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      • Open Access Article

        1 - A comparative study of the concept of moderation inthe advices of the sixth "Dinkard" and in Ferdowsi's "Shahnameh
        zahra delpazi Mohammad behnamfar MOHAMMAD REZA RASHED MOHASSEL
        One of the basic concepts in Iranian thought is the principle of moderation in life affairs, which is clearly reflected in Pahlavi books and advice letters, especially in the sixth book of Dinkard, the most detailed advice letter in the Pahlavi language. In Ferdowsi's S More
        One of the basic concepts in Iranian thought is the principle of moderation in life affairs, which is clearly reflected in Pahlavi books and advice letters, especially in the sixth book of Dinkard, the most detailed advice letter in the Pahlavi language. In Ferdowsi's Shahnameh, which is considered as the summary of pre-Islamic Iranian culture, moderation is one of the basic principles that has been emphasized in various advices.In this article, we have tried to represent the similarities of these two books on moderation in a comparative way and with a content analysis approach. The results show that the concept of moderation in the Sixth Dinkard and Ferdowsi’s Shahnameh are very close to one another. In both books, thr extremes of excessiveness are examples of evil, and the good that lies between them is a symbol of moderation. On the other hand, goodness equals goodwill, good thinking and good speech; Three important principles of Zoroastrian thought that are directly related to reason and guide people to a rational life based on moderation.There is also a close link between moderation and justice that evokes the concept of "asha" in Zoroastrian thought.It is noteworthy that the concept of moderation in the sixth Dinkard is more consistent with the recommendations of the historical part of the Shahnameh, especially poems related to the reign of Khosrow Anoshirvan, and sometimes the recommendations are quite similar which could be the result of the direct influence of the sixth Dinkard on Shahnameh or due tocommon sources for the two books. Manuscript profile
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        2 - The multi-layer model of analysis of 11th presidential elections
        saeed nariman  
        the presidential elections in Iran have always surprised the political analysts and experts. Through the analytical investigations of 11th presidential elections of Iran , both at the level of Iranian and also foreign analysts, it has become clear that the most of this More
        the presidential elections in Iran have always surprised the political analysts and experts. Through the analytical investigations of 11th presidential elections of Iran , both at the level of Iranian and also foreign analysts, it has become clear that the most of this surprise is due to the one-factor and one- dimensional analyses and there is no model that can investigate all effective layers and dimensions in the elections’ results. So this essay is determined to study the 11th elections by means of 3-layer model that its most internal layer is discursive level of elections, its medial layer is based on the relative deprivation theory that tries to illustrate the social and economic circumstances of society and its outset layer, studies the description of the field level of elections and presents the personal, political and social factors that are effective in the elections results Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Moderate rationalism In Shahid Morteza Motahari Thoughts
        The political and social thought in the realm of epistemological, in the era known as modernity, has always been faced with the question of the relationship between reason and religion. By Denying and rejecting the perch of reason in the epistemological knowledge of ord More
        The political and social thought in the realm of epistemological, in the era known as modernity, has always been faced with the question of the relationship between reason and religion. By Denying and rejecting the perch of reason in the epistemological knowledge of order and domain of society and politics, some consider the “sharia” in a high worth, and the others, had consider the reason as a superior epistemological source in justifying and explaining modern thoughts. Among the muslim scholars, morteza motahari, had a continuous consideration with this epistemological concern in his works. Motahari, with reliance on text and tradition (context), has drawing a type of relationship between reason and religion that have alignment with moderate rationalism. In this essay, the theories of this Muslim philosopher about the relationship between reason and religion, and his reasoning about moderator rationalism checked by using a hermeneutic approach. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - the moderate insight from the view points of the muslim scholars Farabi and Qazali
        Hamidreza Hajibabaeei Mahboubeh  Yazdanpanah
        The present study was conducted with the aim of explaining the moral boundary from the viewpoint of Islamic scholars (Farabi, Ibn Maskawayh, Imam Mohammad Ghazali and Mohammad Naraghi). The research method was library study type. The library research method is used in a More
        The present study was conducted with the aim of explaining the moral boundary from the viewpoint of Islamic scholars (Farabi, Ibn Maskawayh, Imam Mohammad Ghazali and Mohammad Naraghi). The research method was library study type. The library research method is used in all scientific research, and in some of them the subject of research in terms the method, from the beginning to the end, is based on the findings of the library research. In this group of researcher's researches, one should study literature and subject matter and research subject. In the present research, the researcher, in order to explain the moral boundary according to the method of library study, is one of the most important foundations and components related to the moral boundary that includes goodness, happiness, power, moderation, virtues and vices, from the perspective of great philosophers Islamic (including al-Farabi, al-Ghazali), which is largely a follower of Aristotle and Plato. In connection with the general results of the explanation of the moral boundaries, it can be said that Farabi's, Imam Mohammad Ghazali and Mohammad Naraghi's views are very similar to Aristotle's school and have not had a particular initiative in explaining the moral norms, but Ibn Meshkui's views and ideas, especially in the subject of moderation There have been innovations that followed the pure pursuit of Aristotle and Plato. Finally, the researcher in the form of the present research has discussed the above in the further research, which includes the first to fifth chapters of the study, in detail. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Ethical Doctrines in Aristotle and Ibn Miskawayh Razi
        Ali Mohammad  Sajedi Hajar  Darayitabar
        Different schools of ethics have presented different doctrines in the field of ethics. Ethical doctrines include the premises, criteria, and referents of ethical acts. The differences between schools of ethics in their doctrines are rooted in their philosophical princip More
        Different schools of ethics have presented different doctrines in the field of ethics. Ethical doctrines include the premises, criteria, and referents of ethical acts. The differences between schools of ethics in their doctrines are rooted in their philosophical principles. The ethical schools of both Ibn Miskawayh and Aristotle are virtualistic. Ibn Miskawayh believes that the most important prerequisites for ethical acts are self-knowledge, education, and training. Both thinkers explain the criteria for ethical acts relying on the principles of free will, intellect, moderation, and religious laws and analyze their referents based on elements of virtue, joy, friendship, etc. However, given the different worldviews of these two philosophers, their ideas of any of the ethical elements and referents are also different. Unlike Aristotle, Ibn Miskawayh attaches great importance to Islamic laws in relation to his ethical views. Moreover, he is able to provide a more successful model of ethical doctrines based on his monotheistic worldview. Influenced by religious teachings, he also believes that religious training plays an influential and efficient role in ethical growth and development. This paper is intended to explore ethical doctrines by comparing the ideas of these two philosophers. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Happiness in the Views of Aristotle and Ibn Miskawayh Razi
        Ali Mohammad  Sajedi Hajar  Darayitabar
        The question of the concept and referent of “happiness” is rooted in Man’s nature. A comparison of the ideas of two authorities in this field, one from ancient Greece and the other from among the Islamic philosophers who were contemporary with Ibn Sina, is of great impo More
        The question of the concept and referent of “happiness” is rooted in Man’s nature. A comparison of the ideas of two authorities in this field, one from ancient Greece and the other from among the Islamic philosophers who were contemporary with Ibn Sina, is of great importance in appreciating the innovations of Muslim thinkers in comparison to those of Greek thinkers in various fields of philosophy. This short paper, which is based on an analytic-comparative study, after explaining the philosophical and ethical principles of each of these two schools, inquires into the similarities and differences between their ideas concerning happiness. Aristotle defined the theory of virtue and happiness based on the concept of “golden mean” with reference to some components such as the intellect, joy, and friendship. However, given his non-monotheistic view of God and the world and heedlessness of resurrection, he was not capable of providing a successful model for the concept and referent of happiness. In contrast, Ibn Miskawayh tries to explain the same concepts on the basis of the knowledge of the soul, the intellect, and the divine rule in the light of his monotheistic worldview. He divides happiness into two worldly and other-worldly types and introduces divine proximity as the true referent of happiness. Both of them define happiness as the transcendent good (supreme good); however, since the basic principles of their ethical philosophies are different from each other, their philosophical concomitants are also different from each other. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - Tusi’s Innovations concerning the Theory of Moderation
        Hossein  Atrak
        The theory of moderation is one of the common ethical theories among Muslim philosophers. According to this theory, all ethical virtues enjoy middle term, and all moral vices are rooted in going to extremes. Although the scholars of Islamic ethics were influenced by Pla More
        The theory of moderation is one of the common ethical theories among Muslim philosophers. According to this theory, all ethical virtues enjoy middle term, and all moral vices are rooted in going to extremes. Although the scholars of Islamic ethics were influenced by Plato and Aristotle in posing their theory of moderation, they also presented several innovations in this regard. Khwajah Nasir al-Din Tusi can be considered one of the innovators of this theory. His innovation in psychology consists of the four-fold classification of the faculties of the soul and designating justice as a virtue and as a function of the practical wisdom. However, his important contribution concerning the theory of moderation paved the way for presenting a new interpretation of the principle of moderation, adding the criterion of quality to it, and defining the concept of “malignity”. His other important innovation is determining three supreme genera of excess, neglect, and malignity for the vice, which, given the three faculties of the soul, will increase to nine in the number of supreme genera. It is worth mentioning that these novel contributions of Tusi greatly affected his succeeding philosophers. Manuscript profile