Open Access Article
1 - Applying data mining techniques to regions segmentation for entrance exams to governmental universities
نرجس سرعتی آَشتیانی somayyeh alizadeh علی مبصّـری -
Open Access Article
2 - رتبهبندی توسعه یافتگی استانهای کل کشور از حیث برخورداری از امکانات ICT
hassan mohammad ghaffari -
Open Access Article
3 - Assessment and evaluation of the differentiation Status and heterogeneity of spatial available in the urban area of Tehran using TOPSIS model
Zaenab karkah Abadi saeid kamyabi -
Open Access Article
4 - Spatial study and analysis of digital divide and levels of development (Case study: Khuzestan province)
saeed amanpour sara Amouzegar moslem arefi -
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5 - The Necessity of Recognition and Support of Children Right to Happiness in Domestic and International Legal System
Reza Fanazad Ramin Poursaeid -
Open Access Article
6 - Correlation Between the Early Maladaptive Schemes, Self Differentiation and Sexual Function with Extera Marital Relationship Proneness in Married Female Students of Gilan university
Mahnaz Nasirijounaghani farhad Asghari علی پورصفر -
Open Access Article
7 - رویکردی بر علل نابرابری توسعه در شهرستان های استان چهارمحال و بختیاری به تفکیک بخش های اقتصادی و اجتماعی با استفاده از تکنیک تاپسیس
Ahmad -
Open Access Article
8 - پهنهبندی توسعه یافتگی از منظر برنامه¬ریزی منطقه¬ای دفاعی استان سیستان و بلوچستان: مدل آنالیز استان
Open Access Article
9 - Ranking and leveling the progress and development of the provinces of the country by territorial justice approach in the fields of the "social, cultural and political", "economic and productive" and "infrastructure and technical"
Open Access Article
10 - Ranking of Growth, Development and Progress of the Provinces of the Country in Different Areas
Open Access Article
11 - Assessment and analysis of the degree of development of the agricultural sector in the cities of Qazvin province
Saeedeh Salimian Yousef ghanbari -
Open Access Article
12 - Developing of Self-Destructiveness Model, based on Ego-Development Level
Ashraf Sadat Mousavi parviz azad fallah hojatollah farahani -
Open Access Article
13 - Evaluation of the degree of development of Golestan province during the fourth to sixth development plans
حسن دلیری -
Open Access Article
14 - Measurement and analysis the degree of development of the agricultural sector in the cities of Qazvin province
Yousef ghanbari Saeedeh Salimian -
Open Access Article
15 - Evaluation of the degree of development of Golestan province during the fourth to sixth development plans
دليري daler -
Open Access Article
16 - Developing a Structural Equation Model of Resilience Based on Self-Differentiation Mediated by Marital Adjustment in female nurses
Mohsen Kamaliania Kiyanoush Zahrakar Mehdi Arabzadeh