• List of Articles shia

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        1 - Redefinition of geopolitics of shia (by emphasizing on demonstration of Arba'een)
        Religion in politics and tie with power is discussable and investigable in category of geopolitical studies, in general and cultural geopolitics (geoculture), in particular. In this sense, geopolitics of shia means power and intensity of effectiveness of shia society on More
        Religion in politics and tie with power is discussable and investigable in category of geopolitical studies, in general and cultural geopolitics (geoculture), in particular. In this sense, geopolitics of shia means power and intensity of effectiveness of shia society on regional and international changes and policies. Main hypothesis of the research seeks to respond to this question that what position demonstration of Arba'een as one of symbolic teachings and elements of sect of shia has in geopolitical weight and power sources of shias? Several factors such as supreme situation of shias in the region, maximum hegemony of shias on energy sources of the middle east, capability of threatening Israeli regime, regional power of Iran, democratic nature of shia governments and in short, events of the region during these four decades (from Iranian revolution) provided field of establishing power of shias in the region. Although power basics of this geopolitics have caused and cause always to image fear of Shia from western– Arabian governments in the region, existing realities state geopolitical power of shier. The present research seeks to redefine geopolitics of Shia. Hypothesis is this, when a true understanding of geopolitics of shia is possible that a true cognition of root and real origin of power of shia is done .here, thoughts and beliefs and in other sense, shia ideology (Ashura, the pond of Khumm, Mahdiism, Guardianship of the Islamic Jurist, etc.) are the same infrastructure and real power of shia. In other sense, in fact real power of shia is due to these values and beliefs. One of these values that today, has been converted into dislpay of faith, unity and power of shias in the region and the world, is huge demonstration of Arba'een. Manuscript profile
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        2 - Analysis of Hujwiri’s Viewpoint on Shia in Kashf-ul Mahjoub
        صدیقه ایفایی khalil hadidi Ali Dehgan
        Ali bin Usman Hujwiri is well-known for his role in the mystic literature of Sufiyya who achieved writing Kashf-ul Mahjoub based on his knowledge of Quran and Prophet’s life and through a deep study of great Sufis. Due to the time and place of his life, and under the in More
        Ali bin Usman Hujwiri is well-known for his role in the mystic literature of Sufiyya who achieved writing Kashf-ul Mahjoub based on his knowledge of Quran and Prophet’s life and through a deep study of great Sufis. Due to the time and place of his life, and under the influence of the dominant Kalam schools, specially Ash’ariyyah, Hujwiri has had a very misled and contradictory understanding of shia and has conveyed anti- rationale and unreasonable statements about shi'ism. This study aims to review Hujwiri’s ideas on Shia through a general survey of mystical and Kalami approaches. To do this, the content will be with an intra-religious attitude and by evaluating factors analyzed like internal contradictions, contrasting Quran, tradition, and history, selection, and elimination, fanatical acceptance, or denial are parts of this systematic analysis. The authors came to the conclusion that Hujwiri, like his predecessors, had mixed right with wrong in a sophisticated way, and had a distraught attitude towards Shia. Manuscript profile
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        3 - Reason and Custom and Political Reflection in the Shiite School of Baghdad
        Ali Dastbaz kemal poladytoulapi
        The political theology of the Shi'a theologians and Jurists of the Baghdad school has undergone a transformation compared to its predecessor, the hadith school of Qom. This transformation was answered by the hypothesis that these scholars, by virtue of the Shi'a theolog More
        The political theology of the Shi'a theologians and Jurists of the Baghdad school has undergone a transformation compared to its predecessor, the hadith school of Qom. This transformation was answered by the hypothesis that these scholars, by virtue of the Shi'a theological and theological-jurisprudential rationale In connection with the prevailing custom, transcended the approach of lacking the absolute legitimacy to the relative legitimacy of the existing government. The method of this article is based on the interpretation of text and historical analysis and qualitative analysis. The findings show that the Baghdad school, in their theological reason, came to the two categories of "establishing the government" and "the institution of the Imamate" Which, accordingly, elaborated the relevant necessities and conditions with rational reasoning. Then, on the basis of the jurisprudential reason, and in connection with the custom of their time, they gave the relative legitimacy of existing customary governments that can be understood by the signs and implications of permitting cooperation and accepting government offices. Manuscript profile
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        4 - Iranian social ethics in the Safavid Era from Chardin's point of view
        Seyed Javad  Abedi Shahri AliAkbar Kajbaf Morteza Dehghan Nezhad Mohammad Ali Chelongar
        The subject of this research is the social ethics of Iranians in the Safavid period from Chardin's point of view. Individual and social ethics are an important part of the public culture of any society. Social ethics, on the other hand, has a profound effect on the pers More
        The subject of this research is the social ethics of Iranians in the Safavid period from Chardin's point of view. Individual and social ethics are an important part of the public culture of any society. Social ethics, on the other hand, has a profound effect on the personality of any nation throughout history. According to many thinkers of the 220-year period of the Safavid rule, it has left an undeniable impact on the culture of the Iranian people, and with a little reflection, its effects on the lives and moods of the Iranian people can be discerned. The Safavids made significant changes in Iranian culture by formalizing the Shiite religion and trying to spread Shiite teachings. Chardin, a French jeweler, has written his observations and information about Iran and Iranians with great care, which historians believe is one of the main sources of knowledge of the Safavid period. Therefore, examining the historical background of the social ethics of the Iranian people in the current era requires a correct understanding of the process of formation of this issue, especially in the Safavid era. This research seeks to study the social ethics of Iranians in the Safavid period using descriptive-analytical method and based on library resources, especially Chardin's travelogue, in order to provide a better understanding of Iranian society in the current era. The achievement of this research shows that the Safavid rule, in addition to the lives of the people of that time, has so far had an undeniable impact on our social behavior and ethics. The results of this research are applicable to most fields of humanities, especially history and ethics. Manuscript profile
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        5 - The Forbiddance of Takfir to Kiblah Believers on Viewpoint of Prolocutors and Jurists of Shia and Sunni
        abbasali rostami
        The problem of Takfir is more a theological issue than a juridical one, and it is faith-based, since many jurists and prolocutors maintain lack and rote between blasphemy and faith. In other words, if a human being does not have faith in God and monotheism, he/she is co More
        The problem of Takfir is more a theological issue than a juridical one, and it is faith-based, since many jurists and prolocutors maintain lack and rote between blasphemy and faith. In other words, if a human being does not have faith in God and monotheism, he/she is considered as Kafir; however, due to the outcomes and consequences issued in jurisprudence, it is been of interest to jurists. In the present study, the viewpoint of popular Islamic scholar regarding Takfir for Kiblah believers is reviewed and it is discussed whether or not this issue is legal and approved on Islamic leaders vision. A majority of prolocutors and jurists of Shia and Sunni consider Kiblah believers as Muslim, and consider property, life, and sanctity for them. On the contrast,, a few people ignore the decree of their leader implying blasphemy to other Muslims and consider their killing as permitted. Manuscript profile
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        6 - Criticism and response to the hypocrisy of the doctor who is killing the infallibles based on the views of the Shia theologians
        Mahdi MohammadZadeh BaniTarafi
        The research on Imams and Shiite jurisprudence has long advocated Sunnis, as the Mu'tazilite theologian, Judge Abdul Jabbar, has criticized the Imam's votes in his books, including al-Moghuni. From the same time, the Shi'a welcomed the texts, while respecting the writer More
        The research on Imams and Shiite jurisprudence has long advocated Sunnis, as the Mu'tazilite theologian, Judge Abdul Jabbar, has criticized the Imam's votes in his books, including al-Moghuni. From the same time, the Shi'a welcomed the texts, while respecting the writer, to criticize them; it has been written or written. As Seyyed Mortazi, in his works, has answered these doubts. In the present era, which has been accepted as the main religion of religion and religion in Islamic countries, these religious debates have replaced their common points in the principles of the doctrines and emphasized them. In Saudi Arabia, the Wahhabi intellectual movements, which do not believe in the approximation of religions, with the strong support of sovereignty, bring the most cowardly accusations to the Shi'a religion, and raise doubts that it is based on the odor and color of the verse. The Book of the Principles of Religion, Al-Shi'a al-Amamiya, Asheni Shirhiya, the doctoral dissertation of Naser al-Bakari of the Saudi Wahhabi scholars, as well as the book's name, explores Shiite intellectual, cultural, and religious foundations. The author, according to the doubt raised in "Ismat" in this book, has tried to answer the doubts of two Shiite religious theologians, Seyyed Mortazi and Jorjani. Considering that Jorjani's votes have not been mentioned in the Book of Khorai, and it seems that he was unaware of his existence, this article is the first paper based on the opinions expressed on Shiite beliefs in ancient Persian books as the basis of the answer. It seems to me that the Wahhabi scholars have raised doubts about Arabic books. In this article, in addition to the votes of these two great Shiites, the votes of other Shia jurisprudents and theologians are also mentioned. Manuscript profile
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        7 - Methodology of How Wahhabis Raise Doubts and Its Systematic Criticism
        Abdolhadi  Ahmadi دکتر محمدتقی شاکر
        Analyzing Wahhabis' doubts and classifying them can result in extracting their different kinds and awareness of the methods of raising doubts by them. In addition to presenting these methods, the present article tries to deal with the strategy of systematic criticism of More
        Analyzing Wahhabis' doubts and classifying them can result in extracting their different kinds and awareness of the methods of raising doubts by them. In addition to presenting these methods, the present article tries to deal with the strategy of systematic criticism of each of these kinds of raising doubts. Analysis of these doubts and classifying them reveals that Wahhabis use four methods in raising doubts including: reviving past outdated doubts, raising doubts based on wrong beliefs, making use of sophistry, and making use of non-scientific methods like accusation along with propagation. Manuscript profile
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        8 - Islamic theologians approach to intellect in verbal theories
        hormoz asadikohbad
        Islamic thinkers from the formation of Islam's culture and civilization in the interpretation of Islamic texts and privileged the inference and taking advantage of those scriptures in the typology and principles of ideological use of them in commissioning guidelines and More
        Islamic thinkers from the formation of Islam's culture and civilization in the interpretation of Islamic texts and privileged the inference and taking advantage of those scriptures in the typology and principles of ideological use of them in commissioning guidelines and the Muslim procedure (jurisprudence), a variety of views. Therefore, various orientations have emerged and the origin of various theological schools, some of which have been implicated in texts without any interpretations and interpretation, and opposed to any crushing and involvement of the intellect in this field. And another group, for wisdom, the importance of abundance and verses and narratives were interpreted as a result of the emergence of multiple verbal ashaareh, such as Justice, Matoridye, and Lung.... There has been another way of thinking in the realm of Fiqh and the basics of inference and various jurisprudential schools such as, the Companions of the vote, Hadith, and the appearance of the lung.... In the Ahl al-Hadith and the principles of the principled manner in Shiite Shia, this research is achieved by descriptive analysis and by adapting various thinkers of these schools to the conclusion that although all the Islamism and the custody have common goals, but their approach to wisdom in the face of texts has caused the multiplicity of methods and attitudes, in the field of and practical. Manuscript profile
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        9 - Content Analysis of Cloudy Years Novel
        maryam mohammadzadeh jamileh khaknejad
        Due to this fact that content analysis is the process of evaluating the literary works from two perspectives of theme and topic; in this study, we analyzed the content of the “Cloudy Years” novel in order to introduce Iranian fictional literature, that its numerous dim More
        Due to this fact that content analysis is the process of evaluating the literary works from two perspectives of theme and topic; in this study, we analyzed the content of the “Cloudy Years” novel in order to introduce Iranian fictional literature, that its numerous dimensions are still unclear. Findings show that the socialism and belief in social commitment as the primary function of art and literature have led Ali Ashraf Darvishian -contemporary popular and committed author- to follow them in most of his works in order to consider the meaning related contents and contexts in his stories that. The main subject of cloudy years is political struggle and in terms of the theme it can be investigated from several political, social and historical aspects. Manuscript profile
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        10 - How Zaydiyya evolved into Imamiyya in Tabarestan based on beliefs
        ali emamifar Seyed Mahmoud  Samani mostafa soltani
        Zaydiyya is the name of a sect that split from the Shiites and was formed after the uprising of Zayd ibn Ali in Kufa (122 AH). This sect has experienced evolution in its life. The developments that took place with the formation of the Zaidi government in Tabarestan and More
        Zaydiyya is the name of a sect that split from the Shiites and was formed after the uprising of Zayd ibn Ali in Kufa (122 AH). This sect has experienced evolution in its life. The developments that took place with the formation of the Zaidi government in Tabarestan and Deylam. But this rule did not last for some reason and the Zaydi religion also disappeared with more distance and time and gave way to the Imams. The question is, what were the causes and factors of this change? The subject of this work is the study of the causes of this change of religion by referring to the original Zaydi texts and describing and analyzing them to explain the causes. It seems that besides various reasons, the most important reason for this is the heterogeneity of the intellectual and belief system, including: Imamate (Mahdism, the quality of choosing an Imam, the permission of the Imamate of several Imams at the same time) and other beliefs that arise from this, such as Bringing to Etzal and Hanafi jurisprudence, as well as important issues such as disbelief and practice of taqiyyah, moral corruption and their behavior, and leaving the Islamic world, provided the ground for the extinction of Zaydiyya in Tabarestan. Manuscript profile
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        11 - Recognition of heresy from ijtihad and the causes and factors of its formation from the perspective of the two sects
        Mohammad Reza  Shakeri alireza saberyan Ali Mohammadi Ashnani
        Heresy in hadiths and narrations is often used against the Shari'a of Islam and the Sunnah of the Prophet, and it means doing something that is contrary to the Shari'a and the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (PBUH). Ijtihad is the application of the effort and power of the j More
        Heresy in hadiths and narrations is often used against the Shari'a of Islam and the Sunnah of the Prophet, and it means doing something that is contrary to the Shari'a and the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (PBUH). Ijtihad is the application of the effort and power of the jurist in the way of extracting practical religious rules by the method of inference. In Shiite jurisprudence, there is nothing beyond the book, tradition and reason, and in the light of the enlightenment taken from the school of revelation by the infallible Imams, the path of any deviation and obstruction on Shiite ijtihad has been blocked, but tools for ijtihad have become common in other sects. , Has made admiration, correction and ijtihad of religion according to the opinions of unjust figures. According to the Shiites, incorrect methods of ijtihad lead to heresy in religion. And the divine punishment and its social effects are to turn the people away from religion. The research method in this research is library. Manuscript profile
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        12 - The debates of Imam Reza after settling in Iran with the followers of religions and sects in the direction of the expansion of Shiism
        mohammad karaminia reza ojagh
        Shiism is the natural born of Islam and represents the pure Islamic thought. The core of the Shiites were among the great and prominent companions of the Prophet of Islam, who believed in the necessity of the leadership of Ali bin Abi Talib (a.s.) after the Prophet (s.a More
        Shiism is the natural born of Islam and represents the pure Islamic thought. The core of the Shiites were among the great and prominent companions of the Prophet of Islam, who believed in the necessity of the leadership of Ali bin Abi Talib (a.s.) after the Prophet (s.a.w.) after the death of the beloved Islamic prophet and the formation of the Saqeefah and the situation that occurred in the election of the caliph. Historically, Shiism took a different path, and despite being in the minority, Shiites followed the leadership of Ali (AS) and stayed with the Ahl al-Bayt (AS) and gave up their faith by enduring all the difficulties and problems. They didn't take it. After this period, even though Shia was under pressure in every way. It continued to grow under the leadership of Imams (AS) and spread to different parts of the Islamic world. During the period of Imam Reza (a.s.) considering that Imam Hammam had found relative freedom after a difficult and suffocating period during his father's time; He was able to organize the Ahl al-Bayt school. With the arrival of Hazrat Reza (AS) in Iran, the geography of Shiism changed and Iran became one of the centers of Shiite education. Imam (a.s.) spread knowledge with his presence and the Shia religion was established as one of the most important Islamic religions. His emigration to Iran was one of the effective factors in deepening and expanding the school of Ahl al-Bayt (a.s.) and his activities and actions in Iran, considering the existing situation of that time, are remarkable and significant, and the most important activity Hazrat's actions in the field of deepening and expanding Shiism are: 1) holding debate sessions. 2) Education of students. 3) Confronting sects and deviant movements and the presence of His Holiness in a political position. 4) Expanding the culture of Ahl al-Bayt (AS) and deepening Shiite beliefs. In separate sections of this research, these debates and activities of the Prophet and their impact on the deepening and expansion of Shiism will be discussed. Manuscript profile
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        13 - Typology of the behavior of imams (a.s.) in expressing rational arguments for their imamate
        Qasem  Tarkhan KOSAROSSADAT HASHEMI
        People's awareness of the honesty of the people who claim the divine position depends on the statement of rational and narrative reasons. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) stated numerous narrative and intellectual reasons about the twelve imams (a.s.). In addition, each of the i More
        People's awareness of the honesty of the people who claim the divine position depends on the statement of rational and narrative reasons. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) stated numerous narrative and intellectual reasons about the twelve imams (a.s.). In addition, each of the imams (a.s.) also stated reasons for the righteousness of the next imam. Regardless of the arguments put forward by other infallibles in this regard, every imam has sometimes referred to hadiths from the Prophet (pbuh) or previous imams and sometimes based on rational arguments and introduced himself as the Imam and successor of the Prophet (pbuh). The current research, which used the library method in collecting the materials and the analytical method in the field of thinking, seeks to know what the behavioral process of the imams (pbuh) was in using rational evidence to prove their righteousness. The findings of the research show that the imams (a.s.) have gone through the following five processes in expressing rational arguments to the temporal relationships and the perceptive level of the audience: expressing merit towards the caliphate, trying to preserve values, increasing knowledge, scientific superiority, expressing superiority in establishing World monotheistic government. Manuscript profile