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      • Open Access Article

        1 - From Avesta Simorgh (Roc) to Gold Simorgh (Roc)
        Farideh Davoudymoghadam Zahra عسگري
        According to the role of Simorgh (Roc) archetype among authors and artists, we see effective presence of Simorgh in classical Persian texts having different functions like mythical, epic, philosophical, mystical and so on roles. Among these functions, it has shapes of b More
        According to the role of Simorgh (Roc) archetype among authors and artists, we see effective presence of Simorgh in classical Persian texts having different functions like mythical, epic, philosophical, mystical and so on roles. Among these functions, it has shapes of birds, human, gods, and angels and so on in early periods; and it has different forms, features, and functions due to presence of myth; while in contemporary world, Simorgh is no longer a strange and mysterious being, and it is a multi-patterned bird in literature and other forms of art. This shows that Simorgh has got to objectivity from abstraction in the historical transition to contemporary art and literature; and it has declined from its original fine status in contemporary poetry instead of improving or at least stopping in being applied in previous sublime uses. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Investigating the Dramatic Aspects of Rostam and Sohrab Story in Shahnameh Based on Aristotle’s Views on Drama
        داود  حاتمي
        Among the mythological, heroic, and historic stories in Shahnameh, the heroic ones are of better ground and more fascinating perspectives for study than the others. Isolation of heroic function from the functions of mythological-king-hero character and its appearance in More
        Among the mythological, heroic, and historic stories in Shahnameh, the heroic ones are of better ground and more fascinating perspectives for study than the others. Isolation of heroic function from the functions of mythological-king-hero character and its appearance in a particular character named hero, with his own actions and feelings that are increasingly similar to a common human behaviors and emotions on one hand, and Ferdowsi’s (the poet’s) tendency to investigate and interpret the hero’s internal motivations facing epical events, on the other hand, have made the characterization aspect of the work deeper and more elaborate, and also promoted the structure of the story from a mere heroic narration to a dramatic structure with its embodiment potential, that latter effect is more prominent in some of the heroic stories. The study of dramatic aspects of these stories, in addition to understanding the dramatic potentials, helps their typology be more methodological and exact. This article, selecting one of the most well known heroic stories of Shahnameh, i.e. Rustam and Sohrab story, and through an introductory emphasis on the originality of its Iranian version, compared with the non-Iranian ones, attempts to investigate its dramatic aspects based upon Aristotle’s Poetica, as the most ancient and, at the same time, credible thesis on recognizing drama and its mechanism in the context of the classic verse and prose works; and presents its own results. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Place of the Art of Dialectic in the Program of “Philosophy and Children”: An Explanation
        Ali Asghar  Jafari Valani Mahya  Mehrjedi
        The concept of philosophy is closely intertwined with the concept of intellectualization. Moreover, the way of transmitting thought from the realm of subject to the realm of object has been the inevitable concern of thinkers. A question may arise in our mind as to how c More
        The concept of philosophy is closely intertwined with the concept of intellectualization. Moreover, the way of transmitting thought from the realm of subject to the realm of object has been the inevitable concern of thinkers. A question may arise in our mind as to how can we express our ideas so that to be perceivable to the lovers of philosophy? On the one hand, the technique of choosing proper terms, the way of chapter wising and referring to philosophical ideas, all acknowledge the close relationship between art and philosophy. On the other hand, in the program of “philosophy and children” the way of developing stories and rising questions as well as the style of speaking of teachers indicate the use of a kind of art in this field. Dialectic or conversation in the program of “philosophy and children” is one of the basic principles and if we succeed to apply exactly the art of dialectic to attain exact definitions of philosophical concepts then we can concede our relative success in implementing this program. The present work, by reviewing the pattern of critical thinking and giving a brief account of the program of “philosophy and children”, intents to explain the place of the art of dialectic in the program of “philosophy and children”. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - A Study of the Principles of an Approach for Promoting Children Perception of Environment through Environmental Art
        Faezeh Hasani  Helm
        Today, a modern and strategic approach has come out for teaching the environmental concepts to the children which is based on environmental art. The aim of this approach is to turn the environmental crisis into a thoughtful discourse for deepening our understanding, imp More
        Today, a modern and strategic approach has come out for teaching the environmental concepts to the children which is based on environmental art. The aim of this approach is to turn the environmental crisis into a thoughtful discourse for deepening our understanding, improving the techniques, nourishing our feeling and sentiments in order to have a different and fresh view towards the relationship between man and environment. The present article proceeds to study the principles of various solutions through which we can apply it to environmental art which leads to the enhancement of environmental understanding of children. Accordingly, the present work follows a descriptive- analytic method according to which the role of art creations and researches in nature will be used to promote the environmental awareness of children. The findings of this work indicate that environmental art by establishing easy relationship with the audiences by taking into account the objective, empirical, and reflective consideration can turn out to be a suitable method for children in their approach towards the environment. One of the main features of this approach is that it is based on visual, symbolic and conceptual method of environmental art versus mere scientific method of certain approaches. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Manifestation of Sadrian Philosophy in Islamic Architecture
        Behrooz  ‘Avazpoor Bahman  Namvar Motlagh Saina  Mohammadi Khabazan
        Mulla Sadra’s philosophical thoughts profoundly influenced the development of art, in general, and the architecture of his time, in particular. Therefore, it seems necessary to carefully examine and discuss his ideas and theories in this regard in order to have a better More
        Mulla Sadra’s philosophical thoughts profoundly influenced the development of art, in general, and the architecture of his time, in particular. Therefore, it seems necessary to carefully examine and discuss his ideas and theories in this regard in order to have a better and more accurate understanding of the art and architecture of that period. Since the concept of imagination plays a basic role in the definition of Islamic art from the point of view of Mulla Sadra and other Islamic philosophers and gnostics, in this paper the writers firstly deal with a part of his philosophy that explains this concept. Following this, they will refer to the role and place of imagination in art works in their general sense and explore the actualization of such works in the field of architecture, particularly, those of the Safavid era. Imagination plays such a central role in this discussion that one can define Islamic art in its general sense as the manifestation of an intelligible matter in a sensible one through active imagination. Manuscript profile
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        6 - Improving the Quality of Urban Public Spaces, with the Emphasis on Murals (Case Study: Qazvin)
        Abolfazl Toghraii Kia Massoudi Erfan Toghraei
        Public Arts are one of the cheapest and most accessible alternatives for achieving alive urban places. This kind of art, the name implies, is born, raised, and matured from byways corners of a city and its living streets. In most European countries, the importance of Pu More
        Public Arts are one of the cheapest and most accessible alternatives for achieving alive urban places. This kind of art, the name implies, is born, raised, and matured from byways corners of a city and its living streets. In most European countries, the importance of Public Arts has been proved so obviously. In such countries, they consider complete separate Planning Acts from Master Plans for Public Arts, usually called "Public Art Master Plan" with a long-term vision and practical strategies. Furthermore, in numerous countries, Public Art has not been considered just as an aesthetic aspect with official purposes, but also as a means for transmitting the society’s ideologies and attitudes, especially the society’s intellectuals. Murals in this category are one of the most colorable and effective types of Public Arts that can be executed on cities walls in different ways: Official or Graffiti, Professional or Amateur, Long term or Short Term, etc. In this research, we have tried to pay more attention to Public Arts generally and Murals particularly and make a unique collection of valid and updated information on this subject. In the end, we have offered some solutions and local strategies for making Qazvin city public spaces better places to live practically, with the help of Public Arts and Murals. The conclusion is a design framework achieved by public Preferences. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - The Place of Sacred Art in Modern Education
        hamid armani
        In an era in which the face of the one-dimensional world is depicted, materialistic attitudes have been cultivated and have led to the desanctification of the world, also the religion that teaches the correct way of living has now taken on an unattractive appearance in More
        In an era in which the face of the one-dimensional world is depicted, materialistic attitudes have been cultivated and have led to the desanctification of the world, also the religion that teaches the correct way of living has now taken on an unattractive appearance in the conditions of modernity, traditionalism seeks to show the true face of the world through art and the truths of religion. The questions of the current research are: While the conditions of the modern society, including education and art, are influenced by modern values, for what reasons should the thought and practice of traditionalism be revived? What are the goals, principles and methods of art and education arising from traditionalism? The research method is practical syllogism based on inference from the content of traditional sources. Sacred art is considered as one of the principles of traditionalism, and the following educational goals and methods are derived from it. As for educational goals, these are the candidates: Resolving internal gaps; providing harmony and balance of the outside and inside world; restoring the correct functioning of existential dimensions; cultivating metaphysical ethics; restoring the sense of sanctity of things; transcendence from within; and peace with oneself. Educational methods suggested consist of: Teaching how to think and, as a result, change in thinking, speech, and behavior; teaching wisdom; introspection; prayer; using artistic tools. Some of the outcomes of this view are as follows: freedom from the conflicting opinions and hopes, disparity of thoughts, and, as a result, the lack of identity; attracting the human eye to the levels and layers of the beauties; providing a more beautiful interpretation of religion; expressing and conveying the truth or sacred reflection; calling to unity, the formation of a sacred character. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - Comparing Imam Khomeini's (RA) interpretation of Surah Hamad with Allameh Tabataba'i
        Aqila  Musa Nia Ali Akbar  Afrasiab pour maryam Bakhtiar
        The most important source of Islamic religious teachings is the Qur'an, whose interpretation and study of chapters and verses has been the focus of discussion in scientific and religious circles since the beginning of Islam. One of the most important surahs of the Qur'a More
        The most important source of Islamic religious teachings is the Qur'an, whose interpretation and study of chapters and verses has been the focus of discussion in scientific and religious circles since the beginning of Islam. One of the most important surahs of the Qur'an is surah Hamd, which religious scholars and commentators, even if they have not interpreted all the chpters and verses of the Qur'an, have paid special attention to the interpretation of this chapter and explained it with various methods. Imam Khomeini as one of the influential personalities in the last century and Allameh Tabatabai, one of the prominent commentators of the Holy Quran, have been considered in various ways and one of the prominent examples of Imam Khomeini's works is the interpretation of Artistic interpretation of Surah Hamad. In this research, which is in the form of library, analytical and descriptive methods, the characteristics of Imam Tafsir's interpretation in this field are examined and the differences between their interpretations and Allameh Tabatabai's interpretations are explained. One of their differences is the different methods of interpretation in this surah. Manuscript profile