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        1 - The Status of Political Philosophy
        مرتضی  بحرانی
        In questioning the status of political philosophy among other fields of humanities, there would be many answers in different paradigms. In classical thoughts, with a normative view on human being and society, political philosophy lies under the category of practical ph More
        In questioning the status of political philosophy among other fields of humanities, there would be many answers in different paradigms. In classical thoughts, with a normative view on human being and society, political philosophy lies under the category of practical philosophy. In this respect, it has a fixed correlation with ethics, and all its statements seem to be universal. But in modern era, the normative characteristic was seen as problematic, and political philosophy was reduced a power/security oriented realm. Protecting itself against the attacks of positivists, political philosophy abandoned its cliams of universality and normativity. In order to retain its existence and to affirm its utility, political philosophy appeared as a paradigm focusing on itself as its object. This is like what happened in the field of linguistics where language turned out to be its subject and object at the same time. Finally, “political entity can be effective and important in explaining the present status of political philosophy, and interprating its meaning. Manuscript profile
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        2 - The Nature of Political Affair in Augustine’s City of God
        This article tries to cast a new light on the political implications of Saint Augustine’s City of God. Considering Peter Burnell views as in his “the status of politics in St. Augustine’s city of god”, we will show that in Augustine’s theology there is no room to discus More
        This article tries to cast a new light on the political implications of Saint Augustine’s City of God. Considering Peter Burnell views as in his “the status of politics in St. Augustine’s city of god”, we will show that in Augustine’s theology there is no room to discuss “politics” as an autonomous subject. For him, politics is a matter of worldly and post Descent status. At best, politics in can be a means of maintaining peace and security at this temporal world, and as an abode for the pilgrims of “the City of God”. Though man is naturally considered as a “social being” in Augustine’s thought, he believes this feature has been faded at the result of “politicalization” which has been imposed on him by his post Descent condition. So Augustine, completely detaching from Greek tradition of political philosophy and denying of civic relations, depicts his own city of God in non-corporeal utopia. Manuscript profile
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        3 - The Relationship BetweenTruth and Politics in Fardid's Thought
        حاتم  قادری مسعود  غفاري محرم  طاهرخانی
        One of the most important philosophical and mystical concepts which Ahmad Fardid had brought up theorizing about it under the title of theosophy, is the concept of truth.the concept of truth is so important for Fardid that it embraces his whole contemplative atmospher More
        One of the most important philosophical and mystical concepts which Ahmad Fardid had brought up theorizing about it under the title of theosophy, is the concept of truth.the concept of truth is so important for Fardid that it embraces his whole contemplative atmosphere about all subjects from cosmology to theology and anthropology.In other word, one of the most basic subjects for becoming familiar with philosophical, mystical and political thoughts in Fardid's viewpoint knows the truth. However, on the other way,Fardid isn't considered political philosopher specifically. His viewpoint about history can have political consequences. So, issues relate to society and politics would be considered precious, moral and noteworthy to the extent to which they are connected to the truth and if political philosophy couldnot get near to the truth of the subject under investigation, it would become subject to criticism and in some cases being rejected. In theorizing the theosophy of history, Fardid makes a complicated and impregnable connection between the truth and politics and considers understanding of the truth prior to knowing the political subject. So he represents a new definition of politics which has been less taken into interpretation. The most important political implication of truth in Fardid theosophy viewpoint is to ignore and pay no attention to political action which causes the change in the essence and meaning of the political and causes the transformation and conversion of political action into mystical andspiritual act. The present text describes and interprets Fardid's thought in the case of truth and investigates the relationship and influence of this key concept in Fardid's theosophy and spiritual history on the political and political action. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Theological Interpretation of Political Affair in Carl Schmite's View
        سمیه  حمیدی
        The european modern age has been considered as contemporary with renaissance so as the issue of seperation of religion and politics is one of its key concepts. This discontinuity predisposed the emergence of modernism view with the axis of human’s self-founded intellect More
        The european modern age has been considered as contemporary with renaissance so as the issue of seperation of religion and politics is one of its key concepts. This discontinuity predisposed the emergence of modernism view with the axis of human’s self-founded intellect and the earthly politics project so that it lead to thought production based on the seperation of politics and religion. But in 20 th century, we observe the return of religion to politics field and political theorizing in this field. The beginning of theorizing in political theology can be observed in the views of German intellectual “Karl Schmit”. Through the new interpretation of christian theology, he rejected the thesis of the seperation of theology and politics. the problem of this paper is that what interpretation of political affair, schmit offers based on the theological propositions and what new understanding of religion and its relation with political affairs proposes? Schmit considers religion as the social life foundation and defines political affairs in relation with politics. In his view, the political concepts are the traditional form of theological concepts. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Polis-based Thinking and the conditions of possibility of the Greek Political Philosophy's Procreation
        What is necessary to understand the procreation of Greek political thought and it's flourishing and development in the fourth century BC, is contemplating on "polis" category and its place in the concrete life of ancient Greeks. We will take into account, Plato and Aris More
        What is necessary to understand the procreation of Greek political thought and it's flourishing and development in the fourth century BC, is contemplating on "polis" category and its place in the concrete life of ancient Greeks. We will take into account, Plato and Aristotle’s attempts as prototypes of the classical political philosophy in the course of discussing polis and its implications, and thereby try to articulate arguments in favor of principal thesis in which Plato's political philosophy and Aristotle's one, in spite of some individual inconsistencies in political thought-those related to their distinct metaphysics- but at the end of the day, they should be considered as a polis-oriented thinking. In the other words, by analyzing Greek political philosophy from a general point of view, sometimes we can grasp some insights that sometimes diminished under the haphazard and detailed commentaries. Perhaps we can exploit this phrase so that "agreement between the ideas of the two philosophers" is more plausible from Greek political thought’s individual elements point of view than metaphysical one. In this article through the extension of this study to the philosophers’ works of Greek period, We attempt to show that polis-based thinking as a dominant pattern in the contemplating on "the political" affairs, have been survived in the mental world of the Greek philosophers, even at the period of Hellenism in which the actual context of its premier procreation had been perished. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - From Politology to Political Practice: The Ontology of the Relation between Politics and the Political
        Faramarz  Taghilou
        Politics as a philosophy in traditional understanding and as a science in modern understanding of it, takes for granted the possibility of obtaining objective knowledge of the political as its subject matter. But contemporarily, reflective thinking about the relation be More
        Politics as a philosophy in traditional understanding and as a science in modern understanding of it, takes for granted the possibility of obtaining objective knowledge of the political as its subject matter. But contemporarily, reflective thinking about the relation between theory and practice in politics, has been concluded that thinking about the political corresponds with acting politically, i.e. intending to power. Thus, the main question of this article is that how our understanding of relation between politics and the political with regard to the relation between the ontological and the political has been transformed? Our hypotheses is that in the analysis of political ontology, politics and the political are entangled in a mutual relation in which politology and political practice act as a two sides of a coin. This relation has been analyzed in two dimensions, first: from traditional and modern perspective of the political as particular entity or something to be and second from the perspective of the political ontologically as a being in itself in the context of contemporary critical thought from existential phenomenology to post-structuralism. In analyzing the political as an entity, issues concerning the differences between political and other social entities gets importance. In contrast, the political in its ontological rendition, deals with fundamental problems about the constitution of political life through transformation in theory and practice. Therefore, concentrating on the analysis of political ontology reflectively as a method concerning the analysis of theoretical issues on the second order or meta-theoretical level that itself defines our theoretical framework, the effect of transformation in understanding the relation between politics and the political on the transformation of our subjectivity in respect to the manner of representing the political, has been studied. Thinking critically about the “self” as a conclusion of implementing reflective method in analyzing political ontology, renders critical consciousness about the transformative nature of self/other relationship as a signifier of the political and also beside detecting the negative dimension of the political as a domination and antagonism, focuses on searching new possibilities of political being positively that denotes to co-understanding, reconciliation and emancipation. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - Analyzing "The Political" in Cyberspace From Arendt's Perspective *
        As we are convinced about the role and impact of cyberspace and online social networks in human life today, we are more or less equally skeptical about the possibilities, capabilities, and effectiveness of cyberspace for political, democratic and civic change. Particula More
        As we are convinced about the role and impact of cyberspace and online social networks in human life today, we are more or less equally skeptical about the possibilities, capabilities, and effectiveness of cyberspace for political, democratic and civic change. Particularly in the area of political theory, we need to think carefully about cyberspace through the wisdom and political theories to gain a proper understanding of the possibilities of online social networking for politics. This article is a research on the political possibilities of online social networks and evaluating the political implications of cyberspace from an Arendt perspective and its possible placement in the public domain or a virtual agora in relation to Arendt's concepts and minutes of politics. In this assessment, we analyze Hannah Arendt's perception of the political and try to clarify whether virtual social networks can facilitate real political action in a meaningful way or not. In other words, Are virtual networks for politics, opportunity or anti-political and threat? This study shows that while politics from Arendt perspective is inter-disciplinary, pluralistic, participatory, linguistic and dialogic, cyberspace and online social networks are more dominant in personal desires and livelihoods, inappropriateness, overcoming. The social, homogeneous and anti-pluralistic features make their political possibilities in serious doubt. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - An Analytical Study of the Theory of Violence in Carl Schmidt's Political Theory
        Samad  Zahiri Sattar  Zanganeh Tabar reza nasiri hamed
        Violence is one of the most important aspects of the history of human political life which appears in the form of physical and mental suffering in a person. Political thinkers and theorists have tried to explain the phenomenon of violence within their political theory. More
        Violence is one of the most important aspects of the history of human political life which appears in the form of physical and mental suffering in a person. Political thinkers and theorists have tried to explain the phenomenon of violence within their political theory. Carl Schmitt is one of the most important political and legal theorists of the twentieth century who has explained the concept of violence. Schmitt divides human life into diverse and relatively independent realms of thought and action, including ethics, aesthetics, economics, etc. The realm of politics and "political" is one of these realms with the criterion of friend-enemy distinction. The political premise of the state and the state is the manifestation of the nature of politics. Politics is also the decision of the ruling person in an exceptional situation. The ruler is the one who decides in exceptional circumstances. The government, or the ruling person, has a complete monopoly on the use of violence. The ruler, who decides and assigns tasks for it from outside the legal system, is forced to use violence, which is called sovereign violence. This article attempts to explain the theory of violence in Carl Schmitt political thought. Manuscript profile