• List of Articles Diffusion

      • Open Access Article

        1 - A greedy new method based on the cascade model to calculate maximizing penetration in social networks
        Asgarali Bouyer Hamid Ahmadi
        In the case of penetration maximization, the goal is to find the minimum number of nodes that have the most propagation and penetration in the network. Studies on maximizing penetration and dissemination are becoming more widespread. In recent years, many algorithms hav More
        In the case of penetration maximization, the goal is to find the minimum number of nodes that have the most propagation and penetration in the network. Studies on maximizing penetration and dissemination are becoming more widespread. In recent years, many algorithms have been proposed to maximize the penetration of social networks. These studies include viral marketing, spreading rumors, innovating and spreading epidemics, and so on. Each of the previous studies has shortcomings in finding suitable nodes or high time complexity. In this article, we present a new method called ICIM-GREEDY to solve the problem of maximizing penetration. In the ICIM-GREEDY algorithm, we consider two important criteria that have not been considered in the previous work, one is penetration power and the other is penetration sensitivity. These two criteria are always present in human social life. The proposed method is evaluated on standard datasets. The obtained results show that this method has a better quality in finding penetrating nodes in 30 seed nodes than other compared algorithms. This method also performs better in terms of time compared to the comparative algorithms in terms of relatively fast convergence. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - The study of geochemical behavior of major and rare earth elements of garnet in the metamorphic rocks at Boroujerd area (Sanandaj-Sirjan Zone)
        فرشته  سجادی Somaye Rahmani NASIM Shamsaddini Zahra Tahmasbi   Hashemi Xink Ding Ahmad Ahmadi Khalagi
        Garnet–mica schist and hornfels rock units are exposed in the east and southeast of Boroujerd. These rocks consist primarily of quartz, K-feldspar, plagioclase, garnet (almandine–spessartine), chlorite, cordierite, andalusite, sillimanite, biotite, muscovite, and minor More
        Garnet–mica schist and hornfels rock units are exposed in the east and southeast of Boroujerd. These rocks consist primarily of quartz, K-feldspar, plagioclase, garnet (almandine–spessartine), chlorite, cordierite, andalusite, sillimanite, biotite, muscovite, and minor amounts of apatite, iron oxides (ilmenite and magnetite), and zircon. Whole-rock geochemical analyses reveal that the dominant protoliths are pelitic rocks. Major and trace element compositions suggest that the Boroujerd pelites were deposited along an active continental margin. Garnet porphryblasts in some hornfels samples are compositionally homogeneous with respect to major, trace and rare earth elements; this is attributed to the diffusional re-equilibration at high temperatures (>600 ºC). Garnet in schists and some hornfels samples show reverse compositional zoning with increasing Mn and decreasing Fe and Mg from core to rim. Higher concentrations of Mn in garnet rims are attributed to resorption during retrogression. The presence of chlorite around garnet porphryblasts in these schists also supports resorption during retrogression. In schists, concentrations of HREE and Y in garnet decrease from core to rim. These zoning patterns are interpreted to record garnet growth in a closed system (i.e., Rayleigh fractionation of compatible elements). Core–rim variations in the concentrations of trace elements and rare earth elements in garnet in the hornfels samples is negligible. The lack of prominent zoning of these elements in garnet from hornfels is interpreted as minimal fractionation due to rapid garnet growth. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - A Novel Method for Image Encryption Using Modified Logistic Map
        ardalan Ghasemzadeh Omid R.B.  Speily
        With the development of the internet and social networks, the interest on multimedia data, especially digital images, has been increased among scientists. Due to their advantages such as high speed as well as high security and complexity, chaotic functions have been ext More
        With the development of the internet and social networks, the interest on multimedia data, especially digital images, has been increased among scientists. Due to their advantages such as high speed as well as high security and complexity, chaotic functions have been extensively employed in images encryption. In this paper, a modified logistic map function was proposed, which resulted in higher scattering in obtained results. Confusion and diffusion functions, as the two main actions in cryptography, are not necessarily performed respectively, i.e. each of these two functions can be applied on the image in any order, provided that the sum of total functions does not exceed 10. In calculation of sum of functions, confusion has the coefficient of 1 and diffusion has the coefficient of 2. To simulate this method, a binary stack is used. Application of binary stack and pseudo-random numbers obtained from the modified chaotic function increased the complexity of the proposed encryption algorithm. The security key length, entropy value, NPCR and UICA values and correlation coefficient analysis results demonstrate the feasibility and validity of the proposed method. Analyzing the obtained results and comparing the algorithm to other investigated methods clearly verified high efficiency of proposed method. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Effective Factors on Infusion and Diffusion of Web-based Knowledge Management Technology; Case: Moshanir Company
        Eman Mokhlesi Mostafa Torabi
        Nowadays, sophisticated technologies, such as Information Technology systems arise from new demands in case of technology perception. With increasing tendency in using Web-based technologies for ameliorating job performance, Information Technology systems act as a vital More
        Nowadays, sophisticated technologies, such as Information Technology systems arise from new demands in case of technology perception. With increasing tendency in using Web-based technologies for ameliorating job performance, Information Technology systems act as a vital section in business operations. In the current research, results of organizational development pertaining to critical factors of web-based knowledge management effective transmission are concerned. Infusion and diffusion processes are evaluated by acceptance of effectiveness of web-based knowledge management technology in organizational systems. Incepted acceptance and transmission of Information Technology tools in the accepting system business processes, will not necessarily guarantee the change in taste of users and designers. It becomes obvious only at a time when IT systems cause changes. Once this technology is deployed, a need for acquiring and measuring integration arises; this claims that a need for diffusion level as a source of change exists. Each of mentioned processes, i.e. Infusion and Diffusion, are influenced by a set of constituents. In this study, we use experimental models of infusion and diffusion for web-based Knowledge Management technology. The change source in technology transmission is considered in this research. Also, some applicable advices are suggested for effective transmission of web-based knowledge management technology in organizations. This research is done to find out the factors affecting technology transmission and IT technologies acceptance. It tries to explore the procedures for facilitating a successful transmission of these technologies too. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Programs and Policies of Technology Diffusion in Turkey
        Naser Norozi Farhad Shah miri
        Technology diffusion is recognized as one of the most crucial premises and main key factors in success of development plans in developing countries. Technological innovation of a new idea or a new system is successful when is accepted and diffused on behalf of the socie More
        Technology diffusion is recognized as one of the most crucial premises and main key factors in success of development plans in developing countries. Technological innovation of a new idea or a new system is successful when is accepted and diffused on behalf of the society. In this paper, definition offered by OECD for technology diffusion is tented. Technology diffusion or the widespread adoption of technology by users other than the original innovator is recognized as necessary for the ability to generate income, economic growth and enhancing return to R&D costs. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Determining the Process of Technological Innovation: from Generation to Commercialization and Diffusion of the Idea
        Yaser Ghasemi nejad
        Not only innovation being the foundation and basis for technology, but also is considering as a driver of technological changes in organization. That means the transition and evolution of technology depends to the creativity and innovation. Thus industrial organizations More
        Not only innovation being the foundation and basis for technology, but also is considering as a driver of technological changes in organization. That means the transition and evolution of technology depends to the creativity and innovation. Thus industrial organizations by the process of new and innovative products and services make changes in technology frontiers. Considering researches have been done in a context of innovation, we can see that lots of researchers referred to the importance of innovation process to intensify competitiveness and productivity. But, in related to determining the critical phases in process of technological innovation, a comprehensive research has not been observed. In this research with using Content Analysis Method, a new category of critical dimensions, components, and indicators in technological innovation process of organization, has been represented by surveying the past studies in relation with innovation process. With revision and surveying the theories of different researchers in relation with the subject of technological innovation process, research's result subdivided in three dimensions accompanied with its components and indicators namely “Idea Generation”, “Idea Implementation”, and “Commercialization and Diffusion”. Based on this research organizations should more focus on idea evaluation and implementation dimension. Finally indicators like “growing process of idea concepts in a practical and usable way”, “identification of problems and needs of the organization”, “employee’s freedom in doing work process”, and also “using marketing knowledge, and selling and diffusion skills” have been the most important indicators affecting in Implementation of technological innovation process Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - An Explanation of the Ontological Principles, Genetic Place, and Effects of Mohammedan Truth in the Transcendent Philosophy
        Mahdi Ganjvar Naser Momeni
        The emanation of the First Intellect as the first thing which was created without an intermediary by Almighty Truth is one of the important problems in Islamic philosophy. The First Intellect or the First Emanated in the Transcendent Philosophy is the essence and transc More
        The emanation of the First Intellect as the first thing which was created without an intermediary by Almighty Truth is one of the important problems in Islamic philosophy. The First Intellect or the First Emanated in the Transcendent Philosophy is the essence and transcendent spirit of the Holy Prophet (s) or the same “Mohammedan truth”, which is confirmed based on transmitted proofs and rational principles. Following a descriptive-analytic method, this paper explains the ontological bases of this theory in the Transcendent Philosophy while clarifying its meaning and referents in Islamic philosophy and gnosis. Some of the philosophical fundamental principles upon which the understanding and explanation of Mohammedan truth depends include the principiality of existence, the principle of the One, the principle of the noblest possibility, simplicity of existence or the principle of simple truth, and the principle of the simplicity and diffusion of existence. In the final section of this paper, based on Mulla Sadra’s works, the writers have dealt with the genetic place of Mohammedan truth in the system of being and elaborated on some of the most important effects and ontological blessings of this transcendent truth, such as mediation in divine blessing and mercy, maintaining the basis and order of the world, providing guidance towards the right path and attainment of happiness, and gaining proximity to God and benefitting from His intercession. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - Using Adaptive Diffusion Coefficients in Partial Diffusion Equation for Image Noise Reduction
        H. hassanpour M. nikpour
        This paper proposes a new approach for image noise reduction using partial diffusion equation (PDE). Diffusion coefficient is an important parameter in PDE for image noise reduction. This parameter affects the noise reduction results and quality of edges in the denoised More
        This paper proposes a new approach for image noise reduction using partial diffusion equation (PDE). Diffusion coefficient is an important parameter in PDE for image noise reduction. This parameter affects the noise reduction results and quality of edges in the denoised image. The existing PDE-based image denoising techniques experimentally adjust the diffusion coefficient. This paper proposes a new approach to adaptively adjust the diffusion coefficient. The proposed approach was applied on a number of standard images to evaluate its performance. The results indicate that the proposed approach outperform the existing PDE-based image denoisng techniques. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        9 - Family of Variable Step-Size Affine Projection Adaptive Algorithms in Diffusion Distributed Networks
        Mohammad S. E. Abadi E. Heydari
        Distributed processing uses local computations at each node and communications among neighboring nodes to solve the problems over the entire network. Diffusion is one of the methods for performing distributed networks. This paper presents a novel Variable Step-Size Diff More
        Distributed processing uses local computations at each node and communications among neighboring nodes to solve the problems over the entire network. Diffusion is one of the methods for performing distributed networks. This paper presents a novel Variable Step-Size Diffusion Affine Projection Algorithm (VSS-DAPA) to improve the performance of the Diffusion Affine Projection Algorithm (DAPA) in distributed networks. The variable step-size of each node is obtained by minimizing the Mean-Square Deviation (MSD) in that node. In comparison with Diffusion Affine Projection Algorithm (DAPA), the VSS-DAPA algorithm has faster convergence speed and lower steady-state error. To reduce the computational complexity of VSS-DAPA, the Variable Step-Size Selective Regressors Diffusion Affine Projection Algorithm (VSS-SR-DAPA), the Variable Step-Size Dynamic Selection of Diffusion Affine Projection Algorithm (VSS-DS-DAPA) and Variable Step-Size Selective Partial Update Diffusion Affine Projection Algorithm (VSS-SPU-DAPA) are proposed. Simulation results show the good performance of proposed algorithms in convergence speed and steady-state error. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        10 - Inferring Diffusion Network from Information Cascades using Transitive Influence
        Mehdi Emadi Maseud Rahgozar Farhad Oroumchian
        Nowadays, online social networks have a great impact on people’s life and how they interact. News, sentiment, rumors, and fashion, like contagious diseases, are propagated through online social networks. When information is transmitted from one person to another in a so More
        Nowadays, online social networks have a great impact on people’s life and how they interact. News, sentiment, rumors, and fashion, like contagious diseases, are propagated through online social networks. When information is transmitted from one person to another in a social network, a diffusion process occurs. Each node of a network that participates in the diffusion process leaves some effects on this process, such as its transmission time. In most cases, despite the visibility of such effects of diffusion process, the structure of the network is unknown. Knowing the structure of a social network is essential for many research studies such as: such as community detection, expert finding, influence maximization, information diffusion, sentiment propagation, immunization against rumors, etc. Hence, inferring diffusion network and studying the behavior of the inferred network are considered to be important issues in social network researches. In recent years, various methods have been proposed for inferring a diffusion network. A wide range of proposed models, named parametric models, assume that the pattern of the propagation process follows a particular distribution. What's happening in the real world is very complicated and cannot easily be modeled with parametric models. Also, the models provided for large volumes of data do not have the required performance due to their high execution time. However, in this article, a nonparametric model is proposed that infers the underlying diffusion network. In the proposed model, all potential edges between the network nodes are identified using a similarity-based link prediction method. Then, a fast algorithm for graph pruning is used to reduce the number of edges. The proposed algorithm uses the transitive influence principle in social networks. The time complexity order of the proposed method is O(n3). This method was evaluated for both synthesized and real datasets. Comparison of the proposed method with state-of-the-art on different network types and various models of information cascades show that the model performs better precision and decreases the execution time too. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        11 - Drivers and inhibitors of the diffusion of "near field communication" technology in the mobile phone payment system in Iran
        Mehran Madady mohammadali keramati Hossein Moinzad Seyed Abdollah  Amin Mousavi
        The main purpose of this research, which is taken from the doctoral thesis, is to measure the intention to use NFC technology in the mobile phone payment system in Iran based on the technology readiness model and also to identify the drivers and inhibitors of using this More
        The main purpose of this research, which is taken from the doctoral thesis, is to measure the intention to use NFC technology in the mobile phone payment system in Iran based on the technology readiness model and also to identify the drivers and inhibitors of using this technology in the banking system and economy of the country. From the point of view of the purpose, this research is practical and the research method used includes the study of available sources, forming a group of experts, conducting interviews and summarizing the views and applying them in the implementation of the research process, as well as surveying the views of users through a questionnaire, and from The partial least squares method is used to analyze the structural equations. In this research, the indicators of the technology readiness model (innovation, optimism, discomfort and insecurity), the positive (responsiveness, intelligence) and negative (unavailability) characteristics of technology, as well as the technology acceptance model (perceived ease of use and perceived benefit) are used. In order to evaluate the factors affecting the intention to use NFC technology in the mobile phone payment system and to extract the driving and inhibiting factors of its diffusion. The results of this research show that innovation, optimism and responsiveness have a positive effect on the intention to use NFC technology in the mobile payment system and are considered driving indicators, but insecurity and the lack of access to technology are inhibiting factors. Application and intention to use this technology Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        12 - A comprehensive survey on the influence maximization problem in social networks
        mohsen taherinia mahdi Esmaeili Behrooz Minaei
        With the incredible development of social networks, many marketers have exploited the opportunities, and attempt to find influential people within online social networks to influence other people. This problem is known as the Influence Maximization Problem. Efficiency a More
        With the incredible development of social networks, many marketers have exploited the opportunities, and attempt to find influential people within online social networks to influence other people. This problem is known as the Influence Maximization Problem. Efficiency and effectiveness are two important criteria in the production and analysis of influence maximization algorithms. Some of researchers improved these two issues by exploiting the communities’ structure as a very useful feature of social networks. This paper aims to provide a comprehensive review of the state of the art algorithms of the influence maximization problem with special emphasis on the community detection-based approaches Manuscript profile