• List of Articles universal

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Evolution in Concept of Sovereignty in Political and International Approaches
        شهروز  ابراهيمي
        It seems that all the changes and evolutions in the concept of sovereignty have been occurred in theoretical framework, then in sphere of international relations and international laws and other forms of international affairs. National sovereignty and the concept of “na More
        It seems that all the changes and evolutions in the concept of sovereignty have been occurred in theoretical framework, then in sphere of international relations and international laws and other forms of international affairs. National sovereignty and the concept of “nation- state” came to essence as a normative and legal principle after Westphalian Treaty (1648); but this normative and legal principle has never been absolute. So in the 18th and 19th centuries, and in the course of different approaches, it evolved completely and its normative aspect has been declined. The paper attends to four major controversial trends in political and international sphere, which are: a) contrast between communitarianism and universalism, which emerged from the European enlightenment in 18th and 19th centuries; b) contrast between realism and idealism, which came out after the establishing the discipline of international relations and had lasted till to 1970; c) contrast between neo-realism and liberalism, from 1970 to 1990; and d) contrast between realism and neo-realism in one side and critical post-cold war theories. The main discrepancy of these trends is on extent and limits of the state sovereignty. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Dariush Shayegan rereading in light of the subject of playful
        Mohammad  abolfazl shakoori
        Iranians' intellectual encounter with modernity has wildly fluctuated so far. Iranian thinkers, like Western thinkers, have concentrated their intellectual efforts on providing a solution to the problem of the relationship between subjectivity and generality. The presen More
        Iranians' intellectual encounter with modernity has wildly fluctuated so far. Iranian thinkers, like Western thinkers, have concentrated their intellectual efforts on providing a solution to the problem of the relationship between subjectivity and generality. The present study investigates Dariush Shayegan's solutions to this issue. To do so, we have first addressed the anthropological species presented and exhibited in his works. The rest of the research reviews Shayegan's works based on the concept of the playful subject and is dedicated to clarifying his solution to the problem of the relationship between subjectivity and generality. The playful subject is a subject that acknowledges its own dichotomy and connects them consciously and playfully. Although Shayegan does not grant full autonomy to subjectivity, and does not dissolve it in generality. . Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - An Automatic Thresholding Approach to Gravitation-Based Edge Detection in Grey-Scale Images
        Hamed Agahi Kimia Rezaei
        This paper presents an optimal auto-thresholding approach for the gravitational edge detection method in grey-scale images. The goal of this approach is to enhance the performance measures of the edge detector in clean and noisy conditions. To this aim, an optimal thres More
        This paper presents an optimal auto-thresholding approach for the gravitational edge detection method in grey-scale images. The goal of this approach is to enhance the performance measures of the edge detector in clean and noisy conditions. To this aim, an optimal threshold is automatically found, according to which the proposed method dichotomizes the pixels to the edges and non-edges. First, some pre-processing operations are applied to the image. Then, the vector sum of the gravitational forces applied to each pixel by its neighbors is computed according to the universal law of gravitation. Afterwards, the force magnitude is mapped to a new characteristic called the force feature. Following this, the histogram representation of this feature is determined, for which an optimal threshold is aimed to be discovered. Three thresholding techniques are proposed, two of which contain iterative processes. The parameters of the formulation used in these techniques are adjusted by means of the metaheuristic grasshopper optimization algorithm. To evaluate the proposed system, two standard databases were used and multiple qualitative and quantitative measures were utilized. The results confirmed that the methodology of our work outperformed some conventional and recent detectors, achieving the average precision of 0.894 on the BSDS500 dataset. Moreover, the outputs had high similarity to the ideal edge maps. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - A Comparative Analysis and Explanation of the Creation of the World in the View of Ionian Philosophers
        Mohammad Akvan
        The creation of the world, which is an important and contradictory problem with an eventful historical background, has always attracted the attention of human beings and aroused their enthusiasm and curiosity since ancient periods. This problem has been investigated in More
        The creation of the world, which is an important and contradictory problem with an eventful historical background, has always attracted the attention of human beings and aroused their enthusiasm and curiosity since ancient periods. This problem has been investigated in four epistemological areas: mythological cosmology, philosophical cosmology, monotheistic worldview, and scientific cosmology. Each of these disciplines has dealt with the creation of the world and its phenomena based on its own principles and methodology and introduced its particular bases of cosmological system. In this study, the process of the creation of the world and natural phenomena has been probed in the philosophical-cosmological view of Ionian philosophers, including Thales, Anaximander, and Anaximenes. In doing so, the author initially examines the principles of the quality of going beyond a mythological view towards a philosophical approach regarding the problem of creation through focusing on the historical trend of the development of theogonic view into a cosmogenic one, the quality of the change of personal explainers into non-personal ones, leaving mythological particularism behind and developing universal philosophical concepts, and then compares their methods and methodological approaches. Thales and Anaximenes have both explained the issue of creation based on the “change and evolution” of the prime matter of “water” and “air”, and Anaximander has done so based on the “separation” of objects from the first principle of apeiron. Thales and Anaximenes consider all existents and objects as the qualities of prime matter, while Anaximander grants an objective existence to qualities and deems them to be among real existents. Toward the end of this paper, the author tries to provide answers to the questions of how the structure and nature of the world and natural phenomena are formed in the view of Ionian philosophers, how existents and objects are created and annihilated, and whether there is a single origin and a prudent intellect called the Divine Element beyond all changes and evolutions, the turning of material elements into each other, and the detachment of objects. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Challenges of the International Criminal Court to End Impunity; The Case of Daesh
        Sadegh  Salimi Ebrahim  Molaei Jam
        Following the centuries-old efforts of the international community, strongly influenced by the events of the twentieth century in violation of fundamental human rights, in 1998, during a meeting in Rome to punish violators of international criminal law principle of non- More
        Following the centuries-old efforts of the international community, strongly influenced by the events of the twentieth century in violation of fundamental human rights, in 1998, during a meeting in Rome to punish violators of international criminal law principle of non-impunity International Criminal Court was formed. The failure of the International Criminal Court for crimes of Daesh, despite the international community's principle and the goal of a peaceful coexistence, has been seriously challenged. Experts have raised that barriers to prosecute and punish perpetrators of international crimes, in accordance with the Statute of the International Criminal Court, are often classified in two groups of theoretical obstacles and obstacles caused by defects in the Articles of Association. But the international community in the twentieth century, century of international organizations, faced with significant improvements in the formulation of social relations through the adoption of numerous conventions in order to achieve criminal justice. The Convention against Corruption (Merida 2003) is in this category. But after developing the system of social relations guarantor of international institutions is still in the development stages. The results showed that another obstacle is eradicating impunity as special is political corruption in terms of deviant behavior by officials and their official duties. However, immunity from prosecution and punishment of leaders and members of Daesh, is attributed to the structural weakness of International Criminal Court. The fragility of the restoration of the structure before finally getting it to the League of Nations appears necessary. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Challenges of the International Criminal Court to End Impunity; The Case of Daesh
        Sadegh  Salimi Ebrahim  Molaei Jam
        Following the centuries-old efforts of the international community, strongly influenced by the events of the twentieth century in violation of fundamental human rights, in 1998, during a meeting in Rome to punish violators of international criminal law principle of non- More
        Following the centuries-old efforts of the international community, strongly influenced by the events of the twentieth century in violation of fundamental human rights, in 1998, during a meeting in Rome to punish violators of international criminal law principle of non-impunity International Criminal Court was formed. The failure of the International Criminal Court for crimes of Daesh, despite the international community's principle and the goal of a peaceful coexistence, has been seriously challenged. Experts have raised that barriers to prosecute and punish perpetrators of international crimes, in accordance with the Statute of the International Criminal Court, are often classified in two groups of theoretical obstacles and obstacles caused by defects in the Articles of Association. But the international community in the twentieth century, century of international organizations, faced with significant improvements in the formulation of social relations through the adoption of numerous conventions in order to achieve criminal justice. The Convention against Corruption (Merida 2003) is in this category. But after developing the system of social relations guarantor of international institutions is still in the development stages. The results showed that another obstacle is eradicating impunity as special is political corruption in terms of deviant behavior by officials and their official duties. However, immunity from prosecution and punishment of leaders and members of Daesh, is attributed to the structural weakness of International Criminal Court. The fragility of the restoration of the structure before finally getting it to the League of Nations appears necessary. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - Historical Background of the Theory of Immutability of Change in the Problem of the Relation of the Changing to the Immutable
        Mahdi Assadi
        In Sadrian philosophy the change in motion is the same as its immutability, which justifies the relationship between the changing to the immutable. The question here is whether the theory of immutability of change had any supporters before Mullā Ṣadrā. The main purpose More
        In Sadrian philosophy the change in motion is the same as its immutability, which justifies the relationship between the changing to the immutable. The question here is whether the theory of immutability of change had any supporters before Mullā Ṣadrā. The main purpose of this study is to provide an appropriate response to this question. This theory has been criticized by Muslim thinkers and philosophers for a very long time. Therefore, this paper provides a discussion of the most important of such criticisms based on available evidence. Some scholars have attributed the theory of immutability of change to early philosophers in order to solve the problem of the relation of the changing to the immutable and support their own views, which does not seem to be based on solid evidence. Prior to Mullā Ṣadrā, some philosophers maintained that the heavenly sphere enjoys continuity and fixity in its evolution; however, this cannot be considered as a final resolution to the problem of the relation of the changing to the fixed. Here, the author concludes that the fixity of Sadrian change should be criticized because it leads to accepting a view attributed to Rajol Hamedani about the “universal”. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - The views of Allameh Helli on the epistemology of universals
        Dariush Babaeian Mohammad   Saeedi Mehr Hossein  Hooshangi
        Since the beginning of philosophy, the issue of universals has been a place of attention as one of the most adventurous problems. Its ontological (the state of being of universal) and epistemological functions (the issue of perception of universals) turned it into a pro More
        Since the beginning of philosophy, the issue of universals has been a place of attention as one of the most adventurous problems. Its ontological (the state of being of universal) and epistemological functions (the issue of perception of universals) turned it into a problem. For a long time, many thinkers have explored these two aspects of the universal problem. In this article, the aspect epistemology of universals is expected. Allameh Hali has presented theories worthy of attention in this field, which despite their importance, their value is unknown. The purpose of this article is to analyze how he perceives general concepts. The findings of the research indicate the adoption of an almost similar approach to Allameh in the common interpretation of the universal concept, the ratio between two universal concepts, universal types, universal reasoning, the abstraction of universal concepts and their place with Islamic thinkers, but they disagree with their more regarding the refinement of identification and abstraction. has it. Moreover, his view on the theory of abstraction seem questionable. Manuscript profile