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      • Open Access Article

        1 - Reflection of the Constitutional Era in Nasim-e Shomal and Ahmad Shouqi's Poetry
        GHsem Sahrai علي  نظري
        The people's awakening and awareness, seeking liberty and justice, wanting rules, fighting against oppression, patriotism, and in other words demanding the Constitutional situation were among the most important events in contemporary Iran and some of the other neighbori More
        The people's awakening and awareness, seeking liberty and justice, wanting rules, fighting against oppression, patriotism, and in other words demanding the Constitutional situation were among the most important events in contemporary Iran and some of the other neighboring countries. The writers of this article intend to reveal this common theme in the poetry of two contemporary poets; Nasim Shomal- the Iranian poet and Ahmad Shoqi; the Egyptian one. Though Nasim Shomal and Ahmad Shoqi lived in two non-neighbor countries with different languages; there are many common concepts and themes related to the Constitution observed in their poetry which show the common cultural and social aspects in both the Iranian and the Egyptian nations. They expect the Constitutional and the parliament system to have deserving, functional and knowing rulers; a system which provides the people's welfare and progress and happiness and blocks any kind of oppression and tyranny. But unfortunately the Constitutional system does not develop in the living era of these two mentioned poets as it is expected and fails. The anti-constitutionals gain power over the parliament and the other governmental positions and therefore the country is threatened by chaos and turmoil. For these reasons both of the poets encourage and call people to protect their countries. Manuscript profile
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        2 - Using Discrete Hidden Markov Model for Modelling and Forecasting the Tourism Demand in Isfahan
        Khatereh Ghasvarian Jahromi Vida Ghasvarian Jahromi
        Tourism has been increasingly gaining acceptance as a driving force to enhance the economic growth because it brings the per capita income, employment and foreign currency earnings. Since tourism affects other industries, in many countries, tourism is considered in the More
        Tourism has been increasingly gaining acceptance as a driving force to enhance the economic growth because it brings the per capita income, employment and foreign currency earnings. Since tourism affects other industries, in many countries, tourism is considered in the economic outlook. The perishable nature of most sections dependent on the tourism has turned the prediction of tourism demand an important issue for future success. The present study, for the first time, uses the Discrete Hidden Markov Model (DHMM) to predict the tourism demand. DHMM is the discrete form of the well-known HMM approach with the capability of parametric modeling the random processes. MATLAB Software is applied to simulate and implement the proposed method. The statistic reports of Iranian and foreign tourists visiting Isfahan gained by Iran Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts, and Tourism Organization (ICHHTO)-Isfahan Tourism used for simulation of the model. To evaluate the proposed method, the prediction results are compared to the results from Artificial Neural Network, Grey model and Persistence method on the same data. Three errors indexes, MAPE (%), RMSE, and MAE, are also applied to have a better comparison between them. The results reveal that compared to three other methods, DHMM performs better in predicting tourism demand for the next year, both for Iranian and foreign tourists. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Using Decision Lattice Analysis to Model IOT-based Companies’ profit
        Nazanin Talebolfakhr Seyed Babak Ebrahimi Donya Rahmani
        Demand uncertainty and high initial investments for IOT-based projects lead to analyzing various types of options, especially real options in project execution to decrease these uncertainties. In this study, we investigate the firms’ expected profits that resulted from More
        Demand uncertainty and high initial investments for IOT-based projects lead to analyzing various types of options, especially real options in project execution to decrease these uncertainties. In this study, we investigate the firms’ expected profits that resulted from appropriate chosen static and dynamic pricing strategies namely low-pricing, high-pricing, and contingent pricing combined with binomial decision lattices. Besides, the reciprocal influence between pricing strategies and IOT investment could provide useful insights for the firms that confront demand uncertainties in selling the firms’ products. We propose a model which is the integration of binomial decision lattices, which have been calculated by Real Option Super Lattice Solver 2017 software, and pricing policies under uncertainty. The results provide insights into what pricing strategies to choose based on the project’s real option value and the level of the firm uncertainty about the purchasing of the high-value consumer. Among the mentioned static and dynamic pricing strategies, high-pricing and contingent pricing strategies under different situations can be selected and expected profits of each of the strategies will be calculated and compared with each other. On the contrary, as the low-pricing strategy resulted in the lowest option value, it will not be scrutinized in this study. Experimental results show that if the IOT investment level and high-value consumer purchasing likelihood are high, the firm will implement the high-pricing strategy, otherwise choosing the contingent pricing due to the demand uncertainty would be appropriate. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Pathology of Demand and Spiritual Desire in Khorasani Style Poetry
        Nazi  Sang Sefidi Ebrahim  Estagi Ali  Eshghi Sardehi
        The literary works can be classified into four categories: epic, educational, dramatic and lyrics. The demand and the desire that manifests in poetry from the beginning of Persian poetry to the contemporary period in various forms, is one of the subcategories of lyrical More
        The literary works can be classified into four categories: epic, educational, dramatic and lyrics. The demand and the desire that manifests in poetry from the beginning of Persian poetry to the contemporary period in various forms, is one of the subcategories of lyrical literature . Demand and desire in poetry is classified into two general categories: 1) material, 2) immaterial (spiritual). This a descriptive-analytical paper aiming at pathology of the concept of spiritual demand and desire in the poetry of the most prominent poets of Khorasani style. Spiritual demand and desire in this course can be classified into two parts with transcendental goals (such as prayer) or for personal purposes (such as position). Prayer is the main purpose of the transcendent demand and desire, which has a special place in Khorasani style poetry and there are fewer works in which the poet and the writer did not praise and describe God and have not expressed their prayers. In general, spiritual demand and desire in the works of poets of this period include prayer, the demand and desire of beloved joining, the demand and desire for position, the demand and desire for morals, the demand and desire for other spiritual matters. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Virtual Science and Technology Park in Iran; an SWOT Analysis
        Parya Dolatyabi Abdollah Aghaei
        In this paper, a study has been done about concept, implication, and necessity of a virtual science park (VSTP) for Iran. According to the critical success factors of a VSTP, and the presented model for VSTP in Iran together with its prerequisitesstrengths, weaknesses, More
        In this paper, a study has been done about concept, implication, and necessity of a virtual science park (VSTP) for Iran. According to the critical success factors of a VSTP, and the presented model for VSTP in Iran together with its prerequisitesstrengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that a VSTP in Iran may face, have been identified in the form of an SWOT analysis. Finally, the key development drivers of VSTPs in Iran have been introduced regarding the proposed analysis, in order to be applied by managers and planners of this field in Iran. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Economic Factors Influencing Entrepreneurial Activities: Literature Review
        Amineh  Zivari Mohsen Mohammadi Khyareh Reza Mazhari
        In the existing literature on entrepreneurship, there are various approaches to determining the factors affecting entrepreneurial activities, which can be explained in various disciplines of science. As an interdisciplinary study, entrepreneurship consists of aspects of More
        In the existing literature on entrepreneurship, there are various approaches to determining the factors affecting entrepreneurial activities, which can be explained in various disciplines of science. As an interdisciplinary study, entrepreneurship consists of aspects of economic, historical, psychological, political, social and cultural studies. All of these studies focus on entrepreneurship from different points of views. Since, entrepreneurship is recognized as an appropriate tool for stimulating economic growth, increasing innovation and productivity and reduction of poverty, identification of determinants of entrepreneurial activity allows to design appropriate policies for increasing productivity and economic growth in a single economy. Due to the wide range of effective factors on entrepreneurial activities among countries, several studies have examined various effective factors. Therefore, the main purpose of this study is to investigate the economic factors affecting entrepreneurial activities at the macro level, which, given the literature available in this field, has a greater impact than other factors. The present study was conducted using descriptive analysis, literature reviews and library resources such as books and theoretical and applied entrepreneurship papers. Finally, the collected resources were classified into two categories of supply and demand factors. The factors on the supply side include economic development, technological development, globalization, direct foreign investment and financial development, and demand factors include education, population growth, population density, income level, income gap, access to finance, Tax, labor market flexibility rules, political structure, immigration, unemployment rate, institutional characteristics and macroeconomic environment. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - The impact of demand management policies uncertainty on capital market output (A case study of Tehran Stock Exchange)
        Abstract: The present study aimed to investigate the impact of demand management policies uncertainty on Tehran Stock Exchange output. The uncertainty in money supply and government expenses variables on stock exchange output has been studied using monthly data over th More
        Abstract: The present study aimed to investigate the impact of demand management policies uncertainty on Tehran Stock Exchange output. The uncertainty in money supply and government expenses variables on stock exchange output has been studied using monthly data over the period of 1387-1392. The results indicated that money supply variable has the problem of uncertainty while government expenses don't. The results of MSEGARCH model on money supply variable showed that uncertainty in money supply variable in both high and low volatility has a significant negative impact on stock exchange output. The results of MS-VAR model represent the fact that government expenses have a significant impact on stock exchange index in both upswing and stagnation phases. Accordingly, it is observed that the uncertainty in demand management policies is influencing stock exchange output and these influences are in conflict with each other, so it is suggested that the government managers and policy makers (government expenses) and Central bank (money supply) implement the policies with more coordination in order to decrease the amount of these conflicting impacts. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - Developing Indicators for assessing The Status of Iran’s Natural Gas Export Using Energy Demand Security Approach
        Hadi Sahebi pourya souri
        Iran is the second-largest proved natural gas reserve holder in the world, behind Russia and holds 17% of the world's proved natural gas reserves and more than one-third of OPEC's reserves. Iran is also among the five major producers of natural gas in the world. Accordi More
        Iran is the second-largest proved natural gas reserve holder in the world, behind Russia and holds 17% of the world's proved natural gas reserves and more than one-third of OPEC's reserves. Iran is also among the five major producers of natural gas in the world. According to rich reserves of natural gas, high success rate of natural gas exploration, and increasing growth of fossil fuel demand in highly import dependent countries like China, India, European Union, and Turkey all of which are potential markets for Iran natural gas export, there is a promising outlook for natural gas export of Iran and growth of resultant revenue in upcoming years. but due to Iran special geopolitical position, being enclosed by two strategic resources of natural gas and crude oil, i.e. Caspian Sea and Persian Gulf, and terrorist attacks and other unrests in Middle East, Central Asia, and Caucasus, securing energy demand and increasing the volume of Iran natural gas export has turned into a critical issue. In this research, after investigating Iran’s natural gas production, reserves, and export markets, seven quantitative indicators have developed according to political, economic, and infrastructural dimensions to assess Iran’s natural gas export whether in the form of LNG or via the pipeline. Policymakers of the energy economics field can analyze Iran’s current and potential gas export markets in recent years or in the upcoming years under different scenarios by using indicators introduced in this research and collecting the required data so that they can adopt appropriate policies for enhancing the energy export demand security of Iran particularly natural gas. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        9 - The Effect of Demand Response Programs on Iranian Electric Power Consumption
        H. alami Gh. yousefi M. Parsa-Moghaddam
        Demand side management (DSM) is one of the most important methods which have been used to maximize the benefits of the electric power market participants. In the deregulated power systems, DSM is called demand response (DR). In this paper, two DR programs have been focu More
        Demand side management (DSM) is one of the most important methods which have been used to maximize the benefits of the electric power market participants. In the deregulated power systems, DSM is called demand response (DR). In this paper, two DR programs have been focused: time-of-use (TOU) and emergency demand response program (EDRP). In this paper DR is modeled considering both TOU and EDRP methods, simultaneously, using the single and multi period load models, based on the load elasticity concept. The proposed model is implemented on the peak load of the Iranian Power Grid and the optimum prices for TOU program and the optimum incentives for combined TOU and EDRP programs are determined. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        10 - Estimation of the Required Capital Investment in Mobile Telephony Network's Equipments Based on Cobb-Douglas Demand Forecasting Model
        A. Jahanbeigi M. E. Kalantari
        The goal of this paper is to estimate the capital investment in mobile telephony network's equipments, by using Cobb-Douglas model to forecast the number of subscribers for the next years in the country. Then by presenting a master plan for Base Station Subsystem (BSS) More
        The goal of this paper is to estimate the capital investment in mobile telephony network's equipments, by using Cobb-Douglas model to forecast the number of subscribers for the next years in the country. Then by presenting a master plan for Base Station Subsystem (BSS) and Network Switching Subsystem (NSS) parts of the network, the required equipments and also the capital investment amounts are estimated. In the BSS plan, the number of Base Transceiver Stations (BTS) with various configurations and also Base Station Controllers (BSC) with different capacities and required accessories (such as tower, antenna, feeder, power supply and transmission equipments between BTSs and BSCs) are determined. In the NSS plan, an architecture is proposed for network's traffic (including signaling). The routing plan and required interfaces with Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) and Public Data Network (PDN) are also presented and the capacity of network's nodes and E1 links are determined. Based on the mentioned plan and also the typical cost of different equipments, offered by domestic and foreign vendors, the capital investment of 26.7 trillion Rials seems to be necessary to increase the penetration rate from 12.4% to 48.4% in mobile telephony network. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        11 - Modeling the Effects of Demand Response on Generation Expansion Planning in Restructured Power Systems
        M. Samadi M. H. Javidi M. S. Ghazizadeh
        Demand response is becoming a promising subject in operation of restructured power systems. As a result, recently more attention is paid to demand response programs. Customers can contribute in operation of power systems by deployment demand response. The growth of cust More
        Demand response is becoming a promising subject in operation of restructured power systems. As a result, recently more attention is paid to demand response programs. Customers can contribute in operation of power systems by deployment demand response. The growth of customers’ participation in such programs may affect planning of power systems. Therefore, it seems necessary to consider the effects of demand response in planning approaches. In this paper, the impact of demand responsiveness on decision making in generation expansion planning is modeled. Then, avoidance or deferment in installation of new generating units is comprehensively investigated and evaluated by introducing a new simple index. In addition, changes in investment cost and total cost paid by customers are investigated. The effects of demand responsiveness are studied from both the customers’ and generation companies (Gencos) points of view. The proposed model has been applied to modified IEEE 30-bus system and the results are discussed. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        12 - Simultaneous Implementation of Time of Use Demand Response and Security Constraint Unit Commitment
        M. Kia M. Setayesh-Nazar S. M. Sepasian
        The growing need of energy sources especially in industrial countries and the shortage of the fossil resources cause a great concern in many countries. Considering that in some periods of the day the energy price is increased, Demand side management is one of the soluti More
        The growing need of energy sources especially in industrial countries and the shortage of the fossil resources cause a great concern in many countries. Considering that in some periods of the day the energy price is increased, Demand side management is one of the solutions that is implemented. The major change in demand side management is consideration of consumers' response to energy price variations. This paper investigates the effect of demand response implementation on cost reduction in stochastic security constraint unit commitment. Uncertainties in power system such as transmission lines and power plants outage is considered in the paper Considering that the simultaneous implementation of stochastic security constraint unit commitment and demand response is a complex and nonlinear problem that contain Continuous and discrete variables, the mixed integer programming is being used. Proposed method is simulated in simple 3 bud system and IEEE RTS 24 bus system and the results analyzed in the paper. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        13 - Coordinated Framework for Reconfiguration and Direct Load Control to Meet the Challenges of Distribution Systems Operation
        E. Hosseini Mohammad Sadegh Sepasian H. Arasteh V. Vahidinasab
        The basic approach of this paper is to improve the operational condition of distribution systems by the simultaneous utilization of system reconfiguration and direct load control programs. A Genetic Algorithm (GA) based algorithm is employed to find the optimal states o More
        The basic approach of this paper is to improve the operational condition of distribution systems by the simultaneous utilization of system reconfiguration and direct load control programs. A Genetic Algorithm (GA) based algorithm is employed to find the optimal states of switches as well as the optimal incentives of the demand response programs. The concept of price elasticity of demand is utilized to illustrate the changes of electricity consumption pattern as a result of customers’ participation in Demand Response (DR). The objective function of the proposed model is network operation costs. In addition, voltage constraints, lines capacity limits and the related constraints of DR programs are considered in the optimization problem. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed method in reducing operation costs is shown using the 33-bus distribution network. The simulation results show that the coordination of reconfiguration and DR can reduce the operation costs and load shedding requirements in addition to solving lines’ over loading problems. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        14 - Optimal Economic Scheduling of Islanding Microgrid Considering Renewable Energy Sources (Wind Turbine and Photovoltaic System), Battery and Hydrogen Storage System in the Presence of the Demand Response Program
        A. Mehdizadeh N. Taghizadegan
        Microgrid (MG) supplied its local load with distributed energy resources at the low voltage system in distribution networks. Microgrid can be used in parts that are not allowed access to the electricity network with low investment cost. The used islanding MG in this res More
        Microgrid (MG) supplied its local load with distributed energy resources at the low voltage system in distribution networks. Microgrid can be used in parts that are not allowed access to the electricity network with low investment cost. The used islanding MG in this research includes wind turbine and photovoltaic systems as renewable energy sources and hydrogen storage system (HSS). This paper proposes a new energy management strategy (EMS) for MG in the presence of the HSS considering the power uncertainties of renewable energy sources. The objective of proposed EMS is to minimize the operating costs of batteries, HSS and the costs associated with excess and undelivered energy considering the supplied load constraints. The considered technical constraints in this paper contain renewable energy sources limits and battery and HSS constraints. HSS includes electrolyzer (EL), hydrogen tanks and fuel cell (FC). Demand response program (DRP) is used to flat the load curve and optimal operation of MG. The proposed model on a MG is been implemented in GAMS software. The simulation results show that the operation cost of MG reduced by using of HSS and DRP. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        15 - A Game Framework for Congestion Management Based on Generators Re-Dispatching and Demand Response
          Ali R.   Reisi S. M.  Hosseinian
        This paper proposes a new algorithm for addressing the congestion problem in the network through generation and demand rescheduling. A demand response market based programming is developed for demand rescheduling by capturing the benefit of retailers. In the proposed al More
        This paper proposes a new algorithm for addressing the congestion problem in the network through generation and demand rescheduling. A demand response market based programming is developed for demand rescheduling by capturing the benefit of retailers. In the proposed algorithm two tasks are implemented by the ISO for controlling network security and spark prices. In the case of any network defect, generator re-dispatching is conducted by the ISO and in the case of any spark price, retailers’ demands in specific buses decrease via some economic signals, sent by the ISO. Having such economic signalsthe retailers then participate in a demand response trade with demand response aggregators (DRAs) to optimize their incomes and next to resubmit their demands to the ISO. A Stackelberg game is employed to capture the interplay among retailers, the leaders, and DRAs, the followers. Retailers choose their strategies, the amount and price of required demand response. Then, DRAs compete based on the retailers’ strategies to maximize their payoffs and to choose their strategies, the demand response sale amount. An IEEE bus test network with 14 buses is considered to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed method. The paper demonstrates that the proposed method enables to alleviate the congestion problem while the retailers’ incomes increase. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        16 - Optimal Operation of AC Microgrid in the Presence of Plug-in Electric Vehicles under Demand Side Managemen
        A. Mehdizadeh N. Taghizadegan J. Salehi
        In the recent years, integrations of renewable energy sources as well as plug-in electric vehicles are increased in the AC microgrid. Also, demand side management can be used to manage peak load in order to improve optimal performance of AC microgrid. Therefore, this pa More
        In the recent years, integrations of renewable energy sources as well as plug-in electric vehicles are increased in the AC microgrid. Also, demand side management can be used to manage peak load in order to improve optimal performance of AC microgrid. Therefore, this paper proposes optimal operation of AC microgrid in the presence of plug-in electric vehicles under demand side management. The proposed model describes optimal operation of microgrid including the exchange power with the upstream grid, the production of DG units including wind turbines, battery storage, diesel generators, charging and discharging of electric vehicles and the manner of participation of large industrial consumers and aggregators of small consumers in demand side management that minimize the operation cost of microgrid. The proposed formulation is considered the mathematical model of various energy sources in a microgrid and the AC load flow constraints and the bus voltage and feeder current limitations has been considered.In the proposed model, charge and discharge management of plug-in electric vehicles and demand side management are simultaneously proposed to reduce operation cost of AC microgrid subject to technical and economic constraints. A 33-bus microgrid is used as test system in order to investigate effects of plug-in electric vehicles and demand side management on optimal operation of AC microgrid. The proposed model is formulated via mixed-integer non-linear programming which is solved using CPLEX solver under GAMS optimization software. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        17 - Optimal Strategy Determination of Preventive Maintenance Scheduling in the Presence of Demand Response Resources
        V. Sharifi M. Rashidinejad A. Abdollahi M. Mollahassani-pour
        In this paper, a new method is proposed for maintenance scheduling of generation units in a competitive electricity market environment. The problem of productive maintenance scheduling is one of the most important problems in the restructured power system due to its imp More
        In this paper, a new method is proposed for maintenance scheduling of generation units in a competitive electricity market environment. The problem of productive maintenance scheduling is one of the most important problems in the restructured power system due to its impact on the safety and emission of pollutants and producers' profits. In order to consider producers' risk, productive maintenance scheduling has been modeled from the producer's point of view using non-cooperative game theory, which is used to achieve an optimal Nash equilibrium strategy. On the other hand, the independent system operator seeks to achieve a level of appropriate reliability and pollution reduction. In this paper, load response programs are one of the options for influencing energy policy decision-making. Also, the coordination procedure has been used to coordinate producers' maintenance programs with reliability-pollution maintenance program. The proposed model has been implemented on the IEEE-RTS Modified 24 Bus. The results indicate the effectiveness of the proposed method. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        18 - Outage Power Cost Calculation and Optimal Interruption Allocation to the Customers
        Mahdi Khajeh Rezaei Gh. yousefi   Ebrahim Shayesteh
        In power systems operation, interruptions occur due to various reasons such as faults and inadequacy of generation. Load shedding allocation with respect to operation costs and security, customers’ type and their behavior is the main challenge of this paper. In this res More
        In power systems operation, interruptions occur due to various reasons such as faults and inadequacy of generation. Load shedding allocation with respect to operation costs and security, customers’ type and their behavior is the main challenge of this paper. In this research a new procedure for load shedding allocation with respect to the “load shedding history” of each customer is presented. In this research a new coefficient, called endurance coefficient, is introduced. The customers declare their dependency to electricity via sending their endurance coefficients to the power system operator (ISO).A new method is proposed in this paper in which the customers get paid according to the mentioned coefficient, if load shedding occurs. For validation of the proposed method, different scenarios on IEEE RTS 24-bus test grid is studied and numerical results show effectiveness of the proposed method. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        19 - Assessment of Demand Side Resources Potential in Presence of Cooling and Heating Equipment Using Data Mining Method Based Upon K-Means Clustering Algorithm
        fatemeh sheibani M. Mollahassani-pour هنگامه کشاورز
        Under the smart power systems, determining the amount of Demand Response Resources(DRRs) potential is considered as a crucial issue due to affecting in all energy policy decisions. In this paper, the potential of DRRs in presence of cooling and heating equipment are ide More
        Under the smart power systems, determining the amount of Demand Response Resources(DRRs) potential is considered as a crucial issue due to affecting in all energy policy decisions. In this paper, the potential of DRRs in presence of cooling and heating equipment are identified using k-means clustering algorithm as a data mining technique. In this regard, the energy consumption dataset are categorized in different clusters by k-means algorithm based upon variations of energy price and ambient temperature during peak hours of hot (Spring and Summer) and cold (Autumn and Winter) periods. Then, the clusters with the possibility of cooling and heating equipment’s commitment are selected. After that, the confidence interval diagram of energy consumption in elected clusters is provided based upon energy price variations. The nominal potential of DRRs, i.e. flexible load, will be obtained regarding the maximum and minimum differences between the average of energy consumption in upper and middle thresholds of the confidence interval diagram. The energy consumption, ambient temperature and energy price related to BOSTON electricity network over a six-year horizon time is utilized to evaluate the proposed model. Manuscript profile
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        20 - Low-Error and Variation-Aware Approximate Full Adders for Imprecision-Tolerant Applications
        Mohammad Mirzaei سيامك محمدي
        In imprecision-tolerant applications such as image processing and machine learning, imprecision can be tolerated because of the nature of the application itself or the limitation of human senses. By using the approximate computation in these applications, significant po More
        In imprecision-tolerant applications such as image processing and machine learning, imprecision can be tolerated because of the nature of the application itself or the limitation of human senses. By using the approximate computation in these applications, significant power, delay, or area reductions can be achieved. In this paper, two approximate full adders and an approximate adder, with low error are proposed. The effects of die-to-die (D2D) process variation on the threshold voltage of approximate circuits have been evaluated. For evaluating the accuracy and the variability, these approximate full adders have been used and analyzed in the ripple carry adder structure, image Sharpening and image Smoothing algorithms. In terms of power-delay-product (PDP), accuracy, and area for uniformly distributed inputs, the proposed approximate full adder 1, exhibits the best performance, and the proposed approximate full adder 2 and the proposed approximate adder, show the best peak-signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) for real images. Manuscript profile
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        21 - A Two-Step Stochastic Linear Programming Approach for Microgrid Resources and Energy Storage Management with Real-Time Pricing Program Using Salp Swarm Optimization Algorithm
        Mohsen  Sarami مجيد  معظمي غضنفر شاهقلیان
        Integrating renewable resources to provide local load has created a concept called microgrid. With the widespread introduction of microgrids, energy management and system utilization and resources in the electricity market are important tasks of microgrid management. In More
        Integrating renewable resources to provide local load has created a concept called microgrid. With the widespread introduction of microgrids, energy management and system utilization and resources in the electricity market are important tasks of microgrid management. In this paper, the problem of microgrid utilization is modeled taking into account economic, technical and uncertainties related to power consumption, wind speed and solar radiation in electricity market conditions. One of the most important issues in the electricity market is the discussion of the participation of units in real price conditions. In this paper, a framework for the exploitation of electricity and the consumption of controllable loads through integrated utilization of distributed energy sources of uncertainty is presented from a consumer perspective. The optimization problem is a two-step stochastic linear programming that minimized the cost of microgrid operation and expected cost of consumers considering the consumer’s requirement for controllable loads in the desire time interval and distribution company constraints that solved by using Salp swarm optimization algorithm. RBT and IBR tariffs are employed for modeling retail power market for better reflection of wholesale price volatility and avoid of the concurrent use of consumers. In this method price announced to the consumers by retailers only is limited specific later hours instead of the entire operation period. In this condition any timing of controllable loads need to price forecasting, while this forecasting have some uncertainties. These uncertainties are modeled using Monte Carlo method for stochastic price variable scenario generation. MATLAB software is employed for simulation and verification of the proposed method. Manuscript profile
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        22 - Reasons for the decrease in the study and study of economic factors affecting book publishing in Iran
        mahboube  Esmaili Hesari Mohammad Mirbagherijam
        The publication of books in any society is one of the important indicators of intellectual and spiritual growth. The process of book production in Iran, like any other society, is one of the most important indicators and signs of the quality of cultural and intellectual More
        The publication of books in any society is one of the important indicators of intellectual and spiritual growth. The process of book production in Iran, like any other society, is one of the most important indicators and signs of the quality of cultural and intellectual life. The importance of this issue doubles when enrichment and quality of cultural and intellectual life of Iranian society is one of the most important goals of the Islamic Revolution and political system. It turns out that it has a serious and prominent manifestation in the cultural policies of the country and especially in development programs. The purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of macroeconomic variables on book publishing in Iran between 1978 and 2017. Therefore, EVIEWS software and hybrid data method have been used to estimate the model data. The results show that the variables of inflation rate and interest rate have a significant and negative effect, the variables of literacy rate, total population and gender composition of the population have a significant and positive effect on book demand and paper price and income variables did not affect book demand in the country. The results of this study can help the country's cultural policy makers in decision-making and increase the demand for books in society. Manuscript profile
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        23 - Analysis of factors affecting the development of tourism demand based on ecotourism in rural areas of Guilan
        Farhad Javan Naimabadi Nazanin
        The present study investigates the factors affecting the development of tourism demand based on ecotourism in rural areas of Gilan. The research method is analytical and the purpose of the research is practical. In order to analyze the data, SPSS software and FARAS mode More
        The present study investigates the factors affecting the development of tourism demand based on ecotourism in rural areas of Gilan. The research method is analytical and the purpose of the research is practical. In order to analyze the data, SPSS software and FARAS model were used. The results of the exploratory analysis model showed that in the physical factor, the sub-criterion (existence of beautiful and unique landscapes) had the highest percentage of effect and the criterion (suitability of recreational and sports equipment) had the least effect, in the economic factor, the sub-criterion (cheapness) Travel to the villages of Gilan) the most impact and and sub-criteria (reasonable prices of welfare accommodations and tourist suites) have the least impact, finally the social factor, sub-criteria (attractive lifestyle of the people of Gilan village for tourists) the most impact and Sub-criteria (level of awareness and education of rural residents towards tourists) has the least impact on the development of ecotourism demand in rural areas of Gilan. The results of the gray Aras model showed that the physical dimension with weight (0.590), the social and cultural dimension with weight (0.542), the economic dimension with weight (0.389), the highest and the lowest, respectively. They have the highest rankings. Manuscript profile
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        24 - Investigation of Demand-Resources-Support Job Design Model in the Industrial, Financial, Healthcare, and Public Workplaces
        Hamidreza Oreyzi
        To investigate the effects of job demands on employees in job design, several models have been developed. One of these models is demand-resource-support model. It seems that this model varies in different organizational workplaces because of special features of these se More
        To investigate the effects of job demands on employees in job design, several models have been developed. One of these models is demand-resource-support model. It seems that this model varies in different organizational workplaces because of special features of these settings. This study was conduc-ted to investigate the demand-resources-support job design model in the industrial, financial, healthcare, and public workplaces. The re-search samples were selected from four sec-tors, namely industry (n=928), healthcare (n=526), financial department (n=483), and public organizations (n=582). The samples res-ponded to research instruments consisting of Time, Physical Effort, Autonomy, Skill Utili-zation, Social Support, Occupational Safety, Task Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment, and Fatigue Questionnaires. Evaluation of measurement equivalence in four selections were tested via factor invariance technique. The re-sults showed that the six-factor model has a better fit than other models both in terms of the chi square indexes (respectively, in industry=1.85, in hospitals=1.67, in business =1.71, in governmental organizations =1.92) and in terms of absolute and detailed indexes (in all four groups, these values only reach to optimal levels=0.90 in the fifth model), as well as in terms of residual indexes (the amounts in all four groups in the fifth model were less than 0.04). The results showed that, in all four sections, skill utilization predicts task satis-faction and organizational commitment. The required time factor predicts the fatigue, and social support predicts all three variables of task satisfaction, organizational commitment, and fatigue. Manuscript profile
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        25 - Investigation of Demand-Resources-Support Job Design Model in the Industrial, Financial, Healthcare, and Public Workplaces
        Hamidreza Oreyzi hajar barati
        To investigate the effects of job demands on employees in job design, several models have been developed. One of these models is demand-resource-support model. It seems that this model varies in different orga-nizational workplaces because of special fea-tures of these More
        To investigate the effects of job demands on employees in job design, several models have been developed. One of these models is demand-resource-support model. It seems that this model varies in different orga-nizational workplaces because of special fea-tures of these settings. This study was conduc-ted to investigate the demand-resources-sup-port job design model in the industrial, finan-cial, healthcare, and public workplaces. The re-search samples were selected from four sec-tors, namely industry (n=928), healthcare (n=526), financial department (n=483), and public organizations (n=582). The samples res-ponded to research instruments consisting of Time, Physical Effort, Autonomy, Skill Utili-zation, Social Support, Occupational Safety, Task Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment,and Fatigue Questionnaires. Evaluation of mea-surement equivalence in four selections were tested via factor invariance technique. The re-sults showed that the six-factor model has a better fit than other models both in terms of the chi square indexes (respectively, in indus-try=1.85, in hospitals=1.67, in business =1.71, in governmental organizations =1.92) and in terms of absolute and detailed indexes (in all four groups, these values only reach to optimal levels=0.90 in the fifth model), as well as in terms of residual indexes (the amounts in all four groups in the fifth model were less than 0.04). The results showed that, in all four sections, skill utilization predicts task satis-faction and organizational commitment. The required time factor predicts the fatigue, and social support predicts all three variables of task satisfaction, organizational commitment, and fatigue. Manuscript profile
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        26 - Assessing Users’ Recreational Demand in Urban Parks in Tehran with the Help of the Artificial Neural Network
        The advantages of public green spaces are clear. However, it is hard to estimate which parks provide higher standards for users’ (both tourists and citizens) recreational demands. This study provided a model to assess recreational demands in urban parks with the help of More
        The advantages of public green spaces are clear. However, it is hard to estimate which parks provide higher standards for users’ (both tourists and citizens) recreational demands. This study provided a model to assess recreational demands in urban parks with the help of the artificial neural network. The aim was to clarify the rules of satisfaction among the users’ recreational demands in urban parks. In 22 districts of the city of Tehran, 104 local urban parks (with a high diversity of the quality of welfare services and design) were selected. Using the user-centered viewpoint, we assessed the recreational demand. A field study from 1395 to 1396 helped to investigate the role of the urban district and park service variables in increasing the demand for urban parks. Results of trained networks showed that the artificial neural network created the best function of topology optimization with a higher coefficient of determination in three categorists of training, validation, and test data. Sensitivity analysis showed that the number of urban district parks, sports areas, cultural areas, and the quality of landscape with a sensitivity coefficient of 183.5, 58.1, 52.7, and 30.4, respectively, had the highest effect on the users’ recreational demand in urban parks. The suggested model would be a decision support system in designing urban parks. Such an approach would help improve urban development based on tourism attractions and would develop urban tourism on a broader scale. Manuscript profile
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        27 - The situation of ecotourism demand Gilan province with an emphasis on social and economic factors
        mehdi hesam hasan oroji mahdi cheraghi
        Ecotourism has attracted much attention in recent years. A critical issue in ecotourism is to understand the state of demands. Demand is typically measured in terms of the tourism market. The tourism market is linked to the region of tourism products, and the characteri More
        Ecotourism has attracted much attention in recent years. A critical issue in ecotourism is to understand the state of demands. Demand is typically measured in terms of the tourism market. The tourism market is linked to the region of tourism products, and the characteristics and preferences of their representatives. Noting ecotourism, this study analyzed the demand situation of ecotourism in Gilan province. The statistical population of all tourists entering Gilan province was 384 individuals. Wilcoxon, Binomial, and T-test were used to analyze the data. The results showed that the role of geo-touristic attractions such as coasts and forest areas was essential for the present and future travel of tourists to Gilan. However, the goal of many tourists to these attractions was mere fun. Thus, they suggested little ecotourism motives. The services of the indigenous people and lodging in indigenous resorts did not have high effects on the travel of tourists and did not create much incentive for them. Manuscript profile
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        28 - Assessing the Elasticity of Health Tourism Demand from Middle Eastern Countries
        hamid  asayesh mahdi kamali hadi rahmani fazli
        Comprising medical and health (prevention) types of tourism, health tourism is of great importance for Iran, considering the country’s potential medical capabilities (the presence of qualified practicing physicians and extensive medical and treatment facilities) and app More
        Comprising medical and health (prevention) types of tourism, health tourism is of great importance for Iran, considering the country’s potential medical capabilities (the presence of qualified practicing physicians and extensive medical and treatment facilities) and appropriate natural health resources (such as hot springs, salt domes, salt lakes, and Mud therapy facilities). Moreover, the capacity of health tourism in terms of foreign exchange earnings is more than three times than that of ordinary international tourism. However, despite its great capacities, Iran has a modest share of the health tourism market, the increase in which requires the assessment of the elasticity of health tourism demand from the Middle East in terms of the relevant effective factors. Therefore, this study sought to find answers to the following basic questions: 1- What are the factors affecting the demand for health tourism? 2- What is the elasticity of the demand for health tourism in terms of such factors? To this end, this study assessed the demand for health tourism using the Almost Ideal Demand System (AIDS) and the simultaneous equation Model. Moreover, a questionnaire was administered to 182 tourists coming from the Persian Gulf countries to express their opinion regarding health tourism and estimate the elasticity of health tourism demands in terms of relevant effective factors. The results of the AIDS estimations revealed that the price elasticity of health tourism demand was greater than one, while the price elasticity of other products and accommodation services was less than one. Moreover, it was found that the elasticity of health tourists' demand from Iran belonged to significant variables such as the tourist’s income level, visa validity, expenses, exchange rate variations, and the inflation rate. Manuscript profile
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        29 - The Impact of Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Indicators on Foreign Tourism Demand in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA)
        Fatemeh Rahmani Ali Rahnama
        Today, the role of the tourism industry has been accepted as a category in creating fields of interaction between the countries of the world. Tourism in developed and developing countries is one of the basic approaches in creating sustainable employment, increasing per More
        Today, the role of the tourism industry has been accepted as a category in creating fields of interaction between the countries of the world. Tourism in developed and developing countries is one of the basic approaches in creating sustainable employment, increasing per capita income, and diversifying sources of income. Various indicators affect the development of this industry and the number of tourists attracted by countries. Due to the importance of this issue, this study examines the effect of travel and tourism competitiveness indicators on foreign tourism demand in the Middle East and North Africa. The panel data model was used to measure the impact of these indicators for 15 countries in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) for the years 2011-2019, whose information is available in the Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Report. According to the results of this study, the three variables "air transport infrastructure", "labor market and human resources" and "price competitiveness" had the highest impact on attracting foreign tourists to the surveyed countries. Manuscript profile
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        30 - Investigating the Factors Affecting the Demand for Medical Tourism in Mashhad
        Fatemeh Rahmani pejman avazpoor
        As one of the largest and most profitable sub-sectors of tourism worldwide, Medical Tourism is considered an economic activity involving service exchanges, representing the link between at least medicine and tourism sectors. Therefore, this study sought to investigate t More
        As one of the largest and most profitable sub-sectors of tourism worldwide, Medical Tourism is considered an economic activity involving service exchanges, representing the link between at least medicine and tourism sectors. Therefore, this study sought to investigate the factors affecting the demands for medical tourism in Mashhad using the Multinomial Logit Model, which was estimated by Stata 16 software. The statistical population of the study comprised of domestic medical tourists who visited Mashhad in 2021, out of whom 150 people were selected as the participants. The dependent variable of the study was the demand for medical tourism in Mashhad, that was divided into low, high, and medium classes, and the required data was collected by administering a questionnaire. Accordingly, it was found that an increase in the quality of medical and urban services, low medical costs, and an increase in the tourists’ income would increase the demand for medical tourism in Mashhad. Moreover, the quality of medical services’ sub-indices and urban factors were also evaluated separately by the tourists who participated in this study. Manuscript profile
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        31 - Social Impact Assessment of BRT Line Displacement in Mowlavi Street
        Zahra  Khastoo
        Deputy of Transportation and Traffic of Tehran Municipal Region 12 has presented a plan to displace the BRT line from the south side of Mowlavi Street to the middle in order to increase safety and organize public transportation. This paper aims to study the social and c More
        Deputy of Transportation and Traffic of Tehran Municipal Region 12 has presented a plan to displace the BRT line from the south side of Mowlavi Street to the middle in order to increase safety and organize public transportation. This paper aims to study the social and cultural impacts of this intervention on the social life of Mowlavi Street in accordance with the stakeholders’ needs, situations, and opinions. The main methodology of this research is based on qualitative approach and phenomenological method using in-depth interview and focus group techniques. Accordingly, relying on the theoretical framework of livability. several concepts such as sustainability, sustainable transportation, quality of life and safety have been brought forth. The findings indicate that the displacement of Mowlavi BRT line can increase street safety; however, this requires a high level of organizational cooperation of Traffic Police on this street. On the other hand, one-way to two-way street conversion which is also aligned with the local residents’ and businesses’ social and economic benefits in Harandi and Takhti neighborhoods, can increase the transportation demand for Mowlavi Street. Manuscript profile
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        32 - An Evaluation of the UN's Human Rights and Demand-Oriented Approach to Counter Narcotics Policies
        Esmaeil Baghaeihamaneh Ali Ghasemifard
        The UN has initiated a demand-oriented approach regarding narcotics and simultaneously has adopted supply-oriented policy, since 1989. This initiative is considered to be the result of some adverse consequences of coercive approaches toward the supply of narcotics. In t More
        The UN has initiated a demand-oriented approach regarding narcotics and simultaneously has adopted supply-oriented policy, since 1989. This initiative is considered to be the result of some adverse consequences of coercive approaches toward the supply of narcotics. In this regard, this article aims to study the reasons of failure of the supply-oriented approach, and then to describe the elements of the demand-oriented approach of UN regarding narcotics, by using a bibliographical analysis as well as studying the UN orientations and approaches of UN regarding narcotics. The results of the supply-oriented approach to counter narcotics is considered unfavorable, and in some cases wholly adversarial to the objectives. By considering the increasing importance of human rights literature in the world, in general, and in the UN in particular, the scope of countering narcotics is now considered to be overshadowed by human rights, which consequently affected the UN approach to counter narcotics. Manuscript profile
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        33 - Multi-Objective Economic-Environment Scheduling of Microgrids in the Presence of Hybrid Electric Vehicles and Demand Response to Smooth the Distribution Nodal Prices
        ali mirzaei NAVID TAGHIZADEGAN KALANTARI Sajad Najafi Ravadanegh
        Today, with the growing demand for hybrid electric vehicles in microgrids, electricity supply, environmental issues, and rescheduling are among the challenges of microgrids that must be solved and suitable solutions provided. To overcome these challenges, this paper int More
        Today, with the growing demand for hybrid electric vehicles in microgrids, electricity supply, environmental issues, and rescheduling are among the challenges of microgrids that must be solved and suitable solutions provided. To overcome these challenges, this paper introduces a new multi-objective optimization model, which in the first objective, minimizes the total operation cost of the microgrid, and in the second objective, improves the reliability index by reducing the amount of energy not supplied. Due to these two objectives, a multi-objective evolutionary seagull optimization algorithm is used to find the optimal global solutions. In this regard, hybrid electric vehicles and demand response programs are used to smooth out distribution nodal prices and reduce CO2 emissions. The 69-bus distribution network has been used to evaluate the efficiency of the proposed method. Manuscript profile