• List of Articles juvenile

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Theories of Reformal Moral of Incarceration (Imprisonment) in Juvenile Justice System of Iran and England
        Seyedeh Amaneh  Bani Hashemi Kohanki Mojtaba  Farahbakhsh   Ahmad 
        The present study investigated the freedom-depriving penalties in legal system of Iran and England. It was suggested that incarceration of juveniles should be used in serious crimes and when it is required for public protection, because it might cause undesirable effec More
        The present study investigated the freedom-depriving penalties in legal system of Iran and England. It was suggested that incarceration of juveniles should be used in serious crimes and when it is required for public protection, because it might cause undesirable effects on juveniles which can make their correction and rehabilitation period longer. In recent years, different reactive programs have been developed in England for preventing juvenile delinquency including alternatives to imprisonment which do not exist in Iran. Investigating the existing principles and reactions of legal system of England which is the result of comprehensive study made by the legislator can be a solution for Iranian legislator for making modifications in juvenile justice system Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Ethical Attitudes and Corrections in the Punishment of the Liberation of Children and Adolescents And comparing it to the laws of Iran and the United Kingdom
        In spite of changes in juvenile justice systems, punishment has always existed in them and the governments have preserved the right to punish. The criminal justice of Iran faces several challenges with respect to juvenile delinquency due to uncertainty of legislator in More
        In spite of changes in juvenile justice systems, punishment has always existed in them and the governments have preserved the right to punish. The criminal justice of Iran faces several challenges with respect to juvenile delinquency due to uncertainty of legislator in adapting criminal policy to scientific and social principles, and in selecting correctional-therapeutic patterns. There is no definite and organized procedure for determining the sentence of imprisonment for juvenile offenders, and legal authorities have little flexibility in this respect. Today, punishment-based approaches toward offenders, especially juvenile offenders in England is a part of an effort to establish (not re-establish) ethical responsibility, based on which , the degree of punishment is determined. The present study investigated the freedom-depriving penalties in legal system of Iran and England. It was suggested that incarceration of juveniles should be used in serious crimes and when it is required for public protection, because it might cause undesirable effects on juveniles which can make their correction and rehabilitation period longer. In recent years, different reactive programs have been developed in England for preventing juvenile delinquency including alternatives to imprisonment which do not exist in Iran. Investigating the existing principles and reactions of legal system of England which is the result of comprehensive study made by the legislator can be a solution for Iranian legislator for making modifications in juvenile justice system. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - An Analytical Study on Alternative Punishment for Juvenile Delinquency
        Mehrnoosh Abouzari
        Juvenile delinquency is a form of declaration of incompatibility with the community and a sign of danger in the possibility of their survival in a criminal abduction. The main purpose of applying the guarantees of execution and punishment in dealing with juvenile delinq More
        Juvenile delinquency is a form of declaration of incompatibility with the community and a sign of danger in the possibility of their survival in a criminal abduction. The main purpose of applying the guarantees of execution and punishment in dealing with juvenile delinquency is to reform, educate and reconcile them and, above all, seek criminal justice measures to rehabilitate and prepare the person for returning to society. Therefore, it seems that the imprisonment and punishment of liberation cannot be effective in achieving these goals and that violent and violent attacks can lead to a proper and incorrect bias in their behavioral system. As a result, alternative prison sentences for juvenile offenses, influenced by the teachings of restorative justice, will be more than anything else. Penalties that are imposed by the court, with the participation of the public and civil society in the community, with regard to the offense of commission, the personality and criminal record of the offender, the frequency of committing the crime, the situation of the victim and the effects of the commission of the crime. Measures such as periods of care, residence, maintenance at the end of the week, electronic surveillance, free public services and advocacy institutions such as postponement of the sentence, quash, suspension of prosecution, file archiving, exemption from punishment, criminal mediation, suspension Penalties, the semi-liberation system and probation freedoms allow the offender to compensate for the mistake of committing and harming the community and feeling responsible and efficient in society. Although it should be noted that excessive punishment for substitute imprisonment, regardless of the family context, environment of the life and economic conditions of an adolescent, is a kind of abandonment of his insecure circumstances in his life that led him to delinquency and now again It is in this environment that may result in serious and persistent criminal offenses; in such cases, the calm and discipline of keeping in the center of reform and education and training institutions are preferable to such actions. This paper examines the bases and types of alternatives to juvenile delinquency penalties and then explains the critical attitude of some enforcement instances and possible objections to the imposition of alternative prison sentences. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Educating Children & Juveniles Deprived of Their Liberty & the Challenges They Face in Iran Law
        Jamal Beigi Mehrdad Teymoori
        Background and aim: Every child & juvenile, in every place & time, is equally entitled to the enjoyment of his or her human rights as an inherent & inalienable right. Whether that child & juvenile is a criminal or a non-criminal, children & juveniles deprived of their l More
        Background and aim: Every child & juvenile, in every place & time, is equally entitled to the enjoyment of his or her human rights as an inherent & inalienable right. Whether that child & juvenile is a criminal or a non-criminal, children & juveniles deprived of their liberty are among the most vulnerable groups in society whose rights cannot be ignored. Today education is considered an essential element of the progress & development of human societies & the right to education of children & juveniles deprived of their liberty is also considered as one of their human rights & citizenship. Although, having the right to education of children & juveniles deprived of their liberty can play an essential role in re-socializing & reforming them. However, the implementation of this right in Iran has several challenges. Methods: The present paper, which is written using library documents & resources in a descriptive & analytical manner, examines the challenges facing the right to education of children & juveniles deprived of their liberty in Iran & offers solutions. Results: Findings & results of the study indicate that the implementation of the right to education of children & juveniles deprived of liberty in Iran faces numerous cultural, financial, judicial, legal, administrative & security challenges that must be addressed in order to address the existing challenges using the solutions provided for each What better way to take action than to enforce this right. Conclusion: The facts show the need for societies to have places that can keep inconsistent & abnormal people out of society for a while & to make arrangements so that they can reform & return to society for social welfare. The right to education of children & juveniles deprived of their liberty is one of their fundamental rights & it is the responsibility of governments to take measures in this regard to take. So that they, like other members of society, can achieve the right to education as their human right. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - The Course of Juvenile Court Proceedings in Iranian Criminal Law
        Esmaeil Kashkoulian Masoud Heydari
        Background and Aim: Fair trial is one of the most important issues that have always been considered by the legislator in the case of juvenile delinquents. Therefore, in this regard, there have always been several developments that the study of the course of these develo More
        Background and Aim: Fair trial is one of the most important issues that have always been considered by the legislator in the case of juvenile delinquents. Therefore, in this regard, there have always been several developments that the study of the course of these developments can help the legislator in advancing the lofty goals of children's rights. The purpose of this study is to identify and explain the legislative and judicial developments that have taken place over the years in the field of juvenile justice and has brought it closer to a fair trial. Method: The method of this research is descriptive-analytical. Results: The findings indicate that dramatic changes have taken place in the field of juvenile justice, such as the establishment of a juvenile police force, the non-openness of the trial, the specialization of juvenile courts, the need for expert juvenile court judges, the establishment of a juvenile court and possibility of appeal on all the decisions issued by the courts. Conclusion: During several decades of legislation on children, the Iranian legislature has always tried to take an effective step in the field of juvenile justice. In addition to criminal law dimensions, criminological developments have taken place in this field and the legislature has changed its approach from crime focusing to criminal, so that juvenile delinquency is more just and fair. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Critical Study of Gradual criminal liability of juveniles in discretionary offenses (review of the French legal system
        mohammad saeeid shafiei
        In the field of criminal law, the process of transfer from lack of full criminal liability to full criminal liability requires determining the stages that is considered gradual criminal liability. In articles 88 and 89 the Islamic Penal Code, 1392 legislator has graded More
        In the field of criminal law, the process of transfer from lack of full criminal liability to full criminal liability requires determining the stages that is considered gradual criminal liability. In articles 88 and 89 the Islamic Penal Code, 1392 legislator has graded Non-criminal and criminal measures based on the criterion of age in discretionary offenses of juveniles and has focused on judicial measures on socialization of these people because of refusing to apply repressive criminal responses. Despite of removing gender separation and possibility of apply appropriate responses; there are some ambiguities in acceptance of gradual system in discretionary offenses. not providing to extension of protective and supervisory measures to people under 9 years according to the first section of the article 88 the Islamic Penal Code about criminal liability and restrictions on the use of restorative responses in juvenile procedure, authority of the judge in determining freedom with care method, not being comprehensive measures referred to in article 89 in terms of the impossibility of extension measures under article 88 to not severe offenses of age group 15 to 18 years cause are restrictions that cause not providing to achieve absolutely to differential approach in the field of legislative criminal policy related to juvenile delinquents. This article emphasizes using a descriptive- analytic method and studying of France legal system and former substantive criminal law necessity of taking non-criminal measures on persons under the minimum age of criminal liability, expansion of restorative response, The necessity of using of freedom with care method while giving children to family like September 9, 2002 Act of France and provides efficient legislative criminal policy with critical review each of these ambiguities Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - a review on on Juvenile Orthopedic disease in dogs and cats
        Aref Ghashghaee Amin Bigham-Sadegh
        Orthopedic diseases of young animals affect the musculoskeletal system of juveniles, and most of these diseases can be traced to pathological processes (such as diseases, toxins, improper nutrition, trauma) during this period. These diseases related to bones and joints More
        Orthopedic diseases of young animals affect the musculoskeletal system of juveniles, and most of these diseases can be traced to pathological processes (such as diseases, toxins, improper nutrition, trauma) during this period. These diseases related to bones and joints begin and develop during skeletal development after birth, in the first 26 weeks of life. This group of pathological conditions of young dogs and cats, including congenital and neonatal orthopedic diseases, includes diseases that occur in the prenatal period or in the first 3 to 4 weeks of life. During the growth period, the morphology of the joints develops, the bones also mature and reach their length and shape in an adult animal. Orthopedic diseases of young animals are deviations of these regular processes. These diseases are a common problem in dogs and cats, can be painful and are not easily noticeable. These diseases can affect the bones, cartilage and joints of young animals and cause lameness, stiffness and difficulty moving. Early diagnosis and treatment are very important for successful outcome in these diseases. Veterinary clinicians should be aware of the signs and symptoms of these diseases, including lameness, joint pain, swelling, and difficulty moving. Diagnostic tests such as radiography and blood tests can help make the diagnosis. According to the type of disease, the treatment options are different and can include drugs, surgery or other interventions and may even be incurable. Prevention is also important in reducing the risk of orthopedic diseases in young dogs and cats, by preventing the mating and sterilization of animals with genetic disorders, it is possible to prevent the next generation from getting genetic diseases. Nutrition, exercise and weight management can also contribute to healthy bone and body growth in young animals. Veterinary course checkups can also help identify potential problems at the right time and prompt interventions and treatment. Manuscript profile