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        1 - Jews Doctrinal Challenges and Verbal Conflicts during the Life of the Holy Prophet (PBUH
        After the establishment of the Islamic state in Medina, several groups such as the Jews who were residing in the city and its neighborhood deployed against the Prophet. As The Holy Quran states Jewish were among those nations who settled in Medina awaiting the prophecy More
        After the establishment of the Islamic state in Medina, several groups such as the Jews who were residing in the city and its neighborhood deployed against the Prophet. As The Holy Quran states Jewish were among those nations who settled in Medina awaiting the prophecy of the promised one, but Because of their hostility to the Prophet (PBUH) and obstinacy in accepting the truth, they forgot the basis of their own religion and tried to oppose the Prophet (PBUH) and prevent the spread of Islam. Secularism of the Jews led them to take military actions against Islam and intrigued against it. Also, by broaching verbal and religious issues, the attempted to hamper the spread of Islam. Verbal conflicts of the Jews and their religious questions, including the prophecy of Mohammad; the dignity of Prophet Ibrahim (PBUH); and Qibla shift, during the life of the Prophet have been mentioned and appropriately answered in the Holy Quran to be a lesson for those who seek truth. Citing several verses, commentaries, and historical resources and through a library descriptive-analytical approach, this paper aims at evaluating those doctrinal and verbal challenges Jews used to confront the prophet and his followers. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - A study of the miraculous aspects of the Holy Quran from the perspective of Allameh Tabatabai and Orientalists
        fatemeh javadiyan asl عبدالرضا  فرهادیان Fatemeh  Khalili
        comparing the opinions of thinkers in the field of Quranic studies, it is possible to achieve the growth and expansion of Quranic studies and the recognition of the greatness of revelation, and to remove deviant thoughts from the holy area of the Quran. According to Al More
        comparing the opinions of thinkers in the field of Quranic studies, it is possible to achieve the growth and expansion of Quranic studies and the recognition of the greatness of revelation, and to remove deviant thoughts from the holy area of the Quran. According to Allameh, the miracles of the Quran are absolute and are not limited to specific aspects. Some of the aspects that Allameh discussed include the miracle of the Prophet's (PBUH) being an Umi, the absence of differences in the Qur'an, occult news, legal miracles, verbal miracles, and scientific miracles. According to Allameh, a miracle is the intervention of a force outside the world of nature and does not mean the acceptance of the intellectual impossibility, and the Qur'an considers the miracle according to the law of causality, which is accepted by the intellect. According to Allamah, the revelation has the divine word and divine origin and is far from differences, contradictions and distortions. The revelation was brought to the people by the Prophet (PBUH) who had the status of infallibility. Orientalists' views on revelation can be divided into three groups. The first group studies the Qur'an without prejudice and fairly, and admits the truth and miracles of the Qur'an, and some of them have converted to Islam. The second group has realized the revelation of the Qur'an, but they refuse to acknowledge the miracles of the Qur'an and consider the origin of the Qur'an to be human. The third group denies the revelation of the Qur'an and the prophethood of the Prophet (PBUH), and the study of the Qur'an by this group is prejudiced and contradictory. Manuscript profile