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        1 - Identification of effective factors on crowdsourcing performance (Survey)
        Hanieh Javadi Khasraghi
        Web2 and the evolving vision of Web3 have a great effect on facilitation of information sharing, information aggregation, interoperability, user-centered design, collaboration on the World Wide Web, and crowd-centered services. New concept of Web is the intuition that d More
        Web2 and the evolving vision of Web3 have a great effect on facilitation of information sharing, information aggregation, interoperability, user-centered design, collaboration on the World Wide Web, and crowd-centered services. New concept of Web is the intuition that drives crowdsourcing, crowd servicing, and crowd computing. Crowdsourcing has emerged as a new on-line distributed problem solving and production model in which crowds of networked people collaborate to complete tasks and processes through internet. Organizations are increasingly employing crowdsourcing to access scalable and cheap workforce on-line, and via this approach they could get tasks done in less time, with lower cost, and higher quality. Active and continuous participation of skilled and capable crowdworkes and provision of high quality solutions by them are key success factor of crowdsourcing in organizations. But by investigating crowdsourcing efforts in organizations it could be recognized that most of them don’t guarantee active and continuous participation of skilled and capable crowdworkers. As a result, a better understanding of crowdworkers’ behavior and identification of effective factors on their participation and performance could be very useful in efficient and effective design of crowdsourcing platforms and contests. There are limited studies on the identification of factors affecting the performance of crowdsourcing, and each of them focuses on a specific group of factors. This paper is a comprehensive study on researches and empirical studies that have been conducted to identify effective factors on crowdsourcing performance and a comparison between different studies will be conducted. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Sudden drowning of the Late Cretaceous carbonate platform in central Zagros basin: a case study from the shaley Laffan Member in one of the Oil Fields of Abadan Plain, SW Iran
        maryam kianifard علی حسین  جلیلیان nasser arzani
        Rapid sea-level rise and drowning of carbonate platforms is one of the important geological events in the Late Cretaceous and after the Turonian global unconformity. This transgression in central and western Zagros Basin is represented as shaley sediments of the Laffan More
        Rapid sea-level rise and drowning of carbonate platforms is one of the important geological events in the Late Cretaceous and after the Turonian global unconformity. This transgression in central and western Zagros Basin is represented as shaley sediments of the Laffan Member, which were deposited over the Sarvak Formation. The stratigraphic position and the occurrence of the Charophytes-Ostracods biozone indicate the late Cretaceous, Coniacian age for the Laffan Member, which is stratigraphically equivalent to the Surgah Formation in Lurestan area in the west of Iran. The Laffan Member is mainly shaley in lithology with intercalations of thin-bedded argillaceous limestones and is the caprock over the reservoir of the Sarvak Formation in some oil fields in SW Zagros. Microfacies, sedimentary environments, biostratigraphy and sequence stratigraphy of the Laffan Member in two wells of Azadegan Oil Field located in Abadan Plain were investigated. Petrographic data revealed the presence of a shaley facies and two carbonate microfacies including charophitic mudstone-wackestone to bioclastic planktonic foraminiferal wackestone. These microfacies were deposited in transitional-brackish to deep marine environments. Marine transgression over the eroded palaeotopography of the Cenomanian-Toronian carbonates resulted in estuaries as channels and transitional environments. In these estuaries, mixture of the fresh and marine waters resulted in deposition of the lower parts of the Laffan Member and graded upward into the marine deposits of the upper parts of this Member.The sudden change of shallow-transitional facies to deep marine sediments in the Laffan Member indicates drowning of the carbonate platform of central Zagros Basin in Coniacian. The evidence like erosional base, deepening-upward sequences, frequency of mudstone facies (shale) and continuity with marine carbonates confirm this conclusion. Investigation of vertical changes of the microfacies with gama-ray well log data indicate the Laffan Member is part of a sequence as lowstand deposits (LST), transgressive deposits (TST) which grade upwards into maximum flooding surface (MFS) and high-stand deposits (HST) which comprise a third-order sequence. This sequence begins with an erosional unconformity and follows up with the formation of the estuary and deep sea sediments. The latter package is covered with the carbonate sediments of the lower part of the Ilam Formation (Santonian) which represents carbonate platform deposits of high-stand system track (HST). Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - The Role of CrowdFunding to Financing Capital for Startups Entrepreneur
        Sajad Asakere Saeed Zarandi Mohsen Afsharpour
        Financing capital for startups, always had been propounded as one of the challenges for entrepreneurs. On the other hand, the risk of venture capital investment, financial institutions and banks often seem less willing to invest in this activity. By developing Internet More
        Financing capital for startups, always had been propounded as one of the challenges for entrepreneurs. On the other hand, the risk of venture capital investment, financial institutions and banks often seem less willing to invest in this activity. By developing Internet and social networks, limitation in communications have been removed and new concepts such as networking and utilization of crowdfunding has been raised. This paper introduces a new method of collective investment fund over the Internet to exploit social capital rather than bank loans, business angels and venture capital. Due to the lack of scientific research in this field, by using inductive method we discuss about the crowdfunding phenomenon concept, development of literature in this field, goals and motivations of the participants, expressing the models, potential, obstacles and limitations of the crowdfunfing. The results indicate that the rate of this concept in the world especially in developing countries has been increasing and this model can be operated by providing cultural, technological, legal and social contexts. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Designing the Business Model for Virtual Incubator in Iran
        Amir Maniyan Maryam Khodadad Barmi Ayob Mohamadian
        Business incubator is economic development tools that provide a set of business support resources and services for accelerate to growth and success of entrepreneurial companies. Today, advancement of the internet and moving the businesses toward cyberspace set up a virt More
        Business incubator is economic development tools that provide a set of business support resources and services for accelerate to growth and success of entrepreneurial companies. Today, advancement of the internet and moving the businesses toward cyberspace set up a virtual incubator can be very important, So in other countries are considered. In order of increasing competition firms in various industries and Existing dynamics in business environments, designing the business model can be introduction for starting a successful business. According to this, Attention to business model for virtual business incubators is important. This paper is designing the business model for virtual business incubator in Iran. This design is done by study of related literature, interviews with experts and benchmarking results of several successful virtual business incubators in the world. Currently, there are many models to identify the components of business model and their relationship but Osterwalder 9 element model is known as the most popular and most perfect version. In this paper, the ontology Osterwalder is used in order to designing the business model for virtual business incubator. This design can be efficient step to starting the operational of this national project and can be followed productivity, Enhancing organizational performance and profitability Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Biostratigraphy, sedimentary environment and sequence stratigraphy of the Asmari Formation in well no. 4 of Lab-e Safid oil field (north of Dezful embayment, SW of Lurestan) and Tang- e Lendeh (Kuh-e Safid, NW of Dehdasht)
        Selahedin Arab pour Ali Seyrafian Ali Rahmani
        In this research biostratigraphy, microfacies, sedimentary environment and sequence stratigraphy of the Asmari Formation in well no.4 of Lab-e Safid (north of Dezful embayment, SW of Lurestan) and Tang- e Lendeh (Kuh-e Safid, NW of Dehdasht) has been studied. The tota More
        In this research biostratigraphy, microfacies, sedimentary environment and sequence stratigraphy of the Asmari Formation in well no.4 of Lab-e Safid (north of Dezful embayment, SW of Lurestan) and Tang- e Lendeh (Kuh-e Safid, NW of Dehdasht) has been studied. The total thickness of the Asmari Formation is 360 m and 260 m in the Lab-e Safid and Tang- e Lendeh sections, respectively and composed of thick, medium and thin bedded limestone. The correlation of recognized biozones in the studied regions with other regions in Zagros (Bangestan Anticline: tang-e Band, tang-e Nayab and Tang-e Bulfares, Parsi oil field, Kuh-Asmari and Khaviz Anticline: Tang-e Bibinarjes) indicates that Asmari Formatin in Tang-e Bibinarjes, Tang-e Band and, well no.4 of Lab-e Safid has deposited earlier than other regions. Four different sub environments were identified in the Asmari Formation based on microfacies analysis including tidal flat, lagoon, shoal, open marine. These depositional environments correspond to inner, middle and outer ramp. On the basis of deepening and shallowing patterns in the microfacies five and two third-order sequences have been recognized in the Lab-e Safid and Tang- e Lendeh sections, respectively. In order to study the changes of depositional environment of the Asmari Formation during the Oligocene-Miocene, the recognized sequences in this study have been correlated with those recognized in other parts of the Zagros basin. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Design and validation the model of technological platforms capabilities in the cosmetics industry
        Seyed rasoul  Hoseini Tooraj sadeghi Ali   Hosseinzadeh ساحل فرخيان
        A company's performance depends on its ability to produce a steady stream of new products and the rapid return on large investment costs. Therefore, it is important to adopt product production strategies based on the platform and utilize its capabilities. Therefore, the More
        A company's performance depends on its ability to produce a steady stream of new products and the rapid return on large investment costs. Therefore, it is important to adopt product production strategies based on the platform and utilize its capabilities. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to design and validate the capabilities of technological platforms. The method of the present study is based on a mixed approach and qualitatively and quantitatively in the inductive paradigm. The qualitative population studied in the present study consists of 16 university professors in the field of business management, business management and information technology management. In a small part, managers, supervisors and companies active in the cosmetics industry were included as the statistical population of this study. In order to validate the research model, 150 questionnaires were distributed among the quantitative community. Validation of the present research model was performed using structural equation modeling with partial least squares approach using SMART-PLS software. The analysis of the interview data using the data-based method was based on the systematic approach of Strauss and Corbin (1998) , based on three stages of open, axial and selective coding. This study also showed that causal conditions have a positive and significant effect on the central phenomenon of supply chain integration and organizational integration, the central phenomenon on strategies and strategies on outcomes. Also, the impact of the central phenomenon of research on strategies has been adjusted by the contextual conditions and intervening factors. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - Comparison of the development process in Iran and Japan in the framework of Adrian Leftwich's Theory from 1850 to1900 AD
        Ehsan Eilshahi sayyed atollah sinaee Seyyed Khodayar  Mortazavi Asl
        Development is context-oriented, historical, and based on the life of the world and the psychological, social, and political characteristics of nations. The result of connection, convergence, non-interaction and divergence of different elements appears in such a context More
        Development is context-oriented, historical, and based on the life of the world and the psychological, social, and political characteristics of nations. The result of connection, convergence, non-interaction and divergence of different elements appears in such a context. Forward-looking research using the method of comparative institutionalism using Adrian Leftwich's developmental state theory to examine and compare the issue of economic development with a focus on the politics-state-development triad in Iran and Japan in the period of 1850-1900. The technique used in this research has been collecting and using available documents and statistics. The main question of the research is the level of autonomy of government institutions, the characteristics of the civil system, and the historical situation of Iran and Japan concerning the international system, how has it affected the experience of development in the historical period in question in these countries? The obtained results indicate that due to the creation of an independent government and the creation of a network of developmental elites based on a strong and coherent bureaucracy, Japan was able to achieve success by smoothing the appropriate international platform and on the way be development. However, due to the lack of proper bureaucracy and the establishment of an autonomous government, Iran could not achieve this important task, and therefore the issue of development for Iran remained a concept of regret and mystery Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - Valuation of digital services in Iran: Empirical proof for Google and Instagram
        This article surveys the fundamental value of digital platforms, such as Instagram and Google. Despite the commutable nature of digital technologies, it is challenging to value digital services, given that the usage is free of charge. Applying the methodology of discret More
        This article surveys the fundamental value of digital platforms, such as Instagram and Google. Despite the commutable nature of digital technologies, it is challenging to value digital services, given that the usage is free of charge. Applying the methodology of discrete choice experiments, we estimated the value of digital free goods. For the first time in the literature, we obtained data for the willingness-to-pay and willingness-to-accept, together with socio-economic variables. The customer’s valuation of free digital services is on average, for Google, 4.9m Rial per week and Instagram, 3.27. This paper corroborates that Instagram and Google have an intrinsic value to users, despite the fact that the service of the digital platforms is free of charge. This is the beginning of the valuation of free services such as Shad, Rubika, Zarebeen, etc. in Iran, which has played a significant role in the communication industry since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, and in the discussion of the national information network, the market value of the provider companies will be very important. Manuscript profile