Critical Study of Gradual criminal liability of juveniles in discretionary offenses (review of the French legal system
Subject Areas : Criminal Law and Criminology
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Keywords: Critical -Study of Gradual- criminal liability -of juveniles- in discretionary- offenses ,
Abstract :
In the field of criminal law, the process of transfer from lack of full criminal liability to full criminal liability requires determining the stages that is considered gradual criminal liability. In articles 88 and 89 the Islamic Penal Code, 1392 legislator has graded Non-criminal and criminal measures based on the criterion of age in discretionary offenses of juveniles and has focused on judicial measures on socialization of these people because of refusing to apply repressive criminal responses. Despite of removing gender separation and possibility of apply appropriate responses; there are some ambiguities in acceptance of gradual system in discretionary offenses. not providing to extension of protective and supervisory measures to people under 9 years according to the first section of the article 88 the Islamic Penal Code about criminal liability and restrictions on the use of restorative responses in juvenile procedure, authority of the judge in determining freedom with care method, not being comprehensive measures referred to in article 89 in terms of the impossibility of extension measures under article 88 to not severe offenses of age group 15 to 18 years cause are restrictions that cause not providing to achieve absolutely to differential approach in the field of legislative criminal policy related to juvenile delinquents. This article emphasizes using a descriptive- analytic method and studying of France legal system and former substantive criminal law necessity of taking non-criminal measures on persons under the minimum age of criminal liability, expansion of restorative response, The necessity of using of freedom with care method while giving children to family like September 9, 2002 Act of France and provides efficient legislative criminal policy with critical review each of these ambiguities
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