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      • Open Access Article

        1 - A Study of the Principles of Sadrian Philosophy in Imām Khomeinī’s Lifestyle
        Sayyed Hamed Onvani Vahideh  Fakhar Noghani Sayyed Hossain Sayyed Mosavi Sayyed Mortaza  Hosseini Shahrudi
        Political lifestyle refers to the particular method of encountering the most important duties of the realm of political life that develops in order to achieve political purposes. Given the important role of ontological principles in constructive approaches to lifestyle, More
        Political lifestyle refers to the particular method of encountering the most important duties of the realm of political life that develops in order to achieve political purposes. Given the important role of ontological principles in constructive approaches to lifestyle, their analysis in the political lifestyle of Imām Khomeinī, as an individual with his own style, seems necessary. Accordingly, this paper is intended to investigate the effects of the principles of the Transcendent Philosophy in relation to the principiality of existence, goodness of existence, unity of being and plurality in its manifestation, simplicity of existence, and the place of perfect Man in the levels of being based on Imām Khomeinī’s political lifestyle. An analytic library study of the publications on Imām Khomeinī’s life and character indicates that commitment to the principles of Sadrian philosophy played a significant role in the development and consolidation of his political lifestyle. Moreover, given the gradation at three levels of the “political lifestyle of the perfect Man”, “the political lifestyle of the divine leaders influenced by the perfect Man”, “the lifestyle of people who follow the political life of divine leaders”, Imām Khomeinī, as a figure believing in the truth of the perfect Man, managed to have the support and trust of a huge number of people through insisting on providing for the conditions required for people’s access to the perfect Man’s lifestyle in order to attain a new style of transcendent political life. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Optimization of Query Processing in Versatile Database Using Ant Colony Algorithm
        hasan Asil
        Nowadays, with the advancement of database information technology, databases has led to large-scale distributed databases. According to this study, database management systems are improved and optimized so that they provide responses to customer questions with lower co More
        Nowadays, with the advancement of database information technology, databases has led to large-scale distributed databases. According to this study, database management systems are improved and optimized so that they provide responses to customer questions with lower cost. Query processing in database management systems is one of the important topics that grabs attentions. Until now, many techniques have been implemented for query processing in database system. The purpose of these methods is to optimize query processing in the database. The main topics that is interested in query processing in the database makes run-time adjustments of processing or summarizing topics by using the new approaches. The aim of this research is to optimize processing in the database by using adaptive methods. Ant Colony Algorithm (ACO) is used for solving optimization problems. ACO relies on the created pheromone to select the optimal solution. In this article, in order to make adaptive hybrid query processing. The proposed algorithm is fundamentally divided into three parts: separator, replacement policy, and query similarity detector. In order to improve the optimization and frequent adaption and correct selection in queries, the Ant Colony Algorithm has been applied in this research. In this algorithm, based on Versatility (adaptability) scheduling, Queries sent to the database have been attempted be collected. The simulation results of this method demonstrate that reduce spending time in the database. According to the proposed algorithm, one of the advantages of this method is to identify frequent queries in high traffic times and minimize the time and the execution time. This optimization method reduces the system load during high traffic load times for adaptive query Processing and generally reduces the execution runtime and aiming to minimize cost. The rate of reduction of query cost in the database with this method is 2.7%. Due to the versatility of high-cost queries, this improvement is manifested in high traffic times. In the future Studies, by adapting new system development methods, distributed databases can be optimized. Manuscript profile