• List of Articles Imam Ali

      • Open Access Article

        1 - The Image of Imam Ali (PBUH) in Khaqani’s Poems
        هوشنگ  محمدي‌افشار
        Khaqani Sheravani was a punctilious orator and was familiar with Islamic knowledge and educations and also was follower of Edris Shafei. Khaqani values four buddies of Holy Prophet respectively and rebuked the heretic (Raafedhi) and Ismailis; however, he mentions Imam A More
        Khaqani Sheravani was a punctilious orator and was familiar with Islamic knowledge and educations and also was follower of Edris Shafei. Khaqani values four buddies of Holy Prophet respectively and rebuked the heretic (Raafedhi) and Ismailis; however, he mentions Imam Ali (PBUH) and the family of Prophet honorably which shows the purity of his faith and regards toward them. This article attempts to review the image of Imam Ali (PBUH) in Khaqani’s poems. Firstly, we will look to the personality, ethical characteristics, features, attempts and lives of Imam Ali, applying the resources of Islam’s History; then we will mention and analyze some examples of Khaqani’s poems in this regard. After that, the image of Prophet’s household and their expression of right and excellence over others would be analyzed and reviewed in tongue of Khaqani Sheravani along with his poems. The Research Method in this inquiry is library based and would be based on the technique of description and content analysis. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Beauty in the Speech of Prominent Islamic Figures Analysis of Rhetorical Ornaments in two Islamic Prayers
        حميد  عابديها
        The Holy Quran is the main resource for all knowledge, chastity and beauties. The words and speech of the prominent Islamic figures has the second place regarding such beauty due to the unique connection and bond these figures exclusively enjoyed with the Creator. The m More
        The Holy Quran is the main resource for all knowledge, chastity and beauties. The words and speech of the prominent Islamic figures has the second place regarding such beauty due to the unique connection and bond these figures exclusively enjoyed with the Creator. The most beautiful word and speech belong to Imam Ali, who indeed is regarded as the major criteria of eloquence and oration. For instance one can trace some cases of rhetorical ornaments and discourse eloquences in Sabah, a prayer and also the Sixteenth Speech of Nahj-ol-Ballaqe. For instance in the prayer of Sabah, there are words which rhyme in a variety of aspects, while there are some other figures of speech seen within statements as well. Other figures of speech such as puns, alliterations etc are seen used for spiritual conveyance in this prayer. In the Sixteenth Speech of Nahj-ol-Ballaqe, rhetorical ornaments, and a variety of figures of speech are used, especially simile. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - ReInvestigating the feasibility of the goals of the plan to revive Atiq Square (Imam Ali(AS)) in Isfahan
        Mahdi Ebrahimi Boozani Fahime Fadaei Jazi
        The area of the revival plan of Imam Ali Square (AS) is located in the heart of the historical texture of Isfahan. This square disappeared and was occupied by other uses over time. In 1387 Isfahan Municipality tried to revive it according to a plan. There are objections More
        The area of the revival plan of Imam Ali Square (AS) is located in the heart of the historical texture of Isfahan. This square disappeared and was occupied by other uses over time. In 1387 Isfahan Municipality tried to revive it according to a plan. There are objections and criticisms to the preparation and implementation of the revive project of Imam Ali (AS) Square in Isfahan. In fact the correctness and incorrectness of which have not been seriously examined so far. The main purpose of this study is to investigate the extent to which the Imam Ali Square revival plan objectives have been achieved. The type of research is based on the applied purpose and in terms of nature, it is descriptive-analytical. The statistical population of this study is urban experts. The sampling method is snowball and the data were collected using a researcher-made questionnaire made this year. Chi-square tests, confirmatory factor analysis and interaction analysis were used in data analysis. According to the studies, the goals of Imam Ali (AS) Square project have been achieved with a relatively average. Among these, physical-residential goals with an average of 3.42 have the highest feasibility and biological goals with an average of 3.28; Economic goals with an average of 3.24; Socio-cultural goals with an average of 3.15 were in the next categories. The results of the overlap models used showed that seven key objectives of the plan have been realized during the revitalization of Imam Ali Square. These objectives are include: increasing the satisfaction of residents and businesses, increasing the satisfaction of unemployed and nonresident, increasing people’s sense of belonging to the project, creating prosperity and improvement in tourism activities, increasing the liveliness and continuity of historical centers, reducing the desire to migrate and increasing the historical and cultural identity during the implementation of the project. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Study Of Theoretical Philosophy Of History In Nahj Al-Balagha; Case Study Determinism And Authority
        سید مهدی  حسینی شیروانی   Mohammad 
        Determinism And Free Will Of The Most Important And Oldest Theoretical Philosophy Of History. The Importance And Sensitivity Of This Issue From The Religious And Theological Issues Because That Is The Will, Ability, Power, Science Servants Of God Verbs, Especially Verbs More
        Determinism And Free Will Of The Most Important And Oldest Theoretical Philosophy Of History. The Importance And Sensitivity Of This Issue From The Religious And Theological Issues Because That Is The Will, Ability, Power, Science Servants Of God Verbs, Especially Verbs And Destiny And The Will Of The People And Will Closely Tied. The Question That Arises Here Is Whether The Views Of Imam Ali (As) In Nahj Al-Human Beings Or Force And Whether This Autonomy Is In Contradiction With God's Will? Accordingly, The Findings Indicate That Imam Ali (As) In Nahj Al-Balagha Does Not Believe In Coincidence And Historical Determinism And Believed In The Cause And Effect Of Events And Historical Events. So That Human Philosophical Insight Of Imam Ali (As) A Victim Helplessly Against The God Of History, But Their Own History And Its Manufacturer And Can Be Across The Divine Decree, Lead To Welfare. Imam (AS) And The Traditions Of The Human Will To The Will Of God And Not The Dominant Force On The Date. Accordingly, Autonomous Being, Is One Of The Most Important Features Of The Nahj Al-Balagha. The Research Method In Collecting Library - Documentation And Analytical Judgment Is In Place Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Virtue ethics from the point of view of Imam Ali in Nahj al-Balaghah
        Maryam  Khatami
        In contemporary times, one of the major branches in ethics and philosophy of ethics is “virtue ethics". In general, the ethical question is: “What is good?” So far, three fundamental answers have been given to this question that in the three schools of Consequentialism More
        In contemporary times, one of the major branches in ethics and philosophy of ethics is “virtue ethics". In general, the ethical question is: “What is good?” So far, three fundamental answers have been given to this question that in the three schools of Consequentialism, Deontologism, and ethics of virtue is classified. Of these three, Virtue ethics in the contemporary era has attracted the attention of Islamic and non-Islamic scholars and thinkers. This study attempts to examine how this type of ethics is reflected in the teachings of Imam Ali Based on the findings of the research, it can be said that the ethics of virtue is the dominant theory in viewpoints of Imam Ali and mystics. For example, where Imam Ali in Nahj al-Balaghah, Wisdom 32 says: “A good person is better than a good deed, and a bad person is worse than a bad deed”. In the manifestations of the ethics of virtue in the teachings of Imam Ali, the "justice" as the main virtue is emphasized. This research has been done with interpretive analytical method. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Seyyed Hayadr Amuli’s Response to the Paradox of Non-Existence and Affirmation of the Loci of Manifestations in the Hadith of Truth
        Mohsen  Habibi Ali  Yazdani
        The “Hadith of Truth”, which Kumayl has narrated from Imam Ali (a), contains some sublime points, and on which some prominent figures such as Seyyed Haydar Amuli have written commentaries. When commenting on the first part of the hadith, “al-haqiqah …”, Amuli mentions t More
        The “Hadith of Truth”, which Kumayl has narrated from Imam Ali (a), contains some sublime points, and on which some prominent figures such as Seyyed Haydar Amuli have written commentaries. When commenting on the first part of the hadith, “al-haqiqah …”, Amuli mentions that, according to this hadith, Almighty Truth is manifested in the forms of the loci of manifestations, which are, nevertheless, non-existent. This statement appears paradoxical and, thus, Seyyed Haydar has tried to resolve it. In his view, manifestations and entities are fixed in their non-existence and appear in the name of “divine light”, which is the same existence of Almighty Truth. They are permanently in non-existence, and it is, in fact, the name of the divinely manifested that grants them existence at each moment. Otherwise, if they enjoy continuous existence, granting existence to them would mean the attainment of what they have already attained. In response to this paradoxical affair, Amuli benefits from the allegory of the sea and the wave. He explains that the sea appears in the form of the wave; hence, the wave exists in one respect and does not exist in another one. In this way, Seyyed Haydar tries to remove the paradox involved in the first section of the hadith. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - The duty of the people in front of the government from the perspective of Hazrat Yusuf and Imam Ali (peace be upon him)
        Bibi Saeideh Shamrizi seed hamid shamerizi Shahrbanou  Mahini
        One of the most important issues in the divine government is following a just ruler who is based on the Islamic Shari'ah. So the people are obliged to obey him and observe the laws that are announced for implementation after their approval. The same basis exists in the More
        One of the most important issues in the divine government is following a just ruler who is based on the Islamic Shari'ah. So the people are obliged to obey him and observe the laws that are announced for implementation after their approval. The same basis exists in the Holy Quran and especially in the rule of Hazrat Yusuf and the rule of Imam Ali (peace be upon her). According to verse 21 of Surah Al-Imran and many other verses of the Holy Quran, the result of disobeying the just ruler will be the limitation of a rebellious person's actions in this world and the punishment of the hereafter. One of the other important issues that is considered in this article is the duty of the people to the government for work and activities. In the life and rule of Hazrat Yusuf and especially Imam Ali peace be upon him, government officials and people were given special attention in performing their duties. With the responsibility that is given to Hazrat Yusuf (peace be upon him), due to the arrival of famine and readiness to deal with it, he puts himself and all the people of Egypt to work. During the reign of Imam Ali, peace be upon her, she also paid special attention to affairs and works, such as: The non-equality of the good and the bad, paying attention to merchants and controlling the market and prices, paying attention to the oppressed class and taking care of their affairs.It was emphasized not to make promises and to consider things big, not to break promises, not to hurry and not to be slow in some matters, etc. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - The origin of hope and its role in the excellence of human life inside and outside in the words of Amirul Momineen
        amirabas madavifard reza zamani Masoumeh  Azizi Khadem
        "Hope" is an inner state that has a strong link with how a person views his origin and destination, his behavior, his selective approach in worldly life, and his way of reaching happiness in the last life. This research, through a descriptive-analytical method, pursuits More
        "Hope" is an inner state that has a strong link with how a person views his origin and destination, his behavior, his selective approach in worldly life, and his way of reaching happiness in the last life. This research, through a descriptive-analytical method, pursuits to, based on the words of Amir al-Mu'minin peace be upon him, investigate the origin of hope and its role in human perfection, to find out how to achieve a course which will bring man to exalt his soul and his existential capability; and will cause his lifestyle to improve. If a person becomes aware of his own and other creatures' "existential lack" through "self-knowledge", "self-evaluation", and "recognition of the reality of the world", he will confine his hope only to God Almighty. With a "proper faithfulness" towards Him in every bestowed or denied blessing, the highest stage of perfection, that is the position of "satisfaction" will appear in man's existence. When a person reaches the position of satisfaction, he will enjoy a pleasant life in his both personal and social life conditions. Manuscript profile