• List of Articles Key Factors

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Identifying, analyzing and prioritizing the key factors affecting the restoration of Iranian baths:Case of study: Mohtasham historical bath of Kashan
        Urban historical sites and structures are of phenomenon that lots of countries of age face. Coming true the era of "globalization" and the increasing acceleration of changes that have embraced all aspects of human life have not only underscored the importance of these More
        Urban historical sites and structures are of phenomenon that lots of countries of age face. Coming true the era of "globalization" and the increasing acceleration of changes that have embraced all aspects of human life have not only underscored the importance of these historic capital and cultural affairs, but the crisis of identity and wandering of contemporary societies, looks more than It has been pinned to the legacy of the past generations. Persian baths are considered as one of the dynamic urban spaces in the center of the country's old neighborhoods, and not so long ago this type of structure and work had various functions performed in the fields of health, social, economy and etc. Today most of these baths are abandoned and useless or at least have lost most of their roles and positions, whereas one cannot underestimate the role of Iranian baths in creating the feeling of belonging among society and the economic potential it had in tourism industry development. Therefore trying to restore these structures while adopting them to modern society and needs and also keeping the authenticity and originality seems necessary. Studying the past activities concerning restoration of Iranian historical baths brings to the light a combination of factors which led to its success or failure. It seems, misunderstanding of affecting factor on restoring historical structures will somehow shape the roots to success and failure of this act. In this regard, considering what these factors and their weight are, they are a question that is posed in connection with the planning and implementation of interventions related to the restoration of old buildings and historical buildings. This article seeks to identify, analyze and prioritize the key factors affecting the restoration of Iranian baths, a small step, in line with the above requirements. This was done firstly through library studies, field studies and interviews with scholars. After identifying important influential factors, the list of factors has been passed to the experts' judgment in order to rank using the questionnaire tool. The obtained data were analyzed by SPSS software using statistical tests. Finally, the most important parameters for the restoration of traditional baths have been presented. Needless to say that in order to enhance the objectivity of the research achievements, all processes and procedures has been done with due attention and attention to the historical bath of Mohtasham Kashan. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Prioritizing and Analyzing Effective Criteria on the Performance of Knowledge-based Organizations with knowledge management Approach (Case Study: Growth Centers and Science and Technology Parks in Tehran)
        naser safaei Fatemeh Gholamian fereshte thaleghani
        Today, the success of organizations is based on the strategic management of knowledge. Implementing knowledge management systems faces challenges that will cause the inefficiency of knowledge management in organizations. Hence, identification and rating the effective fa More
        Today, the success of organizations is based on the strategic management of knowledge. Implementing knowledge management systems faces challenges that will cause the inefficiency of knowledge management in organizations. Hence, identification and rating the effective factors in the successful implementation of knowledge management is one of the essential requirements of knowledge management that was discussed in the current research. Currently, 7 science and technology parks and 1,400 knowledge-based companies in parks are located in Tehran. In the current research, companies located in growth centers and science and technology parks in Tehran were studied. Questionnaire was distributed among 140 knowledge-based companies that they returned 110 questionnaires. In the current research, case study methods and data collection in fieldwork were used. To measure the variables of the research, the instrument of questionnaire using the Likert method was utilized that includes three main factors of the organization, human resources and information technology and 11 criteria as follows: Objects and perspectives, leadership and strategy, knowledge management cycle, application, software, infrastructure, organizational culture and atmosphere, creating financial motivation, encouraging employee morale, benchmarking the best things and performance management. Reliability of the questionnaire, 0.78, was obtained using Cronbach's alpha. Friedman and one sample T-test and fitness of model were studied respectively using SPSS software and LISREL software. As a result, objects and perspectives of the organization can be considered as the most important criterion, and we can refer to the information technology software as the least important criterion. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Investigating and Explaining the Key Factors of IT Effectiveness in the Organization with Shannon Extra-Combination-Entropy Approach
        Farshid Farokhizadeh Abbas Ali Rastgar
        Today, the adoption of new information technology is one of the challenges in public sector organizations, which is less considered. The purpose of this study is to identify and rank the factors affecting the acceptance of information technology in public sector organiz More
        Today, the adoption of new information technology is one of the challenges in public sector organizations, which is less considered. The purpose of this study is to identify and rank the factors affecting the acceptance of information technology in public sector organizations during the Corona virus epidemic in order to provide better services and products without face-to-face referral to the clients / customers. In this resech, which is based on a combined approach, we use the existing information and documents as data. The statistical population of the study is 10 governmental organizations located in Alborz province.. In this article, in addition to introducing the proposed models for information technology acceptance and their classification, the effective factors in accepting new information technology in the studied government organizations to provide better services and products with the combined approach of transnational and Shannon entropy have been studied and identified. In this paper to determine these factors after identifying and introducing the types of existing models; Concepts, dimensions and indicators of the research have been extracted using the meta-combination method and ranked using the Shannon entropy method. The research results indicate that cooperation and coordination, environmental factors in technology acceptance, organizational factors, managerial factors, and human capital factors are in the first to fifth places respectively. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Critical success factors of startups based on modern technology; A systematic review
        Nasser Safaie Saeid Zamani
        Today, start-ups are considered as a part of the important and key socio-economic groups in the economies of different countries. Meanwhile, statistics show that more than 80% of startups fail in the first year of their establishment. Identifying important success fact More
        Today, start-ups are considered as a part of the important and key socio-economic groups in the economies of different countries. Meanwhile, statistics show that more than 80% of startups fail in the first year of their establishment. Identifying important success factors in starting startups reduces the risk of failure and thus increases their chances of success. The present article is a review-library study on the key success factors of startups based on modern technology. Today, startups are an important phenomenon in the world economic community. The process of formation and change of this phenomenon over the years is examined in this research and an attempt has been made to provide a picture of the most important issues in the think tank of startups, which confirms the change and evolution of this phenomenon from 1984 to 2022. For this purpose, by searching the articles of reputable world journals and filtering them based on the subject of this research, 159 articles were finally selected. In the next step, the meaning of startup success was extracted and expressed by researchers and the success factors were divided into three categories: organizational, individual and external. These variables were identified in 46 different categories and presented in the attached table. The results of this research will help the founders of startups to take a more open view of establishing and scoring their company in a competitive market. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Identifying the key factors affecting the application of forecasting in the field of policy making
        Sahar Kousari
        Policymakers should make policies for vague and uncertain futures. Policy makers make decisions for a vague and uncertain future. However, creating a suitable link between the concepts and methods of future studies with policymaking is one of the challenges that researc More
        Policymakers should make policies for vague and uncertain futures. Policy makers make decisions for a vague and uncertain future. However, creating a suitable link between the concepts and methods of future studies with policymaking is one of the challenges that researchers in the field of future studies and policymaking are facing. Future studies can be directly in the field of policymaking or indirectly through analysis. policy to be used. Policy-making and policy analysis in some countries such as Singapore, Great Britain, Japan, Finland, France, Germany, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa are carried out on the basis of future-based systematic studies. They have an important role in the policy-making process, but future research is not considered a part of policy-making. The purpose of this article is to identify factors that improve the relationship between future research and policy making. The identification of these factors has been done with the method of library studies and focus group. 70 factors improving the communication between the two fields of future studies and policy-making were identified, of which 8 factors specifically improve the relationship between policy analysis and future studies, which have the weakest relationship; These factors include: the level of uncertainty, the type of subjective judgment towards the future, the type of policy analysis, the conditions of the policy environment towards the future, the approach of the agents towards the future, the understanding of the system in facing future issues, the institutional conditions of openness to alternatives and Time perspective is about the future. After that, the alternatives of each of these factors have been extracted in order to expand the vision towards the future.. Manuscript profile