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        1 - Right to Food from Perspective of Instruments of International Law with Emphasis to Nutrition Right of Children
        Manuchehr Tavassoli Naini Ghazaleh Behzadfar
        The right to food is one of the basic and fundamental rights for every person. In order to be able to benefit from other rights, people’s nutritional needs must first be satisfied. Without securing and attending to this right and innate need, a human will not be able to More
        The right to food is one of the basic and fundamental rights for every person. In order to be able to benefit from other rights, people’s nutritional needs must first be satisfied. Without securing and attending to this right and innate need, a human will not be able to live and benefit from the rest of human rights. The right to food is not a separate and distinct topic, it's one of the subsets rights of economic and social rights that are recognized under the title of right to adequate standards of living including right to food. The result of this research shows that in addition to the universal importance of right to food and nutrition, children’s nutrition is more important because of their age and health status. Child nutrition as well as other rights, particularly right to education is very closely related. These are the things that turn the right to food into one of the most important human rights that requires attention, infringement on which should be followed up and investigated. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - The Role of International Organizations in the Realization of the Right to Food
        Farhad Talaie علی رزمخواه
        The right to food, a basic right of every person, is the right to be free from hunger and have sustained access to food with acceptable quantity and quality which would meet their food and cultural needs. Although States are the main parties responsible for the realiz More
        The right to food, a basic right of every person, is the right to be free from hunger and have sustained access to food with acceptable quantity and quality which would meet their food and cultural needs. Although States are the main parties responsible for the realization of human rights, both at domestic and international levels, increased activities of international organizations on an international scale, especially in the field of human rights, have raised questions as to the role of these organizations in realizing the human right to food and how they discharge that role. As argued in this paper, international organizations play an effective and unique role in the realization of the right to food at the international level. It is also noted that such international bodies address different aspects of the various issues related to the right to food. The paper concludes that the main goal of such activities is to realize the human right to food, especially for the poor people suffering the worst from unfavorable food security in the world. Manuscript profile