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      • Open Access Article

        1 - The study of the Poetry world of Nizami by Jakobsen's Theory of Communication
        Zeynab Nowruzi
        Jakobsen’s theory of communication is based on three major as well as three secondary principles, totally six ones, including sender, receiver, message, context, code and channel respectively. This model could analyze poetry in terms of its rhetorical aspects, grammar, More
        Jakobsen’s theory of communication is based on three major as well as three secondary principles, totally six ones, including sender, receiver, message, context, code and channel respectively. This model could analyze poetry in terms of its rhetorical aspects, grammar, semantic and some other aspects as well. In this research, Nizami’s poems, which are worthy especially in terms of rhetoric science, is going to be examined based on Jacobson’s theory. Furthermore, it is focused on the poet’s high concerns about rhetoric principles and his vision about the relation of a poet with his/her addressees. Accordingly, in this fashion it possibly will be known that how an influential poet had looked at his/her own skill and its impact on the readers. Without considering the form and meaning of a poem as well as their functions in the interpretation of a text, this target issue could not be achieved. Since the presence of the addressee as well as the speaker’s attention to the addressee is observable in the Quinary of Nizami, an individual could make an inference that there is a mutual communication between them, that is, the addressee could make an effect on the poet as well. Finally, the six communication principles of Jakobson’s model are mentioned in the second part, while they have special literary and artistic functions. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Linguistic, Poetic, and Content Study and Analysis of the Verses in Khamsa (the Poetry) by Nizami Ganjavi Praising the Prophet
        زينب  نوروزي
        Praising the majesty of the holy prophet, relying on Qur’an and Ahaadeeth (the sayings of Moslem saints), is what Nizami does at the beginning of his lyric poems. To express admiration to Muhammad (pbuh) is a familiar discourse throughout the Persian poetry after Islam. More
        Praising the majesty of the holy prophet, relying on Qur’an and Ahaadeeth (the sayings of Moslem saints), is what Nizami does at the beginning of his lyric poems. To express admiration to Muhammad (pbuh) is a familiar discourse throughout the Persian poetry after Islam. An analysis of Nizami’s poetry and his views about Prophet Mohammad can help us develop an accurate understanding of eulogy in Persian poetry. To study the coexistence of religious thoughts and romantic thoughts in lyrics is the main focus of the present paper. The author tries to show the content of Nizami’s eulogy; however, since it has been employed in a poetic discourse, he will also focus on the poetic features of Nizami’s eulogy. Nizami has a unique style in writing eulogy; he uses poetic elements, like imagery, figures of speech to praise the Prophet in line with his lyrics. Of course, it is not just a means of decorating his poetry, but a canal to convey his (non)/verbal views on the character and manner of the Prophet. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Meaningful Word Choices in Nizami’s Khamse
        mohammadmorad irani fateme kolahchian زهرا منصوری
        One aspect of studying the language of poetry is the analysis of the choices of words used in the poetry. By studying the reasons of the choice of words, you can learn about issues related to the poet’s inside and outside world, things which are hidden in the words used More
        One aspect of studying the language of poetry is the analysis of the choices of words used in the poetry. By studying the reasons of the choice of words, you can learn about issues related to the poet’s inside and outside world, things which are hidden in the words used in the poems. Poet’s Characteristics and moods as the most important factors in the word choice make the words carry meaning beyond their main and primary meanings which is known as the secondary or implicit meaning. Secondary meaning, show the poet's feelings towards other phenomena and is communicated through some words in the poems. Nizami Ganjavi is one of those poets who not only paid attention to verbal aesthetics which makes his words more powerful, but also tried to express his emotions, feelings, thoughts, worldview and opinions. Therefore, the linguistic study of his works is an appropriate way to gain better understanding of his thoughts and feelings. By exploring the domain of highly applied vocabulary with implicit meanings, and analyzing their significance in Nizami’s Khamse we have tried to demonstrate the features related to his worldview, and his spiritual tendencies. The words analyzed in this article based on their frequencies are as follows: "Blood", "shadow", "key", "light" and "love". Sometimes the implicit meanings of the words will be reinforced because of proximity to other words in the context. The findings of this study also show the effects of the adversity and violence of the turbulent time the poet lived in, and also it shows how he searched in order to achieve security and peace and tried to deal with problems. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Introducing and Analyzing the History of Tankalucha Manuscript 1074 A.H.
        Mahmood  Tavoosi Minoo  Asaadi Zahraei
        According to the ancient sources, Tankalucha manuscript is one of the oldest works related to astronomy which has been written in Sassanid era based on Iranian astronomy and stories of the time it was written. According to astronomical literature, after being written in More
        According to the ancient sources, Tankalucha manuscript is one of the oldest works related to astronomy which has been written in Sassanid era based on Iranian astronomy and stories of the time it was written. According to astronomical literature, after being written in middle Persian (Pahlavi), Tankalucha has been translated into Syriac and later into Arabic in Islamic era. This work has been an information resource for the large number of other works related to astrological literature. Although, there is no evidence of its Syriac translation, there are some manuscripts of its Arabic and Farsi translations, and Tankalucha 1074 H.A. is one of its Farsi translations. Tankalucha 1074 A.H. was rewritten by “Mohammad Taghi-ibn-e-Haji Mohammad Mashadi” in Nastaliq by the command of the king. Subject of the manuscript is foretelling and explanation of the fortune in 360 degrees in ecliptic circle. The unique characteristic of the manuscript which makes it different from the former and latter manuscripts is its motifs. In fact the motifs are visual interpretations of the foretelling texts. No significant difference is observed in any of the other manuscripts except for “the style of calligraphy” and “the date of writing”. This article has two goals. First, it answers the question that whether Tankalucha 1074 A.H. was the only manuscript containing motifs. According to the description of the illustrated Tankalucha in the poems of the two poets of the 6th (hijri) (Khaqani and Nizami) illustrated Tankalucha (11th century) goes back to 6th century, and this rejects its uniqueness. On the other hand, in historical resources, Tankalucha goes back to pre-Islam era. The main goal of this article is learning about the history of the book, and finding the answer to the question that Tankalucha expresses the beliefs of which group of people. According to some external old resources and focusing on some of the elements in Tankalucha 1074 A.H. text, and its representation in motifs lead us to Citation to the beliefs of Sabian religion. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Survey on some manifestations of moderateness and violence in Nizami Ganjavi’s Khamsa
        saeed karimi qare baba
        Persian old literature has always proclaimed kindness and moderateness and has avoided violence, dispute and vengeance. Therefore, Iran society and history has passed through different and stressful paths. Literature represents a vague and blurred image of uncontrolled More
        Persian old literature has always proclaimed kindness and moderateness and has avoided violence, dispute and vengeance. Therefore, Iran society and history has passed through different and stressful paths. Literature represents a vague and blurred image of uncontrolled violence in its deep layers though disputes and war has woven with Iranian society warp and woof. Nizami Ganjavi is one of the Iranian poets and advocate of peace that love and friendship is felt in his poems. However, in the depth of his works, the traces of the mentality based on violence and lack of moderateness can be found unintentionally. For instance, war is one of the main content of Nizami poems and even the traces of violence can be seen in the realm of love. The lover Majnun tends to act violently for possessing of Leila, in Makhzanoal- Asrar(Treasure of Mysteries) two scholars with different scientific viewpoints debated so that they are ready to kill each other and finally, Alexander destructs the Zoroastrian temples violently and abolishes their religious rituals and put fire on their magnificent cities and transfers Iranians academic texts to Macedonia. On other hand, the manifestations of moderateness in Nizami verse are wonderful. Shirin invites Khosrow to moderation and hospitality of the people. Bahram prevents war with his compatriots with intelligent planning and the kings respond the protestors. Manuscript profile