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        1 - Factors and backgrounds of the emergence of new commercial complex at Modernization beginning of the first Pahlavi period (Case study: Qom)
        masoud nari ghomi mehdi momtahen Ali Omrani pour
        The history of popular architecture of Iran has rarely been a subject of academic inquiry. During transitional period of modernity (from late Qajar dynasty to the early Pahlavi era) some small commercial complexes emerged in larger cities of Iran that were largely disti More
        The history of popular architecture of Iran has rarely been a subject of academic inquiry. During transitional period of modernity (from late Qajar dynasty to the early Pahlavi era) some small commercial complexes emerged in larger cities of Iran that were largely distinct from traditional elements of Bazaars specially Tymchehs, but they were not completely copied from European examples. Here through interpretative-historical research method and based upon original documents and contextual reasoning, the roots of emerging of such mediatory commercial architectural patterns are studied. Three foreign patterns are discussed as model for these commercial examples: Badestens of Ottomans, Russian passages and Parisian arcades. Other than some internal factors are also analyzed and amongst them are demolition of houses for new street, conflicts of Reza Shah with bazaar merchants, the role of travelers to the West, the impact of new architectural technologies and the extension of traditional architectural patterns. The effectiveness of every factor is studied and documented for the examples of the city of Qom. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Modeling of Traditional Iranian Bazaar in Designing Commercial Complexes with the Approach of Promoting Social Interactions
        farzin tavakoli Saeed Azemati Sara Zohari
        Traditional markets have long been central to the presence of the people and are the core of organization and interaction in the social and economic environment of cities. Today, commercial complexes are a good platform and space for social relations. In these complexes More
        Traditional markets have long been central to the presence of the people and are the core of organization and interaction in the social and economic environment of cities. Today, commercial complexes are a good platform and space for social relations. In these complexes, the activity of guilds and being public can lead to the presence of people in the space and create an environment for promoting interactions, vitality, dynamism and social growth of the city. This letter aims to reach to solutions in promoting social interactions in commercial complexes regardiding the pattern of traditional markets. The hypothesis of this study is that there is a significant relationship between legibility patterns, sense of place, stillness, dynamics, motion, light, variety of form and geometry and patterns of activity in traditional Iranian markets with social interactions. The research method of this article is a combination, in the first part, the physical components of the market were extracted by using library studies and observing and examining a case study of the Isfahan market, and in the second part, through open interviews with twelve experts in the field of architecture, the effective components were determined using the snowball method. . In the next step, the data obtained from the case sample was analyzed in a quantitative way using a questionnaire that was distributed among the users of commercial spaces in Region 5, in order to identify the components that can be used in today's commercial complexes. The obtained results show that using the components of sense of place, vitality, and spatial permeability and diversity in the design of commercial complexes can improve social interactions among users of these spaces. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Consumer Culture in Commercial Complexes of Iran's Metropolises
        Mahdi Fallahi Hana Yazdanfar
        <p>This study examines consumer culture within commercial complexes in Iran's metropolises. Over the past two decades, Iran's major cities have witnessed significant developments in the construction of commercial complexes, which have also become symbols of social and c More
        <p>This study examines consumer culture within commercial complexes in Iran's metropolises. Over the past two decades, Iran's major cities have witnessed significant developments in the construction of commercial complexes, which have also become symbols of social and cultural significance. The aim of this research is to analyze the factors influencing the formation of consumer culture in these complexes and their social, cultural, and economic impacts. The primary issue addressed in this paper is how economic transformations, globalization, social changes, and modern technologies affect consumer culture in commercial complexes of metropolises. Specifically, the research question focuses on how these factors have altered consumption patterns and purchasing behaviors, and what effects they have on social interactions and cultural identity. The research methodology involves analyzing existing literature, conducting interviews with experts, and evaluating field data from various commercial complexes. This approach examines economic and social changes and their impact on consumer patterns, while also analyzing the effects of technology and globalization on consumer preferences. The findings indicate that commercial complexes function not only as shopping centers but also as important social and cultural spaces. Economic changes and increased household incomes have led to higher demand for luxury goods, while globalization and modern technologies have influenced consumer preferences. These complexes provide opportunities for social and cultural interactions and contribute to the economic development of metropolises.</p> Manuscript profile