• List of Articles Qur'an

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        1 - Criticism and examination of the doubts about the necessity of obedience to the Holy Prophet (PBUH)
        najmeh ansari alireza mokhtari mohsen zarei jalyani
        There is no doubt that God Almighty has called people to absolute obedience to the Holy Prophet in the Holy Qur'an, because in many verses of the Qur'an, obedience to God and His Messenger is accompanied by the fact that wherever obedience to God Almighty comes, it come More
        There is no doubt that God Almighty has called people to absolute obedience to the Holy Prophet in the Holy Qur'an, because in many verses of the Qur'an, obedience to God and His Messenger is accompanied by the fact that wherever obedience to God Almighty comes, it comes with obedience to the Prophet. The word "obedience to God and obedience to the Messenger" has been explained. Has reviewed and answered based on Quranic arguments and narration. The result of this article is that obedience and obedience to the Prophet, like obedience to God Almighty, is obligatory and necessary under the command and words of the Prophet and the words of God Almighty. Manuscript profile
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        2 - study and classification of science and knowledge in the hole Qur’ani
        MAHDI ESMAEILI SADR ABADI Najmeh .kazemi
        simultaneous to the revelation of Qur'an, the early foundations of the Qur'anic sciences were based. Therefore, this knowledge appeared shortly after revelation of Quran and developed with a number of companions and followers. Therefore, what has been left today is a pr More
        simultaneous to the revelation of Qur'an, the early foundations of the Qur'anic sciences were based. Therefore, this knowledge appeared shortly after revelation of Quran and developed with a number of companions and followers. Therefore, what has been left today is a precious treasure in various periods and fields by the scholars who were living in the beginning of Islam. Based on this fact, it is important to study the question how were defined these materials in viewpoint of scholars, as the scholars had special categorization based on their own criteria in last centuries. Based on what was mentioned, the present analytical-descriptive research, the present article seeks to clarify and classify this important issue according to the two criteria of the internal and external Qur'anic sciences. The results of this paper indicate the specializing the Olum Fi'lQur'an to the internal sciences and Olum Li'lQur'an to the external sciences, which the introduction to Understanding the content of the Holy Qur'an. Therefore, throughout the mentioned classification, the Holy Qur'an is the proper central matter. Manuscript profile
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        3 - The Relationship between Economic Development and Economic Justice from the Perspective of the Qur'an
        Mohammad parsaian
        The model of economic development of the West as the utopia of the present century has attracted the attention of less developed countries, But its implementation in many countries has had consequences and conflicts such as class divisions, injustice and the decline of More
        The model of economic development of the West as the utopia of the present century has attracted the attention of less developed countries, But its implementation in many countries has had consequences and conflicts such as class divisions, injustice and the decline of values and it has raised questions about the relationship between justice and development. Economic development in Islam is based on the principles and values ​​of revelation, which, despite having commonalities with the development process in the West, follows a separate path due to differences in the principles, culture and goals. In this study, after studying the concept of Development and Economic Justice in the Holy Quran, it was found that these two concepts are very similar to each other and in fact it can be said that development is the path to social justice and both are united in the behavioral pattern of the divine caliph. Justice and development are both the ultimate goals of Islamic economics and the foundation of each other, and they do not work without each other. Economic justice also affects in the areas of resource utilization and opportunities, human development, production and consumption flows, trade and redistribution, increasing security and economic trust, and double efficiency. Manuscript profile
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        4 - Proving the scientific miracle of Aaraf verse 189 and using it in explaining the topic of fertilization of sperm and ovule in 11th grade biology textbook
        Sina Aghaei
        In the scientific interpretation of the Qur'an, the verses whose miraculous aspects are examined are more important. The miracle of the Quran is one of the favorite topics of commentators and religious researchers in the present era; Because by means of it, the truth of More
        In the scientific interpretation of the Qur'an, the verses whose miraculous aspects are examined are more important. The miracle of the Quran is one of the favorite topics of commentators and religious researchers in the present era; Because by means of it, the truth of this divine religion can be proved. The presentation of religious topics, especially the miracles of the Qur'an, in the classroom can also be of great help in attracting students to religious education. So far, various scientific points from the verses of the Holy Quran have been discovered in connection with the topic of human creation. In this research article, based on library sources, a comparative comparison is made between the opinions of commentators, linguists and embryologists about verse 189 of Surah Al-A'raf, and using solid reasons, it is shown that the Quran tells a secret about the way in which the egg is contained by the sperms, fertilization between Their nucleus and zygote formation is mentioned. It should be mentioned that we have used the materials related to the subject mentioned in the 11th grade biology textbook for the purpose of effective and attractive teaching, so that students can be introduced to Quranic concepts through it. Manuscript profile
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        5 - A comparative study of the Qur'an's view with the theories of Rogers, Maslow and Viktor Frankl about strengthening the will
        shahin nalbandi gooyaghaj masoome ghanbarpoor
        In today's world, willpower is one of the efficiency factors in different dimensions of life, which increases the exposure to mental challenges and causes the growth and development of personal and work life. This issue is considered one of the basic issues of humanisti More
        In today's world, willpower is one of the efficiency factors in different dimensions of life, which increases the exposure to mental challenges and causes the growth and development of personal and work life. This issue is considered one of the basic issues of humanistic psychology, which is used to strengthen human self-awareness. On the other hand, the study of the verses of the Quran shows that a large number of verses are related to the will and ways to strengthen it. In the current research, it has been tried to express the necessary solutions in the matter of strengthening people's will by the analytical-descriptive method and by referring to the verses of the Quran and the theory of psychologists of the humanist school. From the point of view of the Qur'an, man is the best of God's creations and is moving towards God with infinite capabilities. Human talents flourish only in the path of divine approach; Therefore, according to the Qur'an, factors such as divine piety, jihad, fasting, prayer, patience, self-cultivation, etc. strengthen human will and movement. But the humanist school only pays attention to the known human capabilities and takes steps to strengthen the will to reach those capabilities. According to the humanist school, things such as self-knowledge, positive indoctrination, goal setting, determination, decision-making power, and self-respect influence human will. Manuscript profile
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        6 - Syntagmatic and Paradigmatic of the semantic field of the word chastity in the holy Qur'an and hadiths
        azam moazeni Sayyed Hussein  Roknoddini
        In explaining semantics of the word chastity in the holy Qur'an and hadiths, chastity implies a kind of restraint and continence performing a forbidden and ugly act or begging and unnecessary request with action with certain limits. The present study is filled w More
        In explaining semantics of the word chastity in the holy Qur'an and hadiths, chastity implies a kind of restraint and continence performing a forbidden and ugly act or begging and unnecessary request with action with certain limits. The present study is filled with statistical method – quantitatively and linguistic context in appropriate verses and traditions based on the concept of chastity with other concepts relevant to this term while using descriptive - analytic method in addition to establish the position of modesty in connection with the concepts of Qur'an and traditions ,has recognized certain words and related lexemes to morality It is widely stated with different functions. Collocations in two categories of mutual context and non-synonymous words reviewed and words rape, greed, lust, begging, signs of Islam and Shiism, zeal wisdom and the best worship was, and words restraint, refusal ,patience and retention in some ways they are some of the expressions used as substituents for chastity. But the word chastity preferable to substitute words in order to express the concept comprehensively and restrictively.. Manuscript profile
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        7 - Inquiry on the semantic hermeneutics of the translation of some words of Surah Al-Imran according to the commentators of the advanced centuries
        esmaeil hashemi seyed mohammad ali ayazi Mohammad Hosein  Tavanaei sareh Mahdi  Mehrizi toroghi
        strong objections to the translation of the Qur'an after the age of revelation and its limitation and conditioning within the framework of the apparent and literal meaning on the one hand and the formation of the first translations of this holy book in the old Persian More
        strong objections to the translation of the Qur'an after the age of revelation and its limitation and conditioning within the framework of the apparent and literal meaning on the one hand and the formation of the first translations of this holy book in the old Persian language on the other hand; This brought to mind the important issues that the commentators and translators of the early centuries have translated the verses of the Qur'an, especially the words and terms of Surah Al-Imran, with what bases and standards in that atmosphere of prohibition and inappropriateness of translation? And is it possible to get to the layers of meanings of the verses by only relying on the apparent meanings and provide a suitable translation to the audience of the Qur'an that can meet the needs of contemporary people in line with the global mission of the Qur'an? In this article, using the analytical-descriptive method, and using the most reliable sources of the translation of the Qur'an into ancient Persian, this issue has been investigated and explained based on the theory of semantic hermeneutics. The analyzes show that although the previous commentators and translators have used important and different methods in translating the Word of Revelation; But what has made the rank and position of these works great and has played an effective role in conveying the message and concepts of the verses, is their attention to multi-meaning perceptions - semantic hermeneutics - in the translation of Quranic words and terms; An issue that challenges the theory of the literalness of Quran translations in the first ten centuries after the Age of Revelation; But it has been neglected by scholars and Quranic thinkers. Manuscript profile
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        8 - Investigating the concept of social justice in Sayyid Qutb's thought (a case study of Tafsir FiZhalal Al- Qur'an)
        shahla darabpour reza shabani samghabadi javad heravi
        From the point of view of Islam, justice is considered to be a fundamental principle and the most important element of society, as the philosophy of sending prophets to establish equity and justice among the people has been known, hence the subject of justice has always More
        From the point of view of Islam, justice is considered to be a fundamental principle and the most important element of society, as the philosophy of sending prophets to establish equity and justice among the people has been known, hence the subject of justice has always been one of the concerns of mankind and the central concepts and theorizing of many experts and philosophes. Sayyid Qutb is one of the Muslim thinkers in the 20th century who has investigated the dimensions of social justice in Islam. The purpose of this research; The investigation of what is the concept of social justice in Sayyid Qutb's thought is based on the book "Tafsir Fi Zhalal Al-Qur'an" and how he reached his theory of social justice from those foundations. In this article, using the analytical- descriptive method the concept of social justice in the Tafsir Fi Zhalal Al- Qur'an according to Sayyid Qutb will be investigated. The results of the research show that social justice in the Tafsir Fi Zhalal AlQur'an is not an unattainable ideal, but this justice is through the creation of a justly and ethical society to transform a Qur'anic teaching into the reality of human society, based on the commands of the Qur'an, which is originated of a comprehensive ideological concept, in which the justice is not unrelated to the life of man and society, but has a meaning beyond the government and ontological and must be fulfilled in the individual and social action. Therefore, Sayyid Qutb knew the way to fulfill social justice in the justice in the social relations between individuals, economic justice, distributive justice and justly governance and responsibility of humans, whish fulfill under the banner of divine commandments. And its obstacles are the transformation of the Quranic instructions into the whims and fancies, corruption, disobedience of divine commandments, and unjustly distribution. He consider his reform vision for the society based on the fulfillment of social justice and achieving Islam foundations, applying its legitimacy, perform the foundations and implementation of the Islamic government as one of the most important goals of the Quran has been his main aim. Manuscript profile
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        9 - An approach to the religious identity components of a Muslim woman with additional emphasis on Fatemi (S)
        leila vatankhah kashi Mohammad Mahdi  Alimardi Hossein  Abdulmohammadi Mehrab  Sadegh Nia
        One of the most important challenges of the present age,which casts a shadow on the lives of a wide range of Muslims,is distancing from religious identity and the influence of fashionable culture;Something that has shaken the pillars of their personal,family and social More
        One of the most important challenges of the present age,which casts a shadow on the lives of a wide range of Muslims,is distancing from religious identity and the influence of fashionable culture;Something that has shaken the pillars of their personal,family and social life.Solving this challenge is possible only by redefining and recognizing Islamic identity in the form of presenting an objective model.In order to achieve this goal,the present article has examined the religious identity of a Muslim woman from the perspective of the Holy Qur'an and with a descriptive and analytical method.In this regard,several basic components have been taken into consideration to recognize and analyze the identity of a Muslim woman.The first component is the recognition of women's identity in "first ignorance"and the second component is recognition of women's identity and avoidance of it in "post-first" ignorance,which may exist in any age And today it is interpreted as "modern ignorance".The third component is to know the identity of women in Islam based on the theoretical foundations of Islam and the fourth component is to determine the ideal example of a "perfect Muslim woman" for role modeling. Therefore, the most important findings achieved by this research are: "The formation of women's identity in the first ignorance based on the lack of human rights and the instrumental view","The formation of women's identity in modern ignorance based on commodification in the form of scientific theories",and "The identification and identification of Muslim women based on dignity,rights and values human,and preserving privacy and personality".. Manuscript profile