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      • Open Access Article

        1 - Studying the Trends in Fictions Written By Iranian Immigrants
          Reza  Shajari
        In recent decades, Iranian immigration and in particular the migration of the writers and the publication of their works have created a special phenomenon. Literary texts created by those writers and poets who are living abroad have established certain tendencies, trend More
        In recent decades, Iranian immigration and in particular the migration of the writers and the publication of their works have created a special phenomenon. Literary texts created by those writers and poets who are living abroad have established certain tendencies, trends and particular literary approaches outside the borders of the country. The collective body of literary works created abroad, have been named differently by different critic based on the characteristics and features that they have outlined. The authors’ issues, how they have left the country, how long they have been living abroad, and the content of their works are of great importance in defining and classifying these literary works. Furthermore, different trends can be identified in stories written abroad. In the present article, stories written by Iranian immigrants are analyzed as politics-oriented, identity-oriented, and women's stories. In the '60s up-to-the mid-'70s the politics-oriented stories are the most frequent ones. This trend is emerged by political groups and activists, and focuses on the revolution and the issues surrounding it. From the mid-70s onwards, the identity-oriented trend became the major one. In this trend, themes such as the differences between the motherland and the other-land, and the ways the immigrants encounter the new world are highlighted through the narratives about identity. Also, there were many immigrant female writers who narrated the lives and issues of female immigrants from a feminine perspective. In these stories, the ways in which women face the new world and the issues they encountered in Iran are amongst the main themes. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - The development of social identity in the story "Atr-e Sonbol, Atr-e Kaj" Based on the general theory of verbal humor
        Fatemeh Mozaffari Navid Firuzi
        "Atr-e Sonbol, Atr-e Kaj" is a Persian translation of the memoirs of Firoozeh Jazaieri Duma written based on her unique social experience as an Iranian immigrant living in the United States. The current paper aims to examine the components and mechanisms of the humor of More
        "Atr-e Sonbol, Atr-e Kaj" is a Persian translation of the memoirs of Firoozeh Jazaieri Duma written based on her unique social experience as an Iranian immigrant living in the United States. The current paper aims to examine the components and mechanisms of the humor of mentioned story based on the "General Theory of Verbal Humor". In this method, the variables used to examine a funny narrative are divided into six categories: language, target, situation, narrative strategy, logical mechanism, and Script Opposition. In the present study, which is based on the target variable; It has been shown how Firoozeh, by targeting people outside the group and within the group, introduces appropriate and inappropriate social behaviors that she has encountered and achieves a new and selective identity; An identity that neither alienates her from her past values nor isolates her in the new culture. Her verbal humor can create a group bond between readers of different races, especially female audiences. In addition, in her funny narrative, "target" is higher than "Script Opposition " (variable of laughter). Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - The Analysis of the political literature in contemporary Iran (Case Study: Political Fiction in Diaspora(
        Some contemporary fiction has been published outside of Iran. The reason for the emigration of many writers abroad is directly related to the issue of politics, as well as the way they are present and the subject, theme, background and origin of an important part of the More
        Some contemporary fiction has been published outside of Iran. The reason for the emigration of many writers abroad is directly related to the issue of politics, as well as the way they are present and the subject, theme, background and origin of an important part of the works they have created are political. Political fiction in immigration is found with the support of political groups, and the first examples are published in political magazines, and later writers create works with relative independence from political groups. They have written the narrative of the contemporary history of Iran. The Constitutional Revolution and its Liberal aspirations, the coup d'état 19 August and its endless despair and hopelessness, as well as the Islamic Revolution and various issues surrounding it, including the pre-revolutionary struggles and the process of victory and stabilization of the revolution and the emergence of the Islamic Republic and the Imposed war are of these issues. The main issue of this research is how political fiction literature in migration has evolved. This model, that is, knowing the currents, shows the political and social context of the creation of the work, the focal points of support, the starting point and how the flow spreads and continues. Political fiction seems to begin with citations and revelations about the events and issues surrounding the revolution and the events of the 1980s, and reaches to analytical-critical narratives of contemporary history, especially the revolution and the Islamic Republic. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - A review of the characteristics of immigration literature novels
        Somayeh  Dehghan
        Migration literature is a new branch of contemporary literature with its own characteristics, which is divided into two parts: fiction and verse, and it exists in every country according to its social and historical developments. The growth and formation of this type of More
        Migration literature is a new branch of contemporary literature with its own characteristics, which is divided into two parts: fiction and verse, and it exists in every country according to its social and historical developments. The growth and formation of this type of literature and the entry of the term "migration literature" into the dictionary of political literature and cultures of the nations of the West is the product of the years after World War I and World War II. In line with the contemporary literary trends of Iran that became popular in Iran after the constitution and especially from the Pahlavi II era, due to the migration of many elites, young people and writers to Europe and America in search of developing education and finding a suitable job and a better future, and also Due to the effects of war and economic disturbances, a wide range of immigrants affected by dual factors took up writing and wrote short and long stories or stories. Among the novels of the authors in question, the selected novel shows the author's style and expression more than his other works. Although writers such as Ismail Fasih have written many of their works on the issue of immigration, this research has been examined in the field of immigration literature. The migration literature has special characteristics, such as dealing with the problems and sufferings of immigrants, which this research has dealt with in detail. In general, by analyzing the selected novels, we have realized that despite the influence of the authors from the thoughts and culture of the West, they are not removed from the past and the culture of the mother country; Therefore, modernity and its conflict with tradition, and the consequences of migration are the main themes of these works. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Analyzing the Place of Nostalgia in Iranian Immigration Fiction with an Emphasis on Selected Female Authors (Akram Pedramnia, Nasim Wahabi, Fahima Farsai, Fariba Siddiquim)
        Mehrzad Matbouei Nejad Ahmad Khatami Mandana Mangeli
        One of the most important manifestations of migration literature is the component of nostalgia. The basic issue of this research is to answer the question of how such a component is reflected in women's fiction. The number of female Iranian immigrant writers, as well as More
        One of the most important manifestations of migration literature is the component of nostalgia. The basic issue of this research is to answer the question of how such a component is reflected in women's fiction. The number of female Iranian immigrant writers, as well as the fact that some of them have a style in immigration fiction, shows the importance and necessity of such a study. The purpose of this research is to investigate the place of the nostalgia component in the selected and prominent stories of immigrant women storytellers after the Islamic Revolution, using a descriptive-analytical method. The hypothesis of the research is that nostalgia is one of the most important and significant components of form and content in the investigated works. The results of the research show that nostalgia in the works of AkramPedramnia takes the audience to the atmosphere of the past with a detailed description of the past and this nostalgia reminds of a special person. Another technique that Pedramnia uses to create a sense of nostalgia is image. Nostalgia in Nasim Wahhabi's works is narrated from the aspect of a space - like the space of war. Nostalgia appears in FahimaFarsai's works in a disturbing way for the characters in the story. In the works of FaribaSediqim, nostalgia refers to situations that a person has experienced with his friends and relatives. Nostalgia for objects and places is not seen in Siddiquim's works. The important feature of the reflection of nostalgia in Siddiquim's works is that the nostalgic events are shown in a fluid form of the mind and the narrator talks about the past as if it is happening right now. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - A review of the characteristics of immigration literature novels
        Mohammad Tala  Rakhshan
        Migration literature is a new branch of contemporary literature with its own characteristics, which is divided into two parts: fiction and verse, and it exists in every country according to its social and historical developments. The growth and formation of this type of More
        Migration literature is a new branch of contemporary literature with its own characteristics, which is divided into two parts: fiction and verse, and it exists in every country according to its social and historical developments. The growth and formation of this type of literature and the entry of the term "migration literature" into the dictionary of political literature and cultures of the nations of the West is the product of the years after World War I and World War II. In line with the contemporary literary trends of Iran that became popular in Iran after the constitution and especially from the Pahlavi II era, due to the migration of many elites, young people and writers to Europe and America in search of developing education and finding a suitable job and a better future, and also Due to the effects of war and economic disturbances, a wide range of immigrants affected by dual factors took up writing and wrote short and long stories or stories. Among the novels of the authors in question, the selected novel shows the author's style and expression more than his other works. Although writers such as Ismail Fasih have written many of their works on the issue of immigration, this research has been examined in the field of immigration literature. The migration literature has special characteristics, including dealing with the problems and sufferings of immigrants, which this research has dealt with in detail. In general, by analyzing the selected novels, we have realized that despite the influence of the authors from the ideas and culture of the West, they are not removed from the past and the culture of the mother country; Therefore, modernity and its conflict with tradition, and the consequences of migration are the main themes of these works. Manuscript profile