• List of Articles relative

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        1 - Spatial Variability of Light Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid (LNAPL) in the Industrial Shahr-e-Rey Aquifer (South Tehran)
        In the study area, Shahr-e-Ray industrial zone, south of Tehran, petroleum activities have led to aquifer pollution, so that in some parts the thickness of a light non-aqueous phase liquid (LNAPL) on the surface of the groundwater reaches to more than 20 meters. In t More
        In the study area, Shahr-e-Ray industrial zone, south of Tehran, petroleum activities have led to aquifer pollution, so that in some parts the thickness of a light non-aqueous phase liquid (LNAPL) on the surface of the groundwater reaches to more than 20 meters. In this regard, estimation of thickness, density and viscosity of LNAPL, is of great importance to understand the quality of petroleum products of aquifer. Regarding the results of measurement, the range of LNAPL thickness in the aquifer vary between 2.73 to 14.305 m and the range of relative density (LNAPL to water) vary 0.78 to 0.83 and the range of viscosity vary 0.60 to 1.91 cst. According to the result in 10 wells the highest thickness of LNAPL is in the eastern and northeastern regions of the study area. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Spatial Variability of Light Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid (LNAPL) in the Industrial Shahr-e-Rey Aquifer‌ (South Tehran)
        In the study area, Shahr-e-Ray industrial zone, south of Tehran, petroleum activities have led to aquifer pollution, so that in some parts the thickness of a light non-aqueous phase liquid (LNAPL) on the surface of the groundwater reaches to more than 20 meters. In this More
        In the study area, Shahr-e-Ray industrial zone, south of Tehran, petroleum activities have led to aquifer pollution, so that in some parts the thickness of a light non-aqueous phase liquid (LNAPL) on the surface of the groundwater reaches to more than 20 meters. In this regard, estimation of thickness, density and viscosity of LNAPL, is of great importance to understand the quality of petroleum products of aquifer. Regarding the results of measurement, the range of LNAPL thickness in the aquifer vary between 2.73 to 14.305 m and the range of relative density (LNAPL to water) vary 0.78 to 0.83 and the range of viscosity vary 0.60 to 1.91 cst. According to the result in 10 wells the highest thickness of LNAPL is in the eastern and northeastern regions of the study area. Manuscript profile
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        3 - Active Tectonics Zonation in Saveh Area, SW Tehran
        bijan abdollahi Hossein Hajialibeigi
        Geomorphic indexes can be a useful tool for investigating the impact of active tectonics and the identification of related anomalies, especially in areas that quantitative research work has been done. The study area is a part of the Central Iranian structural-sedimentar More
        Geomorphic indexes can be a useful tool for investigating the impact of active tectonics and the identification of related anomalies, especially in areas that quantitative research work has been done. The study area is a part of the Central Iranian structural-sedimentary zone, located in the Saveh area. By studying the geological and topographic maps and using digital elevation data, it was evaluated the rate of relative active tectonics of this area, using some of the geomorphic indexes such as Hi, Re ,Bs, AF, Vf, Vc, V, SL, Smf and Iat. These indexes which have been measured and compared in eight fronts and nine basins (Shur-payeinii, Lar, Bidlu, Amirabad, Shur-baleii, Eshtehard, Buin Zahra, Arab and Kharrud) resulted to present the active tectonic zonation map for the study area. The measured Hi index shows the relative maturity of all basins and the Arab basin has the most relative tectonic activity compared to other basins. The Re index shows the highest elongation for Lar, Bidlu and Kharrud basins and the least elongation for Shur-payeinii basin. The AF index shows the highest uplift for the Bidlu basin, which is located on the right side of this basin. Vf, Vc and V indexes represent the lowest rate of activity in the valleys which are located on the border between the Shur-baleii and Amirabad basins, the southern part is the Lar basin and the border between Amirabad and Bidlu basins. The Kharrud, Buin Zahra and Arab basins are the most active basins based on the SL index. The Smf index indicates the high activity for all basins. According to active tectonic zonation map, it is possible to show that on the border between the Eshtehard, Shur-baleii, Lar, Bidlu and Amirabad basins which are located in 1 class, have the highest degree of activity. These basins are affected by behavior Jaru, Gomorkan, Ipak, Takidagh, and Alishar faults. Other parts along the mountain fronts are also located in 2 class and are active. The low-lying areas (Kharrud, Buin Zahra and Arab basins) located in 3 class, have the least degree of activity. The highest rate of SL index is for Kharrud, Buin Zahra and Arab basins. This high rate resulted to the seismic and active Ipak fault. According to Smf index, Amirabad basin is the most active basins. Vf index represent the lowest rate which are located on the border between the Shur-baleii and Amirabad basins. This border is located on Jaru and Gomorkan faults. Manuscript profile
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        4 - The multi-layer model of analysis of 11th presidential elections
        saeed nariman  
        the presidential elections in Iran have always surprised the political analysts and experts. Through the analytical investigations of 11th presidential elections of Iran , both at the level of Iranian and also foreign analysts, it has become clear that the most of this More
        the presidential elections in Iran have always surprised the political analysts and experts. Through the analytical investigations of 11th presidential elections of Iran , both at the level of Iranian and also foreign analysts, it has become clear that the most of this surprise is due to the one-factor and one- dimensional analyses and there is no model that can investigate all effective layers and dimensions in the elections’ results. So this essay is determined to study the 11th elections by means of 3-layer model that its most internal layer is discursive level of elections, its medial layer is based on the relative deprivation theory that tries to illustrate the social and economic circumstances of society and its outset layer, studies the description of the field level of elections and presents the personal, political and social factors that are effective in the elections results Manuscript profile
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        5 - The explanation of procedures of 11th presidential elections By using of relative deprivation theory
        In order to clarify the procedure of 11th presidential elections, the various reasons have been referred to and the quality of hassan rouhani’s politics and his supporting team in election competitions days to election waves created by political groups in his support ha More
        In order to clarify the procedure of 11th presidential elections, the various reasons have been referred to and the quality of hassan rouhani’s politics and his supporting team in election competitions days to election waves created by political groups in his support have been emphasized to. In this paper it is attempted to study the reflection of psychological origins and relative deprivation feeling created in Iranian' society in formation of supporting wave of Rouhani. Generally, in individualistic and psychological prospect, the circumstances of changing the existing situation can be looked for in individual imaginations and feelings that in themselves are affected by social changes. In this paper, based on theoretical pattern of “Ted Robert Gar” and considering this presumption that the social dissatisfaction and trying to change the existing situation, is due to the amount and degree of relative deprivation feeling among various groups of every society, the grounds of relative deprivation creation in society including the understanding of inequality in 8-year period of 9th and 10th governments have been studied. Finally, it can concluded that how the various factors like development of universities and their dissatisfaction of government’ performance, the formation of class gap due to the conspicuous difference of per capita income and increasing inflation and expenses and unemployment , have reflected themselves in society’s relative deprivation, frustration and finally a general attempt for changing the existing situation and voting for the most prominent election candidates who is precursor of changing the situation Manuscript profile
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        6 - Investigating the Feeling of Relative Deprivation among the Baluch and its Effects on Political Violence
          reza mahmoudoghli
        اعزازي، شهلا (1380) جامعه‌شناسی خانواده، تهران، روشنگران و مطالعات زنان.## اي اپتر، ديويد و چالرز اف.## اندي بين (1380) اعتراض سياسي و تغيير اجتماعي، ترجمه محمدرضا سعيدآبادي، تهران، پژوهشکده مطالعات راهبردي.## پاشایی، عباس (1369) فرهنگ اندیشه نو، تهران، مازیار.## تي More
        اعزازي، شهلا (1380) جامعه‌شناسی خانواده، تهران، روشنگران و مطالعات زنان.## اي اپتر، ديويد و چالرز اف.## اندي بين (1380) اعتراض سياسي و تغيير اجتماعي، ترجمه محمدرضا سعيدآبادي، تهران، پژوهشکده مطالعات راهبردي.## پاشایی، عباس (1369) فرهنگ اندیشه نو، تهران، مازیار.## تيلي، چارلز (1385) از بسيج تا انقلاب، ترجمه علي مرشدي¬زاد، تهران، پژوهشکده امام خميني و انقلاب اسلامي.## حافظ¬نيا، محمدرضا و مراد كاوياني (1385) «نقش هويت قومي در همبستگي ملي (مطالعه موردي: قوم بلوچ)»، مجله پژوهشي دانشگاه اصفهان، شماره 1 (پياپي 20)، صص 15-47.## ساندرز، ديويد (1380) الگوهاي بي ثباتي سياسي، ترجمه پژوهشكده مطالعات راهبردي، تهران، انتشارات پژوهشكده مطالعات راهبردي.## شيباني، مليحه (1384) «فقر محروميت و شهروندي در ايران»، رفاه اجتماعي، سال پنجم، شماره 18.## شيخ بيگلو، رعنا و دیگران (1391) «تحليل فضايي محروميت و نابرابري‌هاي توسعه در شهرستان‌هاي ايران»، رفاه اجتماعي، سال دوازدهم، شماره 46.## صالحی امیری، سیدرضا (1386) مفاهیم و نظریه‌های فرهنگی، تهران، ققنوس.## فکوهی، ناصر (1378) خشونت سیاسی: نظریات، مباحث، اشکال و راهکارها، پیام امروز.## کرد، یاسر (1389) بررسي برخي عوامل اجتماعي - فرهنگي مؤثر بر گرايش افراد به عضويت در گروه‌های تروريستي در استان سيستان و بلوچستان، پایان‌نامه کارشناسي ارشد.##، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامي ـ واحد اصفهان.## كوهن، آلوين استانفورد (1379) نظریه‌های انقلاب، ترجمه عليرضا طيب، تهران، قومس.## گر، تد رابرت (1377) مدلي علي از منازعات داخلي در خشونت و جامعه، ترجمه اصغر افتخاري، نشر سفير.## گیدنز ، آنتونی (1376) جامعه شناسی، ترجمه منوچهر صبوری، تهران، نشر نی.## لهسایي¬زاده، عبدالعلي (1391) «نقش محروميت نسبي در افزايش خشونت‌هاي شهري مناطق حاشیه‌نشین (مطالعه موردی: شهر کرمانشاه)»، فصلنامه مطالعات شهري، سال دوم، شماره سوم، صص 21-64.## نش، کيت (1387) جامعه‌شناسی معاصر، ترجمه محمدتقي دلفروز، تهران، کوير.## هانتینگتون، ساموئل (1392) سامان سیاسی در جوامع دستخوش دگرگونی، ترجمه محسن ثلاثی، تهران، علم.## هولنـدر ، ادوين پـل (1378) روانشناسی اجتماعی: رهبـری و قـدرت تأتیــر ارتبـاط جمعی بر افكار عمومی و فعالیت سیاسی، ترجمــة احمـد رضـوانی ، مشهــد ، شركت بـه نشـر.## Bernburg, Jon Gunnarand Thorolfur horlindsson,and Inga Dora Sigfusdottir (2009) Relative Deprivation and Adolescent Outcomes in Iceland: A Multilevel Test, The University of North Caroiina Pres.## Boswell, T. Dixon, W. (1990) “Dependency and Rebellion”, ASR, 55 (4), 540-559.## Chandra, Siddharth and AngelaWilliams Foster (2005) ‘‘The Revolution of Rising Urban Social Disorders of the 1960s”, Social Science History, 29:2, 299–332.## Davies, J. C. (1962) "Toward A Theory Of Revolution", American, Sociological Review, 27 (1) pp. 5-19.## Dawson, J. I. (2001) Latvia’s Russian minority: balancing the imperatives of regional development and environmental justice Political Geography, No. 20, pp. 787–815.## Duncan, G (1968) A dictionary of sociology. Routledge and Kegau Paul, London.## Gatti, U., Tremblay, R. E., Vitaro, F., & McDuff, P. (2005) Youth gangs, delinquency and drug use: A test of the selection, facilitation, and enhancement hypotheses. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 46.## Gurr, Ted Robert (1968) Psychologicat Factors in Civil Violenc, World Politics.## -------------------- (1970) Why Men Rebel, Princelon, n. g, Princton University Press.## -------------------- (1973) “The Renolution Change Nexlus,” Compurative Politics.## Messner, E. (1989) “Economic Discrimination and Societal Homicide Rates: Further Evidence on the Cost of Inequality”, American Sociological Review, 54 (4).## Moore, dahlia (2003) “perception of sense of control, relative deprivation, and expectationsof young jews and Palestinians in Israel”, the journal of social psychology, 143 (4) 521-540.## Muller, Edward (1988) “Democracy – Economic Development and Incom Inequality”, ASR, 53 (1), 50-68.## O’Neill, B. (2001) “Generational Patterns in the Political Opinions and Behaviour of Canadians: Separating the Wheat from the Chaff.” IRPP Policy Matters.## Vol. 2, no. 5.## Pearson, Julie A. and Michael D Fallacaro And Joseph E. Pellegrini (2009) “Perceived deprivation in Active Duty Military nurse Anesthetists”, AANA Journal, Vol. 77, No. 1.## Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - Murder and Typification of the forgiveness (A Case Study of Guilan)
        Main purpose this research is “Typification of the forgiveness based on inductive strategy”. In this strategy, the interviewees perception about the forgivness by interpretivism approach have been investigated. This research has been with qualitative method and purp More
        Main purpose this research is “Typification of the forgiveness based on inductive strategy”. In this strategy, the interviewees perception about the forgivness by interpretivism approach have been investigated. This research has been with qualitative method and purposive sampling, and individual and group (Focus group) interviews. According to the logic of theoretical saturation, twenty seven individually and three group were interviewed. Then researcher analyzed interviews with method thematic analyze. Overall,the findings indicates that there are two general type of forgiveness.The first is self- oriented forgiveness and the second is other- oriented forgiveness . In the first part exist various species such as: Forgiveness oppositions, forgiveness supporters, replaced forgiveness and intent - oriented forgiveness. Other-oriented forgiveness can observe types three: forgivenes oppositions, reluctantly Forgiveness and intent-oriented forgiveness. People reacted to the murder of their close relatives to criminal calculate and assess the benefits of forgiveness and revenge, and then act.Based on the research findings the forgivness is time and space, because it depend to the position of the offender or the victim and the time between the crime and punishment Manuscript profile
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        8 - Ethical Components in the Structure of the Commercial Model between Iran and Russia
        Beitollah  Akbari Moghadam Alireza  Keshavarz Ghasemi
        In a turbulent world today, all countries are thinking of exporting their goods outside the domestic markets. Due to the rapid change in the business environment at the international level, it is important to examine factors affecting the export performance of enterpris More
        In a turbulent world today, all countries are thinking of exporting their goods outside the domestic markets. Due to the rapid change in the business environment at the international level, it is important to examine factors affecting the export performance of enterprises. The present study has two parts. The first part involves a quantitative analysis using a quasi-gravity model. In the second part, based on the structural equation technique, the effect of individual and environmental factors on the export performance of the business enterprises has been investigated. Considering the fact that the number of exporting companies to Russia is limited in Qazvin and Tehran provinces, the sampling method (available) has been used and 39 questionnaires have been distributed among the main exporters. The research findings indicate that trade between Iran and Russia follows the Hakeshir-Oholian Relative Advantage Act, and the trade between the two countries for Iran is between industrial and non-industrial ones. In the qualitative analysis, the present study also concluded that factors such as the trust of Iranian exporters in the Russian importer's private sector and the existence of a reliable bank for currency transfers, as well as attention to other Russian regions (except Moscow) among other personal factors And the environment with the first to third ranks of the export performance of Iranian business firms. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        9 - The effect of relative redistribution on economic growth
        marziyeh esfandiari mohadeseh Rahimi
        Fair distribution of income is one of the most important economic targets of Fair distribution of income is one of the most important economic targets of countries, economic theorists in relation to the impact of income distribution on economic growth have a positive ef More
        Fair distribution of income is one of the most important economic targets of Fair distribution of income is one of the most important economic targets of countries, economic theorists in relation to the impact of income distribution on economic growth have a positive effect on economic growth, and in some other earnings distribution studies have a negative effect on economic growth. Most of the income distribution studies are mainly measured by the Gini coefficient, but the revenue comes after deduction of taxes and forced payments based on income distribution. Hence, the present study investigates the effects of relative re - distribution on economic growth with the use of Iranian economy data between 1359 to 1396 and using the generalized method of moments (GMM). The results of the study show that relative redistribution has a negative and significant effect on economic growth in the studied years. calculating income distribution based on market income and the obtainable income provide conflicting results. According to the results, indirect relationship between economic growth and economic growth is confirmed by relative redistribution index. since taxes as a means of improving income distribution, calculation of chinese coefficient based on income after mandatory payments and taxes can create a more accurate picture of income distribution and its consequences. The results show that planning for fairer distribution of income (after tax deficit) is stimulating economic growth. While on the basis of conventional gini coefficient, income inequality causes economic growth.. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        10 - Improved LET function and use to modelinrelative permeability curves for one of the Iranian carbonate reservoir rock
        غلامرضا  بشیری
        Abstruct There are two key method of simulating multi-phase flow experiments. One is the actual estimation of multi-phase flow properties from measured data, and the other is the representation of the analytical functions for relative permeab More
        Abstruct There are two key method of simulating multi-phase flow experiments. One is the actual estimation of multi-phase flow properties from measured data, and the other is the representation of the analytical functions for relative permeability and capillary pressure .It is essential that these functions have sufficient degrees of freedom to model the measured data whilst remaining straightforward and easy to communicate. A new smooth and flexible three-parameter analytical correlation for relative permeability is proposed . Results from e.g. unsteady state relative permeability experiments often exhibit behavior which is difficult to model using e.g. Corey correlation. The new correlation influences different parts of the relative permeability curve and thereby captures variable behavior across the entire saturation range .The validity of new correlation is demonstrated by utilizing unsteady-state experiments performed at ambient conditions on core samples from the Southern Iranian reservoir rocks . results show that there is a logical relation between the basic rock properties and tuning parameters against basic parameters, i.e. permeability and porosity , should be found . Knowing the logical correlation and the basic parameters from routine analysis or logs, the tuning parameters and therefore relative permeability curves will be easily calculated. Manuscript profile
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        11 - Estimation of relative permeability curves from capillary pressure data in one of iranian carbonate reservoir
        بابک شعبانی عزت اله کاظم زاده
        Relative permeability can be measured directly from cores, but due to problems such as unavailability of experimental results of direct relative permeability measurement, indirect techniques also have been used to calculate relative permeability. One of these methods is More
        Relative permeability can be measured directly from cores, but due to problems such as unavailability of experimental results of direct relative permeability measurement, indirect techniques also have been used to calculate relative permeability. One of these methods is estimating relative permeability curves from capillary pressure data that the reliability of this method for approximation of liquid-gas relative permeability curves had thoroughly investigated. However, there is not enough information to conclude which method is the standard one for calculating oil-water relative permeability curves. Various capillary pressure techniques such as the Corey, Brooks-Corey, Li-Purcell and Li-Burdine methods were utilized to calculate oil-water relative permeabilities using the measured oil-water capillary pressure data in drainage process in an oil-wet Carbonate reservoir. Despite wide popularity of Purcell and Burdine methods for calculating relative permeability, new Li-Purcell and LiBurdine methods were used. The calculated results were compared to the experimental data of oil-water relative permeabilities measured in a Carbonate reservoir. The Corey and Brooks-Corey models are shown an acceptable and nearly exact match with the measured oil relative permeability values. However, the Li-Purcell and Li-Burdine models underestimate the values for wetting phase in most cases. It is also worth mentioning that, except Li-Purcell method, the results of all other methods for calculating non-wetting phase relative permeability are almost the same and overestimate the values. Then, rock typing on the basis of pore throat radius at 35% mercury saturation were done and the accuracy of each model were examined for all rock types. Results of this work revealed that calculation of oil-water relative permeability using the capillary pressure data is also a reliable technique in oil-wet carbonate reservoirs. Manuscript profile
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        12 - scope persons and social moral function of the womb
        Zahra Sadeghi Zohreh  Nikfarjam Fariba  Pahlevani Abbas  Samavati
        "mercy" of relatives. In other words, it is to have love and behavior with relatives and friends Kinship is a term that represents a kind of social relationship. A relationship that has arisen as a result of the interaction of a spouse, parents and children or siblings. More
        "mercy" of relatives. In other words, it is to have love and behavior with relatives and friends Kinship is a term that represents a kind of social relationship. A relationship that has arisen as a result of the interaction of a spouse, parents and children or siblings.According to verse 6 of Surah Al-Ahzab and 75 of Surah Anfal, it can be understood that there is a hierarchy among relatives.In other words, closer relatives take precedence and are more important in inheritance and uterine reconciliation, and take precedence over reconciliation.In other words, closer relatives take precedence and are more important in inheritance and uterine reconciliation, and take precedence over reconciliation. Manuscript profile
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        13 - Long-Term Software Fault Prediction Model with Linear Regression and Data Transformation
        Momotaz  Begum Jahid Hasan Rony Md. Rashedul Islam Jia Uddin
        The validation performance is obligatory to ensure the software reliability by determining the characteristics of an implemented software system. To ensure the reliability of software, not only detecting and solving occurred faults but also predicting the future fault i More
        The validation performance is obligatory to ensure the software reliability by determining the characteristics of an implemented software system. To ensure the reliability of software, not only detecting and solving occurred faults but also predicting the future fault is required. It is performed before any actual testing phase initiates. As a result, various works on software fault prediction have been done. In this paper presents, we present a software fault prediction model where different data transformation methods are applied with Poisson fault count data. For data pre-processing from Poisson data to Gaussian data, Box-Cox power transformation (Box-Cox_T), Yeo-Johnson power transformation (Yeo-Johnson_T), and Anscombe transformation (Anscombe_T) are used here. And then, to predict long-term software fault prediction, linear regression is applied. Linear regression shows the linear relationship between the dependent and independent variable correspondingly relative error and testing days. For synthesis analysis, three real software fault count datasets are used, where we compare the proposed approach with Naïve gauss, exponential smoothing time series forecasting model, and conventional method software reliability growth models (SRGMs) in terms of data transformation (With_T) and non-data transformation (Non_T). Our datasets contain days and cumulative software faults represented in (62, 133), (181, 225), and (114, 189) formats, respectively. Box-Cox power transformation with linear regression (L_Box-Cox_T) method, has outperformed all other methods with regard to average relative error from the short to long term. Manuscript profile
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        14 - What are the characteristics of abortion and its types
        Zahra Sadeghi Zohreh  Nik Farjam Fariba  Pahlevani Abbas  Samavati
        Peace in the word means: kindness, friendship and communication, and it means "mercy" of relatives and friends, in other words, love and behavior with relatives and friends. Abortion means hurting and hurting relatives and friends, and not helping or grieving with the More
        Peace in the word means: kindness, friendship and communication, and it means "mercy" of relatives and friends, in other words, love and behavior with relatives and friends. Abortion means hurting and hurting relatives and friends, and not helping or grieving with them in worldly wealth and comfort and charity while they need it. And the cause is either enmity or stinginess. Apparently, there is an intermediary between amputation and reconciliation of the uterus, because every benevolence, even if his relative does not need it and he himself needs it, is called reconciliation, while the absence of this benevolence is not expropriation. The worst kind of abortion is the expulsion of the parents, so that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “All Muslims will see me on the Day of Resurrection, except the expulsion of my parents, and the drunkard, ». And it is enough for the separation of parents that: The Prophet of God cursed him and said: "Gabriel said Amen to the curse of that Imam." In the correspondence attributed to the Commander of the Faithful (pbuh) to his deeds, it is as follows: The late Naraghi writes in the description of this sentence in Ascension of Happiness: Command the relatives to go to see each other but not to be neighbors, what neighborhood will cause hatred, envy and abortion. Manuscript profile
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        15 - Comparison of the development process in Iran and Japan in the framework of Adrian Leftwich's Theory from 1850 to1900 AD
        Ehsan Eilshahi sayyed atollah sinaee Seyyed Khodayar  Mortazavi Asl
        Development is context-oriented, historical, and based on the life of the world and the psychological, social, and political characteristics of nations. The result of connection, convergence, non-interaction and divergence of different elements appears in such a context More
        Development is context-oriented, historical, and based on the life of the world and the psychological, social, and political characteristics of nations. The result of connection, convergence, non-interaction and divergence of different elements appears in such a context. Forward-looking research using the method of comparative institutionalism using Adrian Leftwich's developmental state theory to examine and compare the issue of economic development with a focus on the politics-state-development triad in Iran and Japan in the period of 1850-1900. The technique used in this research has been collecting and using available documents and statistics. The main question of the research is the level of autonomy of government institutions, the characteristics of the civil system, and the historical situation of Iran and Japan concerning the international system, how has it affected the experience of development in the historical period in question in these countries? The obtained results indicate that due to the creation of an independent government and the creation of a network of developmental elites based on a strong and coherent bureaucracy, Japan was able to achieve success by smoothing the appropriate international platform and on the way be development. However, due to the lack of proper bureaucracy and the establishment of an autonomous government, Iran could not achieve this important task, and therefore the issue of development for Iran remained a concept of regret and mystery Manuscript profile
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        16 - The effect of relative redistribution on economic growth
        marzieyh esfandiyari mohadeseh Rahimi
        fair distribution of income is one of the most important macroeconomic goals of countries. Two different views are presented in relation to the impact of income inequality on economic growth by economic theorists. Many studies have been done in this regard which in some More
        fair distribution of income is one of the most important macroeconomic goals of countries. Two different views are presented in relation to the impact of income inequality on economic growth by economic theorists. Many studies have been done in this regard which in some studies income inequality has positive effect on economic growth and others have negative effect. In most studies, the Gini index is used for income inequality which is based on income before tax deduction and forced payment .Since taxes as a tool to improve the income distribution situation, calculation of Gini coefficient based on income after mandatory payment and taxes can create a more accurate picture of income distribution and its consequences .Due to the effect of income redistribution on income inequality , the present study examines the effect of partial redistribution on economic growth by using the Iranian economy during 1978-2018 and using generalized method of moments ( GMM ) .The results of the study show that the relative redistribution has significant effect on economic growth. Based on the results , indirect relationship between economic growth and economic growth is confirmed by relative redistribution index .The results of this study show that taxes and deferred payment are the driving force of economic growth .While on the basis of conventional GINI coefficient , income inequality causes an increase in economic growth .Therefore , providing a proper measure of income inequality will result in more accurate understanding of income inequality and codification of policy making in order to equal income. Manuscript profile
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        17 - A reflection on the rule of inherent beauty and ugliness
        Mohammad Hassan  Ghadrdan Qaramaleki
        The principle of intrinsic and rational beauty and ugliness is considered one of the key theological rules in the two fields of "ontology" and "epistemology". However, the exact explanation of these two rules in both the above fields has been met with ambiguities by the More
        The principle of intrinsic and rational beauty and ugliness is considered one of the key theological rules in the two fields of "ontology" and "epistemology". However, the exact explanation of these two rules in both the above fields has been met with ambiguities by theologians and philosophers. In this article, the author, using a rational method and analyzing seven theories of the principle of inherent beauty and ugliness, while evaluating the first six theories, presented a new explanation and interpretation of the theory of inherent beauty and ugliness and called it "formative and expedient beauty and ugliness and the involvement of interests." In the abstraction of beauty and ugliness" he delivered and proved it. Also, at the end of the article, the question of the conflict between the theory of theologians and philosophers is examined and criticized, and the conclusion is that the famous readings of Imami theologians and philosophers are aligned. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        18 - The Relationship Between Macroeconomic Indicators and Collective Conflict
        Ismail  Jahani Dolatabad taha ashayeri Hossein Heydari
        Collective conflict refers to the conflict, conflict and physical tension of more than two people, which is affected by the social, economic and cultural conditions of the society. According to surveys, and based on the data of the Forensic Medicine Organization since 2 More
        Collective conflict refers to the conflict, conflict and physical tension of more than two people, which is affected by the social, economic and cultural conditions of the society. According to surveys, and based on the data of the Forensic Medicine Organization since 2013 to 2121, the amount of conflict has increased in the provinces of the country. The main purpose of the research is to study of the relationship between macroeconomic indicators and collective conflict in the period of 2015-2018. The research method is the secondary analysis, data were analyzed using Spss software. The results are reported in the form of descriptive, including frequency tables, and charts, and central indices, as well as inferential statistics, including bivariate and multivariate tests. The results show that the increase in inflation, unemployment and Gini coefficient between 2015 and 2018 has been effective in increasing the amount of conflict in different provinces of the country. According to this, with economic disorder (economic disorganization), due to the increase in unemployment, inflation and class gap as well as the reduction of social resilience, mental instability, the feeling of scarcity of resources (crisis of production, distribution and consumption) and the feeling of economic abnormality, people's social behaviors has become more radical, violent and aggressive. The important reason for the collective conflict in the provinces of the country in the above period of time has been functioning of economic institutions. Manuscript profile