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        1 - Motion Algorithm from EFQM toward BSC in order to prioritize improvement projects of self- assessment.
        mohammad saleh  owlia mohammad hosein abooie پرستو دمرچی
        EFQM excellence model with specifying the position of organization in the path of excellence is a practical tool in order to understand its deficiencies and shortcoming, so that with providing guidelines in the form of improvement projects helps organizations to advance More
        EFQM excellence model with specifying the position of organization in the path of excellence is a practical tool in order to understand its deficiencies and shortcoming, so that with providing guidelines in the form of improvement projects helps organizations to advance the process of appropriate management systems .EFQM self- assessing model as a tool of Total Quality Management is facing with the problem of the lack of prioritizing improvement projects because of the lack of facilities and limits of resources in enterprises hence there are the necessity of strategic prioritizing of self-assessment projects in the organization. The aim of this study is to provide the steps of moving the EFQM model to BSC model as a strategic management tool by using FTOPSIS and FANP techniques in order to strategic prioritize the improvement projects of the EFQM self-assessment. This study is functional in terms of the objective and in terms of method is a survey research and in terms of the collection of information is a field research. Statistical society consists of 7 persons of Yazd municipal managers in the form of excellence team and interview and questionnaire are tools used in the research. The result of prioritizing improvement projects led to determine importance of internal process perspective in the organization in the organization and prioritize 21 improvement projects including “ provision and updating of educational electronic ID”,” personal relocation in occupational category according to given training”,” create documentation center in municipality” Manuscript profile