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      • Open Access Article

        1 - Religious Spaces in the Layout and Fabric of Zoroastrian Cities; Case Study: Yazd
        hassan karimian Fatemeh karimi
        The layout and fabric of a city reflect the influence of beliefs and cultures of their inhabitants. Amongst Iranian ancient cities, the historical city of Yazd, thanks to its intact and less-affected old fabric, is an excellent arena for investigating such impact. Accor More
        The layout and fabric of a city reflect the influence of beliefs and cultures of their inhabitants. Amongst Iranian ancient cities, the historical city of Yazd, thanks to its intact and less-affected old fabric, is an excellent arena for investigating such impact. According to the historical sources, Zoroastrians lived in nine (out of seventy seven) districts of Yazd in the Qajar era. Since Zoroastrians continue to live in these urban spaces to date, it has been tried in the present research to investigate the extent of influence of Zoroastrian’s religion on the formation of such spaces.This research, therefore, investigates the architectural elements with religious function in one of the main Zoroastrian districts in Yazd City, and the religious commandments that have influenced the formation of its space. To this end, a relatively well-preserved area i.e. the Dasturān district, is selected and its religious buildings were identified. The results of fieldworks combined with the findings of historical and religious texts, confirm that the religious spaces had a pivotal role in the formation of the fabric of Zoroastrian city. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Land Redevelopment Planning in the Urban Historical Fabrics Case study: Zartoshtiha Neighborhood in thehistorical fabric of Yazd city
        najma esmaeilpoor Fatemeh  Foroughinasab
        The Inscription of the historical fabric of Yazd in the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization World Heritage Cities, according to the third and fifth UNESCO cultural criteria, was performed in 2017. One of the strategies for the preservationda More
        The Inscription of the historical fabric of Yazd in the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization World Heritage Cities, according to the third and fifth UNESCO cultural criteria, was performed in 2017. One of the strategies for the preservationdaily life in the historical fabric is to reuse the previous lands that have been abandoned or the ones under dilapidated buildings that have become non-productive spaces. The researchpurpose is the first, prioritizing the neighborhoods of the historical fabric of Yazd in terms of the potential of these lands for redevelopment; and then presenting the program of improve the efficiency in their use in the area(neighborhood) with the most capability. The Analytic network process, is one of themulti-criteria decision-making methods that have been used to measure the potential of these lands, and the strategic planning process has been used to plan their reuse in the area with the most capabilities. All neighborhoods of the historical fabric of Yazd have a significant share of land worth redevelopment at their central core and outskirts. Zartoshtiha (followers of the religion of Zoroaster) neighborhood showed a greater potential for redevelopment due to its social desirability, economic potential, especially in the field of tourism, and proper access. The article alsooffersthe proposed suitable uses onpotentially redeveloping lands as well as solutions for the prosperity of life in the Zartoshtiha neighborhood. This article is also an example of the application of non-productive land redevelopment planning in historical and ancient fabrics. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Identifying and explaining the key drivers affecting the landscape quality in urban historical fabric (case study: Sang-e-Siah neighborhood of Shiraz)
        Abolfazl Badahang hossein kalantari khalil abad Keramatalah Zayyari
        Historical fabric is an architectural and cultural masterpiece, forming a valuable part of urban identity and history. Preservation and maintenance of this fabric and the quality of its landscape are essential but currently neglected due to economic and socio-cultural r More
        Historical fabric is an architectural and cultural masterpiece, forming a valuable part of urban identity and history. Preservation and maintenance of this fabric and the quality of its landscape are essential but currently neglected due to economic and socio-cultural reasons. This study aimed to identify and explain the key drivers affecting the landscape quality of the Sang-e-Siah neighborhood historical fabric in Shiraz. The research was applied concerning purpose and descriptive-analytical in nature and research methodology. Library-documentary and field studies were used, along with the distribution of questionnaires, to collect the required data, which were then analyzed using MicMac software and the Delphi technique. The results indicate that 7 out of 22 main influential factors affect the landscape of the historical fabric of the Sang-e-Siah neighborhood in Shiraz. These key factors have the most significant impact and are the least influenced by other factors affecting the landscape quality of the historical fabric of the Sang-e-Siah neighborhood in Shiraz and include spatial unity (coordination of elements) (V4), color and materials (V16), sidewalk space (V19), security and peace (V14), green space (V20), urban furniture (V12), and lighting (V15). The results of the research indicate that a desirable urban landscape has numerous impacts on the quality of life for citizens and increases their satisfaction with municipal management performance, which, in turn, will lead to greater citizen participation in urban development projects. Achieving a desirable urban landscape requires the identification of influential factors and planning for the improvement of their conditions because due to the internal relationships among these landscape elements, a change in one factor leads to changes in others. Intervening in the historical urban fabric is highly sensitive due to the value of these historical areas. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Strategies of the supporters of the historical fabrics of Kerman for the conservation of historical Places
        Nooshin Nazarieh Eisa Esfanjary
        With the development of the modern approach of conservation, the formulation of charters, treaties and the formation of international institutions, the Conservation and restoration of historical places gradually distanced from their geographical, cultural and people ori More
        With the development of the modern approach of conservation, the formulation of charters, treaties and the formation of international institutions, the Conservation and restoration of historical places gradually distanced from their geographical, cultural and people origins, and its global dimensions were added. The loss of role and shortening of the hand of native people in the Conservation and restoration of historical places can be counted as one of its consequences, So Discussioning how people think and act in the Conservation and restoration of historical places is one of the basic research questions; This research seeks to achieve popular conservation strategies in the historical city of Kerman. For this purpose, grounded theory method (GT) has been used and collect data through semi- structured interviews. 24 people of Kerman city who are interacting with historical places were studied with purposeful sampling method and theoretical saturation criteria. In the results of the research, it was revealed that a group of local people have a special desire and interest in historical places, and seven main categories were obtained from their actions, which include: Preventive conservation, inspiration and modeling in restoration, pure- integrated duality in restoration, consolidating- decorative duality in restoration, expansion and expansion of the historical building, preservation of the components and preservation of the elements of the historical building, maintenance and dealing with the process of destruction. Manuscript profile