• List of Articles Causality

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        1 - The study of structural consistency analysis in relationship between literature and political culture
        Social scientists working in vast and various fields, focused on the analysis and explanation of social phenomena that reflect in their different forms in different areas of the lives of different communities. They try to offer different analytical formulations of socia More
        Social scientists working in vast and various fields, focused on the analysis and explanation of social phenomena that reflect in their different forms in different areas of the lives of different communities. They try to offer different analytical formulations of social phenomena using scientific methods and explanation patterns and find different answers to explain the thoughts, behaviors and events in different social events in various fields. Explanation in the widest sense of the meaning is that the phenomena previously known as independent affairs are in relation to each other or the phenomena that have been viewed relevant develop a new relationship among themselves. The patterns mentioned above can either be causal, functional, structural and other different patterns that social scientists, depending on the attitude and theoretical points of view or favorite school or social context of their research in general, take advantage of them. In this article, through the study of one of these patterns and explanation and expansion of the structural patterns consistency and using them we try to provide different analytical formulations for the study of Political culture of communities. This pattern of cultural analysis, especially in historical studies of Political culture of communities, will be applied too much; where literature plays its role as one of the main channels and resources to shape popular culture. Manuscript profile
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        2 - Theory of Acquisition and its Different Approaches
        Regarding man’s actions, from viewpoint of compulsion or volition, among religion researchers, there are different approaches. Ash’arites and its head believe in theory of acquisition and claimed man’s role in his actions is acquisition, not creation. But during history More
        Regarding man’s actions, from viewpoint of compulsion or volition, among religion researchers, there are different approaches. Ash’arites and its head believe in theory of acquisition and claimed man’s role in his actions is acquisition, not creation. But during history Ash’arite ‘ulama, have got different ideas and readings concerning the reality of acquisition. Studying the Ash’arite works, the author found seven prominent approaches and then criticized and evaluated them. He demonstrated that the Ash’arite theories of compulsion or volition not only are not able to explain the reality of acquisition, but they lead to either compulsion or indeterminism. Therefore, some Ash’arite ‘ulama denied the theory of acquisition and accepted the Shi’i theory of intermediate position. Manuscript profile
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        3 - Function of the Intellect in the Realms of Religion and Ethics in Qadi Abduljabbar Mu‘tazili
        Farzaneh  Mustafapour Hossein  Hooshanghi Seyyed Abbas  Zahabi
        This paper examines the functions of theoretical and practical intellects in the fields of religion and ethics in the view of Qadi Abduljabbar Mu‘tazili. Based on what appears from his views regarding the explanation of ethical propositions, we can refer to three episte More
        This paper examines the functions of theoretical and practical intellects in the fields of religion and ethics in the view of Qadi Abduljabbar Mu‘tazili. Based on what appears from his views regarding the explanation of ethical propositions, we can refer to three epistemological, motivational, and ontological approaches. The writers have investigated three categories in the field of epistemology: knowledge of fundamental values, goodness and ugliness of acts, and unveiling of ethical principles based on basic propositions; two functions of the intellect in the field of motivation: the origin of human ethical implications and the basis of Man’s responsibility, and the human voluntary and rational choice in the field of ontology. He maintains that the intellect plays an essential and fundamental role in each of them, and that moral principles have been explained based on rational reasoning. Regarding the functions of the intellect in the domain of understanding religion, the writers initially deal with God’s Oneness and Justice in the light of rational reason and, then, relying on religious principles and through granting a central role to the intellect, they interpret some Qur’anic verses. Finally, they try to interpret some cases which are in contrast to the intellect with reference to certain examples. Manuscript profile
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        4 - Aristotelian and Avicennan Background of the Principles of Analogical Theology of Thomas Aquinas
        Mohammad Mahdi  Gorjian Mojtaba  Afsharpour
        Given its emphasis upon the text of the Holy Scripture, Thomas Aquinas’s theory of analogical theology is one of the most influential and multi-faceted theories regarding the knowledge of God and analysis of His names and attributes. Aquinas’s main purpose in discussing More
        Given its emphasis upon the text of the Holy Scripture, Thomas Aquinas’s theory of analogical theology is one of the most influential and multi-faceted theories regarding the knowledge of God and analysis of His names and attributes. Aquinas’s main purpose in discussing this issue in both of his great works, Summa Theologia and Summa Contra Gentiles, was to predicate the perfectional attributes of all creatures, including human beings as the most perfect of them, on God. He believed that this is possible by employing an analogical method of predication as opposed to equivocation and unequivocation. In this way, he attained a knowledge of the names and attributes of the Truth that enabled him to leave the negative theology of the Middle Ages behind and, in this way, avoid the trap of assimilating the Truth to the created. The essential element of Aquinas’s analogical theology is the “principle of the perfections of cause and effect”. The perfections of effect have an apriori supreme presence in the cause. There are two other principles in his works called the “argument of degrees of perfection” and the “principle of the priority of cause to effect”. He insists on attributing all these three principles to Aristotle and Ibn Rushd in order to introduce his own analogical predication as being rooted in Aristotle’s philosophy. However, the truth is that Aristotle never made any explicit reference to any of the claims made by Aquinas. Rather, the idea of God’s being above perfection and pure good, in the sense that Pure Perfection embodies all perfections of finite things, is among Ibn Sina’s achievements and innovations in theological discussions. In fact, Ibn Rushd’s words in this regard explain Ibn Sina’s theories although he wrote them in his commentaries on Aristotle’s words. Manuscript profile
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        5 - A Historical-Analytic Deliberation over the Logical Meaning and Concomitants of the Principle of Possibility of the Nobler
        Seyyed Mohammad  Musawy Seyyed Abbas  Hakimzadeh Kherad Mohammad Reza  Gorgin
        According to the principle of the possibility of the nobler, which is accepted by all Islamic philosophers, the priority of superior possible over lower possible in the system of making is necessary. Given the existing evidence in the history of the evolution of philoso More
        According to the principle of the possibility of the nobler, which is accepted by all Islamic philosophers, the priority of superior possible over lower possible in the system of making is necessary. Given the existing evidence in the history of the evolution of philosophical thought in the world of Islam, Suhrawardi was the first Islamic philosopher who explained and demonstrated this principle and paid attention to its dimensions and concomitants, although there are some traces of the content of this principle in Aristotle’s words. After Suhrawardī, some other philosophers such as Mīr Dāmād and Mullā Ṣadrā in the philosophical school of Isfahan and ‘Allamāh Ṭabāṭabā’ī in the contemporary period presented some arguments to prove this principle and referred to several of its consequences. Here, the authors initially report the philosophers’ arguments for demonstrating this principle and then discuss its historical development. The noteworthy point of this analysis is that, although the main content of this principle has been correctly phrased and clearly corresponds with other philosophical principles, it cannot be considered a new principle in philosophy. It is, rather, another form of the principle of the commensurability of the cause and effect. Manuscript profile
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        6 - A Study of the Principle of Nobler Possibility and its Relationship with the Principiality of Existence
        Hasan  Saeidi Amir  Osati
        The principle of nobler possibility is one of the important principles of Illuminationist philosophy. Suhrawardi paid particular attention to this principle and sought to substantiate it in most of his works. The main purpose of this paper is to investigate the relation More
        The principle of nobler possibility is one of the important principles of Illuminationist philosophy. Suhrawardi paid particular attention to this principle and sought to substantiate it in most of his works. The main purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationship between the principle of nobler possibility and the principiality of existence. Accordingly, the authors found it necessary to provide some answers to the following questions: Is the famous argument for the principle of nobler possibility which has been propounded in the works of Suhrawardi and his followers based on the principiality of quiddity? What is the standpoint of Mulla Sadra, as the founder of the philosophical principle of the principiality of existence, regarding the mentioned principle and the related argument? Has anyone ever presented an interpretation of the principle of nobler possibility based on the principiality of existence? What are the strengths and weak points of the interpretations of this principle and the related arguments? On the other hand, some objections have been advanced against this principle which can be removed based on the fundamental principles of the Transcendent Philosophy. For example, Muhaqqiq Dawani has referred to a problem regarding this principle which Mulla Sadra has resolved relying on the principiality of existence and the related principles. His response could provide the basis for a different interpretation of the principle of nobler possibility, which has been tackled in this paper. Manuscript profile
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        7 - Natural Causality and Metaphysical Causality: Homonymy or Polysemy in Mulla Sadra
        Maryam Heydari Hamid Reza  Ayatollahy‬‏
        Causality is one of the most important philosophical problems which has undergone vast semantic changes in the course of history. This process has sometimes occurred in the mould of empirical explanation and sometimes in the mould of philosophical explanation. The vastn More
        Causality is one of the most important philosophical problems which has undergone vast semantic changes in the course of history. This process has sometimes occurred in the mould of empirical explanation and sometimes in the mould of philosophical explanation. The vastness of such changes has led some thinkers to believe that there is a large semantic gap between metaphysical and natural kinds of causality, and the relationship between them is merely of the type of homonymy. The spread of this view among some philosophers and scholars has made any kind of agreement among them impossible. As a result, no comparative study can be carried out in these two fields concerning their shared concepts. Although some of the followers of the Transcendent Philosophy advocate the same view, the philosophical principles of Mulla Sadra have removed any kind of breach or borderline between these two fields and defines them in the same way. Accordingly, it can be claimed that natural causality is the degraded form of metaphysical causality and, thus, the unison of the two fields, their proximity to each other, and any interaction between them will be inevitable. Manuscript profile
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        8 - A Study of the Principles of the Impossibility of Developing a Preference and Preponderance Without a Preponderant in Epicurean and Stoic Philosophers
        Samane  Qanbari Varnusfaderani Hassan Fathi Majid  Sadremajles Morteza  Shajari
        The principles of the impossibility of preponderance without a preponderant and the impossibility of developing a preference are among the most important principles of Islamic philosophy that have been widely discussed. Since the related debates have provoked several co More
        The principles of the impossibility of preponderance without a preponderant and the impossibility of developing a preference are among the most important principles of Islamic philosophy that have been widely discussed. Since the related debates have provoked several contradictory ideas, their study aims to clarify many of the problems in Islamic philosophy. The purpose of this paper is to examine the principles of the impossibility of preponderance without a preponderant and developing a preference in Epicurean and Stoic philosophies. These two principles play extremely diverse functions in these two schools of philosophy and are utilized in ethical, epistemological, and physical discussions. Stoics have completely accepted the principle of the impossibility of developing a preference. They also agree with the principle of the impossibility of preponderance without a preponderant but believe that it is based on the principle of the impossibility of making a preference. Stoics maintain that preponderance without a preponderant leads to motion without a cause. Epicureans agree with the principle of the impossibility of developing a preference at a macroscopic scale or in the realm of bodies and events. However, they reject it in the microscopic realm of atoms at least in the case of their diversion. Epicureans accept the principle of the impossibility of preponderance without a preponderant and believe that it is generally possible. However, they acknowledge that it is discreditable in some cases and allowed in some others. They hold that preponderance without a preponderant is a supreme example of Man’s free will. Manuscript profile
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        9 - the legitimacy of Causalityin juridical texts and statute i.r.i
        seyyed rohollah aghigh meysam nemat ah allahi mojtaba farahmand
        One example of the involvement of individuals in committing crimes and social crimes is the issue of accusations of crime. Although the word causality has a general meaning and is also used in civil law, the prevailing meaning of this concept is in criminal law, More
        One example of the involvement of individuals in committing crimes and social crimes is the issue of accusations of crime. Although the word causality has a general meaning and is also used in civil law, the prevailing meaning of this concept is in criminal law, which is more in line with jurisprudential texts. . This word, which is an effective and important application in law, is one of the most challenging issues, and there are many disagreements over it. Some argue that the appropriation is the same (not dictated), and it is a rational rule that has a strong autonomy and Jurisprudence has also used examples of it as examples of it. Some also believe that the mentioned cases (from Bob causality) in jurisprudence are exclusive to the mentioned cases, and the emblem is not an independent jurisprudential and rational basis, therefore, it should be considered limited to the cases mentioned in the texts of jurisprudence. The research has been gathered with an applied and analytical and descriptive approach, utilizing library studies, and its findings indicate that the appropriation of a rational rule is in accordance with this rule as an exemplary statement of some of the cases. And these examples are in fact only examples of this rule, the legislator, instead of expressing several examples of it, would have been better off by limiting the material to the explanation of the subject matter and avoiding the ambiguities that made ambiguities in the comprehension of the audience. Avoidance Would have Manuscript profile
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        10 - A Critical Analysis of the Five Arguments of the Falsity of Infinite Regress of Efficient Causes in al-Asfār al-Arba‘ah
        Maryam  Khoshnevisan Seyyed Sadr al-Din  Taheri Babak  Abbasi
        This study investigates and criticizes five of Mullā Ṣadrā’s main arguments for the falsity of the infinite regress of efficient causes. Given the fact that many philosophers use this principle in order to demonstrate the existence of the Necessary Being, a study of the More
        This study investigates and criticizes five of Mullā Ṣadrā’s main arguments for the falsity of the infinite regress of efficient causes. Given the fact that many philosophers use this principle in order to demonstrate the existence of the Necessary Being, a study of the objections targeting its arguments is of great importance because of its relationship with proving the existence of God. In order to achieve the purpose of this study, four arguments have been examined and criticized separately, and the fifth argument has been referred back to the fourth in terms of content and method. These arguments include “limit and middle”, “conformity”, “the most concise and precise”, “correlation 1”, and “correlation 2” arguments. The criticisms of the arguments of the falsity of regress and the importance of the falsity of the regress of efficient causes in developing some of the arguments adduced to demonstrate the Divine Essence have provoked philosophers, both Islamic and Western, to seek for other arguments to prove the existence of God in order not to rely on the falsity of the regress of causes. It is worth noting that they have had some success in this regard. At the end of this paper, without discussing the arguments and while summarizing and concluding the remarks, the authors refer to two famous arguments: Mullā Ṣadrā’s argument of the righteous in Islamic philosophy and Anselm’s ontological argument in Western philosophy. These two arguments are semi-casual and semi-analytical because they are not based on any premise that needs to be proved. Manuscript profile
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        11 - Against the Law of Causality and the Related Responses Based on the Principles of the Transcendent Philosophy
        Hossein  Oshshaqi
        Fakhr al-Dīn Rāzī, one of the prominent Ash‘arī mutikallimun, has raised 18 objections against the law of causality in his al-Maṭālib al-‘alīyah min al-‘ilm al-ilāhī. He has quoted these objections from others; however, it seems that he has raised them himself. Muḥaqiq More
        Fakhr al-Dīn Rāzī, one of the prominent Ash‘arī mutikallimun, has raised 18 objections against the law of causality in his al-Maṭālib al-‘alīyah min al-‘ilm al-ilāhī. He has quoted these objections from others; however, it seems that he has raised them himself. Muḥaqiq Lāḥijī has responded to some of these objections in his Shawāriq al-ilhām. Nevertheless, most of them have remained unanswered. In the present paper, the author has referred to 15 of the most important questions and provided others’ responses to them. Most of these objections have not been answered while they can be based on the Transcendent Philosophy. Therefore, the author has provided a summary of Fakhr al-Dīn Rāzī’s words and then tried to answer them relying on the principles of Sadrian Transcendent Philosophy. Some of these objections cannot be answered based on any of the principles of Peripatetic, Illuminationist, and Transcendent Philosophies and should be answered based on gnostic principles. Manuscript profile