• List of Articles گري

      • Open Access Article

        1 - The Study of Wellness Tourism Demand in Urban - Rural Area of Sareyn County
        Neda Torabi Farsani sara abdemoazam محمدعلی رجائی ریزی zahed shafiei
        1. INTRODUCTION In recent years, Wellness tourism has grown considerably and this is due to spread of various diseases as a result of job stress, life stress, and unhealthy lifestyle. Hence, people try to pay more attention to health and tend to be more likely to pre More
        1. INTRODUCTION In recent years, Wellness tourism has grown considerably and this is due to spread of various diseases as a result of job stress, life stress, and unhealthy lifestyle. Hence, people try to pay more attention to health and tend to be more likely to prevent diseases and strive to improve their health through various ways, such as travel with the aim of health. Therefore, it can be said that today health tourism has become a trend of travel. In this regard, the city of Sareyn And the surrounding villages in Ardebil Province has a high potential for promoting Wellness tourism. This research has three major purposes:(1) to identifying the potential of Wellness tourism in Sareyn;(2) to investigate the domestic tourists tendency towards Wellness tourism activities in Sareyn; and(3) to prioritize the Wellness tourism activities from the domestic tourists’ perspective 2.METHODOLOGY The research methodology is qualitative – quantitative and in the first step the statistical population are experts. The data was gathered through an interview form with snowball sampling method and lastly the data was analyzed using coding(open and axial coding) methods. In the second step in order to investigate the domestic tourists tendency towards wellness tourism activities a questionnaire(on a 5-point Likert Scale) was designed and the tourists filled in the forms. The data was evaluated through one sample t- test and Friedman tests. 3.CONCLUSION The results of this research illustrated that the Sareyn has a high potential for promoting wellness tourism and tourists have a high tendency towards wellness tourism activities, and activities such as nature sightseeing, nature tourism, clean air; mineral water springs, spa springs and hydrotherapy and hiking in nature, climbing and hiking in plain are their priorities for wellness tourism. The development of health tourism in the rapid geographical area leads to more interaction between rural and urban centers and through the expansion of rural-urban flows (including the flow of people, goods, capital, information and technology), to bilateral relations and finally, to rural-urban links. To lead. This trend, over time, in turn, leads to the dynamism of rural and urban spaces and creates more opportunities for business activities in the tourism industry and improves socio-economic conditions. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - The role of construction and exploitation of the Alavian dam in the evolution of the spatial system of rural settlements in Maragheh and Bonab areas (1995-2017)
        Rasol Ghaffarirad ِAbaas Saidi
        Dam construction is one of the most important development activities to respond to the increasing demand of potable, agricultural and industrial water. The effects and consequences (positive and negative) of a dam, as is directly visible in each component that are consi More
        Dam construction is one of the most important development activities to respond to the increasing demand of potable, agricultural and industrial water. The effects and consequences (positive and negative) of a dam, as is directly visible in each component that are considered as a part of geographical spaces has also various visible and invisible signs and symptoms. In this regard dam construction has spatial dimensions and is considered within the spatial planning framework. So as various structures and functions (environmental, social, cultural, political, etc. are considered in spatial systems, therefore reviewing the structural-functional changes caused by the construction of dams and irrigation networks is necessary since it causes organization or disturbances/disruption of a spatial system. This paper aim to investigate the role of implementation and exploitation of Alavian dam irrigation network (which is operating with more than twenty-three years) in organizing the spatial system of rural settlements. The research method has been logical and by using quantitative and qualitative methods, the required information was collected. 370 households were selected using Cochran formula as the statistical sample. For analyzing the data, descriptive and inferential statistics has been used in SPSS (Kendal correlation test, Chi-square, Independence squared, Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney). The results has been showed that structural-functional changes due to the implementation of the project, in terms of top-down approach did not lead to the organization and development of the spatial system of rural settlements in the study area. Also, there is a significant relationship between the location of settlements, political-administrative divisions of the districts and the developments of the spatial system and the dam, in such a way that the construction of the dam has caused uneven development and disturbance of the spatial system between upstream settlements of the dam (in reservoir area) and downstream of the dam (irrigation network) and in Maragheh and Bonab. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Mythological Buildings, Secret of Immortality, in the National and Religious Mythies
        هيبت‌الله  اكبري گندماني
        Ever since man appeared on earth, he has made every effort to achieve immortality. To do this, he has made imaginary symbols of immortality. Of the most prominent of these symbols are the imaginary eternal buildings. In the ancient Iranian mythology, there existed build More
        Ever since man appeared on earth, he has made every effort to achieve immortality. To do this, he has made imaginary symbols of immortality. Of the most prominent of these symbols are the imaginary eternal buildings. In the ancient Iranian mythology, there existed buildings in which one would be protected from death and become immortal. These buildings have apparently been made of sacred stones or metal, enjoying supernatural characteristics. Many of these buildings shared the same patterns. Disregarding the formal differences, one comes to understand the deeper hidden layers of these imaginations, and that these imaginations somehow give form to eternity. It has been the objective of this paper to probe into these characteristics in order to illustrate that all these buildings share the same origin, and features. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Story-telling in Iran
        علی  شیخ مهدی محمود  طاووسی محمدرضا  خاکی حبیب‌الله  لزگی
        Story-telling has always existed through time in different lands. However, it so appears that it has not undergone much of a development in Iran. Before the emergence of Islam in Iran, the Parthian Gossans and Sassanind musicians made use of music, dance, songs, probabl More
        Story-telling has always existed through time in different lands. However, it so appears that it has not undergone much of a development in Iran. Before the emergence of Islam in Iran, the Parthian Gossans and Sassanind musicians made use of music, dance, songs, probably a number of actors and actresses. In the course of change of religion from Zoroastrianism to Islam, story-telling preserved its nature, though it lost its characteristics such as dance and music, mainly relying on the artistic features of the narrator. Due to restraints existing in the Islamic period which followed the interpretations of the religious teaching concerning arts and drama, story-telling was somehow limited to the narration of merely one person called "Ta'zieh" (passion play). The very same constraint, however, reinforced drama and became the source of development for Ta'zieh. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Analysis of Rumi's Attitude towards Prophet Mohammad
        بخشعلی  قنبری
        Prophet Mohammad enjoys a very exclusive position for Rumi. In his eyes, compared to the other prophets, Prophet Mohammad is like a fruit created by the tree of prophecy. Therefore, although Prophet Mohammad is the last prophet, he is the most superior one. Rumi believe More
        Prophet Mohammad enjoys a very exclusive position for Rumi. In his eyes, compared to the other prophets, Prophet Mohammad is like a fruit created by the tree of prophecy. Therefore, although Prophet Mohammad is the last prophet, he is the most superior one. Rumi believes that Prophet Mohammad brought messages with himself that a human will need as long as he is alive. That is because Prophet Mohammad has opened locks which no one else ever even made any attempt to open. However, of course one can utilize them on these conditions; first; feeling the need and necessity to use them, in other words man must be aware of his spiritual and physical needs in the first place; so that this awareness leads him towards Prophet's discourses. Second; one must seek to practice them in life as an individual. Third; make a comparison between an undesired life with the desired spiritual life so that he would realize and be grateful for the Prophet. Certainly being aware of the great Prophet's position and statue can lead any individual towards this path, because regarding this stand and the Prophet's precious discourses one can use his words. There is no doubt that morality, knowledge, and mystics are among the learning issues that the contemporary human being can make most use of in life according to the Prophet's discourses. Once such points are noticed precisely, then one can point to Prophet's great deeds and services and finally utilize the related findings in life. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Psychoanalysis and Politics
        Mohammadreza Tajik
        Post-Freud psychoanalysis, as manifested in Lacan’s teachings, has had a deep influence on the contemporary theoretical criticism, feminism, film theories, post-structuralism, and Marxism. As a matter of fact this branch of psychoanalysis is a post-modern separation fro More
        Post-Freud psychoanalysis, as manifested in Lacan’s teachings, has had a deep influence on the contemporary theoretical criticism, feminism, film theories, post-structuralism, and Marxism. As a matter of fact this branch of psychoanalysis is a post-modern separation from Sigmund Freud’s teachings. This theory is also to some extent based on the structural and linguistic humanistic discoveries. One of Lacan’s most fundamental beliefs, as the most prominent figure of this school, is that the unconscious has a concealed and hidden structure; quite similar to the structure of language. The recognition of the world, others and self is determined through language. An individual’s precondition for gaining knowledge about himself- as a distinct entity- is language. Lacan also offers a three-angled pattern of the social-psychological world; including the imaginative aspect, the symbolic aspect and the real aspect; which has a vast and serious influence on the domain of the new political realm; post-modernism, post-structuralism, post-Marxism, and feminism. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - Identity Discourse of Islamic Revivalism: Backgrounds and Thoughts
        The discourse of ‘Islamic Revival’ is the first influential reaction to Modernity. Opposing the secular modernists, they tried to develop and establish their own discourse, supporting rationalism, justice, freedom, equality, gradual changes and reforms, councils, parlia More
        The discourse of ‘Islamic Revival’ is the first influential reaction to Modernity. Opposing the secular modernists, they tried to develop and establish their own discourse, supporting rationalism, justice, freedom, equality, gradual changes and reforms, councils, parliamentary government system, adapting to Islamic Law (Shari‘a), and so on. In fact, the discourse of ‘Islamic Revival’ that developed in the period of Qajar from the inside of the domestic changes in Islamic countriesas attempted to offer a religious understanding of the ways of confronting the issues challenging Islamic societies (including Iran), and stressed the necessity of taking actions about and reactions to the modern identity. The Consequences and effects of modernity on political, economic, social, and cultural sectors of the Iranian society made the theorists of the discourse redefine traditions, models and institutions related to the traditional life, and clarify their relations to the concepts such as rationalism, freedom, equality, progress and law, in confrontation with the concepts emerging from the condition of the new civilization. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - The Role of Childhood Emotional Maltreatment in Predicting Adulthood Aggression
        Behnaz Shid Anbarani Alireza Gol Fatemeh Farhadian Zahra Tabibi Sajjad Namvar Tabatabaee
        The aim of this study was to determine the role of childhood emotional (affective) maltreatments (abuse) in predicting adult aggression with the mediating role of pathological (morbid) personality traits. This research was a descriptive correlational study and the stati More
        The aim of this study was to determine the role of childhood emotional (affective) maltreatments (abuse) in predicting adult aggression with the mediating role of pathological (morbid) personality traits. This research was a descriptive correlational study and the statistical population included all persons between 18 and 50 years old. The sample of this study was 266 people who were selected through available sampling. Subjects completed the Buss-Perry Aggression Questionnaire (AQ), DSM-5 Personality Inventory (PID-5) and Life Experiences Questionnaire (LEQ) on a voluntary basis. The direct effect of emotional maltreatment variables on the morphological variables was 0.22, the direct effect of the emotional maltreatment variables on aggression was 0.24 and the direct effect of combining morbidity variables on aggression was 0.64. According to the t-test, the indirect paths of the model are significant, indicating a significant mediating role of pathological characteristics in the relationship between childhood emotional abuse and adult aggression. From the findings of this study, it can be concluded that the causal model of the mediating role of pathological (morbid) personality traits is confirmed in relationship between childhood emotional maltreatment and adulthood aggression. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        9 - Comparing the Effectiveness of Group Positive Psychotherapy and Psychodrama on Spiritual Attitude of Women with Chronic Pain
        Oranous Ghotbinejhad Bahre Asemani Marjan Hassaniraad
        The aim of the present study was to compare the effectiveness of group positive psychotherapy and psychodrama on spiritual attitude of women with chronic pain. The study was a semi-experimental research with pre-test, post-test and follow-up design with control group, a More
        The aim of the present study was to compare the effectiveness of group positive psychotherapy and psychodrama on spiritual attitude of women with chronic pain. The study was a semi-experimental research with pre-test, post-test and follow-up design with control group, and the statistical population included all women suffering from chronic pain who visited Pars Royal Clinic in Tehran, from among whom a sample of 45 women were selected using convenience sampling method and were assigned to three groups of 15 people. Research tools included Spiritual Attitude Scale, Group Positive Psychotherapy Protocol and Therapeutic Psychodrama Package. For analyzing the data, analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was utilized. Research findings indicated that group positive psychotherapy was more effective than psychodrama on improving the spiritual attitude of women suffering from chronic pain (p<0.01). Based on the results, compared to psychodrama, group positive psychotherapy is more effective on strenghtening the spiritual attitude of women with chronic pain in using adaptive strategies to cope with chronic pain and thereby improving their quality of life Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        10 - Moderating Effect of Uncertainty at the Workplace at Relationship between Role Ambiguity and Physical and Psychological Violence
        Nargessadat Mortazavi hamidreza oreyzi
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the moderating effect of uncertainty at the workplace in relationship between role ambiguity and physical and psychological violence in the workplace. The method of this study is cross-sectional and participants in this study More
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the moderating effect of uncertainty at the workplace in relationship between role ambiguity and physical and psychological violence in the workplace. The method of this study is cross-sectional and participants in this study were 279 employees of Iran’s Polyacryl Company selected using convenient sampling. The instruments used including the Uncertainty at the Workplace Scale, Role Ambiguity Scale, and Physical and Psychological Violence Questionnaire (Menard & Met al ,2011). Data was analyzed using the hierarchical regression and moderate analysis. The findings indicated that participants, physical and psychological violence increased, when uncertainty at the workplace was high. Also moderating effect of uncertainty at the workplace in relationship between role ambiguity and physical and psychological violence in the workplace was confirmed. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        11 - The Role of Creating Flexible Patterns of Behavior through Value-Based Exposure in the Psychotherapy Process
        Ali Mohammad  Rezaei Sharifi Tayyebeh Ahmad Ghazanfari Elham  aflaki Mohammad jafar  bahre dar
        The aim of the present study was to establish flexible patterns of behavior through value-oriented exposure in the psychotherapeutic process to the reduction of chronic pain and clinical symptoms in patients with systemic lupus. The present research method was quasi-exp More
        The aim of the present study was to establish flexible patterns of behavior through value-oriented exposure in the psychotherapeutic process to the reduction of chronic pain and clinical symptoms in patients with systemic lupus. The present research method was quasi-experimental (pre-test-post-test) with a three-month follow-up period and a control group. For this purpose, 60 subjects were selected based on the criteria for entering the study and were assigned by available sampling method in two groups of treatment based on acceptance and commitment (20 people), treatment focused on compassion (20 people) and one control group (20 people). Zong SAS Anxiety Questionnaire and Chronic Pain Questionnaire were used to collect information. To analyze the findings, the variance analysis method was used with repeated measurement and non-parametric follow-up tests of Bonfroni, Kalmograf-Smirnov and Krovit Machli. The results showed that there was a significant difference between the two intervention groups of treatment based on acceptance and commitment and treatment focused on compassion on anxiety and chronic pain and the control group on pre-test-post-test scores (p <0.001). Overall, the results of this study show that treatment based on acceptance and commitment and compassion-focused therapy has an effect on reducing anxiety and chronic pain in lupus patients. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        12 - Philosophy and Religious law in Spinoza’s Theologico-Political Treatise: Admist Averroism and Textualism
        Reza  Najafzadeh
        Given the Multi-cultural nature of the development of philosophical systems, it can be claimed that Baruch Benedict de Spinoza formulated his view of the problem of the possibility or impossibility of concurrence of philosophy and religion in line with the tradition of More
        Given the Multi-cultural nature of the development of philosophical systems, it can be claimed that Baruch Benedict de Spinoza formulated his view of the problem of the possibility or impossibility of concurrence of philosophy and religion in line with the tradition of Latin and Jewish Averroists. A major part of his Theologico-Political Treatise is devoted to responding to this problem. Spinoza’s philosophical thoughts were influenced by several philosophical and political traditions. Inspired by the naturalist philosophers of the Renaissance period, he advocated the radical republican tradition and played a significant role in developing the radical Enlightenment heritage. In unity with such trends and while being influenced by the Protestant religious reforms tradition and having a Jewish educational background, Spinoza was continually occupied with the important problem of the possibility or impossibility of reconciling theology and philosophy or religion and rationality. This radical philosopher of the Enlightenment Period encountered holy texts in the light of the Islamic and Jewish legacies of rational thoughts. In order to provide an answer to this problem, he openly dealt with the rationalist and textualist trends of Judaism. Given the huge contribution of Islamic rational thoughts to the rise of the Middle Age Jewish philosophy, his thoughts also dragged him to the domain of Islamic rational philosophy. In comparison to Muslim and Jewish textualists and rationalists of the Middle Ages, he chose the middle way and defended the reasons for his choice in the theological parts of his Theologico- Political Treatise: he argued that neither is philosophy at the service of religion, nor is religion at the service of philosophy. Based on this Spinozist idea, two hypotheses can be postulated: 1) the impossibility of the unity of philosophy and religion in Theologico-Political Treatise does not necessarily indicate providing some secular principles for the public domain; 2) following the historical hermeneutic approach to holy texts, this treatise provides a fideist theory which frees the vast field of living in the modern world from meaningless sterility and coldness. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        13 - The Place of the Prophet in Ibn Sina’s Ideal City
        Mohammad Akvan Fatemeh  Mohammad
        As a divine philosopher, Ibn Sina has dealt with politics in his metaphysical discussions. Apparently, he has not written an independent work on politics and has considered it to be a part of practical wisdom. In his view, the prophet represents the “ideal ruler” and re More
        As a divine philosopher, Ibn Sina has dealt with politics in his metaphysical discussions. Apparently, he has not written an independent work on politics and has considered it to be a part of practical wisdom. In his view, the prophet represents the “ideal ruler” and revelation and tradition represent the law. Since, before him, Farabi has discussed politics extensively in his al-Siyasah al-madaniyyah (Civil Politics), Ibn Sina does not see any need to provide more explanations in this regard and deals with this field in short without presenting the details. However, he has discussed the quality of choosing a leader and devising laws for his utopia extensively. In fact, he has completed the same prophetic politics that Farabi had initiated previously. The present paper briefly deals with Ibn Sina’s political system in order to clarify the place of the prophet in the hierarchy of his utopia. In this way, the quality of establishing a utopia based on the “definitive text” as the best method of electing a ruler is clearly illustrated. Moreover, the authors demonstrate how the nature of Ibn Sina’s view of the caliphate and the Prophet’s successor bring him closer to the Imamiyyah political philosophy. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        14 - The Effects of Philosophical Trends on Teaching Philosophy in Schools in the Safavid Era
        Musa al-Riza  Bakhshi Ostad
        Not the same level of attention was paid to philosophy in schools in different periods of the Safavid era, and there were some ups and downs in this regard under the influence of the various philosophical and scientific trends dominating the society of that time. This p More
        Not the same level of attention was paid to philosophy in schools in different periods of the Safavid era, and there were some ups and downs in this regard under the influence of the various philosophical and scientific trends dominating the society of that time. This paper examines the process of teaching philosophy in schools in two halves of the Safavid era based on historical sources while employing a descriptive-analytic method. During the first half of this era, because of the dominance of rationalism over schools, philosophy, alongside religious sciences, was the focus of great attention, as it was in the pre-Safavid era. We can observe the peak of its growth in the middle of the Safavid era in the philosophical School of Isfahan. However, in the second half of this era, particularly during its last decades, with the revival of the Akhbari school of thought or the school of the people of hadith, the teaching of the Shi‘ite traditions and hadith became prevalent in schools, and the teaching of philosophy in schools was very limited and suffered huge decline. For example, in some schools such as “Sultani” and “Maryam Beigum” in Isfahan they banned the teaching and learning of philosophy and placed it in the list of subversive sciences. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        15 - A Study of the Fundamental Principles and Elements of Comparative Philosophy in Izutsu’s Philosophy
        Hamidreza Eskandari Ghasem  Purhassan
        Due to the dominance of the theory of analogy and Henry Corbin’s phenomenological approach, comparative philosophy has not yet been properly explored. In Iran, no reference has ever been made to Toshihiko Izutsu and his meta-historical theory, and no study has ever been More
        Due to the dominance of the theory of analogy and Henry Corbin’s phenomenological approach, comparative philosophy has not yet been properly explored. In Iran, no reference has ever been made to Toshihiko Izutsu and his meta-historical theory, and no study has ever been conducted in this regard. Izutsu’s meta-historical view is a fundamental departure from Paul Masson-Oursel’s approach and even historicism. However, it is considered to be an innovative view which demands more accurate deliberation. Accordingly, the present study was conducted to explore the elements and fundamental principles of comparative philosophy in Izutsu’s thoughts. In doing so, the authors have examined the importance and place of Izutsu in comparative philosophy, the nature of comparative philosophy, the necessity and possibility of comparative philosophy, and Europe-centeredness in Izutsu’s philosophy. They aim to clarify how one can discover the necessity and possibility of comparative philosophy based on his principles and, at the same time, remain immune against the criticisms advanced against other comparative philosophical approaches. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        16 - Happiness and Contemplation of Beauty in Plato’s Symposium
        Hamidreza  Mahboobi Arani
        Diotima’s speech in Plato’s Symposium is one of the most important parts of his works. The present paper exclusively examines the last of Diotima’s speech, where Plato uses some words and phrases focusing on the relationship between happiness and contemplation of beauty More
        Diotima’s speech in Plato’s Symposium is one of the most important parts of his works. The present paper exclusively examines the last of Diotima’s speech, where Plato uses some words and phrases focusing on the relationship between happiness and contemplation of beauty. Diotima claims that, only when a philosopher or lover (here, in love with Sophia) reaches the peak of his love and begins his contemplation of beauty, he could attain knowledge, happiness, and true eternity, but the question is, “How could this claim be interpreted?” The purpose of the author in this paper is to attract the attention of readers to the interpretive point that Plato’s understanding of the meaning of contemplation of beauty should be perceived in the context of an ethical and political program and in relation to the practical life of a citizen rather than within a purely abstract and theoretical inferential framework. The first part of this paper explains the intended problem through an investigation of different sections of Diotima’s speech. In the second part, with particular attention to Alcibiades’ speech, the author demonstrates that, in order to learn about Plato’s understanding of this problem, one must pay particular attention to the various dimensions of this speech. Finally, he concludes the paper by presenting an interpretation of Diotima’s last words based on a general reading of Symposium and, specifically, Alcibiades’ character and words. Manuscript profile
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        17 - Negative Theology in Qadi Said Qummi
        Ensha’allah  Rahmati
        A study of the roots and history of negative theology in the world of Islam traces the background of this discussion back to Isma‘ilite philosophy. Hence, it is necessary to cast a glance at the views of Isma‘ilite philosophers in this regard. Among the twelve Shi‘ite p More
        A study of the roots and history of negative theology in the world of Islam traces the background of this discussion back to Isma‘ilite philosophy. Hence, it is necessary to cast a glance at the views of Isma‘ilite philosophers in this regard. Among the twelve Shi‘ite philosophers, Qadi Said Qummi and his master, Mulla Rajabali Tabrizi, can be considered as the theoreticians of this school of theology. Their approach, in a sense, signifies a revived form of neo-Platonic school, particularly, the one represented by Proclus. Qadi Said Qummi believes in negative theology; however, he cannot be viewed as an advocate of agnosticism. Here, the writer explains his arguments on demonstrating negative theology and, at the same time, illustrates how, based on a theory which can be called an epiphany-oriented theology, he finds a way to exit the dead-end of agnosticism. Manuscript profile
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        18 - A Review of Mullā Ṣadrā’s Responses to the Problem of the Necessity of Subsuming One Quiddity into two Categories in the Discussion of Mental Existence
        Mohammad Hadi  Tavakkoli
        Based on the theory of the qualitative nature of knowledge and the identity of mental and objective quiddities, the acceptance of the theory of mental existence poses the problem of the necessity of the inclusion of knowledge in two categories. In his works, Mullā Ṣadrā More
        Based on the theory of the qualitative nature of knowledge and the identity of mental and objective quiddities, the acceptance of the theory of mental existence poses the problem of the necessity of the inclusion of knowledge in two categories. In his works, Mullā Ṣadrā has tried to solve this problem through distinguishing between common and primary predications, application of two categories to knowledge from two essential and accidental aspects, negation of the subsistence of inherence, and acceptance of the application of two categories to cognitive form due to the mentally-positedness of quiddity, and the possibility of its shadow-like realization in the form of multiple existences. Although a study of his responses indicate their incompleteness in resolving the issue, his principles have paved the ground for accomplishing this task through accepting the “predication of the indicator on the indicated”. According to this view, regardless of what the nature and category of the cognitive form is, the narration of the nature of an external thing is introduced as the ontological attribute of the cognitive form, which has nothing to do with its nature and is, rather, outside the realm of categories. Through this solution, we can both maintain the correspondence between the cognitive form and the nature of the external thing and, while accepting the realization of the cognitive form in the mind, resolve the problem of the necessity of the inclusion of knowledge in two categories. Manuscript profile
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        19 - The Other and Individuation in Mullā Ṣadrā’s Philosophy
        Zahra  Karimi Majid Ziaei Ghahnavieh Alireza  Hasanpour
        The problem of other was propounded for the first time in Western philosophy by Emmanuel Levinas and its efficiency in justifying several ethical principles is undeniable. Moreover, it seems that the majority of present issues and complications in social and internation More
        The problem of other was propounded for the first time in Western philosophy by Emmanuel Levinas and its efficiency in justifying several ethical principles is undeniable. Moreover, it seems that the majority of present issues and complications in social and international relationships can be resolved through a profound consideration of this problem. This discussion has apparently been developed during the contemporary period; however, several early philosophical views and ideas are also capable of resolving the related issues. One of the early philosophical schools with such a potential is Mullā Ṣadrā’s school of thought, which comprises the principles that are based on his ontological thoughts. The employment of the principles of the Transcendent Philosophy as a method of living can at least lead to some changes in People’s worldviews. For example, by lining up some philosophical principles such as the principiality and gradation of existence and the theory of existents’ manifestation, a new definition can be provided for the principle of individuation. Moreover, through a comparison of the principle of individuation with the Sadrian oneness of being, a number of noteworthy conclusions can be derived from this discussion. Manuscript profile
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        20 - Exploring Content of Nurses’ Emotional Labour Dimensions and Investigating the Impact of Human Resource Management Practices on it in Mashhad’s Public Hospitals
            Mostafa Kazemi saeed mortazavi
        Emotional labor as the management of emotions is the vital aspect of nursing profession that must be observed in order to express the organization’s intended emotions. Despite the emphasis made over the importance of this topic, it has not been much within the spot ligh More
        Emotional labor as the management of emotions is the vital aspect of nursing profession that must be observed in order to express the organization’s intended emotions. Despite the emphasis made over the importance of this topic, it has not been much within the spot light of experts inside the country; as the result there is no accurate cognition over the phenomenon. The current study, due to the existing knowledge gap and its important application in the domain being studied, explores contents of emotional labor dimensions in nurses; since a special goal out of HRM practices must be developed to create and preserve desired organization’s emotions, the second aim for this paper is studying the impact of HRM practices on contents of these dimensions. In the qualitative, all exemplar nurses of Mashhad’s public hospitals were interviewed by purposeful sampling; and the analysis was conducted through Colaizzi method. In quantitative, a questionnaire was distributed among 130 experienced nurses; and the analysis was conducted through confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and AMOS software. Finally, in qualitative, in surface acting, 5 subcategories in 2 categories “emotional mask and emotional deal”; and in deep acting, 15 subcategories in 5 categories “emotional withdrawal, emotional empathy, emotional arousal, emotional sharing, and emotional reflection” emerged. In quantitative, the result for confirmatory factor analysis confirmed all categories and subcategories obtained in nurses’ emotional labor; also, HRM practices affected contents of emotional labor dimensions. Manuscript profile
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        21 - An Agent-Based Parallel Programming for Grid Programming
        H. Deldari
        Computational grids have provided the usage of computational distributed resources for computation-intensive applications. The development of programs that use these capabilities is one of the challenging issues for grid computing. In this article, an effort has been ma More
        Computational grids have provided the usage of computational distributed resources for computation-intensive applications. The development of programs that use these capabilities is one of the challenging issues for grid computing. In this article, an effort has been made in order to solve this problem by presenting mobile-agent-based parallel programming on the grid. The presentation of this model, which has been materialized by extending Alchemi™ grid infrastructure, adding agent properties and navigational commands that let the user to develop his/her program by using agents’ mobility and communication between them. In order to evaluate the system, algorithm of matrix multiplication as well as algorithm of finding the convex hull of a series of points have been implemented in the mentioned system. Manuscript profile
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        22 - The effect of religious tourism on quality of life and social capital of rural households (Case Study: Bardy village, Dehloran County).
        Javad Alibeigi
        Religious tourism is one of the oldest forms of tourism that has been considered by human beings which caused changes in the quality of life and social capital of the host society through changes between their interactions. This phenomenon is more obvious in third world More
        Religious tourism is one of the oldest forms of tourism that has been considered by human beings which caused changes in the quality of life and social capital of the host society through changes between their interactions. This phenomenon is more obvious in third world countries’ rural areas that are experiencing their early stages of tourism development. Accordingly, the aim of this study is to investigate the effect of religious tourism on quality of life and social capital of rural households in Bardi village, Dehloran County. This is an applied research, which benefits from descriptive and analytical method. The data were collected by means of a questionnaire, interviews, observation and desk research while data analysis was done through descriptive and inferential statistics method (Friedman and Wilcoxon tests). The study population was 165 households and 857 people of Bardy village according to 2011 census. Accordingly 102 households were chosen as sample size based on Cochran formula. Research findings show that religious tourism has affected and improved their quality of life in all aspects, including social, environmental (higher than average) and economical, physical (on average), also research findings regarding the social capital component shows that, after the expansion of religious tourism, social participation, social networks and social cohesion has improved, but the aspect of social trust has been reduced dramatically. Manuscript profile
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        23 - راهکارهاي توسعۀ گردشگري سالمندي با رويکرد تکنيك مدل¬سازي ساختاري تفسيري (ISM) در استان یزد
        Mir Mohhammad  Asadi
      • Open Access Article

        24 - Analyzing the barriers of rural tourism development (Case study: Fash Village Kangavar city, Kermanshah province)
        Rural tourism is considered as an employment factor and income generator that can be an important solution for social and economic development of rural communities as well as protecting the rural culture and environment. The first step in the development of rural touris More
        Rural tourism is considered as an employment factor and income generator that can be an important solution for social and economic development of rural communities as well as protecting the rural culture and environment. The first step in the development of rural tourism is to identify its barriers and challenges. This study will analyze the barriers and challenges of rural tourism, through a qualitative paradigm and a grounded theory, also analysis of variance (ANOVA) was explored in the case study, the village of Fash from Kangavar. Data collection was conducted through, in-depth interviews, direct observations and desk research. The validity of this research was confirmed by experts and specialists such as university professors, experts and managers in Iranin Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization (ICHTO). By using MaxQDA, as a valuable qualitative analyzing software, themes, percentage and frequency of codes were analyzed. The results of the study showed that the main barriers of rural tourism development are: economic problems, socio-cultural problems, managerial-infrastructural problems and informational and publicity problems. Analyze of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey tests revealed that, from villagers’ point of view, the managerial-infrastructural problem has a higher impact whereas experts considered the same range of impact for informational and publicity problems as a barrier for rural tourism development. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        25 - Sociological Analysis of Factors Influencing Destination Loyalty
        طیبر ظیسبل
        This paper is a part of a survey. It applies structural equal modeling techniques to analyze factors that influence tourism destination loyalty. The approach was “Tourism as a customer.” The customer buys leisure services from the provider and the destination. One model More
        This paper is a part of a survey. It applies structural equal modeling techniques to analyze factors that influence tourism destination loyalty. The approach was “Tourism as a customer.” The customer buys leisure services from the provider and the destination. One model in this approach is the European Customer Satisfaction Index. Based on this model, variables influencing the loyalty of tourists to the host community are not just the service provided by the host community. Rather, loyalty is correlated to the image of the destination, and the related expectations of that image. The statistical population was the families and parents of the martyrs in Mashhad. The sample included 400 cases selected by stratified sampling. Based on regression coefficients, perceived value and perceived quality were factors that influenced trip satisfaction. The final model of path analysis showed perceived value and perceived quality influenced trip satisfaction. Perceived quality impacted life satisfaction both directly and indirectly. We considered this perceived value as a mediate variable. Perceived quality leads to a positive evaluation of travel achievement, and it increases trip satisfaction. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        26 - Sociological Analysis of Factors Influencing Destination Loyalty
        طیبر ظیسبل   سميه  عفتی
        This paper is a part of a survey. It applies structural equal modeling techniques to analyze factors that influence tourism destination loyalty. The approach was “Tourism as a customer.” The customer buys leisure services from the provider and the destination. One model More
        This paper is a part of a survey. It applies structural equal modeling techniques to analyze factors that influence tourism destination loyalty. The approach was “Tourism as a customer.” The customer buys leisure services from the provider and the destination. One model in this approach is the European Customer Satisfaction Index. Based on this model, variables influencing the loyalty of tourists to the host community are not just the service provided by the host community. Rather, loyalty is correlated to the image of the destination, and the related expectations of that image. The statistical population was the families and parents of the martyrs in Mashhad. The sample included 400 cases selected by stratified sampling. Based on regression coefficients, perceived value and perceived quality were factors that influenced trip satisfaction. The final model of path analysis showed perceived value and perceived quality influenced trip satisfaction. Perceived quality impacted life satisfaction both directly and indirectly. We considered this perceived value as a mediate variable. Perceived quality leads to a positive evaluation of travel achievement, and it increases trip satisfaction. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        27 - Designing a Strategic Model of the Antecedents of Customer’s Experience in the Tourism Industry
        soghra taghipour Samad Aali Alireza  Bafandeh Zendeh Hakimeh  Niki
        This study sought to identify the antecedents of customers’ experience in the tourism industry using a mixed-method approach. To this end, first, 246 domestic and foreign relevant articles published from 2010 to 2020 were collected in the qualitative phase using the met More
        This study sought to identify the antecedents of customers’ experience in the tourism industry using a mixed-method approach. To this end, first, 246 domestic and foreign relevant articles published from 2010 to 2020 were collected in the qualitative phase using the meta-synthesis method, out of which 52 articles were selected and analyzed via the content analysis method. Then, a questionnaire was developed based on the results of the content analysis conducted on the articles mentioned, applying the opinions of 10 experts and specialists in marketing and tourism. The researcher-developed questionnaire was then administered to 440 Iranian tourists who had traveled to Turkey, Malaysia, Azerbaijan, and UAE over the last five years (2016-2021). On the other hand, each construct of the proposed model was examined in terms of mono-dimensionality through a separate measurement model using Kline's method (2005) to ensure that the factor loading of the indicators and the correlation coefficient between factors do not exceed 0.5 and 0.85, respectively. Then, the reliability and validity of the constructs together with the construct validity, convergent validity, and divergent validity were measured, and Cronbach's alpha, Composite Reliability (CR), and Average Variance Extracted (AVE) were calculated. Finally, the model concerning the tourist experience antecedents was developed. According to the results of the study, a model comprising of four main components, including tourist management, tourism destinations’ management, tourism resource management, and tourism product management were developed based on the antecedents of the tourist experience using a mixed method approach (which is one of the innovations of the study). Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        28 - A Theoretical and Practical Approach to Quran’s Visualization Art for Teaching Village Dwellers
        منصور شاه ولی
        Entering the post-industrial era requires effective learning methods and this is even more important for rural communities. Agricultural extension plays a fundamental role in designing such methods to encourage them to learn more. Using arts, such as visualization, c More
        Entering the post-industrial era requires effective learning methods and this is even more important for rural communities. Agricultural extension plays a fundamental role in designing such methods to encourage them to learn more. Using arts, such as visualization, can make this possible because it brings about faster and deeper effects. One of magnificent manifestations in the Quran is that it creates introduces phenomena and teachings in the form of beautiful artistic images. Hence, it infuses life and movement into these phenomena and concepts, profoundly affects hearts, conveys a lot of meanings through few words (eloquence), and provokes using the senses to convince rationally. Education on technical and specialized agricultural issues through this art will not only make it easier for farmers to learn, but help them get acquainted with the Quranic culture as well. Investigating the function of the Quran’s visualization art in education of village dwellers, this research found that this art can help the instructor form a good relation with the audience and create favaroabel changes in their attitude about water and methods for water storage. Manuscript profile