• List of Articles Jami

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Analyzing Literary Aspects of Tarikhe Beihaqi (Beihaqi’s History) Based on Walter "Benjamin Theory"
        مهدخت  پورخالقی چترودی سمیّه  عطاردی
        “Walter Benjamin”, whose name is associated with “Frankfurt School”, is a thinker who allows a dominion superior than practical and communicative dominions and in contrast with reductionism- that reduces language to an inter-subjective tool- he deals with theorization i More
        “Walter Benjamin”, whose name is associated with “Frankfurt School”, is a thinker who allows a dominion superior than practical and communicative dominions and in contrast with reductionism- that reduces language to an inter-subjective tool- he deals with theorization in this field. In Benjamin’s view, language is superior than communicative action of human and gets an existential status; if we reduce language just to its communicative and instrumental trait, we would read the lines of texts and would never understand in-between texts. He applies “Assertive act” in contrast with communicative quality of language and believes that author can produce a literary text by entering into expressive dominion of language. Tarikh-e Beihaqi as a pure artistic work has great capacities to approach a language that has surpassed communicative trait and applies an expressive quality of language to express hidden meanings behind the words. The study dealt with this issue and concluded that Beihaqi produced a literary work with high literary competence based on expressive quality of language that one can interpret it poetically as he applied highlighting tools in lexical and semantic areas of language and the essence of poetry and poem in his work. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Analyzing the symbolic aspects in Joseph and zoleikha story by Jami focusing on Bergamot (Toranj)
        hoorieh asadi habib fateme kouppa گلرخ‌سادات  غنی
        Joseph and zoleikha story is rooted in Quran and, before that, in Torah; it is full of secrets and points. Bergamot (Toranj) is one of the key words and full of secrets of this story that has not been studied in due manner. Proving the presence of Toranj in this story, More
        Joseph and zoleikha story is rooted in Quran and, before that, in Torah; it is full of secrets and points. Bergamot (Toranj) is one of the key words and full of secrets of this story that has not been studied in due manner. Proving the presence of Toranj in this story, and focusing on Quranic and Torah interpretations, this article seeks the roots of Toranj and its role in forming this story. Previous studies show that Jewish people believe that Toranj is a symbol of human heart and as healthy heart is the location of divine love in Islamic culture, one can come to this conclusion that the presence of Toranj in Josef and Zoleikha is a symbol of love. Thus it is not impossible that what makes Zoleikha’s love an earthly and impure love would be cosidered a heavenly, ulterior and pure love in a different view of mystical of Jami. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - A Reflection on the Grotesque Instances In Jami' Al-Tawarikh
        Mahsa  Masaei zohre allahdadi dastjerdi
        Grotesque is a concept and attitude in art and literature to which some features are assigned such as contradiction, horrifying, marvelous, abnormal, ridiculous and some how tasteless, grudge, disgust, and so on. A theme or subject that due to being unfamiliar, and stra More
        Grotesque is a concept and attitude in art and literature to which some features are assigned such as contradiction, horrifying, marvelous, abnormal, ridiculous and some how tasteless, grudge, disgust, and so on. A theme or subject that due to being unfamiliar, and strange, or because of excessive exaggeration and amazement evokes an obscure or confusing feeling in the audience or transfer controversial concepts and feelings to the audience. The Genghis attack, the Mongol dynasty, and its consequences paved the way for the genesis of grotesque concepts and images of this era. In this research, in addition to introducing grotesque, some of its instances and evidences are studied in one of the most important historical- literary works of the Mongol era. The results show that the section on the history of Mongols and Ilkhanate in Jami' al-tawarikh includes such unreasonable, uneven narratives, and superstitious affairs about Mongols that accepting them as the history is so difficult. It seems that the author was obliged to hypocrisy, flattery and recording some extreme and unacceptable issues - which can be called grotesque. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - A Study of Mystical Epistemology in the Poems and Prose of Abd-Al Rahman Jami
        raheleh mirakhorli ghodratollah Khayatian Azim Hamzeian
        In Islamic mysticism, there are scattered discussions of epistemological issues. The distinguishing feature of Islamic mysticism from other mystical branches is the high and stable position of knowledge in it. Jami (d. 898 AH) has also dealt with the issue of knowledge More
        In Islamic mysticism, there are scattered discussions of epistemological issues. The distinguishing feature of Islamic mysticism from other mystical branches is the high and stable position of knowledge in it. Jami (d. 898 AH) has also dealt with the issue of knowledge and related issues. The main question is what issues has he raised about this science and to what extent? This research has been done in a descriptive-analytical way in his works and the results show that knowledge is a gift from God and the basis and the results of his journey depend on knowing Hagh, so that the one who attains the true knowledge has reached the level of annihilation and survival of God. He has made important discussions about the degrees of knowledge and the place of the senses, intellect, heart,unveiling and finding. According to him, the level of human knowledge is to the extent that with the manifestation of truth, he can become aware of his proven condition. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Investigating the relationship between God and man in the tragedy of Attar and Haft Aurang Jami
        Man, God and their relationship with each other is one of the most fundamental topics in mystical literature. Mystical poets, as the possessors of the gentle and sensitive divine spirit, have included the relationship between God and man in the form of grace and pleasan More
        Man, God and their relationship with each other is one of the most fundamental topics in mystical literature. Mystical poets, as the possessors of the gentle and sensitive divine spirit, have included the relationship between God and man in the form of grace and pleasantness, which has become one of the deepest phrases of their works. This study has examined the relationship between God and man in a library and in a comparative way in the tragedy of Attar Neyshabouri and Divan Jami. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between God and man based on the basic human principles of help, guidance and love, which shows that the relationship between God and man is one of the important concerns of these two mystics and they offer different ways and factors to achieve it. In; The most important results This research includes the fact that the works of Attar and Jami are full of the relationship between God and man, and this relationship is sometimes quoted from the language of the poet and sometimes from the language of fictional characters. The recklessness, courage and intimacy that exist in the poems of these two have given a special depth to their verses that give the reader a feeling of tenderness and the peak of servitude, while the loving relationship of God has been the highest type of relationship. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Comparative study and analysis of the perfect man In the thought of Sheikh Mahmoud Shabestari and Abdul Rahman Jami
        Samaneh  Sotoudeh Kheirabadi Samira  Rostami Mohammad Ali  Atash Soda
        The word human is one of the categories that has always been studied and explored in religions, schools and human knowledge. In the present study, the perfect human being and his existential values in Golshan Razn Masnavi of Sheikh Mahmoud Shabestari and the Golden Dyna More
        The word human is one of the categories that has always been studied and explored in religions, schools and human knowledge. In the present study, the perfect human being and his existential values in Golshan Razn Masnavi of Sheikh Mahmoud Shabestari and the Golden Dynasty of Abdolrahman Jami are studied and compared descriptively-analytically. Since both poets are influenced by theoretical mysticism and the views of Mohi al-Din Ibn Arabi, in fact, these works are discussed from the perspective of theoretical mysticism, which is the product of Ibn Arabi's thoughts. In theoretical mysticism, the main purpose of creating the universe is the perfect man, and the perfect man is the place of all the designs of the divine names, and in fact the universe was created because of him. The results show that there are many similarities in the above topics, including the themes of Muhammadan truth, the attribution of the perfect man to the attributes of the Almighty, the unity of existence, rank and status of the perfect man in the mystical ideas of Golshan Raz in the eighth century and the Golden Dynasty. It is found in the ninth century AH. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - Analyzing the moral teachings of Jami Selsela-Al-ZahabMasnavi
        barat mohammadi maryam haddad ghanshan
        Abdo-al-Rahman Jami is the prolific poet of the ninth century AH following his previous poets in teaching, mystical and lyricalliterature. In this article, his Selsela-Al-ZahabMasnavihave been studied in terms of educational topics and moral teachings. As a result of More
        Abdo-al-Rahman Jami is the prolific poet of the ninth century AH following his previous poets in teaching, mystical and lyricalliterature. In this article, his Selsela-Al-ZahabMasnavihave been studied in terms of educational topics and moral teachings. As a result of this review, it can be seen that Jami as a mystic and religious preacher hadtried to teach all the religious and moral teachings to the audience. He also appeared as a sociologist in the community and had tried to convey moral teachings to the audiencethrough unstable social,religious and mysticalcriticismof his community. His teaching is along with critical thinking and have been observed with allegorical tale directly or indirectly. His critical visionmostly towards the vanity hypocriticalSufis which destroyedhuman morality by vanity of religion. Kings have been considered in the third book and Jami had taught the morals through anecdotes and stories. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - Happiness and welfare in Jami's Poems
        Ali Alborz Maryam jafari Mohsen poormokhtar
        This research analyzes happiness and welfare in Jami's poems with a content approach . Happiness is one of the most important needs of life which is known as one of important positive emotion goals in psychology. One of artistic manifestations of poets is expressing hap More
        This research analyzes happiness and welfare in Jami's poems with a content approach . Happiness is one of the most important needs of life which is known as one of important positive emotion goals in psychology. One of artistic manifestations of poets is expressing happy moods and inner joy in their poems. After Jami became acquainted with Sufism, added to his spiritual status and became the caliph of Naqshbandyya. He creates colorful anecdotes in the Seven oranges and beautiful images in his poetry collection by describing the concept of happiness in form of specific mystical terms. He's skilled in composing heartfelt poems that have the content of happiness and welfare. For instance using and choosing happy and audible words of his poems is the proof of this content. In this research, descriptive-analytical and bibliographic methods have been tried after describing the background of the studies . In this regard, with the help of content analysis, to examine the effects of this motivating and joyful image in the midst of the slogans of this poet. Selection and analysis of happiness and welfare round in Jami's verses under review and the type of his view on matters related to happiness and welfare became aware of the poetic art of this poet in this field. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        9 - The Components of Political Thought of The Herat School in The Thought System of Maulana Abdul Rahman Jami
        Mohammad dawood Erfan Seyed Hossein  Athari Ruhollah  Islami Mahdi Najafzade
        Mehdi Najafzadeh**** Herat was formerly one of the important centers of Islamic thought and power withinthe Khorasan school. This city has been the place of emergence of great scientists and thinkers throughout the history. During the period of Timurids (14th century C More
        Mehdi Najafzadeh**** Herat was formerly one of the important centers of Islamic thought and power withinthe Khorasan school. This city has been the place of emergence of great scientists and thinkers throughout the history. During the period of Timurids (14th century C.E.), connection of thought and power eventually led to the emergence of the political school of Herat. Abdur Rahman Jami, as the leader of this school, played an undeniable role in the growth and excellence of Herat's political school. Jami was an intellectual mentor who made the interaction of mysticism and politics possible for the first time in the history of Islam. The Timurid power system and court was soon influenced by Jami's thought and crystallized in the behavior and actions of political agents in the context of the society .This article seeks to answer the question of what constituted Jami's political thought that helped shape the political school of Herat? This article, with the goal-legitimacy framework of "John Murrow" and Quentin Skinner's interpretive hermeneutic method, aims to examine the most important concepts produced by Jami's thought thatentered into the political system of his era by him and his students. Manuscript profile