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      • Open Access Article

        1 - Reviewing of the standards for determining state orders from non-state orders
        The guardianship of the jurist as a theory religion practice, and developed of God worship from individual in to social and state one has opened a new horizon in different political and Islamic sciences. In recent years it has been felt more necessary to pay attention More
        The guardianship of the jurist as a theory religion practice, and developed of God worship from individual in to social and state one has opened a new horizon in different political and Islamic sciences. In recent years it has been felt more necessary to pay attention to political jurisprudence and issues relevant to the guardianship of the jurist in order to answer the opinions of rivals and clarifying the issue. Shia jurisprudence through its challenging history, has been able to solve jurisprudence problems due to precious of ijtihad driver from Ahl al-Bayt thoughts and is developing. Doubtlessly in recent era there has been plenty of outstanding religious scientist, but there has been a limited number among there who have a school Imam Khomeini is one of them. The author of this essay is, referring to the legal statement holiness. to this article wants to review and study the standards for determining state orders from non-state orders. And explain it by the use of analytical descriptive method of the Holy Quran, reference jurisprudence and principle jurisprudence, and etc books. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - The impact of electric cars on the environment
        Syed Mani Hashemi Seyed Majid  Keshavarz
        Abstract Like many other human activities, the construction and operation of electric machines, in addition to its benefits, has a negative impact on the environment, especially pollution. According to these cases, it is possible to discuss about the moment of pollut More
        Abstract Like many other human activities, the construction and operation of electric machines, in addition to its benefits, has a negative impact on the environment, especially pollution. According to these cases, it is possible to discuss about the moment of pollution, if the amount of pollution depends on the size of the device, which of the stages of the existence of the device has more pollution than the other stages (construction, operation and dismantling). And how to reduce the environmental impact. In the construction of electric machines, a series of materials are used to make the electrical system (winding), the magnetic system and also. Necessary materials for making the mechanical structure and car insulation. All these materials are the result of complex processes, energy consumption and more or less pollution. Once obtained, these materials are subjected to mechanical processing and produce various pollutants along with the resulting components. Manuscript profile