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        1 - Designing Sustainability Comprehensive Framework for Banking: Using Meta Synthesis and Structural Modeling Interpretation
        Emad Nobahar Mahmoud Dehghan Nayeri Adel Azar Ali  RajabZadeh ghatari
        Today, bank Businesses are pressured by their stakeholders to address sustainability issues in their activities. Consequently, attention to sustainability and social responsibility in the banking business is increasing day by day. Accordingly, the main purpose of this s More
        Today, bank Businesses are pressured by their stakeholders to address sustainability issues in their activities. Consequently, attention to sustainability and social responsibility in the banking business is increasing day by day. Accordingly, the main purpose of this study is to provide a framework for sustainability in bank Business. To this end, by using the Meta-synthesis approach, the 268 open codes related to sustainability in the banking industry were extracted from related articles and related studies and these open codes formed 59 axial codes. Then, these axial codes were categorized based on similarities in concepts to 10 themes of economic partnership, financial factors, energy use, environmental action, community participation, development of human resources, customer relationship, products and services, human rights issue , and governance. In the following, they were categorized into four including economic, social, and environmental and governance sustainability. Moreover, ISM structured the relationships between the themes while leveling them in a structural model based on the experts’ interprets. According to the results, the theme of human rights is at the lowest level and considered as the basis for bank sustainability. In addition, human rights, human resources, products and services, and customer relationship themes were placed in the independent area of the MICMAC chart that shows the key role and influence of these factors on other factors in the sustainability of bank business. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Identify the critical factors for sustainable banking success with a mixed approach
        Alireza Aliahmadi Mir Hamid Taghavi Ali Bonyadi Naeini
        A new concept in the area of achieving sustainable development goals is sustainable banking which is of particular importance in developing countries. To succeed in achieving sustainable banking goals, it is necessary to identify and conceptualize the underlying factors More
        A new concept in the area of achieving sustainable development goals is sustainable banking which is of particular importance in developing countries. To succeed in achieving sustainable banking goals, it is necessary to identify and conceptualize the underlying factors. This paper aims to identify the critical factors for sustainable banking success. This paper is an applied research in terms of purpose and has been done with a cross-sectional survey approach. Semi-structured interviews and expert questionnaire were used for data collection. The statistical population of the study consists of managers and experts of the central bank selected by purposeful sampling from among these experts. The research methodology is a mixed (qualitative-quantitative) approach. In the qualitative phase, the thematic analysis method is used to identify the critical factors for sustainable banking success. Then, at the quantitative stage, the identified factors are screened and prioritized based on the Fuzzy Delphi and SWARA method. The results show that the critical success factors of sustainable banking can be categorized into three factors: input factors, process factors and output factors. Support entrepreneurs, marketing management, clear regulation and process evaluation are of the utmost importance in the field of sustainable banking. Manuscript profile