• List of Articles Satan

      • Open Access Article

        faride davoudi moghadam
        In the history of mysticism, some mystics for their praise of Eblis (satan) are known as defenders of satan. People like Hallaj, Aeinol-Ghozat Hamedani, Ahmand Al-Ghazali, Kharaghani and so, have defended Satan in two following ways. One, because of putting it in tr More
        In the history of mysticism, some mystics for their praise of Eblis (satan) are known as defenders of satan. People like Hallaj, Aeinol-Ghozat Hamedani, Ahmand Al-Ghazali, Kharaghani and so, have defended Satan in two following ways. One, because of putting it in trial by God (ebtela) and the other, because of deep devotion and intuition of Satan. Sanaaei Ghaznavi with his following ode (ghazal) is considered to be one of those Satan defenders: با او دلم به مهر و مودت يگانه بود سيمرغ عشق را دل من آشيانه بود The aim of this research is to put light on this problem, whether we are able to consider Sanaaei as a Satan defender with referring to only an ode (Ghazal) which is attributed to him, whereas he has got many other poems against Satan. So, whether we are right to consider him as a pro-Satan or anti-Satan with referring to his texts and verses which are collected in his Masnavis, Diwan and Hadigahtol-Haghigheh. With surveying his texts, we are coming to know that Sanaaei could not be considered as Satan defender, but, on the other hand this ode also is expressed in all his manuscripts. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Fakhr al-Din al-Razi on the Role of Satan in Occurrence of Moral Evil
        Akram Salehi رضا اکبری
        According to al-Razi, Satan contributes to the occurrence of moral evil by appealing to temptation (which is reified as void promises, magic, embellishment, etc.). He contends that at times, Satan represents himself as a human being, and at others communicates directly More
        According to al-Razi, Satan contributes to the occurrence of moral evil by appealing to temptation (which is reified as void promises, magic, embellishment, etc.). He contends that at times, Satan represents himself as a human being, and at others communicates directly with intrinsic forces (especially estimation and imagination) and inspires satanic thoughts to individuals by temptation. Satanic thoughts result in individuals' heedlessness and by causing epistemic inversion, deviates the will from the right path. He believes that acquiescence in the Satanic thoughts results from damage to reason, poorness of memory, the appeal to lust and wrath forces, etc. and the appeal to God, wisdom, worship, angels’ help, etc. prevents people from acquiescence in such thoughts. In this article, we aim at finding a new solution to the contemporary problem of evil through the works of al-Razi. We have used the hermeneutical method for extraction of al-Razi’s ideas and the analytical method for the reconstruction of his solution to the problem of evil. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Satan's suspicious (From the point of view of theology)
        masoumeh saeid
        One of the questions raised in the field of belief and based on some theological differences is why God created Satan and gave him a long life to mislead all human beings until the Day of Judgment and if there was no world without evil It was better. This suspicion has More
        One of the questions raised in the field of belief and based on some theological differences is why God created Satan and gave him a long life to mislead all human beings until the Day of Judgment and if there was no world without evil It was better. This suspicion has been raised by the devil himself in a hypothetical debate with angels. We examine it with a descriptive-analytical approach. The answer to this question is to speak of Satan's existence and its existential benefits to man and the material world and the benefits of evil and hardship in life. Also, the reason for giving the devil time off may be to the devil himself and increase his sins Or the reason for this is the emergence of more divine power for all human beings over time and the promotion of human status in the shadow of divine will and test. And what is certain is that all of this can be put together and does not contradict each other. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Ibn Arabi and Divine Wisdom on the Word “Adam”: A Study of a Comprehensive Image of Adam in Fusus al-Hikam
        Masood  Ahmadi Afzadi Nawab  Moqarrabi
        The most important point in the “Adam” chapter of Ibn Arabi’s book of Fusus al-hikam pertains to the whyness of the creation of Adam and the world. Within our religious and Islamic context, the first response to this question is based on the famous holy hadith that cons More
        The most important point in the “Adam” chapter of Ibn Arabi’s book of Fusus al-hikam pertains to the whyness of the creation of Adam and the world. Within our religious and Islamic context, the first response to this question is based on the famous holy hadith that considers the Divine Knowledge as the basis and reason of creation. However, this knowledge-based response is too vague and insufficient to explain the whole story and needs to be expanded. One can view this problem from another perspective: there are, in fact, two different views; one is based on a general image of believers in Abrahamic religions, and the other rests upon the oneness of being. In the latter image, which is the most important image for epistemologists in the field of Divine Knowledge, God is both the outermost and the innermost; He is both the beginning and the end. Adam (human being) is both creation and truth; he is the gathering point of all divine names, and the world is a mirror in which God and Adam see themselves. The angels are also the powers of the world; glory and beauty are the two hands of God. Moreover, the perfect Man is the same single soul. Finally, it is noted that God’s vicegerent on Earth possesses both the image of God and the image of the world. In this paper, the writers have tried to explore this image from various angles and, ultimately, provide a comprehensive picture of the problem under debate. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - with an Emphasis on the Discourse of Satan in the Quran
        mohammad hosein shir afkan ali reza ghaemi nia
        Mankind craves for perfection and in order for his growth, he needs to identify obstacles facing in his path. One of the main obstacles on his path which keeps him aloof from Allah is Satan. Hence, identifying and recognizing Satan as a great barrier which prevents him More
        Mankind craves for perfection and in order for his growth, he needs to identify obstacles facing in his path. One of the main obstacles on his path which keeps him aloof from Allah is Satan. Hence, identifying and recognizing Satan as a great barrier which prevents him from reaching a defined objective is necessary. In the Holy Quran there are many conversations, including those suggested by Satan. Mentioning Satan’s dialogues in the Quran demonstrates the importance of this matter in the sight of Allah. In this paper, verses containing the words of Satan are investigated and analyzed based on cognitive conceptualization in order to explain and recognize the reality of Satan’s words in the Quran and the way they make sense in this group of verses. It considers Satan’s words in five categories, of Satan’s superiority, asking for respite, dominance, seeking good and Satan’s promise, the mind can make a good concept of these matters and is ready to analyze them. In conclusion, it can be said that Satan’s mental space stands against the divine mental space and the followers of each have tendency toward the mental space in accordance with their capacity and thoughts. Manuscript profile