• List of Articles تكليف

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Reaserch about reservation in Imamiyeh thinking way (meaning, sentences and kind of veservation)
        First we explain verbal and idiomatic meaning of neservation and it's differences to "Toriyeh","exigency" and "reluctancy" in second section of essay, we will introduced different kind of reservation, including three type mentioned belw. Eeach of them has it's goal and More
        First we explain verbal and idiomatic meaning of neservation and it's differences to "Toriyeh","exigency" and "reluctancy" in second section of essay, we will introduced different kind of reservation, including three type mentioned belw. Eeach of them has it's goal and reason. 1- Beacaus of fearing to saving yourself 2- Beacaus of hiding lifestyle to countinu your way in thinking 3- Beacaus of making good and effective human relationship with other's to save scocity. In third section we explain rul's and sentences about every kind. That are different from one to other. Beacaus of their reasons Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - The Relationship between Human Nature and Moral Responsibility in Mulla Sadra
        Mohammad Hosseinzadeh Azam  Ghasemi Mohsen  Javadi Hadi  Vakili
        The principles of the Transcendent Philosophy as well as empirical observations indicate that people are different from each other in their primary nature. This explains why they are different in terms of their free will and voluntary acts. The present paper investigate More
        The principles of the Transcendent Philosophy as well as empirical observations indicate that people are different from each other in their primary nature. This explains why they are different in terms of their free will and voluntary acts. The present paper investigates Mulla Sadra’s view of the effects of human nature on their voluntary acts and examines its role in accepting responsibility. The formation of human nature in Mulla Sadra’s philosophy is different from that in other schools of philosophy. In the Transcendent Philosophy, the human nature originates in the material mode of the soul, and the differences among the natures of different human beings are rooted in the differences among corporeal substances. The attachment of this affair to the necessity of the cause-effect relation is the reason why moral responsibility is not explainable in Mulla Sadra’s philosophy. This problem poses certain challenges to Sadrian practical wisdom, the most important of which is the challenge of explaining the system of duty and recompense. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Different Types of Intellect in Mulla Hadi Sabziwari’s View
        Seyyed Mohammad  Hosseini Nik Seyyed Hashem  Golestani Fathali  Akbari
        There are several different interpretations of the intellect, and a number of different duties, types, and levels have been attributed to it in conformity with each interpretation. Among them, reference can be made to fitri intellect, theoretical intellect, practical in More
        There are several different interpretations of the intellect, and a number of different duties, types, and levels have been attributed to it in conformity with each interpretation. Among them, reference can be made to fitri intellect, theoretical intellect, practical intellect, universal intellect, active intellect, basis for obligation, etc. In the same vein, gnostics and sufis have even referred to obligation and escape from the intellect. In this paper, following an analytic-descriptive method and based on a new ontological and epistemological division, the writers have tried to examine the different types of the intellect from the viewpoint of Mulla Hadi Sabziwari. In the ontology of the intellect, this concept is considered as a level of existence or an existent which is discussed in the framework of universal intellects, particular intellects, and the ten-fold intellects. Moreover, the relationships and differences between them are explained therein. From an epistemological approach, the intellect is viewed as Man’s faculty of perception. The writers also explore the natural intellect, empirical intellect, theoretical intellect, and practical intellect and their levels, the simple intellect, and the differentiated intellect alongside the epistemology of the intellect. The findings of this study indicate that, when explaining the different types of the intellect, we sometimes deal with the human intellect (levels of the rational souls, particular intellect, or livelihood intellect) and sometimes with non-human intellects (universal separate intellects) and, since the ascended and descended intellects are two levels of the same species, they connect with each other in the arches of ascent and descent. The findings also reveal that the intellect which gnostics usually reproach is the imperfect particular intellect, which is under the influence of fanciful thoughts, and it is the habitual and natural intellect which is the criterion for obligation. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - A Study of Specific Commonalities of Duties from Religious and Philosophical Perspectives: An Anthropological Approach
        Ali Asghar  Jafari Valani Habibeh  Molapanah
        This study investigates the problem of the possibility of similar duty from the viewpoints of religion and philosophy based on their anthropological principles. Since the problem of duty is tied to Man’s specific oneness and plurality, the study of religious and philoso More
        This study investigates the problem of the possibility of similar duty from the viewpoints of religion and philosophy based on their anthropological principles. Since the problem of duty is tied to Man’s specific oneness and plurality, the study of religious and philosophical views in this regard could open some new horizons before us. Although religious figures and most philosophers advocate the “specific oneness” of human beings, existentialists acknowledge their specific multiplicity. Therefore, religions and most philosophers practically agree with the sameness of duties; however, theoretically speaking, it can be said that Man’s specific plurality necessitates the existence of different duties. Hence, it seems that there might be certain inconsistencies such as the contrast between Mullā Ṣadrā’s theory of Man’s specific multiplicity and his practical commitment to the similarity of duties. Nevertheless, to resolve this inconsistency, one can refer to Man’s stability in spite of their trans-substantial motion and specific plurality. Another contrast pertains to the verses referring to the essential equality of human beings and those emphasizing the performance of duties within the limits of one’s capabilities. One can refer to the difference between the stages of making the duties and their being made. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Investigating the Dimensions and Consequences of Women's Duty Orientation in the Leadership Thought of the Founder of the Islamic Revolution
        Malihe Hajihasan Mahdi Naderi
        <p>The synthesis of human "rights" and "duties" constitutes one of the most fundamental issues of human intellectual traditions, each striving to provide a coherent response through the establishment of a knowledgeable system. Within the intellectual framework of Imam K More
        <p>The synthesis of human "rights" and "duties" constitutes one of the most fundamental issues of human intellectual traditions, each striving to provide a coherent response through the establishment of a knowledgeable system. Within the intellectual framework of Imam Khomeini (RA) as the leader of the revolution, the concept of duty orientation forms the basis of pragmatism action, where societal happiness and prosperity hinge upon fulfilling one's duties. Specifically addressing the issue of women's duty orientation, he highlighted its various dimensions and implications. Given the pivotal role and identity of women in the ideology of the Islamic Revolution's founder, their duty orientation radiates prominently within their intellectual endeavors, portraying them as catalysts for the revival of thought and ideology. In Imam's task-oriented perspective removing women, who are creators of humanity, from human societies and nations, would lead to societal decline and failure. Therefore, understanding the dimensions and consequences of women's duty orientation in leadership thought is crucial for achieving societal happiness within the Islamic Revolution. This article aims to elucidate these dimensions and consequences in the framework of Imam Khomeini's leadership thought using a hermeneutic text-centered approach. The research seeks to answer the question: "What are the dimensions and consequences of women's duty orientation in the leadership thought of the founder of the Islamic Revolution?" The findings of the research indicate that women's commitment is anchored in the Imam's sevenfold thought: "Duty as the origin of action", "Duty is a universal matter", "The scope of duty and human capability", "The internal and rational aspects of duty", " The legitimacy of Islamic duty "Achieving absolute victory through fulfilling duty," and "The obligatory nature of duty". Therefore, the dimensions of women's responsibilities in the leadership thought of the revolution encompass religious, familial, economic, political, and scientific domains. Furthermore, the consequences of women's responsibilities in individual empowerment and societal cohesion, are grounded in the sacred teachings of Muhammad.</p> Manuscript profile