• List of Articles تکوین

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Representation of Pre & Post-Revolution Iranian Society in Two Novels of Reza Barahani’s
        شهرام  زمانی سبزی تقی  آزاد ارمکی
        The mechanism of Social Thought in Barahani’s works is the base for the present paper. The portrait of pre & post Revolution Iranian Society painted vividly in two novels of Reza Barahani’s was studied based on Lucian Goldman's Genetical structuralism. The two novels a More
        The mechanism of Social Thought in Barahani’s works is the base for the present paper. The portrait of pre & post Revolution Iranian Society painted vividly in two novels of Reza Barahani’s was studied based on Lucian Goldman's Genetical structuralism. The two novels are “The Mysteries of my Homeland” (Les Mysteries du moon Pays) and “Azadeh Khanoom and her Author” (Dr. Sharifi’s Private Auschwitz). Key concepts of the novels were categorized according to Parsons in four categories of culture, society, politics and economy. Findings of the paper show that the mechanism of Social Thought in Barahani’s literature is of politico- cultural approach, in other words, Barahani’s novels are political, but, the political content is obtainable via culture. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Institutionalism as a Model for Political Analysis
        h k
        The gravity point of Institutional analysis is emphasizing on the role of institutions as an independent variable in forming procedures and outcomes of individual and collective actions and social and political phenomena. Contemporary social sciences, due to the dominan More
        The gravity point of Institutional analysis is emphasizing on the role of institutions as an independent variable in forming procedures and outcomes of individual and collective actions and social and political phenomena. Contemporary social sciences, due to the dominance of background-based approaches (in Sociology and Political Sciences) and quantity-based approaches (in Economics), didn’t give due attention to the analysis of institution variable status in forming social, economic and political phenomena. This article, first, attempts to introduce the institutional perspective in social and political analysis, and then introduces the internal reformations and varieties of this approach. The second purpose of this article is to show that historical institutionalism as a kind of neo- Institutionalism can develop an appropriate framework in integrating the Institutionalism and background-based approaches in political analysis, due to its dynamic viewpoint on the category of institutional change. According to this view, although different forms of institutions should be seen as independent variables in forming the social and political actors’ behaviors, these institutions are developed phenomena in the context of social and political historical disputes. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Possibilities of Genetic Structuralism Methodology in Analyzing How Ideas are constructed
        Ali Khodaverdi ali alihoseini
        The basic hypothesis of this research is that the ideas, thoughts and attitudes as intellectual practices are all constructed. The main question is that which methodological patterns and prospects can better explain and elaborate how thoughts and views are constructed b More
        The basic hypothesis of this research is that the ideas, thoughts and attitudes as intellectual practices are all constructed. The main question is that which methodological patterns and prospects can better explain and elaborate how thoughts and views are constructed by intellects. It seems that French famous philosopher and sociologist Pierre Bourdieu’s relational or interactional methodological approach and pattern known as Genetic Structuralism can answer better and more completed to this question. Obviously using mentioned approach in analyzing how ideas are constructed by intellects is depended on assuming thoughts as practices of their owners. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - The investigation of the educational training application of the verse in the holg Quran
        Creator of the universe ، infinite rays of the essence and Jamil their names through the mirror verses traits and legislation development in the field of souls ، made manifest and people always comment that I hesitate to see hundreds of thousands had been the hundreds o More
        Creator of the universe ، infinite rays of the essence and Jamil their names through the mirror verses traits and legislation development in the field of souls ، made manifest and people always comment that I hesitate to see hundreds of thousands had been the hundreds of thousands effects ، in this paper an attempt has been made to the divine revelations of academic perspectives ، philosophical، spiritual ، artistic ، educational ، and desired to be considered and the results of each of these attitudes ، to be presented before the Lord of wisdom Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Sociological and stylistics study "I turn off the lights" with emphasis on the approach of Lucin Goldman
        neda yans kamran pashaei fakhri parvane adelzade
        Sociology of Literature is a branch of sociology that has not spread much among the social sciences in spite of the long tradition of literary and literary works in Iranian history. This lack of expansion exists both in the theoretical domain and in the field of empiric More
        Sociology of Literature is a branch of sociology that has not spread much among the social sciences in spite of the long tradition of literary and literary works in Iranian history. This lack of expansion exists both in the theoretical domain and in the field of empirical research. In the theoretical field, sociological theoretical approaches to literary works are not very clear. In empirical research, research is also limited to only long stories, and other literary types are generally absent. In this article, it is claimed that, regardless of the theoretical approach in literature and stylistics, any literary features have to be considered when analyzing by Stylists and sociologist. In this article, we examine the social, political and style aspects of the works of ZoyaPirzad, a contemporary Armenian writer, according to the method of constructivism of Goldman. In this method, the content of the literary work and its relationship with the society are studied, the effect of which has been created and instead of describing the content of literary work, the content and its relationship with the worldview in a particular era are discussed. Therefore, this novel briefly refers to the morale and living conditions of the people and the explanation of the phenomena, behaviors, constructs and ups and downs and social and political afflictions of the life of the characters of the novel. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Investigating the causes and motives of satire in Khaghani and Anvari poetry
        hajar jowkar Maryam parhizgari Seyed Jafar  Hamidi
        Satire is one of the branches of lyrical literature; in which the poet, for various Reasons and motives, slanders any annex that rivals or is hostile to him. The satire comes from the poet's resentment, enmity and neurosis; and because there are feelings and emotions in More
        Satire is one of the branches of lyrical literature; in which the poet, for various Reasons and motives, slanders any annex that rivals or is hostile to him. The satire comes from the poet's resentment, enmity and neurosis; and because there are feelings and emotions in all human beings, all human beings are instinctively capable of satire and satire. This type of literature has been common in Persian literature and other nations. Various causes and factors such as psychological, material and socio-economic factors can play a role in its development. In this article, an attempt has been made to examine the satirical motives of two great poets, . Anvari Abivardi and Khaghani are both great poets of the sixth century whose poems contain many satires. The main question addressed in this research is, what were the causes and motives of satire in the poems of these two poets? The findings of this article indicate that in Khaghani's poetry the motives for satire are mostly psychological, personal and personal causes, and in Anvari's material material, personal and personal motives, psychological and sometimes social factors have been the reason for satir. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - A reflection on the rule of inherent beauty and ugliness
        Mohammad Hassan  Ghadrdan Qaramaleki
        The principle of intrinsic and rational beauty and ugliness is considered one of the key theological rules in the two fields of "ontology" and "epistemology". However, the exact explanation of these two rules in both the above fields has been met with ambiguities by the More
        The principle of intrinsic and rational beauty and ugliness is considered one of the key theological rules in the two fields of "ontology" and "epistemology". However, the exact explanation of these two rules in both the above fields has been met with ambiguities by theologians and philosophers. In this article, the author, using a rational method and analyzing seven theories of the principle of inherent beauty and ugliness, while evaluating the first six theories, presented a new explanation and interpretation of the theory of inherent beauty and ugliness and called it "formative and expedient beauty and ugliness and the involvement of interests." In the abstraction of beauty and ugliness" he delivered and proved it. Also, at the end of the article, the question of the conflict between the theory of theologians and philosophers is examined and criticized, and the conclusion is that the famous readings of Imami theologians and philosophers are aligned. Manuscript profile