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      • Open Access Article

        1 - Social Protection of Street and Labor Children
        Nasim Khodakhah
        Throughout history the child has been exposed to various abuses due to certain physical and mental characteristics. The specific situation of street children has caused them to be exposed to various types of abuse and harm in the community in the family environment, and More
        Throughout history the child has been exposed to various abuses due to certain physical and mental characteristics. The specific situation of street children has caused them to be exposed to various types of abuse and harm in the community in the family environment, and they need a lot of support, including legal protection. The phenomenon of street children and work is one of the problems facing most of the major cities in the contemporary world. Children are forced to work due to their particular circumstances, and this has led to positive and negative changes in their self-reflection of their peers. The issue of addressing poverty and children and solving street children's problems is a matter that will only be solved with the cooperation of international governments, international governmental organizations and international NGOs, such as Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, and will work closely with the rights of children's rights activists. The social status of these children is very unfavorable and street children are more likely to be subjected to sexual assaults and illnesses such as AIDS, sexual violence and forced pregnancy if they are girls. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Critical Analysis and Survey Politics and Presented Solutions to Protection from Working and Street Children
        Hosein Khobbakht Bentolhoda Niknami
        Problem of working children and street children is one of the most issues related to children in developing and developed societies, there are between 100 up 150 million street children in the world. Cannot presented estimated right from number of this children, because More
        Problem of working children and street children is one of the most issues related to children in developing and developed societies, there are between 100 up 150 million street children in the world. Cannot presented estimated right from number of this children, because there is no definition accurate from this issue and states don’t express breadth of this the phenomenon in yourself country clearly, different and damaging politics by authorities and social factors and family .unfortunately it has provoked to this problem such as unmatched the rules in country and no conformity of existence ruled and a lack of sanctions in encounter of offenders and lack of awareness families from laws of children that indicates this is necessity to confront to the phenomenon more than ever the present article is trying to express solutions direction improvement of children situations after cash politics and survey problems of this children. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Criminological Legal-Sociological Analysis of Street Children's Delinquency (From Family to Society and Industry)
        zahra Aghababa fahim mostafa zade Alireza  MOHAMMADBEYKI
        The problem of delinquency and victimization of children and teenagers is one of the important social issues that has been very busy in today's world. Since then, the majority of researchers, sociologists, criminologists, psychologists, psychiatrists and education speci More
        The problem of delinquency and victimization of children and teenagers is one of the important social issues that has been very busy in today's world. Since then, the majority of researchers, sociologists, criminologists, psychologists, psychiatrists and education specialists in the modern countries of the world have been trying to find a solution to prevent crime among children and teenagers. Various opinions have been expressed about the reason for the increase in crime and victimization in our time. Some of the researchers consider the increase in crime in today's world to be one of the specialties of the current civilized societies and they believe that in the same proportion as human beings advance with all their might towards industrial and material progress and development, in the same proportion, breaking the law, delinquency and committing anti-social acts in Industrial societies are expanding and spiritual peace and tranquility are decreasing in such societies. Accordingly, in this article, with the descriptive-analytical method and content analysis, he investigated this important issue in the collection of Islamic penal laws, labor, criminal procedure and protection of children and adolescents, and the most important result of this study is that the examination of the various articles of the above four laws There are complete and progressive rules and regulations in the field of children and adolescents in Iran's legal system, but the most important obstacle is in the implementation process and its guarantees. The most important suggestion is not to enter this group into criminal-punitive proceedings Manuscript profile