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      • Open Access Article

        1 - Revelation in Mullā Ṣadrā’s View
        Seyd Mohammad  Musavi Mohamad Taghi Rajaee
        Mullā Ṣadrā believes that, since a prophet’s duty is to transmit revelations to people and guide them, they must be expressed in detail within the framework of verbal propositions so that they are comprehensible and usable by people. The words comprising a revelation, s More
        Mullā Ṣadrā believes that, since a prophet’s duty is to transmit revelations to people and guide them, they must be expressed in detail within the framework of verbal propositions so that they are comprehensible and usable by people. The words comprising a revelation, similar to their meanings, should have been descended from the intellectual world. When a revelation is sent, the prophet must ascend to higher worlds to receive it and, then, return to the natural world carrying the revelation. Sometimes the descent of revelation is accompanied with the sensual observation of the angel carrying it. In this case, the observation of the angel has occurred in the world of Ideas and the descent of the angel carrying revelation does not indicate separation from the station of divine proximity; rather, a small part of their existence is conceived by the prophet’s perceptive faculties. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Example-Based single Document Image Super Resolution Using Asynchronous Sequential Gradient Descent Algorithm
        A. Abedi E. Kabir
        In this paper, a new method for resolution enhancement of single document images is presented. The proposed method is example based using an example set of low-resolution and high-resolution training patches. According to the Bayes rule, one function is considered as th More
        In this paper, a new method for resolution enhancement of single document images is presented. The proposed method is example based using an example set of low-resolution and high-resolution training patches. According to the Bayes rule, one function is considered as the likelihood or data-fidelity term that measures the fidelity of the output high-resolution to the input low-resolution image. As well, three other functions are considered as the regularization terms containing the prior knowledge about the desired high-resolution document image. Three priors which are fulfilled by the regularization terms are bimodality of document images, smoothness of background and text regions, and similarity to the patches in the example set. By minimizing these four energy functions through the iterative procedure of asynchronous sequential gradient descent, the HR image is reconstructed. Instead of synchronous minimization of the linear combination of these functions, they are minimized in order and according to the gradual changes in their values and in the updating HR image. Therefore, determining the coefficients of the linear combination, which are variable for input images, is no longer required. In the experimental results on twenty document images with different fonts, at different resolutions, and with different amounts of noise and blurriness, the proposed method achieves significant improvements in visual image quality and in reducing the computational complexity. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Middle Platonism: Introduction and Analysis of Religious and Philosophical Theorems
        Mahbobeh  Hadina
        Middle Platonism is one of the most important philosophical-religious schools of the first century BC. While claiming to revive the original Platonic school, it is rooted in the fundamental epistemological and philosophical theorems of that time including the essence of More
        Middle Platonism is one of the most important philosophical-religious schools of the first century BC. While claiming to revive the original Platonic school, it is rooted in the fundamental epistemological and philosophical theorems of that time including the essence of the One, God as Creator, descent of the soul, rational knowledge, and salvation. A study of middle Platonists’ works reveals that the philosophical principles of this school are mainly based on a reinterpretation of certain religious-philosophical theorems of Platonic, Stoic, Pythagorean, and gnostic schools. In fact, a clear trace of the concern for explaining the problem of the oneness and transcendence of the essence of Almighty, the quality of the creation of the world, and the presence of evil therein can be witnesses in the works of the philosophers that advocate the mentioned schools. The fundamental principles of middle Platonism are basically religious, and this school is mainly concerned with such topics as the duality of the essence of divinity in two concepts, God as the Maker or Creator of the world, the duality of the spiritual and material origin of Man and the descent of the soul, cosmology and the material structure and fate of the world, eschatology with an emphasis on the theorem of Man’s salvation through rational knowledge, and finally the discussion of ethics and the definition of its practical frameworks for attaining rational perfection, which is necessary for salvation. The present paper aims to explain and provide a comparative analysis of the principles and quality of the formation of the philosophical theorems of Middle Platonism as a philosophical-religious school. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - scope persons and social moral function of the womb
        Zahra Sadeghi Zohreh  Nikfarjam Fariba  Pahlevani Abbas  Samavati
        "mercy" of relatives. In other words, it is to have love and behavior with relatives and friends Kinship is a term that represents a kind of social relationship. A relationship that has arisen as a result of the interaction of a spouse, parents and children or siblings. More
        "mercy" of relatives. In other words, it is to have love and behavior with relatives and friends Kinship is a term that represents a kind of social relationship. A relationship that has arisen as a result of the interaction of a spouse, parents and children or siblings.According to verse 6 of Surah Al-Ahzab and 75 of Surah Anfal, it can be understood that there is a hierarchy among relatives.In other words, closer relatives take precedence and are more important in inheritance and uterine reconciliation, and take precedence over reconciliation.In other words, closer relatives take precedence and are more important in inheritance and uterine reconciliation, and take precedence over reconciliation. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Energy-saving Method in GPON Using Optimal Point Based on Gradient Descent
        AliAkbar Nikoukar Hamidreza Goudarzi ali iloon kashkooly
        Doze and sleep mechanisms are the most common energy-saving solution in GPON networks. Sleep duration is the critical value in the energy-saving domain, and it will affect the QoS metrics with inappropriate value. In this paper, a new energy-saving mechanism is proposed More
        Doze and sleep mechanisms are the most common energy-saving solution in GPON networks. Sleep duration is the critical value in the energy-saving domain, and it will affect the QoS metrics with inappropriate value. In this paper, a new energy-saving mechanism is proposed using an optimal point based on gradient descent that calculates sleep duration and keeps QoS metrics acceptable. The historical value of average delay and packet, drop ratio, ONU buffer, and bandwidth request parameters are used as input, and the sleep duration value is calculated. The simulation results show that the proposed method saves up to 17% energy in GPON and keeps the network’s QoS in an acceptable domain. Manuscript profile