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        1 - Technology Growth, Learning Change
        hamed abbasi kasani gholamreza shams mourkani
        The emergence of information and communication technology has opened a new window to human and has affected different aspects of his personal and social life. People effort to use ICT in many different ways by increasing their knowledge in this filed, such as using ICT More
        The emergence of information and communication technology has opened a new window to human and has affected different aspects of his personal and social life. People effort to use ICT in many different ways by increasing their knowledge in this filed, such as using ICT in teaching and learning methods. ICT has a very important role in teaching and learning method. In fact, the role of ICT in evolving teaching and learning method is considerable. This paper aimed to investigate the ICT impact on the learning method changes. This study is a kind of review one. The library method and the deep study of available literature in related domestic and international essays and books in ICT field, Different learning method, the effect of ICT on learning, mobile learning, distance learning, correspondence learning, electronic learning, mobile learning, and blended learning are used to gather information. Research shows that the ICT progresses cause people move toward distance, lifelong, personalized and network learning apart from time and place. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Identifying Challenges to Development of Distance Education from the Perspective of Payame Noor University Professors
        Manijeh Ahmadi
        The purpose of the research is to identify the challenges of distance education development from the perspective of professors of Payame Noor University. The research method is qualitative in terms of purpose and in terms of data collection. In this research, after purp More
        The purpose of the research is to identify the challenges of distance education development from the perspective of professors of Payame Noor University. The research method is qualitative in terms of purpose and in terms of data collection. In this research, after purposeful sampling and reviewing documents and research, the process of interviewing key and informed experts continued until the full identification, description, and characterization of the dimensions, components and indices and theoretical saturation were achieved. In order to determine the logical framework of the collected data, the steps of identifying, taking notes and classifying the concepts were performed. To this end, the collected information and texts were reviewed and categorized into major categories. Finally, the categories were reviewed and the duplicates removed, similar and smaller mergers and dimensions of the specific topic were categorized within the obtained components and indices. Based on the results, two-dimensional extraction model, 7 components, and 45 indices were extracted for university e-learning challenges. After finalizing the data analysis and extracting the conceptual model, the validity of the model was evaluated with 10 experts and university experts in a focus group on dimensions, components and indicators of agreement. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - A study of combined teaching methods (face-to-face) during the corona period on students
        Mohsen  Pasandeh
        The purpose of this study is to investigate the methods of combined education (face-to-face) during the coronation period for students. We had a face-to-face (traditional) training model and a face-to-face (virtual) training model, and we examined the advantages and dis More
        The purpose of this study is to investigate the methods of combined education (face-to-face) during the coronation period for students. We had a face-to-face (traditional) training model and a face-to-face (virtual) training model, and we examined the advantages and disadvantages of these two methods. Of course, given the current situation in the field of Quid 19 disease, we decided to give an overview of the best teaching method in critical situations where it is not possible to physically attend the teacher and learner, which is ultimately based on several months of practical experience. The latter in schools and universities may be the best possible combination of both face-to-face (traditional) and face-to-face (virtual) teaching methods, so the success of one of the two methods cannot be conclusively proven. Manuscript profile