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        1 - Attitudes of the Poets of the Constitutional Period to Religion
        Mohammad غلامرضایی زهره  ملّاکی
        In the constitutional period, when Islamic tradition and modern civilization faced each other, due to their differences, clergymen and intellectuals who were the effective social forces of the time reacted differently to it. Intellectuals were of three types: against re More
        In the constitutional period, when Islamic tradition and modern civilization faced each other, due to their differences, clergymen and intellectuals who were the effective social forces of the time reacted differently to it. Intellectuals were of three types: against religion; pro-religion but with stress on instrumental use of it; and pro-religion believing in compatibility of Islam and modern civilization. Clergymen were of two types: conservatives, against modernity; and constitutionalists believing in compromise between Islam and democracy. This article, using the method of qualitative content analysis, and studying the poems of seven popular poets of this period, surveys their attitudes to religion. The research reveals three main current of thought among the poets: one places religion against modernity and believes that modernization demands total removal of religion from society. Other flow believes in eliminating most religious traditions, changing their function, and emphasizes just on faith dimension of religion. The third current accepts modernization on the ground of religious traditions, and supports the change and reform to some of them just through Ijtihad. This movement stresses the preservation of religion in society. Manuscript profile
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        2 - Study of Rumi and Rumi-Researchers in English Speaking Countries
        Ahmad تميم‌داري
        The subject of this paper relates to comparative literature and the impact the literary figures, thinkers and illustrators have taken from Persian literary works; especially Rumi’s most significant and prominent works. The method of research in this essay is referentia More
        The subject of this paper relates to comparative literature and the impact the literary figures, thinkers and illustrators have taken from Persian literary works; especially Rumi’s most significant and prominent works. The method of research in this essay is referential and inductive. We have made an attempt to become familiar with the great American and English men of letters; ones who have compiled important works through either translation or adaptation and made a serious effort to introduce the Persian literature, especially Rumi’s poetry in the English speaking countries. Since the eighteenth century, and following movements such as studying Iran, Islam, and the East, Persian literature was noticed and therefore some of the literary men, scientists, and illustrators begun translating and adapting the Persian literary works. It was in the same century that the study of Rumi’s works became significant. The English and American Transcendentalists both idealized the school of Transcendentalism through studying and having researches on Rumi’s works. It was about late nineteenth century, in 1870, that Mankar Daniel Canoy published The Sacred Anthology of Oriental Texts. Some of Rumi’s stories stated the ideals of social moral and behavioral issues. William R. Alger, one of Emerson’s friends, published The First American Anthology of Oriental Literature. Edward J. Brown translated the prose introduction of The First Volume of Massnavi into English. The climax of studies on Rumi’s works was done by Reynold Elaine Nicholson; who published eight books for the interpretation and paraphrase of Massnavi and actually devoted fifteen years of his life to this issue. Arthur J. Arbery is counted as one of the great thinkers in the field of Rumi studies. James J.Koan, an art teacher, rewrote fifty of the selected poems from Nicholson’s Poetry- taken from Shams Tabrizi’s Book of Poetry- in a modern poetic structure. And finally Andrew Harroy created some works as memorials of Rumi’s works. Manuscript profile
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        3 - Narrative Ghazal (Sonnet) and its Origin in the Persian Poetry
        احمدرضا  منصوری
        Ghazal (sonnet) is one of the major forms in the Persian Poetry. Still, the foundation, development, and its various types constantly invite and encourage the researchers towards further studies and contemplation. This research initially offers a new definition on poet More
        Ghazal (sonnet) is one of the major forms in the Persian Poetry. Still, the foundation, development, and its various types constantly invite and encourage the researchers towards further studies and contemplation. This research initially offers a new definition on poetry and the narrative Ghazal. Then its various types are recognized and divided within two approaches; the formal-structuralism and the contextual-conceptual approach which are the old literary divisions and forms. The other part of the research is devoted to the origin of the Persian Ghazal and the varieties of opinions are discussed. According to the findings of this research which are supported by some of the Persian poems, the origin of the narrative Ghazal can be surveyed with two attitudes; both in lyrical and also the sonneteer's field of approach. Its different types can be divided on the basis of structure (with the three genres including the narrative, the dialogue, and description in mind), and the content (with social, historical, mystical-cognitive, elegy, trip journals, life stories and etc which are among the subdivisions of the structure of narrative).At the end, the positive points and functions of the narrative Ghazal (such as the poetry's cohesive structure, finding the contents easy to understand, making a better communication with the audience, dramatization, and gaining pleasure and joy) have been pointed to. Manuscript profile
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        4 - Reviewing Farsi Ashurai Poetry in Lorestan; (from its birth to Islamic Revolution Victory)
        Ali Noori احسان  حیدری جمشیدی
        Lorestan people accepted Shiah faith from their deep heart and have a strong belief in it. Even the ruler of this area believed in Shiah from 1000 years agon and some of them like Atabakan-e Lor-e Kuchak who ruled Lorestan from 570 to 1006 (hegira) considered themselves More
        Lorestan people accepted Shiah faith from their deep heart and have a strong belief in it. Even the ruler of this area believed in Shiah from 1000 years agon and some of them like Atabakan-e Lor-e Kuchak who ruled Lorestan from 570 to 1006 (hegira) considered themselves as relatives from the generation of Abbas ibn Ali (PBUH). Lorestan people interest to the Prophet’s Household particularly Imam Hussein (PBUH), and Abbas ibn Ali (PBUH) is so deep that there are perfect reflections and representations of this in their culture and literature. We reviewed the “Farsi Ashurai poetry in Lorestan” as a sign of Ashurai culture in Persian literature. Most important result is that Moharram, Ashura and Imam Hussein (PBUH) have brilliant and outstanding display in different poetry genres of this province and also Persian poetry and this display is so dominant that, although its literature is oral, but its signs are so dominant among few available works and poems. This point proves the interest and respect of Lorestan people to the Prophet’s Household and also their manhood, gentility, nobility and freedom; features whose most brilliant reflections is Karbala. It should also be mentioned that Lorestan Farsi Ashurai Poetry can be categorized in 4 kinds and these kinds of poems are so extensive and dominant in Lorestan Literature and it involves Lorestan literates from very old times until today. Manuscript profile
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        5 - Theological Thoughts on Tawhid in Attar’s Masnavies
        Farideh  Mohseni Hanjani Ahmad Khatami
        Mystical literature has always been accompanied by secrets and mysteries; and understanding the concepts, interpretations, terms and themes mentioned in mystical poems and proses such as theological themes has never been easy since they are mixed with special symbols an More
        Mystical literature has always been accompanied by secrets and mysteries; and understanding the concepts, interpretations, terms and themes mentioned in mystical poems and proses such as theological themes has never been easy since they are mixed with special symbols and allegories. The elements of mystical literature, though not that complicated, bring up deep questions in mind, for which finding the answers requires true understanding of mystical, religious and theological insights of the authors. Attar is one of those mystic poets who has incorporated his beliefs and religious attitudes with a mystical virtue in all his works. Using a descriptive-analytical method, assuming that Attar’s mystical thoughts are incorporated with his theological thoughts, this paper tries to investigate the effects of different theological schools on the intellectual and mystic basis of monotheism (Tawhid) theme in Attar’s works with respect to his well-known four Masnavi books. The results show that the influence of theological issues on these works is too much that any account of Attar’s works without learning about his theological insights would be incomplete. However, it would be useless to insist on assigning him to one specific theological school. Manuscript profile
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        6 - Describing and Defining the Poetics of the short poem
        Nafise Nasiri morteza rashidi alireza fouladi
        Much of the classical and contemporary Persian poetry is composed of short poems such as couplet and quatrain. Also, contemporary poets have shown increasing interest in short poetry. Although researchers have attempted to identify the components of short poetry and to More
        Much of the classical and contemporary Persian poetry is composed of short poems such as couplet and quatrain. Also, contemporary poets have shown increasing interest in short poetry. Although researchers have attempted to identify the components of short poetry and to this end have mentioned the brevitas features, the limited usage of the verb, the ending stroke, the image-orientation, the limited use of the rhyme, and naturalism; these features mostly refer to the description of the short poem, and no unanimous definition is available yet. For example, the outer limit is sometimes referred to as one page, sometimes up to seven rows and sometimes up to five portions. As for its internal and semantic limits, they enumerate the function of the fundamental scheme and effect of the moment. This article critically analyzes the descriptions and definitions of researchers on short poetry and attempts to provide a more accurate definition of the short poem using an analytical method. As a result, this article considers short poetry based on its fundamental technique, to be with limited lines or hemistiches, and finally, "independent monolithic limited poetry with a greater tendency for the discourse of wisedom." Manuscript profile
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        7 - Analysis of Asynartete capacities and ways of its creation in Persian poetry
        یحیی عطائی
        The "Asynartete" is literary device to read a poem in several meter. The author of this article tracks this issue in rhetorics and shows that it has been used frequently in Persian poetry since early Persian poetry up to now. Converting a hemistich’s meter is done in ei More
        The "Asynartete" is literary device to read a poem in several meter. The author of this article tracks this issue in rhetorics and shows that it has been used frequently in Persian poetry since early Persian poetry up to now. Converting a hemistich’s meter is done in eight ways: Short and long vowel saturation and desaturation, retention and elimination of Hamzeh, intensification and reduction of consonant, making vowel and no vowel of consonant. In persian poems 26 meters create asynartete in 22 states. The most commonly used is converting the meter of “Fa’elaton Fa’elaton Fa’elon” to “Mofta’elon Mofta’elon Fa’elon” and vice versa. The most commonly used methods of conversion are the four methods of "vowel saturation/ desaturation" and "retention/ elimination of Hamzeh". Another finding of this essay, is that although asynartete is not named in Persian books on rhetorics, it has been used in Persian poetry since Rashid-al-din. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - A Comparative Study and Analysis of the Antichrist in Persian Poetry and Islamic Traditions
        Elham Nazary Esmail Tajbakhsh
        The issue of the Antichrist has been mentioned in most religions and his sedition has been reminded to the prophets as first mentioned of him in the Epistle of John. According to John, the Antichrist is any one who has different opinions about the embodiment of Christ, More
        The issue of the Antichrist has been mentioned in most religions and his sedition has been reminded to the prophets as first mentioned of him in the Epistle of John. According to John, the Antichrist is any one who has different opinions about the embodiment of Christ, and any spirit that denies the embodiment of Jesus is the Antichrist. But the background to the formation of the concept of the Antichrist can be found in the apocalyptic and revelationtic discussions of the early periods of Jewish history, especially in the book of Daniel. This issue has been mentioned in various forms in Islamic texts and some possibilities have been given about its origin. Some believe that he is a person and some believe that he is a type and a description.With the introduction of Quranic and Islamic themes in Persian literature, themes related to the Antichrist have also been used by poets and have been reflected in their poetry. The poets' intention in expressing these themes was not merely an allusion, but they used them to express their views in the form of similes, metaphors and symbols. Although the Antichrist is a hated figure and has not been widely reflected in Persian poetry; Nevertheless, this reflection is low, special and significant. In Persian poetry, "the person of the Antichrist" is predominant and poets do not pay attention to other possibilities given about him in Islamic texts. This article has examined the reflection of the Antichrist in two areas of Islamic texts and Persian poetry in separate sections and, in conclusion, has made a comparison between these two areas in this regard. Manuscript profile
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        9 - A Study of the Semantic Parallels of the Concept of Love throughout Persian Poetry using Qualitative Content Analysis
        masoume mohammadi Asghar Daadbeh Hormoz Rahimhan
        Love is one of the most prominent concepts in Persian poetry that contains broad conceptual capacities to indirectly influence the semantic structure of the constantly transformative grounds of thought and functions of poetry. This research aims to understand whether th More
        Love is one of the most prominent concepts in Persian poetry that contains broad conceptual capacities to indirectly influence the semantic structure of the constantly transformative grounds of thought and functions of poetry. This research aims to understand whether through these transformations, the concept of love remains constant in the ever-changing semantic system or it undergoes dissociative fluctuations. Furthermore, this article tries to answer this question by approaching the poetry of different time-periods in their original form and focus on the interpretations that may arise from them. This matter gains further importance when we consider the decisive role that the concept of love plays in touching the reader’s emotions and its corresponding cultural influence throughout time. Hence, this research aims to arrive at the audience’s emotional involvement and the importance of cultural occasions by studying the concept of love in canonical works of poetry extending to different time-periods. Since the cultural occasions must correspond to their semantic parallels of the concept of love, we seek to extract these parallel meanings from the concealed concepts of Persian poetry. To arrive at these hidden components of poetry, this article views the Qualitative Content Analysis method in direct contact with thought centered content analysis. Therefore, two extensive stylistic schools of ancient and contemporary Persian poetry are studied to illustrate the semantic process that the concept of love undergoes and the scope contains some of the most important approaches of Qualitative Content Analysis such as: concealed and apparent meaning, semantic units, interpretive units, regional contents, theme and motif. This research concludes that through this process, the original semantic structure of this concept has been kept by remaining in close contact with its fundamental parallel meanings. Manuscript profile
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        10 - Rhyme and its Functions in Sultan Walad’s Lyrics
        mouhammad amir Mashhadi hosniyeh nakhaie leyla ebadi nejhad
        Rhyme is one of the factors influencing the aesthetic creation, and is one of the components of the compilation of the poetry, which has a prominent position in Persian poetry, and the Persian poets have long been concerned with its application. As the Persian poetry ev More
        Rhyme is one of the factors influencing the aesthetic creation, and is one of the components of the compilation of the poetry, which has a prominent position in Persian poetry, and the Persian poets have long been concerned with its application. As the Persian poetry evolves, the application of the rhyme becomes more visible and the poets have gone through a variety of words. Among those that types of rhyme play a major role in the poetry of his poetry, is Sultan Walad, who has used a variety of words in rhyme position in his lyrics. This research, with a text-oriented approach, and from the angle of statistics deals with the types of rhyme and their functions in Sultan-Walad’s lyrics; thus the rhymed and non- rhymed poems and the various types of rhyme in the lyrics of the poet, which include a considerable amount of his Diwan were studied and finally It was found that the his rhymed lyrics are much more than non-rhymed lyrics, and the frequency of all kinds of rhymes also shows that the verbal rhyme are the most frequent type of rhymes in the sultan Walad's lyrics. On the other hand, the functions of rhyme in his lyrics were also investigated from the musical, inductive and rhetorical points of and we concluded that the poet has used the rhyme for his purposes, including: aestheticizing, expressing his thoughts, and reflecting his own feelings and ...in his poetry. Manuscript profile
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        11 - Influential intellectual foundations in the poetry of Hakim Sanai Ghaznavi
        hosna mohammadzade
        Abstract Sanai Ghaznavi is a wise mystic and poet who has the initiative of mystical and wise Persian poetry and has created a new atmosphere in Persian literature and is a kind of epoch maker. Someone who has been able to use the forms of Persian poetry, especially M More
        Abstract Sanai Ghaznavi is a wise mystic and poet who has the initiative of mystical and wise Persian poetry and has created a new atmosphere in Persian literature and is a kind of epoch maker. Someone who has been able to use the forms of Persian poetry, especially Masnavi and ode in the service of mystical meanings and educational poetry. It is no exaggeration to say that Iranian mystical poetry owes its position and rank to Sanai genius. He is a poet with a clear spirit, who confronts God, man and society not through the religiosity of the congregation, but through his own religion and his own perception. Whereas the poets of his time, usually in the courts, praised the kings and lords of force and gold, and were constant servants of the sultans, and their lives were secured by receiving peace; Sanai, with his unique ideas, has criticized the unhealthy situation of his time. This research has studied and classified the influential intellectual principles in Sanai's poetry and worldview. Manuscript profile
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        12 - صریح ترین آیۀ شکوفایی
        مهدی رستمی
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        13 - جریان شناسی شعر معاصر- بهره نخست
        نوشین طالب زاده