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      • Open Access Article

        1 - Water/Rock interaction in Panah-Kuh skarn using carbon and oxygen stable isotopes in different calcite types, west of Yazd
        Azam Zahedi Mohammad Boomeri
        The Panah-Kuh calcic and magnesian skarns are located about 50km northwest of Taft City in Yazd province. Intrusion of Panah-Kuh granodiorite stock with an Oligocene-Miocene age into limestone-dolomite rocks of the Jamal Formation led to the formation of calcic and magn More
        The Panah-Kuh calcic and magnesian skarns are located about 50km northwest of Taft City in Yazd province. Intrusion of Panah-Kuh granodiorite stock with an Oligocene-Miocene age into limestone-dolomite rocks of the Jamal Formation led to the formation of calcic and magnesian skarn in the Panah-Kuh district. Values of δ18O of the granitic rocks and δ18O and δ13C values of the calcite types were determined in this study. Based on these data, δ18O and δ13C values in the studied calcite types are lower than those of sedimentary calcites. These isotopic variations are mainly produced by infiltration of magmatic fluids into carbonate rocks in the Panah-Kuh deposit. Depletetion of the δ18O and δ13C value in the calcite types of Panah-Kuh skarn can be explained by magmatic fluids interaction (δ18O =11.0‰) that interacted with unaltered limestone rocks at 350-450oC with X(〖CO〗_2 ) = 0.05 and water/rock ratio of 25 to 50% .   Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Water/Rock interaction in Panah-Kuh skarn using carbon and oxygen stable isotopes in different calcite types, west of Yazd
        Azam Zahedi Mohammad Boomeri
        The Panah-Kuh calcic and magnesian skarns are located about 50km northwest of Taft City in Yazd province. Intrusion of Panah-Kuh granodiorite stock with an Oligocene-Miocene age into limestone-dolomite rocks of the Jamal Formation led to the formation of calcic and magn More
        The Panah-Kuh calcic and magnesian skarns are located about 50km northwest of Taft City in Yazd province. Intrusion of Panah-Kuh granodiorite stock with an Oligocene-Miocene age into limestone-dolomite rocks of the Jamal Formation led to the formation of calcic and magnesian skarn in the Panah-Kuh district. Values of δ18O of the granitic rocks and δ18O and δ13C values of the calcite types were determined in this study. Based on these data, δ18O and δ13C values in the studied calcite types are lower than those of sedimentary calcites. These isotopic variations are mainly produced by infiltration of magmatic fluids into carbonate rocks in the Panah-Kuh deposit. Depletetion of the δ18O and δ13C value in the calcite types of Panah-Kuh skarn can be explained by magmatic fluids interaction (δ18O =11.0‰) that interacted with unaltered limestone rocks at 350-450oC with X(〖CO〗_2 ) = 0.05 and water/rock ratio of 25 to 50% .   Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Water/Rock interaction in Panah-Kuh skarn using carbon and oxygen stable isotopes in different calcite types, west of Yazd
        Azam Zahedi Mohammad Boomei
        The Panah-Kuh calcic and magnesian skarns are located about 50km northwest of Taft City in Yazd province. Intrusion of Panah-Kuh granodiorite stock with an Oligocene-Miocene age into limestone-dolomite rocks of the Jamal Formation led to the formation of calcic and magn More
        The Panah-Kuh calcic and magnesian skarns are located about 50km northwest of Taft City in Yazd province. Intrusion of Panah-Kuh granodiorite stock with an Oligocene-Miocene age into limestone-dolomite rocks of the Jamal Formation led to the formation of calcic and magnesian skarn in the Panah-Kuh district. Values of δ18O of the granitic rocks and δ18O and δ13C values of the calcite types were determined in this study. Based on these data, δ18O and δ13C values in the studied calcite types are lower than those of sedimentary calcites. These isotopic variations are mainly produced by infiltration of magmatic fluids into carbonate rocks in the Panah-Kuh deposit. Depletetion of the δ18O and δ13C value in the calcite types of Panah-Kuh skarn can be explained by magmatic fluids interaction (δ18O =11.0‰) that interacted with unaltered limestone rocks at 350-450oC with X(〖CO〗_2 ) = 0.05 and water/rock ratio of 25 to 50% . Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - The identification of the recharge source in the important karstic springs of Khuzestan province using stable isotopes (18O and 2H)
        HamidReza Mohammadi-Behzad دکتر اسماعیل کلانتری  Charchi Arash Nadri
        Sabzab and Bibitalkhone Karst springs are the main discharging points of the Kamarun and Pabdeh karstic anticlines (Asmari dolomite and limestone) in Khuzestan province. The exposed surface of both anticlines are not sufficient to feed the aforementioned springs. Accord More
        Sabzab and Bibitalkhone Karst springs are the main discharging points of the Kamarun and Pabdeh karstic anticlines (Asmari dolomite and limestone) in Khuzestan province. The exposed surface of both anticlines are not sufficient to feed the aforementioned springs. According to the general water balance estimation and the discharge hydrographs of springs, there are important water resources in the region (including the Shahid Abbaspour dam reservoir as well as the Shirgun anticline in the vicinity of the host anticlines of springs) which could contribute in feeding the springs. All of water resources in the target (discharge) and the recharge area were sampled during two rainy (February 2013) and dry (July 2013) periods. The origin of the spring's waters in the target area evaluated using these isotope data, as well as the local meteoric water line (LMWL) in the study area. The average elevation of the recharge area and the probable recharge fraction from the water bodies resources in the region estimated for the springs. The results show that the recharge area elevation of the springs in the target area corresponds to the recharge area elevation in the neighboring karstic anticline. It was also revealed that the Shahid Abbaspour dam reservoir participate in recharging the Sabzab spring. However, the volume of input water from the dam reservoir in comparsion to Shirgun karstic catchment is not considerable. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Ore-forming fluid source and effective parameters in the gold deposition at the Dashkasan deposit (NE Qorveh): structure, microthermometry and O-H stable isotopic evidences
        Mohammad Moradi zahra Alaminia Ebrahim Tale Fazel Reza Alipoor
        The Takab-Qorveh magmatic lineament between the Urumieh-Dokhtar and the Sanandaj-Sirjan zones contains important gold mines such as Dashkasan and Zarshuran. The Dashkasan deposit is located in the Kurdistan province and is one of the largest gold deposits in the Middle More
        The Takab-Qorveh magmatic lineament between the Urumieh-Dokhtar and the Sanandaj-Sirjan zones contains important gold mines such as Dashkasan and Zarshuran. The Dashkasan deposit is located in the Kurdistan province and is one of the largest gold deposits in the Middle East domain. The gold is mainly hosted by porphyritic dacite and breccia. In spite of detailed previous studies, there is still debate regarding the genesis of the Dashkasan. Herein, this study present the source and evolution of the mineralizing fluids using the fluid inclusion and stable isotopic investigations. At Dashkasan, the breccia and mineralization are constrained by the steep NNE-SSW-trending faults. Alteration zones on the surface are phyllic, silicification, tourmalinization, argillic and minor propylitic. Sulfide minerals consist of pyrite, marcasite, arseno-pyrite, stibnite, chalcopyrite and to lesser amounts of bornite, sphalerite and galena associated with quartz, tourmaline, sericite, calcite and chalcedony. Result of microthermometry measurements shows a range of homogenization temperatures between 183-260 °C with salinities of 15.97 to 17.06 wt % NaCl equiv. The oxygen isotope composition of fluid in quartz ranges from 6.6 to 9.9 ‰, while, the tourmaline has δ18Ofluid values are in the ranges of 8.5 to 12.3‰. Also, the δDfluid values of the quartz and tourmaline ranges between -51 to -81 and -93 to -111‰, respectively. Integrating with previous studies, all these data, suggest a migration from a porphyry gold system (stage-I) with a magmatic source to a low-sulphidation epithermal (stage-III). Stage-II occurred simultaneously with the collapse and eruption of crater. Manuscript profile