• List of Articles Definition

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        1 - Describing and Defining the Poetics of the short poem
        Nafise Nasiri morteza rashidi alireza fouladi
        Much of the classical and contemporary Persian poetry is composed of short poems such as couplet and quatrain. Also, contemporary poets have shown increasing interest in short poetry. Although researchers have attempted to identify the components of short poetry and to More
        Much of the classical and contemporary Persian poetry is composed of short poems such as couplet and quatrain. Also, contemporary poets have shown increasing interest in short poetry. Although researchers have attempted to identify the components of short poetry and to this end have mentioned the brevitas features, the limited usage of the verb, the ending stroke, the image-orientation, the limited use of the rhyme, and naturalism; these features mostly refer to the description of the short poem, and no unanimous definition is available yet. For example, the outer limit is sometimes referred to as one page, sometimes up to seven rows and sometimes up to five portions. As for its internal and semantic limits, they enumerate the function of the fundamental scheme and effect of the moment. This article critically analyzes the descriptions and definitions of researchers on short poetry and attempts to provide a more accurate definition of the short poem using an analytical method. As a result, this article considers short poetry based on its fundamental technique, to be with limited lines or hemistiches, and finally, "independent monolithic limited poetry with a greater tendency for the discourse of wisedom." Manuscript profile
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        2 - A critical inquiry of contemporary western philosophers' definition of morality
        From the past up to now, multiple definitions have been proposed by many of philosophers and scholars, many of which are different from each other, due to their different perspective. In this paper, first, we study three main words in this respect etymologically, name More
        From the past up to now, multiple definitions have been proposed by many of philosophers and scholars, many of which are different from each other, due to their different perspective. In this paper, first, we study three main words in this respect etymologically, namely, "Akhlagh" (in Persian), "Ethics" and "Moral" (in English). In this etymology, it is made clear that those three words have one same meaning. Then, we shall make a comparison between contemporary western philosophers' definition of morality and those of muslem scholars. This comparison shows that the definition of morality in contemporary western ethics is, indeed, a definition of morality as behavior, while in Islamic ethics, one it is as inward temperaments. At the end, we raise three arguments which show that muslem scholars' definition in comparision with contemporary westerns' one is more precise and more workable. Manuscript profile
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        3 - introduction and research of treatise on the definition of theology in Dawani
        Dawani researchers treatis is a commentary on the discussion definition of theology in Sharh Mavaghef.Mir Seyyed Sharif offers five subject.Dawani describe them and draw backs on imports .some bugs have been proposed answeres. According to Dawani believe , the mea More
        Dawani researchers treatis is a commentary on the discussion definition of theology in Sharh Mavaghef.Mir Seyyed Sharif offers five subject.Dawani describe them and draw backs on imports .some bugs have been proposed answeres. According to Dawani believe , the meaning of power is the science of knowledges that can able to give them reasons and dismiss doubts. In other words, the theologian someone who confirmation of all beliefs along with the preparation for the rest of means of reasoning and the ways of eliminating the doubts as it was required. Dawani researchers are continuing to review the definition of Taftazani in Almaghased deals.The correction ahead of old manuscripts and tried to be valid.including two versions of contemporary life,a version ooes back to the time of life Manuscript profile
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        4 - A Survey on the Rational Fundamentals and Theories of Abouria in the field of Hadith
          mehrdad abbasi Akhtar Soltani
        The knowledge of hadith is one of the most important issues among Sunni scholars and priests. It is considered much significant how to use and how to consider this knowledge. Accordingly there have been different doctrines created around the hadith, such as “Quraniyoon” More
        The knowledge of hadith is one of the most important issues among Sunni scholars and priests. It is considered much significant how to use and how to consider this knowledge. Accordingly there have been different doctrines created around the hadith, such as “Quraniyoon” , “Ahl-e-hadith” , “Salafia” and also “hadith critics”. In the present paper it has been assayed to indicate some outstanding features and properties of the three mentioned schools and then the hadith critics doctrine has been studied focused on the Rational Fundamentals and Theories of “Muhammad Abouria” , one of the prominent scientists of this school. Some of his hadith basics include: No opposition to Quran, No agreement with sunnah, No agreement with whatever proven by the science and No opposition to the wisdom. Abouria commented on different issues related to the knowledge of hadith such as prohibition on writing and publication of hadith in the first couple of hegira centuries, multiplicity of forges and editions, emphasis on the content critique in order to distinguish right and wrong narrations, No regulation and legislation of the single narration over the beliefs. existence of quoting based on definition in the hadiths, difference between the manner of sermon and behavior and so on. This study pursues these topics and answers to the related problems and ambiguities with an analytical, descriptive and librarian method Manuscript profile
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        5 - Challenges and recommendations (guidelines) in the conceptual development of entrepreneurship
        Seyed mehdi Alvani hasan boudlaie Mona Gharib Gorgani
        Anecdotes and strong empirical evidence of the importance of entrepreneurship as a field of study are available. Entrepreneurs, by creating new technologies and new services, upgrade their quality of life, increase productivity, provide more entertainment, health improv More
        Anecdotes and strong empirical evidence of the importance of entrepreneurship as a field of study are available. Entrepreneurs, by creating new technologies and new services, upgrade their quality of life, increase productivity, provide more entertainment, health improvement and promotion of communication. The knowledge which is known as the science of entrepreneurship is finding it difficult and sometimes its usefulness makes it suspicious. In fact, despite the passage of more than three decades, the discipline of entrepreneurship still remains over its legitimacy and acceptance. Among such challenges can be: the challenge of defining the phenomenon of entrepreneurship, the subject and scope of the research, scientific nature of entrepreneurship: the trends of single or interdisciplinary and, debate about the methodology, as the major challenges in recent decades. Now several decades after the birth of entrepreneurship, the need to confront with and meet the challenges of entrepreneurship is necessary to redefine it and meet its challenges more realistically. In this paper, an overview of the challenges to the emerging field of science and major efforts to meet its future are presented. Manuscript profile
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        6 - Kant and History of Philosophy: Perspectives and Main Points
        Masoud  Omid
        Investigating the history of philosophy and philosophers’ views of it are of great significance because the most important source of philosophy and philosophizing is the same field of the history of philosophy. The trend of modern philosophy, whether in the mould of rat More
        Investigating the history of philosophy and philosophers’ views of it are of great significance because the most important source of philosophy and philosophizing is the same field of the history of philosophy. The trend of modern philosophy, whether in the mould of rationalism or empiricism, has generally been developed without acknowledging the need for history of philosophy, without making it the center of discussion, and without having a particular historical perspective in this respect. For example, in order to develop his philosophy, Descartes merely focused on the thinker’s capacity and the endless world. Empiricists have also tried to have a share of the knowledge of human nature and the world of qualities and quantities through experimentation. However, when it comes to Kant, at the beginning of his book, Critique of Pure Reason, he focuses on the possibilities of human knowledge, while he finishes this work with a section entitled “History of Pure Reason”. Even the opening section and some of his words in his Prolegomena to any Future Metaphysics reflect certain perspectives and points concerning the history of philosophy. Therefore, it can be said that he was, to some extent, interested in the history of philosophy and even believed that he owed the development and consolidation of his philosophy to perceiving the nature and history of metaphysics and the related sciences and teachings. Kant found out that it would be impossible to understand the nature of philosophy or conduct philosophical inquiries and discoveries without first studying the history of metaphysics and other philosophical and empirical sciences. The rise of subject and its transcendental nature would have also been impossible without considering the history of philosophy and sciences and following a historical approach regarding systematic human sciences. However, Kant did not deal with the history of philosophy by itself; rather, he focused on the history of philosophical studies. Moreover, even at this point, the relation of the history of philosophical studies or a historical approach to the definition, restriction, and specification of subject is not of a constitutive knowledge-producing type; rather, it can be of a regulatory functional type. The history of philosophical studies could function as a guiding principle for philosophical understanding and work and highlight the signs and traces of the subject. Nevertheless, it cannot, by itself, define or create the subject, for Kantian subject has a historical aspect but is not a historical entity. In other words, the subject is a historian, perspectivist, and history-bound but is not of a historical nature. The history of philosophy is the occurrence condition of the subject and not its transcendental condition. The transcendental conditions of the subject are internal and included in its definition rather than being external, historical, and accidental. The present paper examines Kantian views of the history of philosophy in order to reveal this neglected and hidden aspect of his philosophy. In doing so, it explores some problems such as the meaning and definition of history of philosophy, history of interest in philosophy, end of history of philosophy, difference and similarity between history of philosophy and history of science, classification of history of philosophy, the relationship between philosophy and history of philosophy, the relationship between the philosophy of history and history of philosophy, and the like from Kant’s point of view. Manuscript profile
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        7 - Principiality of Existence and Change in the Logic of Definition
        Musa  Malayeri
        One of the main concerns of Aristotelian logic is to find a way for defining quiddities in order to attain a conceptual knowledge of them. Aristotle founded his system of logic of definition in harmony with his own worldview. In this system, true definitions were divide More
        One of the main concerns of Aristotelian logic is to find a way for defining quiddities in order to attain a conceptual knowledge of them. Aristotle founded his system of logic of definition in harmony with his own worldview. In this system, true definitions were divided into term and description. After Aristotle, the logic of definition was accepted by philosophers and logicians in its same primary form for a long period. Muslim Peripatetics followed almost the same trend until, in the course of the development of philosophy in the Islamic world, Mulla Sadra established the School of the Transcendent Philosophy through explaining and demonstrating the principiality of existence as well as developing some other ontological principles. One of the specific features of the Transcendent Philosophy was to harshly challenge the ontological bases of the logic of definition. Based on the theory of the principiality of existence, quiddities which, according to early philosophers, represent the objective reality of things, are reduced to mental concepts, and existence, which is the objective reality of things, cannot be perceived unless through direct observation. On the other hand, in this system, differentia, which is the basis of each quiddity and is considered to be the whole truth and actuality of each object, is not a quiddative thing and cannot be known through quiddative concepts. In this way, the basis of the five universals as the underlying foundation of the logic of definition became unstable. Following such changes, we expect to witness a fundamental review of Aristotelian logic and, particularly, of the concept of definition therein. The outcome of this overall change would be nothing but attaching more importance to the conceptual definition of truths, which is one of the significant consequences of the theory of the principiality of existence. Manuscript profile
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        8 - analytical - rational explanation (definition, concept, history, differentiation, similarity, propagation and expansion) of free innovation
        Ali Asghar Saadabadi Mohammad Sadegh khayyatian فاطمه  محمدی اترگله
        the concept of free innovation in comparison with other innovation has been neglected. Therefore, the analysis of available definitions and a clear, unified definition of free innovation is an inevitable necessity that can help to get a shared understanding and understa More
        the concept of free innovation in comparison with other innovation has been neglected. Therefore, the analysis of available definitions and a clear, unified definition of free innovation is an inevitable necessity that can help to get a shared understanding and understanding of it for this purpose, the present study seeks to explain the analytical - logical explanation (definition, background, differentiation, similarity, propagation and expansion)of free innovation in this study, at least 41 articles were analyzed in order to obtain theoretical richness to formulate the final model of 2 books, 32 sites approved by the elites. to achieve the selected definition, differentiation and similarity elements, emission constraining factors and solutions to solve the selected diffusion are used by fuzzy delphi method Overall, 16 interviews were conducted over three Delphi rounds with 6 experts to reach the saturation point among the six components proposed for the definition of free innovation, three components were rejected and three components approved by experts, in the end, the chosen definition of free innovation from the opinion of experts is innovation that has been developed by consumers with personal cost, no time and place constraints. among the 17 components of free innovation from other innovation, lack of compensation and financial transactions, lack of protection of schemes, lack of protection from the design, lack of risk due to the distribution of important knowledge were considered by experts. in the fuzzy delphi section finding free zones and diffusion of free innovation finally, legal and legal constraints, the great value of innovation in terms of the general, lack of desire for optimal investment, Lack of self - esteem for free innovators, Cultural and social barriers, thus, free innovation was introduced as the most important limitation of free innovation. Manuscript profile
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        9 - A Study of the Sinan System of Definition: An Analysis of Ibn Sīnā’s Encounter with Aristotle and Fārābī
        Mohammad Hosseinzadeh
        The Sinan approach to the theory of definition is an explanation and expanded from of Aristotelian definition. He has accepted Aristotle’s definition of objects based on analyzing their quiddity in terms of their genus and differentia and extended it. Moreover, Ibn Sīnā More
        The Sinan approach to the theory of definition is an explanation and expanded from of Aristotelian definition. He has accepted Aristotle’s definition of objects based on analyzing their quiddity in terms of their genus and differentia and extended it. Moreover, Ibn Sīnā has added some innovative views to it that have not received the attention that they truly deserve, and researchers have not explained and organized them in a consistent and structured from. Following a descriptive-analytic method, this paper explains the theory of Sinan definition within a consistent framework and analyzes the quality of Ibn Sīnā’s encounter with the views of Aristotle and Fārābī. Moreover, it refers to Ibn Sīnā’s innovations regarding the problem of definition and, by emphasizing its less studied aspects, responds to the following questions: to what extent is the unknown nature of objects’ differentia consistent with Ibn Sīnā’s theory on the definition and knowledge of objects? Does the theory of Sinan definition merely target quiddative affairs, or does it also extend to non-quiddative affairs? Which mechanism does Ibn Sīnā provide for defining non-quiddative affairs? Manuscript profile
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        10 - Re-reading the definition of revelation in terms of miracles, knowledge and infallibility of the prophets
        Reza Najafi Ali Ahmad  Naseh seyed mohammad taghi mosavi keramati
        Knowledge and the possibility of revelation is one of the oldest Qur'anic, religious and theological issues that the scholars of Islamic sects as well as non-Muslims have dealt with. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze and critique the various definitions offered arou More
        Knowledge and the possibility of revelation is one of the oldest Qur'anic, religious and theological issues that the scholars of Islamic sects as well as non-Muslims have dealt with. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze and critique the various definitions offered around revelation; Which, of course, is the goal of this article. First, the possibility of revelation has been done by recognizing the prerequisites of its cognition, such as anthropology and prophecy. After that, the characteristics of the container of revelation, ie the building blocks of the structure of prophecy, which are miracles, knowledge and infallibility, have been studied. The study of the three axes of positive, negative and imposed dialogue about the definitions of revelation is not hidden from view, which has been evaluated by descriptive, analytical and comparative methods. The analysis of the problem shows that the category of revelation is completely different from concepts such as religious experience. In addition, human genius can not deprive him of a revelatory relationship. Therefore, revelation will be achieved only with the full realization of the building blocks of prophecy. Manuscript profile
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        11 - Plato’s Idealism as the Logic of Exploring Ideas and Their Implications in Education
        مجتبی پورکریمی هاوشکی رسول اسکندری مراد یاری دهنوی
        The main aim of this essay is to explain Plato’s idealism in terms of general concepts and their educational implications. In this research, which is of a qualitative kind using the inferential method, the works of Plato, along with the books and articles related to his More
        The main aim of this essay is to explain Plato’s idealism in terms of general concepts and their educational implications. In this research, which is of a qualitative kind using the inferential method, the works of Plato, along with the books and articles related to his opinions are investigated. The research attempts to answer these questions. How is Platonic Idealism explained in terms of defining general concepts? What are educational implications of Plato' thought? The results indicate that Plato seeks to explain general concept as the representation of ideas. For him, these ideas are real but immaterial beings. The main elements of definition are concept and example. One of the main functions of general concepts is the use of them as a criterion for action in partial and objective situations, concepts that all have essential and necessary conditions and it can be distinguished on the basis of topics and also it can be put the plural things (examples) under a general concept. In terms of educational implications, Plato’s idealism entails a shift towards a concept-based framework in education including rebuilding curriculum, teaching methods, teacher and student relationship, and evaluation based on the discovery of general concepts. Manuscript profile
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        12 - A Critical Study of Suhrawardī’s Method of Defining Things
        Mohammad Hosseinzadeh
        Suhrawardī has leveled five criticisms in order to demonstrate the inefficiency of the Peripatetic theory of definition and, in return, has suggested another method for defining things. This method, which is known as the “conceptual definition”, is based on a common sen More
        Suhrawardī has leveled five criticisms in order to demonstrate the inefficiency of the Peripatetic theory of definition and, in return, has suggested another method for defining things. This method, which is known as the “conceptual definition”, is based on a common sense understanding of the meanings of words. According to this method, words are defined through providing their conceptual bases in the view of linguists or the people of language. Here, the author firstly explains Suhrawardī’s method of defining things and then examines it critically. The critical analysis of his view reveals that the logical conclusion of his criticism of the Peripatetic theory of definition is the correction of this theory through employing intuition rather than leaving the definition of things based on their quiddity aside and advocating the theory of conceptual definition. Moreover, Suhrawardī’s theory of definition, as a replacement for its Peripatetic counterpart, suffers from several problems. Therefore, even if Suhrawardī’s objections to the Peripatetics’ theory of definition are accepted, his own method in this regard is not acceptable by itself. At the end of this paper, the author explains and criticizes the views of a contemporary researcher of Suhrawardī’s ideas who believes that the relationship between Ibn Sīnā’s and Suhrawardī’s logic of definition is one of completion rather than difference. Manuscript profile