• List of Articles صلحت

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        1 - The Theoretical and Practical Bases of Ramazan Albouti’s Political Thought
        اصغر  افتخاري
        If the major approaches of religion and social act are divided to two principal branches with tendencies for tradition and religion, then Ramazan Albouti can be counted as a known Sunni scholar in the realm of religion and the criticism of conventionality. The present a More
        If the major approaches of religion and social act are divided to two principal branches with tendencies for tradition and religion, then Ramazan Albouti can be counted as a known Sunni scholar in the realm of religion and the criticism of conventionality. The present article discusses the basic principles of Albouti’s theoretical and pragmatic ideas by referring to his written texts and sources; which all emphasis on the spirituality and religious beliefs in man’s social life. Issues discussed and mentioned include; seeking justice, denial of secularism, new religious tendencies, and referring back to the original Islam as the theoretical principle. Also conservatism, having an attitude based on power, reformation, and pragmatism- as the basic practical principles- is the other topics discussed by Ramazan Albouti. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Ideal political Society in Sheikh Mohammed Ismail Mahallati' Political Thought
        mohamad ali tavana Mahmoud Alipour
        It seems that every political thought in itself, contains an ideal political society. This ideal society can be apparent, such as Farabi' utopia or the hidden and latent, Such as Sohrevardi' ideal society. Theorizing About political ideal is result of social and politic More
        It seems that every political thought in itself, contains an ideal political society. This ideal society can be apparent, such as Farabi' utopia or the hidden and latent, Such as Sohrevardi' ideal society. Theorizing About political ideal is result of social and political crisis. One of the most turbulent periods in the history of Iran is Qajar era, which is faced with different crisis such as absolute power and colonialism. This crisis led to contemplate the many thinkers and each according self- effort to have a response to this crisis. One of the thinkers is Sheikh Mohammed Ismail Mahallati that his political thought is less considered. It seems that he answers to this crisis and his political ideal is different from other thinkers in this era. Accordingly, the central question of this paper is that: What is the Mahallati specific reply to crisis of constitutionalism era? And how is his ideal political society? What are its features? And Finally, What relationship exists between justice and public interest in his ideal society. Manuscript profile
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        3 - Examining the Expediency Function in Education and Ethics in dealing of Children
        Ali  Isfahanian Semnani seyyed mohammad mosavi bojnordi seyyed mohammad hoseini
        Since the best criterion is to use the element of "expediency" in realizing high education for children in the face of new incidents, this study, using the features of expediency in jurisprudence and expressing the standards and guidelines of Islamic ethics, has a funda More
        Since the best criterion is to use the element of "expediency" in realizing high education for children in the face of new incidents, this study, using the features of expediency in jurisprudence and expressing the standards and guidelines of Islamic ethics, has a fundamental interest in education For children. The ethical and educational pattern with emphasis on the spirituality of children is described. Using the analytical and descriptive method and taking into account the dimensions of the lives of children and respecting the particularities of dealing with them, the weakness of the concept of pedagogical education as a means of inference and implementation is comprehensively reviewed and well-educated, which should be with moral values And the norms of Islamic law. How to implement ethical and ethical principles in pediatric education is a fundamental function of the growth and dignity of the child, and the diagnosis and parenting of the child has been delegated to parents and parents. The way of expressing the interests of the educational affairs and the powers of the parents and wives has many shortcomings and should be targeted by the main axis of the educational material, targeting the scope of parents and the wise in order to achieve good ethics in dealing with educational affairs and providing the best interests of the children. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Child Great Interests in Iran's Judiciary and Convention on the Rights of the Child
        Mohammad Roshan Hossein Hamdi
        The interest of the child means managing his affairs in such a way as to ensure the accuracy of his physical development and his moral and intellectual civility. The interest of the child arises of the particular physical and psychological state of the child because the More
        The interest of the child means managing his affairs in such a way as to ensure the accuracy of his physical development and his moral and intellectual civility. The interest of the child arises of the particular physical and psychological state of the child because the child is not an evolved person but is on the path to becoming an adult and wise person. Therefore, the interest of the child is different from the interest of the adult man. For this reason, in conflict between preserving the child's psyche and preserving his property priority is by preserving his soul and intellect. Iran law and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child have accepted this criterion. Because of the joinder of Iran to the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Convention, based on Article 9 of the Civil Code, is governed by the domestic law of Iran, and it can be inferred from the interpretation of the existing laws and the completion of the reticence of the law, such as the time when the child withdraws from custody, to the present Convention, In this direction, it has been cited in some of the rulings issued to this Convention as one of the directions of the ruling. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Foreword
        Seyyed Mohammad Khamenei
      • Open Access Article

        6 - The Impact of Coronavirus upon the Concept of Interest with Reference to the Right of Child Meeting
        Mohammad Javad Abdollahi Zainab  Zainab Hatami
        According to the article 45 of new law to protect family, it is obligatory to consider the interest of the children and youth in making any decision in the courts. Interest in family law is considered to be the highest interest. Following the spread of Coronavirus epide More
        According to the article 45 of new law to protect family, it is obligatory to consider the interest of the children and youth in making any decision in the courts. Interest in family law is considered to be the highest interest. Following the spread of Coronavirus epidemic a new condition came into existence and it brought in its wake some basic changes in the life of people and affected the interest of children as well. On the one hand, if parents are affected by virus then it will affect the health of children as well. On the other hand, if they cut their relation to their children then they may suffer psychologically. Accordingly, some solutions should be sorted out to facilitate their meeting. The present article following a philosophical approach seeks to study its legal procedure and the views of scholars and the impact of this crisis on detecting the interest of children and the right of family for their meeting. Manuscript profile
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        7 - A reflection on the rule of inherent beauty and ugliness
        Mohammad Hassan  Ghadrdan Qaramaleki
        The principle of intrinsic and rational beauty and ugliness is considered one of the key theological rules in the two fields of "ontology" and "epistemology". However, the exact explanation of these two rules in both the above fields has been met with ambiguities by the More
        The principle of intrinsic and rational beauty and ugliness is considered one of the key theological rules in the two fields of "ontology" and "epistemology". However, the exact explanation of these two rules in both the above fields has been met with ambiguities by theologians and philosophers. In this article, the author, using a rational method and analyzing seven theories of the principle of inherent beauty and ugliness, while evaluating the first six theories, presented a new explanation and interpretation of the theory of inherent beauty and ugliness and called it "formative and expedient beauty and ugliness and the involvement of interests." In the abstraction of beauty and ugliness" he delivered and proved it. Also, at the end of the article, the question of the conflict between the theory of theologians and philosophers is examined and criticized, and the conclusion is that the famous readings of Imami theologians and philosophers are aligned. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - The Constitution Of The Islamic Republic Of Iran: The Field Of Conflicts And Conflicts )Principles Related To The Leadership And Expediency Council(
        Ghasem  Ghasemi Bayorzni Fariborz   Letafati Roghayeh  Bahonar
        The constitution is the law of every country and, in a sense, it is the mirror of the whole view of its political and governmental system. In the Islamic Republic of Iran, following the occurrence of the Islamic Revolution, the first constitution was approved in 1358 wi More
        The constitution is the law of every country and, in a sense, it is the mirror of the whole view of its political and governmental system. In the Islamic Republic of Iran, following the occurrence of the Islamic Revolution, the first constitution was approved in 1358 with a public referendum. The urgency of the revolution soon showed itself in that law. The events of the imposed war and the reconstruction of the country and the need to revise this law in view of Imam Khomeini's (RA) emphasis on the removal of authority in the conditions of leadership and the appointment of a leader in his place and the establishment of the Expediency Council were among the main origins of this change. But a deep view shows that the conflicts and conflicts in the principles of the current constitution are among the issues that have challenged the abyss of decision-making, especially in the legal, social, economic and even political fields, and in some cases even led to the locking of affairs even more. has ended. Manuscript profile
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        9 - Editor's Note
        S. Mohammad Khamenei
        تمدن يكي از دستاوردهاي انسان در آغاز تاريخ است كه با هدايت اديان آسماني به آن دست يافت و بدان وسيله توانست بساط زندگي حيواني و بيمرز و بيمنطق را برچيده و به زندگي اجتماعي سالم و عقلاني و موافق مصلحت و خير بشر بدل نمايد و آزادي حيوان‌منشانه را با قانون و سلب آزاديهاي غير More
        تمدن يكي از دستاوردهاي انسان در آغاز تاريخ است كه با هدايت اديان آسماني به آن دست يافت و بدان وسيله توانست بساط زندگي حيواني و بيمرز و بيمنطق را برچيده و به زندگي اجتماعي سالم و عقلاني و موافق مصلحت و خير بشر بدل نمايد و آزادي حيوان‌منشانه را با قانون و سلب آزاديهاي غيرمنطقي و بيخردانه محدود نمايد؛ زيرا آزادي فردي مطلق بي‌قيد و شرط چيزي جز فساد و ناامني و تجاوز و بينظمي ببار نمي‌آورد و با جامعه‌يي متمدن و امن و با آرامش، نميسازد. بشر در طول هزاران سال زندگي بتجربه دريافته است كه زندگي امن و آرام جز در سايه‌ قانون و قراردادهاي اجتماعي محدود‌كننده امكانپذير نيست، و تمدن يكي از ثمرات قانون است، از اينرو گريز از قانون هم فرار از تمدن شمرده ميشود. در حدود قرن ششم پيش از مسيح، يكي از اشراف آتن (يونان) بنام «سولون» كه از توحش جامعه خود به امان آمده بود، براي يافتن راه‌حل رهايي جامعه جاهلي خود، به مصر و تمدنهاي امن آنروز رفت تا راه اصلاح و نجات جامعه را بياموزد؛ و گفتگوي او با يكي از كاهنان مصري معروف است. او سرانجام دريافت كه تمدن جز با قانون و عقلاني‌كردن جامعه و سلب برخي آزاديهاي زيانبخش و خرابگر، بدست نمي‌آيد. با گذشت هزاران سال از عمر تمدن بشر در جوامع كهن شرق و غرب، امروز ديده ميشود كه در بخشي از اقاليم مغرب كه اروپا و آمريكا ناميده ميشوند، با وجود تظاهر به تمدن و ادعاي فرهنگ عالي، هنوز حال و هواي دوران توحش قومي و قبيله‌يي باستاني خود را (كه نمونه آن عشق به سگ و سلاح و غارتگري و نگاه بردگي و فرودستي زن در جامعه است) بكنار نگذاشته و بدروغ، از آزادي زن دفاع ميكنند و با اهداف سياسي، بي‌بندوباري و قانونشكني و برهم‌زدن امنيت خانواده و زن را ترويج مينمايند. وقايعي كه در ماههاي گذشته در ايران روي داد و به حرمت‌شكني حجاب انساني و اسلامي از سوي زنان فريب‌خورده انجاميد، رابطه مستقيم با سياست براندازي نظام اسلامي و انقلابي ايران داشت و از فرهنگ يهودي صهيونيستي (رواج فساد در زنها و براندازي خانواده) مايه ميگرفت. دشمن بدنبال آنستكه با رواج فرهنگ جاهلي و ابتداييِ برهنگي زن و آزادي شهوتراني حيواني و دور از تمدن و قانون، ملت ايران را ـ كه از دوران باستان، متمدن و تمدنساز بوده ـ به دوران جاهليت نخستين بشر برگرداند و ببهانه دفاع از حقوق اجتماعي زن، او را به فساد و پستي بكشاند تا به هدف موهوم براندازي نظام انساني و اسلامي برسد. اين ملت، ملتي نيست كه پس از داشتن هزاران سال حكمت و تمدن سرفراز، با اين شيوه‌هاي ابلهانة دشمنان سعادت ملت، دست از فرهنگ عالي و عقلاني و انساني خود بردارد و فرهنگ فرومايه و پست و دور از تمدن غربي را بپذيرد و بنيان رفيع و استوار نظام اسلامي ايران، بنايي نيست كه با اين بادها بلرزد كه گفته‌اند: «برو اين دام بر مرغ دگر نه كه عنقا را بلند است آشيانه» Manuscript profile