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      • Open Access Article

        1 - The Discoursive Function of Sentence Form in Tarikh-e Beyhaqi
        لیلا  سید قاسم حمیده  نوح‌پیشه
        “Form” of a sentence is one of its syntactical features that is frequently used in eloquence and discourse analysis of literary and non-literary text. This significance is caused by this fact that “form” is the chart and scheme of communicational aspect (interactional/ More
        “Form” of a sentence is one of its syntactical features that is frequently used in eloquence and discourse analysis of literary and non-literary text. This significance is caused by this fact that “form” is the chart and scheme of communicational aspect (interactional/ interpersonal) in literature and clarifies the rate of certainty of author’s view and his/her relation with audience. Due to this, the form of sentence is one of most important subjects which will be discussed under the sections of predicate and composition. From 80th century in west that ideological and discourse analysis of literary (and non-literary) texts are paid due attention, modern critics emphasized that literature is non-personal and objective. They focused on the interactional function of language and considered form, the most important element in interactional function of language, worth investigating. We reviewed the condition of form of sentence in Tarikh-e Beyhaqi in limited and special manner (focusing on Zin and Saljuq/ Selçuk). Tarikh-e Beyhaqi is an artistic history that its author has a deliberate intention in keeping the mutual relation with his audience. In other hand, he had used the element of “Conversation” more than contemporary novelists. Due to this, the different forms of sentences have high frequency in his works. One can propose ideological and discourse analysis analyzing their qualities. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Analyzing Literary Aspects of Tarikhe Beihaqi (Beihaqi’s History) Based on Walter "Benjamin Theory"
        مهدخت  پورخالقی چترودی سمیّه  عطاردی
        “Walter Benjamin”, whose name is associated with “Frankfurt School”, is a thinker who allows a dominion superior than practical and communicative dominions and in contrast with reductionism- that reduces language to an inter-subjective tool- he deals with theorization i More
        “Walter Benjamin”, whose name is associated with “Frankfurt School”, is a thinker who allows a dominion superior than practical and communicative dominions and in contrast with reductionism- that reduces language to an inter-subjective tool- he deals with theorization in this field. In Benjamin’s view, language is superior than communicative action of human and gets an existential status; if we reduce language just to its communicative and instrumental trait, we would read the lines of texts and would never understand in-between texts. He applies “Assertive act” in contrast with communicative quality of language and believes that author can produce a literary text by entering into expressive dominion of language. Tarikh-e Beihaqi as a pure artistic work has great capacities to approach a language that has surpassed communicative trait and applies an expressive quality of language to express hidden meanings behind the words. The study dealt with this issue and concluded that Beihaqi produced a literary work with high literary competence based on expressive quality of language that one can interpret it poetically as he applied highlighting tools in lexical and semantic areas of language and the essence of poetry and poem in his work. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Beihqi and Narration “Based on Historical Norms”
        ابراهیم  محمدی محمدحسن  الهی‌زاده
        Ancient history texts, including Behaqi’s History, are close to literature because of their narrative structure. Though historical in content, they considerably show characteristics of the language used in poetry. Post-modern scholars, like Hayden White and Paul Ricoeur More
        Ancient history texts, including Behaqi’s History, are close to literature because of their narrative structure. Though historical in content, they considerably show characteristics of the language used in poetry. Post-modern scholars, like Hayden White and Paul Ricoeur, make prominent another aspect of the essential links between historical and literary teats texts while stressing their narrative character. What seems worth more study is the type of narration in the both two text types. If we consider narration as the sequence of events, both literary and historical texts are narration based. However the rules of narration is different, and despite some similarities, there are fundamental differences in narrative modes. The present article studies Behaqi’s History using the theory of “Narrative History”, and narratology. Analyzing narration, we stress the fact that Behaqi’s History, as the title is indicative, is a text in the field of history, where there exist some poetic features, as well. So, poetic attractions of the text should not distract the reader from its historical bases. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - An Analysis of Beihaghi’s Ppolitical and Religious Views
        Abolfazl Beihaghi was a clerk and writer in Ghaznavid court (Mahmood and masud) and what he wrote in his book, Tarikh, sometimes is actually the justification of the Ghaznavid’s malfunctions. In this article, using a qualitative content analysis, Beihaghi’s political an More
        Abolfazl Beihaghi was a clerk and writer in Ghaznavid court (Mahmood and masud) and what he wrote in his book, Tarikh, sometimes is actually the justification of the Ghaznavid’s malfunctions. In this article, using a qualitative content analysis, Beihaghi’s political and religious views are studied. Beihaghi’s main views which have been studied in this research are theocracy and fatalism, consolidation of the discourse of the higher power, stabilization of the governmental structure, confirming evaluations with compromise, repression of the opponents, and religious fanaticism. Abolfazl Beihaghi has shown in his book, that the principles and substructures of Ghaznavid government and empire are based on the political principles and biography (Sira) of the prophet of Islam and Islamic Caliphs. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Analysis of the discourses Letters issued by Amir Massoud in the first volume of Beyhaqi's history (Based on Searle's theory of speech)
        Tahereh Ishany Nahid Mehrafruz
        The value of Beihaqi's History as a literary and historical text is not overlooked by anyone. In this work, "Letters" are of special interest and analyzing them from different angles and with interdisciplinary approaches can open up new horizons. Since Amir Massoud has More
        The value of Beihaqi's History as a literary and historical text is not overlooked by anyone. In this work, "Letters" are of special interest and analyzing them from different angles and with interdisciplinary approaches can open up new horizons. Since Amir Massoud has written letters to people with different positions, analyzing these letters in a scientific way, in addition to revealing some of its hidden angles, how the owners of power exploited the possibilities; it shows the language of domination and political goals. The "Speech Action" theory is one of the theories that can be used to analyze any type of text. This theory, first introduced by Austin and then completed by Searle, emphasizes the functional features of the spoken word tongues. Therefore, in the forthcoming study, the letters of the Amir Massoud Issue, which are listed in the first volume of the Behaqi History Book, are descriptively analyzed based on the Searl classification, first separately, then comparative, and eventually the overall form of speech performance is analyzed. According to the results of the research, the frequency of declarative actions, in addition to informing and describing the thoughts of Amir Massoud and attempting to confirm the truth of his speech show his desires and intentions. Also, the frequency of other actions and the causes and purpose of using them are shown in this article. There has also been a great deal of application of persuasive action within the context of this desire and effort, and a significant percentage of emotional action has been used as the third repetitive action in the letter to Ghadkhani due to a causal link with Ghadkhani, which expresses the Sultan's emotional spirit towards his relatives and relatives. . The low usage of accruals also reflects the king's spirit and character, which is not bound by commitment and assurance, although somewhere, Amir Masoud has given assurances of the data in cases where he has mentioned his positive qualities. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Encyclopaedia components in beyhaqi History
        mouhammad amir Mashhadi Remazan Mojavvezy
        Encyclopaedia includes topics such as Love and the text of the endearing of the Mysticism and…in general, any kind of writing or work that reflects the emotions and emotions of indivduais is included, that is, all the emotion from the most subtle to the greatest of the More
        Encyclopaedia includes topics such as Love and the text of the endearing of the Mysticism and…in general, any kind of writing or work that reflects the emotions and emotions of indivduais is included, that is, all the emotion from the most subtle to the greatest of them with every reality that exists, in every literary from you can trace the emotions of people. The writers efforts in this essay are to examine the components of Gana literature in Beyhaghi history by analyzing and describing it using library resources and presenting the components of the movement frequency at the end. since beyhagi on the art of portraying emotions beyhagi and in tone and its work has always felt a special place. So، doing this research، it was flet necessary. On beyhagi history، issues such as happiness and enthusiasm for festivals، recreation and hunting of umjales qaznavi and wedding nobeles and regrettable moments of death in venice death those persons can be found in abundance. Sometimes the reader by reading fiction like Hasanak vazir to cry and some times do it with sweet word allof him )her( to full of wonder These feeling are the themes of the rich literature that has been presented in the history of Beyhaghi, and it covers parts of this work in the field of this litwrary genre. Manuscript profile