• List of Articles قومیت

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Investigating the geographic distribution of Iran’s nationalities and its rule on future changes
        The Ideal thing to each national government is its nation enjoyment that is integrated among its members, significant differences linguistic, religious, ethnic and racial there and everyone belongs to a comprehensive national identity remember. Therefore, this study ai More
        The Ideal thing to each national government is its nation enjoyment that is integrated among its members, significant differences linguistic, religious, ethnic and racial there and everyone belongs to a comprehensive national identity remember. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the geographical distribution Ethnicity of Iran and its role in the future development of the country that the descriptive - analytical and field studies in this area have been used. First the index of mining and adherence to their national unity and solidarity among nations of Iran border have been investigated which the index is used in the field of seven. The findings obtained from MADM methods and analytical models SAR shows that among people living in border Lor by a factor of 0.67, the highest level of commitment and people Kurdish and Baluchi coefficient of 1.240.6 and 1.25, respectively, with the lowest level of compliance in cross-border inter-ethnic unity and integrity are indicators. Some centrifugal forces on the border of Baluchistan and Kurdistan are existed that somehow and in some cases have been proposed as potential hotbeds of crisis. Kurds and the Baluch of Pakistan in Iraq can be considered as hotbeds of tension and crisis which caused the formation of future developments in the aforementioned boundaries. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Globalization and Iranian Ethnic Identity with a Focus on Language and Customs
        It is believed that as a result of increasing globalization, identities of ethnic minorities will inevitably dissolve into one global culture. Others believe that globalization not only will not dismiss ethnicities but also, providing them with appropriate requisites, More
        It is believed that as a result of increasing globalization, identities of ethnic minorities will inevitably dissolve into one global culture. Others believe that globalization not only will not dismiss ethnicities but also, providing them with appropriate requisites, will help to increase their ethnic consciousness and thereby strengthening ethnic movements. So, to study consequences of globalization, features of ethnic identity have to be taken into consideration. The present article studies cultures of ethnic identities, and proposes the hypothesis that globalization gives prominence to ethnic identities in short time, and may also lead to ethnic movements, but eventually it will result in assimilation of ethnic minorities with dominant cultures. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - The Political and Cultural Impacts of Globalization on Iranian Ethnic Groups (A Field Study on Azeri, Arab, Kurd and Baluch Students)
        علی  امیدی فاطمه  رضایی
        Globalization is one characteristic of the world today. On the other hand, ethnicity, under some conditions, provides an excuse for political tensions. There are various views on the effects of globalization on ethnicity. Some theoreticians believe that as globalizatio More
        Globalization is one characteristic of the world today. On the other hand, ethnicity, under some conditions, provides an excuse for political tensions. There are various views on the effects of globalization on ethnicity. Some theoreticians believe that as globalization grows, identity of ethnic minorities undergoes the assimilation of the values of the mainstream culture, which in turn is absorbed into the dominant global culture. However, others believe that globalization helps increase political self-awareness of ethnic groups. Overall study of these views show that political aspect of ethnicity is a function of different domestic and world factors, and is not of the same situation in all countries. In the present article, we study political and social situation of four Iranian ethnic minorities- Azeri, Arab, Baluch and Kurd. This is a field study. The data is gathered using questionnaires and interviews. Findings of the research show that while globalization, culturally, has led to a decrease in strictness of minorities over their cultural features- except language, it, politically, has resulted in a rise in their awareness and demands. Hence, to manage the demands, the government is expected to take felicity measures, including: promoting democratization, creating equal opportunities for political and economical participation of all groups, lowering the center-periphery distance through fair budget, and encouraging the national will for employment and removing deprivation. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - The Crisis in Nation- State and its Possible Future
        ایوب  امیرکواسمی
        The current upheavals suggest that nation-state has lost its functional tenability; that is because the supposed basic functions of such systems that were maintenance of ideology, economics, culture, and so on at the national level are facing crises. Nation-state can no More
        The current upheavals suggest that nation-state has lost its functional tenability; that is because the supposed basic functions of such systems that were maintenance of ideology, economics, culture, and so on at the national level are facing crises. Nation-state can no longer fully implement their political ideals at national areas. In the functionalist approach, the existence of institutions depends on their functions, so with no place for their functions, the survival of nation-state will be unintelligible .The principle objective of this paper is to study a possible future of nation-states and their successors. The method of the study is reasoning. The results of this paper include two important points: the development of statehood and the formation of global political order based on democracy. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Investigating the Feeling of Relative Deprivation among the Baluch and its Effects on Political Violence
          reza mahmoudoghli
        اعزازي، شهلا (1380) جامعه‌شناسی خانواده، تهران، روشنگران و مطالعات زنان.## اي اپتر، ديويد و چالرز اف.## اندي بين (1380) اعتراض سياسي و تغيير اجتماعي، ترجمه محمدرضا سعيدآبادي، تهران، پژوهشکده مطالعات راهبردي.## پاشایی، عباس (1369) فرهنگ اندیشه نو، تهران، مازیار.## تي More
        اعزازي، شهلا (1380) جامعه‌شناسی خانواده، تهران، روشنگران و مطالعات زنان.## اي اپتر، ديويد و چالرز اف.## اندي بين (1380) اعتراض سياسي و تغيير اجتماعي، ترجمه محمدرضا سعيدآبادي، تهران، پژوهشکده مطالعات راهبردي.## پاشایی، عباس (1369) فرهنگ اندیشه نو، تهران، مازیار.## تيلي، چارلز (1385) از بسيج تا انقلاب، ترجمه علي مرشدي¬زاد، تهران، پژوهشکده امام خميني و انقلاب اسلامي.## حافظ¬نيا، محمدرضا و مراد كاوياني (1385) «نقش هويت قومي در همبستگي ملي (مطالعه موردي: قوم بلوچ)»، مجله پژوهشي دانشگاه اصفهان، شماره 1 (پياپي 20)، صص 15-47.## ساندرز، ديويد (1380) الگوهاي بي ثباتي سياسي، ترجمه پژوهشكده مطالعات راهبردي، تهران، انتشارات پژوهشكده مطالعات راهبردي.## شيباني، مليحه (1384) «فقر محروميت و شهروندي در ايران»، رفاه اجتماعي، سال پنجم، شماره 18.## شيخ بيگلو، رعنا و دیگران (1391) «تحليل فضايي محروميت و نابرابري‌هاي توسعه در شهرستان‌هاي ايران»، رفاه اجتماعي، سال دوازدهم، شماره 46.## صالحی امیری، سیدرضا (1386) مفاهیم و نظریه‌های فرهنگی، تهران، ققنوس.## فکوهی، ناصر (1378) خشونت سیاسی: نظریات، مباحث، اشکال و راهکارها، پیام امروز.## کرد، یاسر (1389) بررسي برخي عوامل اجتماعي - فرهنگي مؤثر بر گرايش افراد به عضويت در گروه‌های تروريستي در استان سيستان و بلوچستان، پایان‌نامه کارشناسي ارشد.##، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامي ـ واحد اصفهان.## كوهن، آلوين استانفورد (1379) نظریه‌های انقلاب، ترجمه عليرضا طيب، تهران، قومس.## گر، تد رابرت (1377) مدلي علي از منازعات داخلي در خشونت و جامعه، ترجمه اصغر افتخاري، نشر سفير.## گیدنز ، آنتونی (1376) جامعه شناسی، ترجمه منوچهر صبوری، تهران، نشر نی.## لهسایي¬زاده، عبدالعلي (1391) «نقش محروميت نسبي در افزايش خشونت‌هاي شهري مناطق حاشیه‌نشین (مطالعه موردی: شهر کرمانشاه)»، فصلنامه مطالعات شهري، سال دوم، شماره سوم، صص 21-64.## نش، کيت (1387) جامعه‌شناسی معاصر، ترجمه محمدتقي دلفروز، تهران، کوير.## هانتینگتون، ساموئل (1392) سامان سیاسی در جوامع دستخوش دگرگونی، ترجمه محسن ثلاثی، تهران، علم.## هولنـدر ، ادوين پـل (1378) روانشناسی اجتماعی: رهبـری و قـدرت تأتیــر ارتبـاط جمعی بر افكار عمومی و فعالیت سیاسی، ترجمــة احمـد رضـوانی ، مشهــد ، شركت بـه نشـر.## Bernburg, Jon Gunnarand Thorolfur horlindsson,and Inga Dora Sigfusdottir (2009) Relative Deprivation and Adolescent Outcomes in Iceland: A Multilevel Test, The University of North Caroiina Pres.## Boswell, T. Dixon, W. (1990) “Dependency and Rebellion”, ASR, 55 (4), 540-559.## Chandra, Siddharth and AngelaWilliams Foster (2005) ‘‘The Revolution of Rising Urban Social Disorders of the 1960s”, Social Science History, 29:2, 299–332.## Davies, J. C. (1962) "Toward A Theory Of Revolution", American, Sociological Review, 27 (1) pp. 5-19.## Dawson, J. I. (2001) Latvia’s Russian minority: balancing the imperatives of regional development and environmental justice Political Geography, No. 20, pp. 787–815.## Duncan, G (1968) A dictionary of sociology. Routledge and Kegau Paul, London.## Gatti, U., Tremblay, R. E., Vitaro, F., & McDuff, P. (2005) Youth gangs, delinquency and drug use: A test of the selection, facilitation, and enhancement hypotheses. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 46.## Gurr, Ted Robert (1968) Psychologicat Factors in Civil Violenc, World Politics.## -------------------- (1970) Why Men Rebel, Princelon, n. g, Princton University Press.## -------------------- (1973) “The Renolution Change Nexlus,” Compurative Politics.## Messner, E. (1989) “Economic Discrimination and Societal Homicide Rates: Further Evidence on the Cost of Inequality”, American Sociological Review, 54 (4).## Moore, dahlia (2003) “perception of sense of control, relative deprivation, and expectationsof young jews and Palestinians in Israel”, the journal of social psychology, 143 (4) 521-540.## Muller, Edward (1988) “Democracy – Economic Development and Incom Inequality”, ASR, 53 (1), 50-68.## O’Neill, B. (2001) “Generational Patterns in the Political Opinions and Behaviour of Canadians: Separating the Wheat from the Chaff.” IRPP Policy Matters.## Vol. 2, no. 5.## Pearson, Julie A. and Michael D Fallacaro And Joseph E. Pellegrini (2009) “Perceived deprivation in Active Duty Military nurse Anesthetists”, AANA Journal, Vol. 77, No. 1.## Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - The Cause of the North-South Divide in European Union
        Roxana Niknami
        The North-South divide in Europe is one of the most pressing challenges facing members of the European Union, influencing the process of integration within the Union. The North-South divide manifest the classic European divides such as East and West, old and young, Cont More
        The North-South divide in Europe is one of the most pressing challenges facing members of the European Union, influencing the process of integration within the Union. The North-South divide manifest the classic European divides such as East and West, old and young, Continent-oriented or Atlantic-oriented, and not developed-less developed. How did this divide emerge? What are the extent of it? Within the framework of governance theory, the article assesses the divide at three levels: first, structural deficiency amongst the south, political and economic corruption, gap in governance, unequal GDP and cultural-religious differences manifests themselves at national level. At regional level, the differences between France and Germany, the Euro crisis and ensuing austerity measures have affected the North-South divide. Internationally, globalisation and global crisis (es) deepened the divide. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - The Cause of the North-South Divide in European Union
        Roxana Niknami
        The North-South divide in Europe is one of the most pressing challenges facing members of the European Union, influencing the process of integration within the Union. The North-South divide manifest the classic European divides such as East and West, old and young, Cont More
        The North-South divide in Europe is one of the most pressing challenges facing members of the European Union, influencing the process of integration within the Union. The North-South divide manifest the classic European divides such as East and West, old and young, Continent-oriented or Atlantic-oriented, and not developed-less developed. How did this divide emerge? What are the extent of it? Within the framework of governance theory, the article assesses the divide at three levels: first, structural deficiency amongst the south, political and economic corruption, gap in governance, unequal GDP and cultural-religious differences manifests themselves at national level. At regional level, the differences between France and Germany, the Euro crisis and ensuing austerity measures have affected the North-South divide. Internationally, globalisation and global crisis (es) deepened the divide. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - Sociological explanation of the impact of modernization and social networks on ethnic tendencies Case study: Ilam province)
        Abdolhossein  Rahmati Nabiallah  Ider Abdolreza  Hashemi
        This research was conducted with the aim of investigating modernization and social networks, two important components of globalization and its effect on the ethnic tendencies of the people of Ilam province, to show how the identities of the people of Ilam province relat More
        This research was conducted with the aim of investigating modernization and social networks, two important components of globalization and its effect on the ethnic tendencies of the people of Ilam province, to show how the identities of the people of Ilam province relate to global identities. In this research, the statistical population is all people living in the province. Ilam with a population of 580,158 people, based on Cochran's formula, the statistical sample size is 270 people, and the sampling method is simple probability, the survey method and the data collection tool of Hop Rashnameh. Cronbach's alpha coefficient was used to measure the reliability of the data and face validity method was used to measure the validity. The results of the research were analyzed using Pearson's correlation coefficient, variance analysis and regression analysis. They are an important component of globalization, there is a significant relationship with ethnic tendencies. This means that traditional communities like Ilam province have become dependent on the modern world, which has caused a decrease in the sense of belonging and ethnic attachment of the people of Ilam province. Based on the findings, it can be concluded that the ethnic trends in Ilam province, unlike the past, in the contemporary era, have gone out of a solid and uniform state, and modernization and social networks have had an impact on it. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        9 - Sociological explanation of the impact of modernization and social networks on ethnic tendencies Case study: Ilam province
        Abdolhossein  Rahmati نبی اله  ایدر Abdolreza  Hashemi
        This research was conducted with the aim of investigating modernization and social networks, two important components of globalization and its effect on the ethnic tendencies of the people of Ilam province, to show how the identities of the people of Ilam province rel More
        This research was conducted with the aim of investigating modernization and social networks, two important components of globalization and its effect on the ethnic tendencies of the people of Ilam province, to show how the identities of the people of Ilam province relate to global identities. In this research, the statistical population is all people living in the province. Ilam with a population of 580,158 people, based on Cochran's formula, the statistical sample size is 270 people, and the sampling method is simple probability, the survey method and the data collection tool of Hop Rashnameh. Cronbach's alpha coefficient was used to measure the reliability of the data and face validity method was used to measure the validity. The results of the research were analyzed using Pearson's correlation coefficient, variance analysis and regression analysis. They are an important component of globalization, there is a significant relationship with ethnic tendencies. This means that traditional communities like Ilam province have become dependent on the modern world, which has caused a decrease in the sense of belonging and ethnic attachment of the people of Ilam province. Based on the findings, it can be concluded that the ethnic trends in Ilam province, unlike the past, in the contemporary era, have gone out of a solid and uniform state, and modernization and social networks have had an impact on it. Manuscript profile