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        1 - The Reason of Composing Persian Prose Works from Their Authors' View Hussein
        hossain hasanpouralashty Ahmad خلیلی
        There were lots of great author along the history of Persian Language who inherited different kinds of works. From 4th Hegira up to nowadays that lots of prose texts has been composed there are few, if any, subjects in philosophical, theological, mystical, literary and More
        There were lots of great author along the history of Persian Language who inherited different kinds of works. From 4th Hegira up to nowadays that lots of prose texts has been composed there are few, if any, subjects in philosophical, theological, mystical, literary and scientific that we cannot find some book(s) about. There are some information in the introduction section of these books about author and its contemporaries, general information about the work itself and so on; moreover, there would be some information about the necessity of the work composition that would explain and justify its goals and composition reason in a brief and comprehensive manner. The main question in the current study is that what is the real reason of composition of these works in their authors' view? Authors have gained some piece of data after reviewing 150 works from the most famous Persian prose works in different subjects and genres and divided them into different categories. The general result is that most of these works were written due to the order or request of someone and few, if any, works have been written due to the author's own decision and motive. This issue has often been rooted in personal, social, economic and even political reasons that this article tries to deal with and shed light on its causes. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Necessity of Revision for Foreign Compositions of Moeen’s Persian Dictionary
        دكتر محمود  فضيلت
        Moeen’s Persian dictionary first published from 1342 to 1352 in 6 volumes, and reprinted frequently up to now. The Master Moeen, collected this dictionary in response to part of students’ needs (requests). He have employed scientific method in three parts: words, foreig More
        Moeen’s Persian dictionary first published from 1342 to 1352 in 6 volumes, and reprinted frequently up to now. The Master Moeen, collected this dictionary in response to part of students’ needs (requests). He have employed scientific method in three parts: words, foreign compositions, and persons. The author noted to the names of orientalists and experts who cooperate in compilation of this book, in the first volume introduction. Given importance and republish of this book and extensive and frequently refering, the author points to some cases from “foreign composition’ for revision and edition in subsequent publishing. Noting to Moeen’s method in writing Persian dictionary, the author enumerates the leading of his lexicography. Foreign Composition in Persian dictionary includes Arabic, Turkish, and European words prevailed in Persian speaking and writing. Such compositions, often maintained their main features, since, such composition being limited grammatically to two groups: compositional and verbal the compilor don’t address grammatical features of foreign compositions and in this essay you never find it. Antecedent of critics of moeen’s dictionary returns to a few years after its publishing. For instance, we can point to Dr. Ali Ashraf Sadeghi’s article in journal of literature department of Tehran university. Set aside causes and reasons and type of errors and defects, this article with distinctive perspective tries to revise the moeen’s dictionary. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Contexts of Quran in Tafreshi and Meibodyʼs Composition
        seyed Mohsen Mehrabi Mohammad Amir  Obeidi Nia Rahim  Koushesh Shabestari
        At past to now, attention to Quranʼs verse had been in authors up to investigation of Quran has been one of the important manner in religion studies. This manner receives to pick in 7 th. century in several sections such as words, reporting, inspiration. Wordʼs influenc More
        At past to now, attention to Quranʼs verse had been in authors up to investigation of Quran has been one of the important manner in religion studies. This manner receives to pick in 7 th. century in several sections such as words, reporting, inspiration. Wordʼs influences is in 3 manners such as translate and resultanate. Reporting influence divided in sack, explantation, relying. One of the kinds in Persian prose is composition which in Safavi era is favorite. In this paper, we investigate two books in safavi era ( Meibody and Tafreshi ) base on describe. The results of paper show that Meibody as judge attends to Quran more than Tafreshi. He uses at words, definition, sack and relying, but Tafreshi without exaggeration uses at Quranʼs verse in definition and relying. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Segmentation of Steel Surfaces towards Defect Detection Using New Gabor Composition Method
        S. J. Alemasoom A. Monadjemi H. A. Alemasoom
        The images of steel surfaces are generally textural images. There are different texture analysis methods to extract features from these images. In those methods using multi-scale/multi-directional analysis, Gabor filters are used for feature extraction. In this paper, w More
        The images of steel surfaces are generally textural images. There are different texture analysis methods to extract features from these images. In those methods using multi-scale/multi-directional analysis, Gabor filters are used for feature extraction. In this paper, we extract texture features using the optimum Gabor filter bank. This filter bank is designed in a way that diverse filtering frequency and orientation will allow it to extract considerable amounts of texture information from the input images. We also introduce a new method called Gabor composition for segmentation and defect detection of steel surfaces. In this method, using two different algorithms, the input image is decomposed into detail images using an appropriate Gabor filter bank and then selected detail images are re composed. The created feature map illustrates the defective areas well. By calculating data distribution of detail images and comparing them, the second method of Gabor composition can accomplish segmentation without needing the normal images and the number of detail images to re-compose. Furthermore, we did different tests towards optimizing of segmentation by means of classifiers. Using a K-means classifier and adding gray levels to the extracted features, complete the segmentation procedure. The experimental results show that the Gabor composition method in most of the tests has got better defect detection performance than the ordinary K-means classifier and the standard wavelet method; also the Second method of Gabor composition has got the best performance over all. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Optimizing the Selection and Composition of QoS-Aware Web Services by Considering Dependency, Conflict, and Correlation between Web Services
        mahdi farzandway F. Shams
        Today, the continuous changes in customer requirements are the main challenges faced by enterprises. Service-oriented architecture is considered as a practical solution to solve this problem for service-oriented enterprises. In the service-oriented architecture, selecti More
        Today, the continuous changes in customer requirements are the main challenges faced by enterprises. Service-oriented architecture is considered as a practical solution to solve this problem for service-oriented enterprises. In the service-oriented architecture, selection and composition of services to quickly respond to complex customer requirements is available to service-oriented enterprises. Enterprises use ready-to-use and outsourced services to respond more quickly to the complex and changing needs of customers. One of the emerging technologies in this area is web services. By expanding the desire of enterprises to use web services, overtime web services providers increased. For this reason, Web services with the same functionality and different qualities were expanded. Therefore, the issue of choosing a web service with the best quality for enterprises is important. On the other hand, enterprises with only one web service cannot meet the complex requirements of customers; therefore, they need to composite multiple web services together. In addition, with the increase of web services with different functions, correlation, dependency and conflict between Web services also expand in their composition. But so far, there is no way to choose the best web services based on the quality of service(QoS) and also their composition does not violate the dependency, conflict and correlation between web services. In this paper, we try to make use of previous methods that consider dependency or conflict or correlation in simple modes of web services composition. We will improve all these methods in a comprehensive approach and support complex situations that may arise from the composition of web services and find the suitable composite web service by considering dependency, conflict, and correlation between Web services. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Quality of Service Aware Service Composition Method Using Biogeography-Based Optimization (BBO) Algorithm
        S. Saligheh B. Arasteh
        Fast development in the utilization of cloud computing leads to publishing more cloud services on the cloud environment. The single and simple services cannot satisfy the users’ real-world complex requirements. To create a complex service, it is necessary to select and More
        Fast development in the utilization of cloud computing leads to publishing more cloud services on the cloud environment. The single and simple services cannot satisfy the users’ real-world complex requirements. To create a complex service, it is necessary to select and compose a set of simple services. Therefore, it is essential to embed a service composition system in cloud computing environment. Service composition is one of the important NP-hard problems in the service-oriented computings. In this paper, a biogeography-based optimization algorithm is used to create the optimal composite-services. The proposed method was simulated and executed on five different scenarios with different number of tasks and candidate services. The throughput of the proposed method, genetic algorithm and particle swarm optimization algorithm are respectively 0.9997, 0.9975 and 0.9994; furthermore, the reliability of these methods are respectively 0.9993, 0.9980 and 0.9982. The results of simulations indicate that the proposed method outperforms the previous methods in the same conditions in terms of throughput, successability, reliability, response time, and stability. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - Origin of seeping hydrocarbon gases from onshore mud volcanoes in Makran coast of Iran
        Mahin Farhadian Babadi Behzad  Mehrabi Adriano  Mazzini Elena Poludetkina Ata Shakeri
        Mud volcanoes are geological structures formed as a result of gas emission, mud-fluid mixing and variably sized rock fragments in onshore and offshore settings. These structures are different morphologically which considered as significant marker of modern crustal movem More
        Mud volcanoes are geological structures formed as a result of gas emission, mud-fluid mixing and variably sized rock fragments in onshore and offshore settings. These structures are different morphologically which considered as significant marker of modern crustal movement and neotectonic activity. Occurrence of numerous mud volcanoes on the Makran accretionary prisms in Iran and Pakistan are reported which caused by the convergence of the Arabian and the Eurasian plates. In this study, origin of discharged hydrocarbon gases from three active onshore mud volcanoes; Ain, Borborok and Sand Mirsuban in Makran coasts of Iran were examined. The released gases of all these mud volcanoes are dominantly methane with concentration between 97.24-99.18 vol. % and minor amount of ethane (0.04-1.2 vol.%), propane (0.001-0.194 vol.%), n-butane (226 ppmvol.%), iso-butane (5-363 ppmvol.%), n-pentane (37ppmvol.%), iso-pentane (1-66 ppmvol.%), hexane (1-78 ppmvol.%) and CO2 (0.07-0.4 vol.%). Carbon and hydrogen isotope ratio of methane and its heavier derivatives indicate thermogenic source for emitted gases of all investigated mud volcanoes and evidences of the absence of biodegradation. CO2 with carbon isotope ratio of -11.1 to -14.3‰ is organic in origin. Our research suggests the presence of hydrocarbon system and active source rock in Makran active tectonic area. Although the occurrence of an exploitable gas reservoir in this area has to be confirmed by geophysical measurements, geological survey and structural settings. Manuscript profile
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        8 - Integration of Geological, Geochemical, Alteration and Remote Sensing Data to Introduce the Mineralization Potentials in the Sarbisheh area, South Khorasan
        S. Modabberi M. Azarifar S. Shamsoddin Ahmadi D. Raeisi
        Sarbisheh area is located in the west of Sarbisheh and southeast of Birjand, South Khorasan province. This area is located in the Birjand ophiolite melange zone and is a part of the northern part of the Iranshahr-Birjand metallogenic belt. The lithological units in this More
        Sarbisheh area is located in the west of Sarbisheh and southeast of Birjand, South Khorasan province. This area is located in the Birjand ophiolite melange zone and is a part of the northern part of the Iranshahr-Birjand metallogenic belt. The lithological units in this area include ophiolite melange, flysch facies sediments, pyroclastic rocks and Quaternary sediments. Geochemical studies of stream sediments and identification of geochemical indicators of mineral resources in the region were performed using the results of geochemical analysis and principal component analysis. Remote sensing studies were performed on the ASTER and Landsat satellite images using color composite, selective principal component analysis (crusta) on the Landsat 8 satellite imagery to identify the alteration zones. The lineaments of the region were drawn using the high-pass filter method of the ASTER satellite image and the Google image. Finally, by creating layers of geological units, geochemical data, alteration and lineament and integrating them with fuzzy method, areas with potential mineralization of nickel, chromium, cobalt, copper, lead, zinc and magnesite were identified. Manuscript profile
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        9 - The effect of selected taekwondo exercises and ginseng consumption on body composition and some selected factors of physical fitness of overweight girls
        Behzad Divkan Soheila Azarkhosh Parisa   Goudarzi
        Background: The Aim of The Study Was to Investigate the Effect of Selected Taekwondo Exercises and Ginseng Supplement Consumption on Body Composition and Some Selected Factors of Physical and Movement Fitness of Overweight Girls. Materials and Methods: The Research Is More
        Background: The Aim of The Study Was to Investigate the Effect of Selected Taekwondo Exercises and Ginseng Supplement Consumption on Body Composition and Some Selected Factors of Physical and Movement Fitness of Overweight Girls. Materials and Methods: The Research Is a Semi-Experimental Research That Was Conducted in The Field Method, For This Purpose, 28 Overweight Girls Interested in Taekwondo in Tehran, Who Had At Least Three Years of Taekwondo Experience. By Cluster Sampling Method and Using G-POWER Software, They Were Selected Purposefully and Randomly Divided Equally in to Four Experimental and Control Groups of Seven People. Taekwondo Training Program as Well as HIIT Training Program Including 8 Weeks of Training Were Implemented. HIIT Training Includes a rest Test, Meaning 6 Intervals Of 35 Meters, With A 10-Second Rest At The End Of Each Interval. After Eight Weeks of Training, All Dependent Variables of The Research Were Measured Using Standard Tests in The Statistics Section, T Test, Variance Analysis and LSD Post Hoc Test Were Used. Results: The Results of One-Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) Showed that the Percentage of Body Fat in The Experimental Groups Decreased Compared to The Control Group and Showed a Significant Difference (P≤0.05). Also, In the Supplement Group, Due to The Consumption of Ginseng Supplement and Its Relationship with The Increase in Muscle Volume and Strength, An Increase in Sargent's Jump Was Reported (P≤0.05). Conclusion: It Was Found that the Reason Can Be Considered the Nature of The HIIT Exercise That Has Been Performed Under High Pressure. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        10 - Spurious Correlation and the Closure Property of Compositional Data in Geological Sciences
        Hamid Ghorbani
        <p>In earth sciences, measurements usually produce compositional data with a property called closedness. Researchers who use common statistical methods on compositional data ignore spurious correlations, which causes incorrect results. This article introduces transforma More
        <p>In earth sciences, measurements usually produce compositional data with a property called closedness. Researchers who use common statistical methods on compositional data ignore spurious correlations, which causes incorrect results. This article introduces transformations for opening closed system of compositional data. These transformations include the additive logarithmic ratio (alr), the centred logarithmic ratio (clr), and the isometric logarithmic ratio (ilr). They are all defined in terms of logarithms of ratios. We then applied the clr transformation to a soil chemical data set. We also analysed the results of applying cluster analysis on the clr transformed data using Spearman's correlation coefficient matrix as distance. We also investigated how applying clr transformation affects spurious correlation, skewness and outliers in the data using R statistical software.</p> Manuscript profile