• List of Articles خون

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Effect of using dill (Anethum graveolens) whole plant powder on performance of some blood parameters, and skeletal system of broilers
        ali Reyan Mohasesi Hasan Darmani Koohi Reza Naseri Harsini Hamed Kioumarsi هوشنگ دهقان زاده
        To investigate the effects of the whole dill plant powder different levels on performance of some blood parameters and tibial characteristics of broilers, 200 one-day-old male chicks (Ross-308) were used in a completely randomized design with four treatments and five re More
        To investigate the effects of the whole dill plant powder different levels on performance of some blood parameters and tibial characteristics of broilers, 200 one-day-old male chicks (Ross-308) were used in a completely randomized design with four treatments and five replicates (10 chicks per replicate). Chicks were randomly distributed among the experimental treatments including 0, 0.5, 0.1, and 0.2% levels of whole dill plant powder. In regards to feed intake and weight gain during the entire growing period, the treatments contained 1% and 2% of dill plant powder had the highest and the lowest feed intake, respectively, and treatments containing 0.5% dill powder and control group were in the middle of the first two treatments (P<0.05). In terms of feed conversion ratio, the only significant difference observed between treatments throughout the entire experimental period was a significant increase in the amount of feed conversion ratio in the chicks treated with 2% dill plant powder. Serum alkaline phosphatase concentration showed a significant increase in both assessing periods (21 and 42 days) for the 2% dill plant powder treatment compared to the other experimental treatments (P<0.05). Serum calcium and phosphorus concentrations were not affected by experimental diets. The weight, length, width, and ash percentage of the tibial bone did not show any significant difference between the experimental treatments. The results of this study showed that using 1% of dill plant powder in broiler chicken diets, while improving growth performance, did not have any adverse effect on skeletal growth and development of chickens. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Effect of Pennyroyal (Mentha Pulegium L.) on Performance, Carcass Characteristics and Some of the Blood Parameters in Broilers
        Ali Reyan Mohasesi Hasan Darmani Koohi Reza Naseri Harsini Ali Mirza Aghazadeh Hamed Kioumarsi
        To investigate the effects of pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium L.) powder on performances, the concentration of some blood parameters and carcass characteristics of broilers, 160 one-day-old Ross chicks were used in the form of a completely randomized design with four treatm More
        To investigate the effects of pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium L.) powder on performances, the concentration of some blood parameters and carcass characteristics of broilers, 160 one-day-old Ross chicks were used in the form of a completely randomized design with four treatments and four repetitions. Experimental treatments included the levels of zero (control), 0.2%, 0.4%, and 0.6% of pennyroyal powder. The treatment containing 0.6% of pennyroyal powder compared to the control group had higher feed consumption in the starter period (P <0.05). However, there was no significant difference during the growth period and the whole experimental period. In terms of average daily weight gain and feed conversion ratio, there was no significant difference between the experimental treatments during the starter, growth and the whole experimental periods. The carcass percentage decreased significantly at the age of 42 days in treatments containing pennyroyal powder compared to the control group (P <0.05). There was no significant difference between experimental treatments in terms of weight percentage of carcass components including thigh, chest, abdominal fat, heart, liver, and gizzard. The concentration of triglycerides and plasma VLDL decreased significantly in treatments containing pennyroyal powder and decreased linearly compared to the control group (P <0.05). In terms of cholesterol and plasma HDL levels, a significant decrease was observed in treatment containing 0.4 level and treatment containing 0.2 percent of pennyroyal powder compared to the control group (P <0.05) respectively. Plasma LDL levels were not affected by experimental treatments. The results of the present study showed that the use of limited levels of pennyroyal powder up to 0.6% has no significant effect on the performance of broilers. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Effects of different levels of Ajowan Trachyspermum ammi as an alternative to antibiotics on growth performance carcass characteristics and some blood parameters of broiler chickens
        ali Reyan Mohasesi Hasan Darmani Koohi Reza Naseri Harsini Hamed Kioumarsi
        The purpose of this experiment was to evaluate the effects of different levels of powdered dried aerial parts of Ajowan (Trachyspermum ammi) seeds on the performance and carcass traits of broiler chicks. In this experiment one hundred and sixty one-day-old broiler chick More
        The purpose of this experiment was to evaluate the effects of different levels of powdered dried aerial parts of Ajowan (Trachyspermum ammi) seeds on the performance and carcass traits of broiler chicks. In this experiment one hundred and sixty one-day-old broiler chicks (Ross 308) were used in a completely randomized design with 4 treatments and 4 replicates (with 10 birds each). The experimental treatments included: 1) control group (without additive2) basal diet + 0.2% Ajowan powder, 3) basal diet + 0.4% Ajowan powder, and 4) basal diet + 0.6% Ajowan powder. Results showed that the levels of 0.2 and 0.4 % had no significant effect on daily weight gain, food intake and feed efficiency. Except for carcass weight, Ajowan had no significant effect on carcass characteristics. For blood parameters, the effects of Ajowan, in most cases, were non-significant. In contrast, plasma LDL and cholesterol concentrations decreased significantly with increasing levels of Ajowan powder. According to the obtained results, based on maintaining the bird's performance at the same levels as the control group and on the other hand improving the pattern of blood lipid metabolites, it can be said that Ajowan can be a good alternative to the growth-promoting antibiotic to improve health and solve the environmental problems in this area. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - The identification of the recharge source in the important karstic springs of Khuzestan province using stable isotopes (18O and 2H)
        HamidReza Mohammadi-Behzad دکتر اسماعیل کلانتری  Charchi Arash Nadri
        Sabzab and Bibitalkhone Karst springs are the main discharging points of the Kamarun and Pabdeh karstic anticlines (Asmari dolomite and limestone) in Khuzestan province. The exposed surface of both anticlines are not sufficient to feed the aforementioned springs. Accord More
        Sabzab and Bibitalkhone Karst springs are the main discharging points of the Kamarun and Pabdeh karstic anticlines (Asmari dolomite and limestone) in Khuzestan province. The exposed surface of both anticlines are not sufficient to feed the aforementioned springs. According to the general water balance estimation and the discharge hydrographs of springs, there are important water resources in the region (including the Shahid Abbaspour dam reservoir as well as the Shirgun anticline in the vicinity of the host anticlines of springs) which could contribute in feeding the springs. All of water resources in the target (discharge) and the recharge area were sampled during two rainy (February 2013) and dry (July 2013) periods. The origin of the spring's waters in the target area evaluated using these isotope data, as well as the local meteoric water line (LMWL) in the study area. The average elevation of the recharge area and the probable recharge fraction from the water bodies resources in the region estimated for the springs. The results show that the recharge area elevation of the springs in the target area corresponds to the recharge area elevation in the neighboring karstic anticline. It was also revealed that the Shahid Abbaspour dam reservoir participate in recharging the Sabzab spring. However, the volume of input water from the dam reservoir in comparsion to Shirgun karstic catchment is not considerable. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - The Concept of Katechon and the Foundation of Modern Political Thought (A theological-political debate between Hobbes, Schmitt and Agamben)
        mostafa ensafi Shoja  Ahmadvand
        In the twentieth century, with the publication of the works of Max Weber, Schmitt, Löwith, Voegelin, and Blumenberg, there was a great deal of interest in exploring the theological roots of modernity and modern political thought, and many of the leading texts of the ear More
        In the twentieth century, with the publication of the works of Max Weber, Schmitt, Löwith, Voegelin, and Blumenberg, there was a great deal of interest in exploring the theological roots of modernity and modern political thought, and many of the leading texts of the early modern period were reinterpreted. This article seeks to highlight the importance of this concept in the history of political thought by addressing the theological foundations of the figure of "Katechon", first mentioned in Paul's Second Epistle to the Thessalonians. The main premise of the article is that modern political thought has always been rooted in Christian theology and has sought to legitimize itself by secularizing theological ideas. In the meantime, under the influence of Karl Schmitt and his particular and authoritarian reading of the concept of Katechon, political theology is often seen as blocking the project of liberation, but thinkers such as Agamben interpret the concept of Katechon under the concept of salvation. It paves the way for the democratic formulation of political theology. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Legal Challenges of Children's Citizenship of Iranian Women with Foreign Husbands
        Atefeh Abbasi
        In civil law of Iran, the right of women to nationality is intertwined with their family rights and duties and family rights are preferred to the moral rights of them. According to the above law the citizenship of the Iranian mother did not affect the child's nationalit More
        In civil law of Iran, the right of women to nationality is intertwined with their family rights and duties and family rights are preferred to the moral rights of them. According to the above law the citizenship of the Iranian mother did not affect the child's nationality and even if child is born of Iranian mother and foreign father on Iranian soil, this person is not considered Iranian. On the other hand, mother and father of many of these children are married without compliance of article 1060 of the Civil Code and some of men have no nationality and some of men have died or been missing, as a result, their children lack citizenship and identity. Considering the ineffectiveness of the law of determining the nationality of the children of Iranian women married to foreign men and the need to modify the existing rules, this article is written. This article is a library study method by analyzing existing laws and regulations. In this article , effect of the mother's role on granting citizenship is explained and checked the systems for determining the citizenship of individuals and families and suggested to these children are known Iranian and this problem can be resolved by the mother's request from the birth or by the child from the age of 18 years. It is essential for mother's support, her marriage will be recorded and citizenship rights are given to these children before granting citizenship. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - Khoonaji’s most Important Logical Innovations and Abhari’s Role in their Development
        Akbar  Faydei Kamran Ghayoomzadeh
        The roles of Khoonaji and Abhari in the development and growth of Sinan logic in the seventh century (AH) are undeniable. In addition to expanding and disseminating some of Ibn Sina’s innovations and modifying some of Fakhr al-Din Razi’s creative logical ideas, they had More
        The roles of Khoonaji and Abhari in the development and growth of Sinan logic in the seventh century (AH) are undeniable. In addition to expanding and disseminating some of Ibn Sina’s innovations and modifying some of Fakhr al-Din Razi’s creative logical ideas, they had their own logical innovations in this respect. From among them, reference can be made to dividing the categorical defined proposition into four absolute factual, absolute external, factual-subject, and actual-subject propositions; adding the mental proposition to the binary division of the categorical quantified proposition into factual and external types; distinguishing the negative inverse conversion proposition from the positive one; discovering the physical proposition and separating it from the indefinite and singular propositions; discovering the reflection of the particular negative proposition on peculiar propositions, providing a detailed discussion of the conditions and the validity judgment of the fourth form in mingled propositions and adding three modes to its conclusive modes in compound modal propositions. This paper intends to explain and investigate such innovations. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - Laparoscopic ovariectomy in dogs: a comparison of the Ligasure, Ultrasound, Bipolar, and Ligature methods
        Mohammad Yasan Bangash Mir Sepehr Pedram Sanaz Banifazl Mohammad Molazem Maryam Iran Manesh Fariba Khaki Yazdan Aryazand
        Introduction: Laparoscopic ovariectomy is one of the common procedures performed in adult female dogs. The objective of this study was to compare the intraoperative and postoperative effects of laparoscopic ovariectomy with four hemostasis methods including Ligasure(LS) More
        Introduction: Laparoscopic ovariectomy is one of the common procedures performed in adult female dogs. The objective of this study was to compare the intraoperative and postoperative effects of laparoscopic ovariectomy with four hemostasis methods including Ligasure(LS), Ultrasound scalpel(US), Bipolar(BP) electrosurgery, and ligature(LT). Materials and Methods: 9 adult mix breed female dogs divided into four groups (LS, US, and LT(n=2); BP (n=3)). Total operation time(TT), Total hemostasis time(HT), presence of hemorrhage was recorded during surgery. In the 7th day objects euthanized to investigate abdominal cavity for gross pathologic changes such as presence of adhesion, and histopathological changes due to thermal damage in organs adjacent to anatomic region of ovaries such as uterine horns. Results: Both TT and HT significantly reduced in LS and US groups in comparison with BP group (P<0.05). TT and HT in LT group were significantly more than BP group. Minimum adhesion score were detected in LS and US groups (no significant difference) which were significantly lesser than BP group (P<0.05). In LT group granuloma around suture material were detected. Thermal damage on uterine horn were significantly higher in BP and LS groups (no significant difference) than US and LT(with no thermal injury) groups (p<0.05). Discussion and Conclusion: Application of easy, fast, safe method of hemostasis with minimal thermal damage and postoperative complications is mandatory in laparoscopic ovariectomy. Use of Ultrasonic scalpel in comparision with other methods was fast, and the most applicable with minimum thermal injury and postoperative complications in laparoscopic ovariectomy. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        9 - Calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy of the Cretaceous deposits in Khunik startigraphic section (West Qaen, eastern Iran)
        M. Notghi Moghaddam F. Jalili S. Senemari
        In this research, the biostratigraphy of the Cretaceous deposits was investigated in the eastern margin of Lut Block in Khunik startigraphic section, west of Qaen, based on calcareous nannofossils. The stratigraphic interval mainly consists of marls with sandstone inter More
        In this research, the biostratigraphy of the Cretaceous deposits was investigated in the eastern margin of Lut Block in Khunik startigraphic section, west of Qaen, based on calcareous nannofossils. The stratigraphic interval mainly consists of marls with sandstone interlayers (196 m thick). According to the systematic studies, 30 nannofossil species belonging to 20 genera were identified. Based on the presence of index calcareous nannofossils such as Calcicalathina oblongata, Speetonia colligata, Eiffellithus striatus and the fossil assemblages Calcicalathina oblongata Zone (CC3), Cretarhabdus loriei Zone (CC4) and Lithraphidites bollii Zone (CC5) these deposits are equivalent to NK3A subzone – middle part of NC5B subzone. According to the determined biozones, early Valanginian to late Hauterivian age was suggested for the studied interval. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        10 - Investigation of Blood Coagulation Process on Biopolymers and Review on the Hemocompatibility Evaluation Methods
        Rahim Dehghan Jalal Barzin Seyed Hossein  Abtahian Behnam Darabi Hamidreza Ghaderi
        The use of biopolymers in the development of biomedical devices has extended in recent years. These devices are including prosthetic heart valves catheter, cardiovascular stents, artificial arteries, peacemakers, hemodialysis membranes, etc. Hemocompatibility is taken i More
        The use of biopolymers in the development of biomedical devices has extended in recent years. These devices are including prosthetic heart valves catheter, cardiovascular stents, artificial arteries, peacemakers, hemodialysis membranes, etc. Hemocompatibility is taken into account as one of the essential cases of biopolymers for biomedical applications. Knowing biopolymer-blood interaction is very considerable for the development of a hemocompatible biopolymer. Various factors can undergo the hemocompatibility of biopolymers. Surface properties such as hydrophilicity, surface energy, and electrostatic charge are the most important factor for the control of hemocompatibility. In this study, further blood coagulation mechanism on the biopolymers, evaluation methods of hemocompatibility is investigated. Methods include protein adsorption which is the first phenomenon of the blood coagulation process, investigation of kallikrein activity which evaluates intrinsic coagulation pathway, assessment of coagulation times such as thrombin time (TT), prothrombin time (PT) and activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) which monitor extrinsic, intrinsic and common pathway of blood coagulation, hemolysis of erythrocytes, microscopy analysis of cell adhesion, platelet adhesion and activation. Change in platelet morphology is one of the main criteria for the investigation of blood compatibility. Finally, a hemocompatible polymer should pass all mentioned blood compatibility analyses. Herein, besides i Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        11 - The Contexts and Components of Transformation in the Eorks of Mirza Fatali Akhundzade
        ali sadeghi firouz rad hossein marsa
        This paper delves into the theme of transformative inclination within the works and philosophies of Mirza Fath-Ali Akhundzadeh, with a specific focus on his theatrical productions. Modernization, in this context, denotes transcending the traditional status quo and embra More
        This paper delves into the theme of transformative inclination within the works and philosophies of Mirza Fath-Ali Akhundzadeh, with a specific focus on his theatrical productions. Modernization, in this context, denotes transcending the traditional status quo and embracing renewal. Employing a descriptive and analytical approach rooted in reflection, and utilizing library methodologies alongside qualitative content analysis, the socio-political, economic, and cultural contexts of the emergence and evolution of this trend are explored. Additionally, its manifestations within Akhundzadeh's theatrical and non-theatrical oeuvre are examined and dissected. The "reflection approach," alongside methodologies such as "shaping" and "works as social institutions," constitutes one of the three primary approaches within the literary sociology tradition. In this framework, literary works serve as mirrors reflecting social realities. Depending on whether emphasis is placed on the form or content of the literary work, it draws upon various established theories, such as Lucien Goldmann's theory. In this study, a combination of library research and qualitative content analysis was employed to investigate the social, political, economic, and cultural contexts underpinning the emergence of the discourse on modernization. The findings reveal that the rapid social, political, economic, and cultural transformations of the period under consideration have exerted both positive and negative influences on the formation and content of Akhundzadeh's works. Consequently, the juxtaposition of traditional social paradigms with those stemming from the ethos of renewal emerges as a central theme within his body of work Manuscript profile