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        1 - Comparing Imam Khomeini's (RA) interpretation of Surah Hamad with Allameh Tabataba'i
        Aqila  Musa Nia Ali Akbar  Afrasiab pour maryam Bakhtiar
        The most important source of Islamic religious teachings is the Qur'an, whose interpretation and study of chapters and verses has been the focus of discussion in scientific and religious circles since the beginning of Islam. One of the most important surahs of the Qur'a More
        The most important source of Islamic religious teachings is the Qur'an, whose interpretation and study of chapters and verses has been the focus of discussion in scientific and religious circles since the beginning of Islam. One of the most important surahs of the Qur'an is surah Hamd, which religious scholars and commentators, even if they have not interpreted all the chpters and verses of the Qur'an, have paid special attention to the interpretation of this chapter and explained it with various methods. Imam Khomeini as one of the influential personalities in the last century and Allameh Tabatabai, one of the prominent commentators of the Holy Quran, have been considered in various ways and one of the prominent examples of Imam Khomeini's works is the interpretation of Artistic interpretation of Surah Hamad. In this research, which is in the form of library, analytical and descriptive methods, the characteristics of Imam Tafsir's interpretation in this field are examined and the differences between their interpretations and Allameh Tabatabai's interpretations are explained. One of their differences is the different methods of interpretation in this surah. Manuscript profile