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        1 - Robust Tracking by Using Measure Theory
        A. Zare A. Khaki-Sedigh A. Vahidian
        This paper presents two new approaches for robust step tracking in structure uncertain nonlinear systems. The problem is first restated as a non linear optimal control infinite horizon problem, then with a suitable change of variable, the time interval is transfer to th More
        This paper presents two new approaches for robust step tracking in structure uncertain nonlinear systems. The problem is first restated as a non linear optimal control infinite horizon problem, then with a suitable change of variable, the time interval is transfer to the finite horizon [0 1). This change of variable, poses a time varying problem. This problem is then transfer to measure space, and it is shown that an optimal measure must be determined which is equivalent to a linear programming problem with infinite dimension. Then, using finite horizon approximations, the optimal control law is determined as a piece wise constant function. Simulations are provided to show the effectiveness of the proposed methodology Manuscript profile