles the Quran

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        1 - The Deep and Hidden Influence of Quran upon Hafez Poetry Regarding the Fifth Sonnet in his Divan
        علی  نظری علی  فتح اللهی پروانه  رضایی
        It is obvious that Hafez poetry is completely affected by the Quran in its words, expressions, phrases, structure and style. This has made his word symbolic, ambiguous, multilayer in content, and artistic. His fifth sonnet has been inspired by the story of Moses and Abd More
        It is obvious that Hafez poetry is completely affected by the Quran in its words, expressions, phrases, structure and style. This has made his word symbolic, ambiguous, multilayer in content, and artistic. His fifth sonnet has been inspired by the story of Moses and Abd (Khedhr) in the Quran. He must have consciously and skillfully got use of the plot of the story and combined it with the elements of Persian poetry. Key words and phrases making the reader of the sonnet associate them with the verses from the Quran including ‘unveiling the mystery’, ‘wrecked ship’, ‘visiting the familiar one’, ‘the man of poverty’, ‘struggle for joy and pleasure’, ‘getting addict by wine’, and begging apology’ directly or indirectly are the signs and symbols whose compatibility with the content of the verses 62 and 82 in the Surah of Kahf (cave) the author tries to examine. Manuscript profile
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        2 - Moral Status of Animals from the Perspectives of Western and Islamic Thinkers and the Holy Quran with a Focus on Tafsir al-Mizan
        Sayyed Hussein  Roknoddini
        he moral status of animals is an issue that has long been taken into account in the West, but there have been no grounds for its consideration among Islamic thinkers. The perspectives among non-Islamic thinkers on the moral status of animals range from the human-centric More
        he moral status of animals is an issue that has long been taken into account in the West, but there have been no grounds for its consideration among Islamic thinkers. The perspectives among non-Islamic thinkers on the moral status of animals range from the human-centric—excessiveness—perspective, which regards no creature other than man as holding moral status, to the egocentric—deficiency—perspective, which regards the entire universe as holding status and respect, and are all subject to criticism. As for Islamic thinkers, firstly, they have not addressed the issue in depth; secondly, they will reach the same perspective or at least similar ones, i.e. presence of moral status for animals, if they address the issue given the same basic beliefs that they hold based on their verses and narratives. This paper, which is of the library type, has sought to investigate the moral status of animals from the perspectives of Western and Islamic thinkers and then from that of the Quran with both revealed theological and analytical-descriptive methods. From the Quran’s perspective, presence of moral status features—rationality, purposefulness, and free will—in animals, which are the requirements of independent moral status, seems possible, and, consequently, moral status of animals appears to be believable.. Manuscript profile
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        3 - The idea of returning to the Qur'an in establishing a divine government (Focusing on the views of Martyr Motahhari and Imam Khomeini)
        ehsan shakeri khoei reza nasiri hamed amir kordkarimi
        The idea of returning to the Qur'an is one of the efforts made by some scholars of the Islamic world to establish divine governments in Islamic societies And the elimination of crises arising from the domination of tyrannical governments. In a way, it can be said that t More
        The idea of returning to the Qur'an is one of the efforts made by some scholars of the Islamic world to establish divine governments in Islamic societies And the elimination of crises arising from the domination of tyrannical governments. In a way, it can be said that the thought of returning from Seyyed Jamaluddin Asadabadi began with The efforts of great thinkers such as Shahid Motahari and Imam Khomeini have continued.These two great thinkers of the Islamic world, with heartfelt belief and faith in the knot of the Holy Book, tried in practice To make Muslims aware of the effect of the Qur'an in resolving the crises of Islamic societies.With this explanation, we are going to use the theory of crises analytically, Let us examine the impact of this idea on the formation of the Islamic Revolution and say,Creating a revolutionary wave in Iran, due to the valuable efforts of these two great worlds in the practice of Quranic concepts And referring to the Qur'an, which was initially proposed in society with the aim of establishing an Islamic government centered on Velayat-e-Faqih And then it has evolved by relying on Quranic teachings; As Imam Khomeini (ra) says somewhere:"Basically, the book of our revolution is the Quran.". Manuscript profile
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        4 - Quranic Approaches to Child Rights
        مهدي  بي‍ژني
        The Islamic law, particularly the Imāmī jurisprudence, has given a special attention to children’s rights. Besides, The Quran as the primary source of Islamic law has also not neglected this important issue. This paper endeavors to extract the Quran’s viewpoints on chil More
        The Islamic law, particularly the Imāmī jurisprudence, has given a special attention to children’s rights. Besides, The Quran as the primary source of Islamic law has also not neglected this important issue. This paper endeavors to extract the Quran’s viewpoints on child’s rights. The word “ṭifl” (infant) has explicitly been used by the Quran to address the process of human creation from its earliest stage. Seemingly, the Quran has regarded the start of childhood from conception onward, the point from which the child’s rights should be taken into consideration. This paper discusses the Quranic view of children, then, the issue of children’s rights according to the Quran will be studied. Children’s rights will be discussed at two levels, before and after birth. The former usually deals with what influences the future life of the child; the latter includes issues like ensuring as health and security, naming, breastfeeding, religious training, etc. which will be covered in the paper. Manuscript profile
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        5 - The relationship of Quran with Traditions
        علی  نصیری
        Objective(s): There are four ideologies regarding the validity and Manbaee’at (being the primary source) of Quran and the traditions: 1) Quran-orienticism discusses that the only source for perceiving religion is the Holy Quran. 2) Tradition-orienticism argues that re More
        Objective(s): There are four ideologies regarding the validity and Manbaee’at (being the primary source) of Quran and the traditions: 1) Quran-orienticism discusses that the only source for perceiving religion is the Holy Quran. 2) Tradition-orienticism argues that resorting to the Infallibles’(AS) Sunnah is the only source for learning about religion. 3) Quran-orienticism and Tradition-orienticism focuses on the issue that Tradition is the same as Quran in validity and Manbaee’at. 4) Double-orienticism says that Tradition is infereior to Quran with respect to validity and Manbaee’at. Method(s): the present research is based on a descriptive-exploratory method. Thus , for deduction of the Quranic data, the writer has analyzed the content of the Quran. Conclusion : The followers of Quraniyoon movement are in favor of the first ideology while the Akhbaris supports the second one. Allameh Tabatabaee and Shatebi are among the followers of the third ideology. The writer of this article has attemped to address the fourth one. Based on Double-orienticism ideology tradition wit respect to validity and Mabaee’t possses independence. Manuscript profile
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        6 - Place, Time, Dreaming, and Character in Surah Yusuf
        مرتضی  زارع برمی
        Abstract Story is a useful means to convey human aspirations, experiences, thoughts, rites, traditions and values. The Quran uses stories when it intends to fix a truth in the reader’s mind or remove a falsehood from his mind. But this by no means prevents artistic More
        Abstract Story is a useful means to convey human aspirations, experiences, thoughts, rites, traditions and values. The Quran uses stories when it intends to fix a truth in the reader’s mind or remove a falsehood from his mind. But this by no means prevents artistic features of storytelling from appearing in Quran’s stories. In the Quran’s stories, conveying religious ideas and using an artistic style are both considered important. This paper, paying attention to the concepts and fundamental principles emphasized today in storytelling and drama, tries to identify and categorize the images and features in Surah Yusuf related to place, time, dreaming and character as much as possible. The method used is description-analytical based on the images taken from the text of the Surah. According to the findings of the research, some of the main artistic-literary features of Surah Yusuf include: presenting a clear and precise picture of the society, place, and time of the story, creativity in creating and developing the characters and human natures, presenting different portrays of a character, dialogue, describing incidents, complication, crisis making, denouement, and creating expectations. These features act in coordination as the story unfolds and help to realize its objectives. The results of the research also showed that there are common points in the contemporary story- writing principles and the story-telling in the Quran in terms of narration, style, structure and use of artistic and literary nuances and techniques. Manuscript profile
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        7 - Terminological Barriers to Interdisciplinary Collaboration between History and Quranic Studies, and The Way to Eliminate Them
        hosein shojaei
        In an interdisciplinary mechanism, there needs to be interactions in the three parts of terminology, epistemology and methodology. According to the order applied to these three parts, all steps shall be taken correctly, because if an error occurs in any of these three, More
        In an interdisciplinary mechanism, there needs to be interactions in the three parts of terminology, epistemology and methodology. According to the order applied to these three parts, all steps shall be taken correctly, because if an error occurs in any of these three, it could influence other steps and would eventually end with creating non-principled relations in an interdisciplinary study. Among the three steps mentioned, achieving a common language is the most important issue taken into account in the very first steps of an interdisciplinary study. Because otherwise, it would lead to divergent understandings of concepts and therefore we will witness an unclear research in the sight of the expert readers. The term “History” and different understandings derived from it in various discourses can be an explicit example for clarifying this subject. Usually Quran researchers’ understanding - especially the contemporary scholars of the term “History” is different from that of the historian. This different understanding can absolutely lead to serious misunderstandings that might discredit a Quranic-historical research in the eyes of the historians. This outcome suggests the need for reassessment of the term “History” in order to reach a common understanding of the term. Hence, this paper, through discourse analysis of the meanings of history, seeks, first, to show the heterogeneity of the term and thus explicate the barrier existing in the way of interdisciplinary interaction between history and Quranic sciences, and, second, offer a terminological solution as an effort to eliminate these differences. Manuscript profile
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        8 - Classification of Scientific Elucidations of the Holy Quran
        shadi nafisi
        Scientific interpretation is one of the methods for interpreting the Holy Quran that has flourished in the contemporary era with numerous works. In this method, the findings of empirical sciences are used to better elucidate the verses of the Quran. Identifying this exp More
        Scientific interpretation is one of the methods for interpreting the Holy Quran that has flourished in the contemporary era with numerous works. In this method, the findings of empirical sciences are used to better elucidate the verses of the Quran. Identifying this explanatory role of science can lead to a better understanding of the relation of science and the Quran. This article by employing the analytical-descriptive method, this explanatory role is investigated at three levels: Explaining the concepts of the words of ayahs, explaining the concepts of the sentences of the Quran, and the representing the new referents. While the explanatory role of science can further help human beings have a clearer understanding of religious facts, the scientific interpretations at the level of explaining the words of ayahs, lead to widening or narrowing the meaning, or strengthens one, in the process of preferring one meaning out of multiple meanings possible for one ayah .The elucidating role of scientific data in the study of sentences of the Quran can be classified into seven groups: clarifying the meaning, the basis of resemblance, the basis of division, the process, the reason for specification of the mention, relation and ultimate preference of a possibility. Meanwhile, some of the scientific interpretations seem to be more consistent with the literal meaning of the verse, making the complicated interpretations of the past seem unjustifiable. Moreover, some of the other scientific interpretations widen the scope of the meaning by suggesting a new possible interpretation beside those of the past. Manuscript profile
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        9 - The Analytical Review of the Structural Balance of the term "Tameize" in Haddad- ‘Adel’s Persian Translation of the Holy Quran (Case Study: Surah Esra and Maryam)
        mohammad hasan amraie mohammad taghi zand vakili jahangir amiri majid mohammadi
        Translation of the Holy Quran in Persian, is one of the most challenging parts of the knowledge of translation whose goal is to develop and promote Quranic culture and convey the divine teachings and doctrines of Islam. Apart from conveying the message and content of th More
        Translation of the Holy Quran in Persian, is one of the most challenging parts of the knowledge of translation whose goal is to develop and promote Quranic culture and convey the divine teachings and doctrines of Islam. Apart from conveying the message and content of the source text (Holy Quran), the main principles and necessities for translation include establishing grammatical-syntactic, semantic-lexical, phonetic and rhetorical structures and observing balanced link or similar relation between various structures of the source language (Quran Karim) and the target language (Persian); Because some of syntactic roles in Arabic do not have the similar role in Persian; Hence there exists the need to establish equivalent or relative structure in Persian. Establishing this balanced link is inevitable especially in the translation of the Holy Quran to the extent that it presents the translation of the Holy Quran as a more scientific and logical one. Among the most important linguistic structures, syntactic structure has a fundamental role in the process of translation and cross-language analysis. The term "Tameize" is one of these syntactic roles whose translation is difficult due to lack of equivalent structure in Persian. For the same reason, it should be rendered based on relative structure and not equivalent structure. Negligence in establishing this link Causes problems and challenges in finding suitable Persian equivalent in the translation of the term "Tameize". Therefore, this article has examined the translation of Haddad ‘Adel and has proved his success in achieving more accurate and closer equivalents for translating the term "Tameize" in the target language. The Study shows that his translation has been more successful than those of its contemporary ones and has translated most of the terms Tameize existing in the Surah Esra and Maryam correctly. Manuscript profile
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        10 - شیوه های انعکاس آیات قرآن در دیوان ناصرخسرو
        DR. ARASH AMRAEI علی بازوند
        Considering the Holy Quran is a source infinite ethical, human, and educational thoughts, many Persian poets and writers have benefitted from the treasures of this inspirational source; Hence, few traces of the works of Persian poets and writers can be found in which th More
        Considering the Holy Quran is a source infinite ethical, human, and educational thoughts, many Persian poets and writers have benefitted from the treasures of this inspirational source; Hence, few traces of the works of Persian poets and writers can be found in which there are no streaks of familiarity with the Quran and Islamic teachings. This blending of our written legacy with Islamic teachings has made it difficult to understand this heritage without familiarity with the Quran and hadith; Hakim Abu Amin Nasserebne Khosrow Ghobadiyah is one of the poets who has placed their poetry to promote their religious thoughts and beliefs; Naser Khosrow has decorated his poems with these illuminated verses to achieve these goals and fulfill his religious mission of poetry. The presence of the verses in Nasser Khosrow's Diwan confirms the fact that he has gained an appropriate understanding of the illuminated words of revelation. considering Naser Khosrow’s religious background, his poetry encompasses much moral guidance and advice. Nasser Khosrow, with proper control over the Quranic concepts, has, for the sake of more effective use of his words, adorned his poems with numerous verses of the holy book. Nasser Khosrow's various ways of using verses indicate his comprehensive understanding of the Quran and Quranic concepts. Naser Khosrow, thanks to his artistic vision, sometimes uses the principle of the verse or part of it, and at times, the meaning and concepts of the verse in his poem, in the best way possible. In this paper, we try to analyze the different types of reflection of verses in Naser Khosrow's Diwan using statistical tables. Manuscript profile
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        11 - An Analysis of the Symbology of the Revelation Course of the Holy Qur'an
        Rezwaneh  Najafi Sawad Roodabadi
        The glorious Quran has been revealed by God and has got the present form after passing some stages in the journey of revelation. The Quran uses different terms to refer to the origin of this descending journey, such as the Guarded Tablet, the Manifest Book, the Mother o More
        The glorious Quran has been revealed by God and has got the present form after passing some stages in the journey of revelation. The Quran uses different terms to refer to the origin of this descending journey, such as the Guarded Tablet, the Manifest Book, the Mother of Book, and the Manifest Imam. Using a descriptive-analytical method, the Quranic verses and the views of religious scholars, the present paper examines these terms. All these terms indicate a single truth which is the first creature of God and treasure of God's knowledge, in which the forms and destination of all creatures are preserved and no single atom in the universe is out of God's knowledge. The relationship between the Quran and this truth is the same as the relationship between a simple thing and a complex thing, and between a detailed thing and a general, ambiguous thing. The root of the Quran is fused simply in the Mother of Book and the Guarded Tablet, which is in detailed form in the descending journey. This descent is not in a separated and distant form; rather, it is manifested. The truth of the Guarded Tablet and the Mother of Book cannot be revealed to natural world, and the Prophet intuits it in ascending arc. The detailed and semi form of this truth can be revealed, which is revealed to the Prophet over time. Manuscript profile