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        1 - The explanation of procedures of 11th presidential elections By using of relative deprivation theory
        In order to clarify the procedure of 11th presidential elections, the various reasons have been referred to and the quality of hassan rouhani’s politics and his supporting team in election competitions days to election waves created by political groups in his support ha More
        In order to clarify the procedure of 11th presidential elections, the various reasons have been referred to and the quality of hassan rouhani’s politics and his supporting team in election competitions days to election waves created by political groups in his support have been emphasized to. In this paper it is attempted to study the reflection of psychological origins and relative deprivation feeling created in Iranian' society in formation of supporting wave of Rouhani. Generally, in individualistic and psychological prospect, the circumstances of changing the existing situation can be looked for in individual imaginations and feelings that in themselves are affected by social changes. In this paper, based on theoretical pattern of “Ted Robert Gar” and considering this presumption that the social dissatisfaction and trying to change the existing situation, is due to the amount and degree of relative deprivation feeling among various groups of every society, the grounds of relative deprivation creation in society including the understanding of inequality in 8-year period of 9th and 10th governments have been studied. Finally, it can concluded that how the various factors like development of universities and their dissatisfaction of government’ performance, the formation of class gap due to the conspicuous difference of per capita income and increasing inflation and expenses and unemployment , have reflected themselves in society’s relative deprivation, frustration and finally a general attempt for changing the existing situation and voting for the most prominent election candidates who is precursor of changing the situation Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Arendt’s Political Thought and the Possibility of Change in International Relations
        Homeira  Moshirzadeh Arya Moknat
        According to mainstream IR theories and, in particular, realism, violence is and will remain to be an essential and inseparable part of international relations. All variations of realism view human nature and/or intentional system as inherently violent. Hannah Arendt’s More
        According to mainstream IR theories and, in particular, realism, violence is and will remain to be an essential and inseparable part of international relations. All variations of realism view human nature and/or intentional system as inherently violent. Hannah Arendt’s theory of political power as a non-violent and collective human action challenges this fundamental assumption and offers a new perspective on what constitutes the essence of politics. Arendt’s idea of “human condition” rejects all forms of essentialism with regard to human beings and opens up a theoretical space for a new understanding of international relations where human beings become the primary political agents (despite the fact that she sees the existing international relations more from a realist point of view). Contrary to mainstream IR theories in general, and to realism in particular, for Arendt the individuals, rather than the states, are ultimately the main players in international relations. In this paper, we bind different aspects of Arendt’s political thought together to offer a new theoretical perspective for a possible change in world politics. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Facing the Other: mouffe or Habermass
        Giti  Pourzaki
        Chantal Mouffe and Jürgen Habermas's thoughts, despite their very serious differences, are one of the most important sources of thought in the field of facing the other. This article tries to retrieve the ideas of these two thinkers about facing the other due to their w More
        Chantal Mouffe and Jürgen Habermas's thoughts, despite their very serious differences, are one of the most important sources of thought in the field of facing the other. This article tries to retrieve the ideas of these two thinkers about facing the other due to their weaknesses and shortcomings, and by their theoretical reconstruction, a more complete typology offers a variety of facing the other. Another purpose of this article is to show the strengths and weaknesses of each of these types to show which of them can be more justified and rational. Accordingly, the main question of the present article is what types of confrontation can there be with the other? And which type of confrontation is more rationally justified? The main hypothesis is that the types of encounters with the other can be summarized into 5 types: becoming another, another taboo, antagonism, agonism, and another reflective understanding. Another reflective understanding seems to be more rationally justified. The method of research will be a descriptive and critical analysis. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Comparative study of proscription and approval through kalami approach
        Masih  Mahmoodi sogh hormoz asadikohbad siyamak baharloei
        Proscription and approval are two precedent approaches among the Muslim petitioners and clergymen. Approval originates from Sunni principles while proscription has a root in Shiite ones. Since two tribes of shiite and Sunnite have had disputes on the issue of the caliph More
        Proscription and approval are two precedent approaches among the Muslim petitioners and clergymen. Approval originates from Sunni principles while proscription has a root in Shiite ones. Since two tribes of shiite and Sunnite have had disputes on the issue of the caliphate of prophet this kind of above -mentioned issues caused a distinction between their approaches more and more. The studies done by researchers in academic centers and religeous schools are often descriptive and merely illustrative. A deep and precide look at both the issue of proscription and approval of kalami functional challenges of these views was the main reason for the study. In this research, in addition to descriping and explaining both categories. The kalami errors of these views are reviewed by examining the comprehensiveness or deficiency of religion from the perspective of approval and also the problem of excommunication and its relation with the proscription has been examined. Bisides the contrast and paradox of the tow approaches, equality and unity of the content of tow views and some of the positive and constructive aspects of the thought of approval have been other findings from the researcher. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - “DANA”- An Agent with Understanding Persian Sentences and Performing Actions Abilities
        M. Davoodabadi M. Palhang
        The process of the comprehension of written natural language texts is usually called text understanding. Text understanding includes different processes and has many applications. One of the applications of natural language understanding systems is executing the imperat More
        The process of the comprehension of written natural language texts is usually called text understanding. Text understanding includes different processes and has many applications. One of the applications of natural language understanding systems is executing the imperative sentences which has a wide usage in dialog based systems and robotics. Numerous works have been done in processing of Persian language but a few of them has considered the subject of Persian text understanding and performing actions after it. In this paper reports an implementation of a Persian understanding system called DANA. DANA accepts an imperative sentence or a question, applies morphological, syntactic and semantic analysis on it and creates a meaning representation. This system is able to understand some simple Persian sentences, responds to a few orders issued in Persian and answers some of user questions. The results of this project can be used for developing other types of natural language processing systems such as machine translation or question answering systems. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - The role of self-imposed exile to overcome the preconceptions of understanding in Wittgenstein’s later thought and its educational implications
        Preconceptions and biases as problems and challenges in the process of people's thought face them with a lot of difficulties in analyzing, explaining, and interpreting affairs and issues. The aim of this study is to investigate the role of self-imposed exile to overcome More
        Preconceptions and biases as problems and challenges in the process of people's thought face them with a lot of difficulties in analyzing, explaining, and interpreting affairs and issues. The aim of this study is to investigate the role of self-imposed exile to overcome the preconceptions of understanding based on Wittgenstein’s later thought and to draw its educational implications. This qualitative research utilized a descriptive, analytical, and interpretive method. In the first step, the definition of understanding from Wittgenstein's point of view is discussed, and in the next step, it is made clear how people's understanding and attitude depends on their "world-picture", and how its formation begins from the early stages of life. It is also argued that if the world-picture is a result of persuasion and does not meet the requirements of language games, one's thoughts and insights will be limited by preconceptions. Then, the self-imposed exile as a strategy derived from Wittgenstein's later philosophy is introduced as a solution in order to overcome the preconceptions and the spirit of the times. Finally, the effects and educational implications of self-imposed exile are inferred, and it is discussed how self-imposed exile would work effectively in order to overcome the preconceptions of thought. Manuscript profile