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        1 - Faculty members’ Competencies for achieving the academic mission : A reflection from the perceptions and expectations of doctoral students
        Ghasem Salimi elham heydari fahime keshavarzi
        The evolution of future universities highly depends on the current initiatives, policies and professional faculty development programs. This study is an attempt to examine the expected faculty members’ competencies for the next decade from doctoral students’ viewpoint. More
        The evolution of future universities highly depends on the current initiatives, policies and professional faculty development programs. This study is an attempt to examine the expected faculty members’ competencies for the next decade from doctoral students’ viewpoint. The studied sample consisted of full-time doctoral students of Shiraz University in the academic year of 92-93 214 students were randomly selected according to their gender and fields of study for the survey. The research instrument was a questionnaire constructed by the researcher. The results showed that according to doctoral students, the most expected competency on the part of faculty members in the following decade, would be research competency, however, currently their teaching competency is more favorable than others. Furthermore, this study revealed a huge gap between the current and the desired situations as far as teaching, research, counseling services and collaborative with colleagues competencies are concerned. A significant correlation was found between the different dimensions of faculty members’ competencies. This study can inspire the policy-makers of professional faculty development at Iranian universities by the suggestions offered finally. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - ICT Integration in Teacher Education with Meta-Synthesis Approach
        داود معصومی روح اله  مهدیون بتول  معصومی
        This article looks at the integration of ICT in teacher education in the wider perspective of school development, which puts on focus both in-service and pre-service teacher education. To prepare teacher-education students for work in a rapidly changing, information ric More
        This article looks at the integration of ICT in teacher education in the wider perspective of school development, which puts on focus both in-service and pre-service teacher education. To prepare teacher-education students for work in a rapidly changing, information rich and technology based society, the key strategies in integration of ICT in teacher education programs and provides implications and directions for future analyses of ICT integration efforts are analyzed. A meta-synthesis exercise was undertaken, to analyze and synthesize the studies and examples of best practice to integrate ICT in education particularly in teacher education. The results were provided into two main parts including: - ICT in in-service teacher education; - ICT in pre-service teacher education. Discussing the examples of practices and strategies, it is argued that addressed strategies are complementary, thus a combination of the given strategies may be more efficient way in integrating ICT in teacher education programs Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - The Role of Continuing E-Learning on Professional Development: A Case Study of the Telecom Industry
        Farnoush Aalami Reza Sajady Mohammad Khalajghasemabadi
        Learning is the only source of sustainable strategic advantage for companies. New technologies, including e-learning, have created a variety of training opportunities for corporate employees. But the continuity of these courses is of great importance. The main purpose o More
        Learning is the only source of sustainable strategic advantage for companies. New technologies, including e-learning, have created a variety of training opportunities for corporate employees. But the continuity of these courses is of great importance. The main purpose of this research is the effect of continuing e-learning on the professional development of employees. The research method is descriptive and correlational. The statistical population of this research was 924 employees of Communication Services Company, 272 people were selected by random sampling and completed 260 standard electronic questionnaires. To analyze the data, independent t-test, ANOVA, correlation coefficient, and linear regression were used. The mean score of e-learning and professional development of the staff of Communication Services Company is higher than the average. The interest in the continuity of e-learning (4.61) shows that perceived applicability and integrity have the highest score and perceived merit lower score. Also, e-learning in the three subscales of user satisfaction, perceived intimacy, and interest in continuing learning has had the most significant impact on the increase of professional development of employees. The continuity of e-learning in communication services company has relatively high effectiveness. Perceived communication component, usability, internal motivation, interest in perceived self-retention e-learning, user satisfaction, information quality, and perceived competence have the highest mean. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Analysis of human resource management performance in identifying and meeting the needs of professional development of faculty members (case study: Shahid Beheshti University)
        Farnoush Aalami Abasalt Khorasani Hamed Kamali Armita Shiroodi
        by adopting a quantitative approach and using the survey method, the present study sought to analyze the performance of human resources management in identifying and addressing the needs of faculty members' professional development. finally, out of 850 faculty members More
        by adopting a quantitative approach and using the survey method, the present study sought to analyze the performance of human resources management in identifying and addressing the needs of faculty members' professional development. finally, out of 850 faculty members of the Shahid Beheshti University, 270 members were selected as sample size and were sampled in a relative sampling process. A researcher-made questionnaire was used to collect data. Validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by the experts and its reliability was calculated using Alpha coefficient of Kornbach .89. The data were analyzed in two levels of descriptive and inferential statistics. The findings of the research indicated that the faculty members' knowledge of the needs for research, educational, personal, organizational and ethical development was reported to be high. However, HRM has only been reported to meet the needs of the training professional development and has been reported at a disadvantage in addressing other needs. Therefore, the fundamental gap between the needs of faculty members' professional development and the HRM function is evident in meeting these needs. Such a gap reflects the need to modify and modify HRM procedures in the needs assessment and planning of professional development of Such a gap reflects the need to modify and modify HRM procedures in the needs assessment and planning of professional development of faculty members.faculty members. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - The effect of organizational learning on organizational change with regard to the mediating role of staff professional development (Case study: Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran)
        Manijeh Ahmadi Samad Barani
        Organizational learning is the most important asset to facilitate the professional development of employees as well as organizational transformation. Purpose of the research; Investigating the effect of organizational learning on organizational change with regard to the More
        Organizational learning is the most important asset to facilitate the professional development of employees as well as organizational transformation. Purpose of the research; Investigating the effect of organizational learning on organizational change with regard to the mediating role of professional development of employees in the Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The research method is descriptive-applied and structural equations. Statistical population of all managers and management experts of high levels of the Central Bank and its affiliated organizations (429 people) from which 203 people were selected by simple random sampling. The standard questionnaire of organizational learning (Azizi; 2014), organizational transformation (John Gutter and Peter Drucker; 2005) and staff professional development (Long et al., 2015) were used to collect data. Its validity was assessed through face validity and reliability by Cronbach's alpha (organizational learning: 0.95, organizational transformation: 0.92, staff professional development: 0.88). Data were analyzed using SPSS and AMOS software. The results showed that organizational learning has a direct effect on staff professional development and organizational change and staff professional development has a significant mediating role in the relationship between organizational learning and organizational change. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Designing and explaining the professional development model of senior managers of Iran's telecommunications industry Case study: companies MCI, Irancell, Rightel
        Saeed Hadavand Afsaneh Zamanimoghadam Ali Taghipoorzahir
        The aim of this study was to design and explain the model of promoting the professional development of senior managers in the Iranian telecommunications industry. For this purpose, the exploratory mixed research method was used. In the qualitative section, in order t More
        The aim of this study was to design and explain the model of promoting the professional development of senior managers in the Iranian telecommunications industry. For this purpose, the exploratory mixed research method was used. In the qualitative section, in order to be aware of the main components of the research, semi-structured interviews with 17 senior managers of the telecommunications industry and faculty members of the university who potentially had more information about the professional development of managers. By analyzing the information through systematic coding method, the findings were identified as 5 main components including "individual maturity, organizational maturity, educational maturity, research maturity and professional maturity" and 25 sub-factors. In the quantitative part of the research and based on qualitative findings, a researcher-made questionnaire was designed and administered on a sample of 172 senior managers who were selected using the non-probability sampling method. The validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by four experts and its reliability was calculated by Chronbach’s alpha with a coefficient of / 876. Indicates the coherence of the questions and the significant lack of dispersion between them. Data were analyzed by confirmatory factor analysis using AMOS software. The results confirmed the dimensions of the extracted model. Finally, the current situation of professional development of senior managers in each of the dimensions of the model was studied, which according to the results, it was found that there is a significant difference between all calculated means and the hypothetical average. Calculating the difference between the means also showed that research maturity and professional maturity have a negative difference and senior managers of Iran's telecommunications industry have a significantly lower-than average level of growth that should be in the program. Educational considerations to be considered. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - Designing a professional development model for managers with a data-based approach: Qualitative research in education
        younes sahranavard nashtifan Salahedin ebrahimi Bahman Gholami سیامند مولودی
        The educational system is the basis for intellectual growth and development and the basis for the maturity and realization of human capacities, and education managers must be professionally developed to carry out this mission successfully, because a large part of the co More
        The educational system is the basis for intellectual growth and development and the basis for the maturity and realization of human capacities, and education managers must be professionally developed to carry out this mission successfully, because a large part of the complexity and sensitivity of the educational system. It refers to the behavior of managers and the success of the organization in achieving organizational goals and missions depends on the existence of competent and competent managers; Therefore, the present study was designed to develop a model for the professional development of education managers. To conduct the research, a qualitative approach with grand theory method was used. The study population was all experts, professors and senior managers in the field of human resources in education who were interviewed using purposive sampling with 21 experts. The research tool was a semi-structured interview. Open, axial and selective coding methods were used to analyze the qualitative findings. The results showed that "Development of cognitive-leadership-management skills and development of professional ethics" as key categories, "Professional development planning, organizational talent, educational and learning opportunities and self-development "As causal conditions", "networking, guidance, facilities and resources and career path management" as strategies, categories of "organizational values and culture, group of managers and working conditions" as a platform, "organizational factors, Learning-Improvement-Development Atmosphere and Barriers and Involvement of Managers were introduced as intervening conditions and succession can have consequences for individual and organizational development in education and positive extra-organizational effects for society. Manuscript profile