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        1 - The Dissonance of Theory and Written Word (Study and Criticism of “Sparrows Sense Heaven”)
        Alireza  Siddiqui
        Sparrows Sense Heaven, a novel, was written based on post-modernism teachings. Paying attention to chaos in narration and naturally the time of the story, super-story features, creating a false cycle using historical characters along with story characters and the presen More
        Sparrows Sense Heaven, a novel, was written based on post-modernism teachings. Paying attention to chaos in narration and naturally the time of the story, super-story features, creating a false cycle using historical characters along with story characters and the presence of the writer within the story for distorting the borders between the reality and imagination are among the features and characteristics which categorize this work as a post-modern novel. Still, and at points, one can spot and observe issues which have no relation with the post-modernism teachings. The present essay first points to the post-modernism characteristics of the novel, and then criticizes the non-relevant elements. It also shows that using the methods related to this process- which claims one of its major duties to be revealing a character as a symbol and representative of the sacred defense war soldiers- is not in its right and due place; as the post-modernism attitude and insight towards man and life does not correspond with the existing attitude in this novel. Obviously despite the emphasis of all the characters on describing an ideal character in the novel, we are not even facing a multi-voiced novel either. Manuscript profile
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        2 - A Linguistic Survey of the Postmodern Literary Style in Persian Novels
        ساناز  رحيم‌بيكي محمود  براتي محمدرضا  نصر اصفهاني
        In recent decades, along with the global wave of postmodern literature, we have been witnessed novels in Persian fiction which claim to have new attitudes and a new approach to writing in this genre which naturally includes language and style. Since language is the most More
        In recent decades, along with the global wave of postmodern literature, we have been witnessed novels in Persian fiction which claim to have new attitudes and a new approach to writing in this genre which naturally includes language and style. Since language is the most important element of the style in literary studies, any change in the form and content of the language in a literary work would be a sign of alteration in the artist attitude towards his/her external and internal world. So, it seems significant to analyze the influences of the postmodern literature philosophy on the language of Persian novels, since language and its associated elements and concepts have a central status in postmodern literature known by its way of using language to recreate the fictional world. The present article will analyze the linguistic patterns of Persian postmodern novels, and with a critical approach, explain different ways in which linguistic elements have been used in these novels. In order to find the linguistic arrangements that create this style, the linguistic elements ,inspired by layered stylistics, will be determined and categorized at three levels: phonetic, lexical, and syntactic. Also, linguistic characteristics of the text and their roles in reproducing the postmodern attitude or moving away from it at these three levels are described and examined in the fictional world of these novels. Investigating the language in these works reveals no distinctive stylistic properties at phonetic level; and at the lexical level, words have both literary and conversational functions. They are also grammatically cohesive. Manuscript profile
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        3 - Structure and Content Analysis in the Novel “Mim-e-Aziz” as a Metafiction
        Nafise Liaqi Motlaq Mohammad mahmoodi
        Metafiction is a very popular genre in Iran because of its unfamiliar nature. But a large number of texts published in Iran as Metafiction, just focus on the mefaliction form and don’t represent postmodern experiences. Novel as as a reflective media, has to be integrate More
        Metafiction is a very popular genre in Iran because of its unfamiliar nature. But a large number of texts published in Iran as Metafiction, just focus on the mefaliction form and don’t represent postmodern experiences. Novel as as a reflective media, has to be integrated with its own Zeitgeist (spirit of the times) to be able to analyze the issues of contemporary life and culture of the society. Therefore, metafictional techniques must match the postmodern concerns and current issues in the postmodern societies so that the form and content confirm and reinforce each other. In this article, Metafiction and its components have been reviewed based on theorists’ views in the field. Then, the metafiction components in “Mim-e-Aziz” have been analyzed and the postmodernist contents of this novel is explained. The results show that this novel could successfully create a coordination between content and form through combining the two categories of literary criticism and fiction, creating uncertainty, ontological content, linguistic prominence, and also paying attention to the concept of postmodern family. Different types of families have been presented in “Mim-e-Aziz” to change the concept of Nuclear Family that has been considered the only normal form of family in modernism so that the existing chaos and irregularity in contemporary society is represented. Manuscript profile
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        4 - Post Marxism and "Post Marxism
        Mohammadreza Tajik
        Why shall we be rethinking Socialist project today? As the answer to this question, Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe try to take an active, conscious, and not a passive, unconscious role in the contemporary history. They choose as their goal, a (relatively) clear separ More
        Why shall we be rethinking Socialist project today? As the answer to this question, Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe try to take an active, conscious, and not a passive, unconscious role in the contemporary history. They choose as their goal, a (relatively) clear separation from the conflicts they take part in; and understanding the changes that happen in front of their eyes. At the last analysis, they find out that it is necessary to use Derrida's deconstruction method to challenge the structure and the foundation of Orthodox Marxism. Manuscript profile
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        5 - Political Pluralism: In-between Theory and Reality
        Mohsen Abbaszadeh Marzbali فرزاد  سوری
        Power, its distribution, and the quality of government relation with citizens and groups and the amount of their influence on the political decision-making processes are of the most fundamental questions encountering politics researchers. The aim of pluralism in status More
        Power, its distribution, and the quality of government relation with citizens and groups and the amount of their influence on the political decision-making processes are of the most fundamental questions encountering politics researchers. The aim of pluralism in status of a theoretical approach toward politics is specification and measurement of these issues; therefore, it defines politics as the arena of competition for different groups who have access to different sources; as a result, no single group can dominate others completely, and political decisions were seen as the outcomes of balance among forces and an open process. After specifying this approach in association with the democratic thought and the comparison of previous and recent conclusions of it, this article reviews its concrete implications in political order so as to assess the accuracy of its analyses in practice; therefore, in answering to this question that do the available political reality assert the theoretical hypotheses of the pluralist approach, it takes an intermediate status (depending on the kind of conclusion from pluralism). Manuscript profile
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        6 - Postmodernist Politics: William E. Connolly’s Agonistic Democracy
        Faramarz  Mirzazadeh AhmadBiglou
        Postmodernism, by deconstructing all the foundations and meta-narratives, has created a situation in which pluralism is the basis for policy-making. While some scholars have spoken of the refusal to form politics in the postmodern space, and have considered the lack of More
        Postmodernism, by deconstructing all the foundations and meta-narratives, has created a situation in which pluralism is the basis for policy-making. While some scholars have spoken of the refusal to form politics in the postmodern space, and have considered the lack of a basis for establishing political theory inappropriate, others have sought to establish a policy appropriate to this space, both theoretically and practically. Among them is "William Connolly", who, by inventing concepts such as multidimensional pluralism, onto-politics, politics of becoming, critical responsiveness, and agonistic respect, explained postmodern politics, and proportionate with multiplicity, pluralism, dispersion, and diversity of identities has proposed a practical solution. Agonistic democracy, which of course includes other founders and proponents such as Chantal Mouffe, David Owen, and James Tully, is a viable alternative to deliberative democracy and attends it as an inclusive, contingent, and accountable political life, by respectful contestation of wonderful, different and even contradictory new identities. Uncertainty, unpredictability, juxtaposition of divine and atheistic beliefs in the context of the multiplicity of gender, linguistic, racial and cultural identities are some of the components that Connolly has considered and explained in postmodern politics. Manuscript profile
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        7 - Comparative study of a poem by Ali Babachahi and Shams Langroudi on the basis of Gilles DeLeuse’s Rhizomatic theory
        behzad khajat
        Gilles Deleuse is a contemporary thinker whose rhizomatological theory (which is opposed to tree theory) has always been considered by thinkers. Deleuse and Flex Guattari, as two post-structuralist philosophers, collaborated with each other for many years and developed More
        Gilles Deleuse is a contemporary thinker whose rhizomatological theory (which is opposed to tree theory) has always been considered by thinkers. Deleuse and Flex Guattari, as two post-structuralist philosophers, collaborated with each other for many years and developed this theory in different ways. However, Deleuse's range of opinions is broad and related to various topics. According to this theory (which is based on epistemic and different artisticsystems can be generalized) the notions focused on the integrated, single-root, and center-oriented integrity are reviewed and replaced by a nonlinear, experiential, fluid, and multiplicative context. On the other hand, in the postmodernist poetry of Iran from the early Seventies Solar year has been existed; these approaches and challenges from both the poets' experiences and the theoretical debates and the poetry of the poetry of the era are tangible and expansive, and thus can be used to better understand the postmodernist poetry's identity against traditional and even modern poetry. In this paper, while describing Deleuse's ideas about the rhizomatic approach versus the tree, two poems of these two forms of thought and literature in today's poetry have been adapted and the most important differences between the two methods are classified according to the ten categories to be explained. Ali Babachahi, a representative of the postmodern poetry, and Shams Langroudi, a representative of the so-called "simplification" approach, have been chosen by the author to explain this situation because of their reputation, glory, numerous works, and literary rhyme and meter. Manuscript profile
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        8 - A LOOK at the manifestations of “disintegration”as one of the post-modern components in the novel “Mummy ” (MOOMIYAYEY)
        razie fani Ali Taslimi Mahmoud  Ranjbar
        This study examines “disintegration” as one of the types of tricks and arrangements that are manifested in short storied and postmodernists novels. “Mummy ” (MOOMIYAYEY)is one of Mojabi’spostmodern works that has a special place in terms of language, expression, str More
        This study examines “disintegration” as one of the types of tricks and arrangements that are manifested in short storied and postmodernists novels. “Mummy ” (MOOMIYAYEY)is one of Mojabi’spostmodern works that has a special place in terms of language, expression, structure and images. In this research relying on Derrida’s views and with a descriptive-analytical approach to analyzing the structure and qualitative content of “Mummy” (MOOMIYAYEY) and reflecting tricks the rupture is addressed in it in order to reveal further the unique dynamics and specific style of mojabi. The result of the research shows that Mojabi, in the role of a master artist, has broken the normal construction of words and created a seemingly disjointed, plural and at the same time artistic structure. By using various techniques of disintegration, he has created new, but not far-fetched, meaning ؛in such a way that the reader has the opportunity to participate in determining these meanings. The use of complex and confusing language, the arrangement of words without logical and content communication in dreamy and deconstructive formats are a featurehighlights of this effect. Manuscript profile
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        9 - پسامدرنیسم به منزلۀ مکتب ادبی (مطالعۀ موردی عناصر داستانی پسامدرنیستی در داستان مرثیه برای ژاله و قاتلش، اثر «ابوتراب خسروی»)
        سودابه  فرخی hosein faghihi غلام حسین  فهندزی سعدی
      • Open Access Article

        10 - Identity fragmentation and instability and narrative in Mohammad Reza Kaateb's novels
        Maryam Ramin Nia Ameneh MirDeilami Hosein Mohammadi
        In postmodern novels, the concept of identity does not enjoy any coherence and stability existing in pre-modern novels. Indeed, such a concept is fragmented, disjointed and unstable. Narrative in postmodern stories is thus unreliable, suspicious and contradictory due to More
        In postmodern novels, the concept of identity does not enjoy any coherence and stability existing in pre-modern novels. Indeed, such a concept is fragmented, disjointed and unstable. Narrative in postmodern stories is thus unreliable, suspicious and contradictory due to the fragmented and fluid identities of the characters. One of the most prominent and prolific writers in the contemporary era is Mohammad Reza Kaateb, some of whose novels are similar to postmodernist elements. In so doing, the concept of identity and narrative is disclosed in this study. In this research, in a descriptive and analytical way, six novels of the author named "Aftab Prast-e Nazanin (Lovely Chameleon)", "Balzans (The Fliers )", "Bi Tarsi (Fearless)", " Pasti (Dowmhill)", " Ram Konandeh (The Domesticator)" and "Hiss" from the point of view of postmodernist components. Identity, character and narration have been investigated. The findings show that most of the characters in the addressed novels are of indeterminate, fragmented identities. Wandering, displacement and overlapping of characters with each other, inability in self-recognition, is evidence to their disjointed identities. Fragmented and contradictory narratives in characters and adventures are one main feature that marked the writer's novels with uncertainty.The post-modernist components of ontological doubt, uncertainty and fragmentation and contradiction in identity and narrative are very impressive in such novels as Lovely Chameleon, Downhill, The Domesticator and Hiss. In contrast, The Fliers and Fearless have used such elements to a milder extent. Manuscript profile